( Author's Note )
This is no longer a test fiction. Enjoy at your own pleasure.
( Summery )
Almost three whole summers and no one realized Dipper's biggest secret. One that would shock everyone in Gravity Falls, if they found out. Might even disgust them. No one, but Mabel, knew Dipper's biggest secret, aside from their parents, which had forgotten to mention it to the twin's Grunkle Stan. Two twins were supposed to visit their great uncle in Gravity Falls. Mabel, the cutey, humorous, fun loving twin, that likes crafts, while slightly being boy crazy. And Dipper, the nerdy, gamer, that enjoyed books, and mysteries. Sounds normal right? No one thought to tell Stan about Dipper. Why would they? Dipper had acted and dressed that way for as long as they could remember. They didn't think they needed to tell family, that Dipper and Mabel were both girls. Now, the beginning of the third summer, and still, no one knew.
( Dipper Pines )
Dipper sat in her office chair, One leg tucked under her butt. The end of her, well chewed, pen hanging out of her mouth, as she poured over the book she was reading from. Currently, she wore her usual baggy pants, and a t-shirt. Her now longer hair tangled and unruly. But she didn't care. Fashion was her sister's department. She had better things to do than to fuss with her hair, or makeup. Or the clothes... who in their right mind would spend hours every morning getting into those skirts, dresses, and bras! Those where evil.
She groaned remembering how her sister had been just that morning. It was usually the same drama show.
"Dipper! I wish these bee stings would just hurry up and grow!" Mabel had whined earlier that morning. She wasn't happy with the fact that her bust hadn't grown.
"What do you want those things for?" Dipper asked as she brushed her teeth. "They just cause back problems."
"It's not fair! Yours are bigger, but you use that stupid thing, to flatten them, so no one can see." Mabel pointed at her accusingly.
"Mabel, no one knows I'm a girl. If I don't bind them, it'll be obvious that I'm not a dude." She had just looked at her sister like it was the most obvious thing in the world.
It wasn't that she wanted to be a boy. She liked being who she was. She wasn't gender confused, she was a girl. And she liked all her parts, exactly the way they were, and where they were. But a small town like Gravity Falls? Dipper doubted that they'd be welcome to a girl, that liked other girls. She might even be burned at the stake if they found out.
So, she just continued reading her book.
She had told her Grunkle that she wasn't feeling well, and just wanted to lay down. If truth were to be told, she had accidentally fallen asleep with her bust bound, and today they hurt. So, she was letting them breath a while. The hair, that normally was stuffed under her hat, which caused her to be really sweaty, went down to her mid back. Maybe even longer if she ran a brush through it. But what was the point? It would get tangled up again, when it was stuffed under her hat.
Honestly, now that she was fifteen, she didn't know why, no one had figured out he was a she. She didn't have to shave. Well, didn't have to shave her face, anyways. Her face was an almost mirror image of Mabel's, enough that Robbie had started calling her, a girly boy. If he only knew. It would be hilarious. Well... until she was ran out of town.
"Hey Daph... I mean, Dipper." Dipper glared over at her sister. Mabel always had this issue, in their first week back to Gravity Falls. She didn't know how many times that Mabel had almost called her Daphne in front of Stan, Soos, or Wendy. Not to mention anyone else that happened to be around.
"Mabel... you can't forget to call me Dipper while we're here." She sighed.
"I know. I know! It's so hard, D-Dipper." Mabel flopped on her bed, burying her face in the pillow. "Hime oh ust ho oo eeing hy hiser!" (I'm so used to you being my sister!)
"I'm sorry, Mabel. But this is a big thing for me." And it was, Dipper was scared. How could she tell these people that, not only was she was girl, not a guy. But that she was also attracted to other girls?
"I know. I promise, I'll try super harder, kay Si... Bro." Mabel scrunched her face up in confusion. And Dipper did feel sorry for her sister, but this was really important for her.
Yes... Alright, so she knew, knew, that if she were to date a girl, like Wendy, or Candy, or Pacifica... or any girl. They'd find out she was a girl, and probably freak out.
But she also hoped that the person would get to know them, and love them, despite being a girl. Maybe not the best plan, but it was all that she had!
Mabel had it easy. Boys flirted with her. And she loved the attention. Daphne? She liked other girls, and well... not many girls flirted with her. So, she had developed a male persona. Adopted the boy clothes when she was nine. She didn't know she liked girls then, but she knew that she didn't like the frilliness, or the ruffles. Or skirts or dresses. She wanted pants. She didn't want bows or pigtails. She wanted short hair. As she got older, she started calling herself Dipper. But it was her first visit to Gravity Falls, that actually sealed her persona.
"So, why do you have your boobs unbound?" Mabel asked, once she finally sat back up.
"Cause they're sore. I fell asleep in the ace wrap." She grumbled, as she made a notation in her notebook, and went back to reading her book.
"Hey, HEY!" Dipper yelled as Mabel came up behind her cupping her chest. Mabel literally didn't seem to know any boundaries.
"Oh. My. God! Did these get bigger? What the heck!" Mabel almost yelled.
"I dunno. Maybe?" Dipper shrugged off her sister-groper. It was true that her ace wrap felt a bit tighter lately. "Doesn't matter."
"Fine," Mabel sighed, "Can I brush your hair at least?" Mabel asked holding up a brush. Then started to brush the matted, tangled mess she called her hair. Didn't matter what she answered. Mabel would continue brushing, until Mabel got bored.
"Hey Short-Stack, Dipper, Stan wants you... uh Dipper?" Dipper turned her head in time to see Wendy's mouth just go agape, and stare at her, and Mabel.
"Wendy!" Dipper's voice got very high... No no no... NO! "It's not what you think... I'm... Uh... I..."
"Dude! Your hair, It's so long!" The redheaded teen exclaimed, "How long has it been like that?"
"Hair? Oh... Heh, Yeah. It's uh... usually under the hat, y'know." Hair? She didn't see her breasts? Oh thank God!
"Awesome dude, But Stan wants you guys." And with that, Wendy was gone.
"Whoa, you were almost busted, big time." Mabel fell back on her bed again, and let out an enormous sigh of relief.
"No Kidding, Mabes." She too leaned back in her chair and sighed out. "Can you toss me that ace wrap?"
"Bind those puppies up, and lets see what Stan wants, kay..." Mabel tossed her the rolled up ace wrap, that Dipper used to bind her breasts, then winked, "Bro-Bro?"
'This is rare," Dipper thought to herself as she watched her and Mabel's Grunkle Stan pace around the living room. Stan wasn't normally serious. About anything. Except money.
"I've been thinking. Maybe it's been a bit unfair that I have you both sharing a room during you visits here." Stan finally stood still, and faced the twins. "When you guys came here that first summer, I figured it'd be a one time thing. So, I didn't bother making changes. And now... I think it's finally time you each had you're own rooms. I hired a mover, namely Soos," Said handyman exclaimed 'Yes!', in the background. "To move some stuff to the attic, and clear out two rooms down here for each of you."
"We can't share a room anymore?!" Mabel almost whined once she finally understood what Stan had meant.
"Well, you two are getting up in age, and would, no doubt, want privacy." He replied stiffly.
"But we always share a room!"
"Mabel, boys and girls, even siblings, shouldn't share a room."
"But I can't sleep without Da-Dipper!" Mabel whined, close to tears.
Dipper understood her Grunkle's point, if he was right. But at the same time, she couldn't help but feel the same thing Mabel was feeling. If she hadn't lied all these years, Stan wouldn't see an issue with two girls still sharing a room. That and Mabel helped keep an eye out while she was 'unbound'. Mabel had become like her security, as well as already being her best friend, and twin sister.
"C'mon, Grunkle Stan. It won't hurt anything. Plus, Mabel will be a in a foul mood all summer if you split us up." Dipper smiled. "And we can all agree. Happy Mabel, is better than Not-Happy Mabel."
"Alright. Don't come whining to me later when you change your mind." He turned to walk away, then turned back. "But you're both still moving down here. The air up there is on it's last leg up there, so it's either move down here, or bake."
"We'll save the baking for the kitchen, Right Mabes?" Dipper wrapped her arm around her sister.
"Y-Yeah," Mabel wiped a tear from her cheek, as Dipper lead her down the hallway, to where the new room would be. Or the hallway that Stan had indicated.
"Y'alright, Mabies?" Mabel just nodded and leaned her head on Dipper's arm.
"I'm sorry, I almost blurted it out... again." Mabel took a shuttery breath.
"I know. I'm not upset. I know you're afraid of us being split up, I get it, Sis." She gave her sister a hug. "Mind the forte, while I go hit that hot-spring in the woods? I'm hoping the warm water will help my sore... you-know-whats."
"No prob, Dipster." She smiled at her sister, 'Dipster' was as close as Mabel could come to calling her Sister, while in Gravity falls. In fact, it had happened when she had almost let out the truth, their first summer in Gravity Falls, when she almost called her Sister, tried correcting with Dipper. And ended up with 'Dipster.'
( Pacifica Northwest )
"It's not stalking," she assured herself as she followed Dipper as stealthy as she could. "I'm just curious about what he does out in the woods. It's -so- not like I have a thing for him, or anything."
If only she could believe herself. Ever since he had helped her out a couple years back, to get rid of the ghost in her families Manson, which helped her see the errors of her parent's ways. Thus, allowing her to be able, to be a better person, she had been curious about the boy. Almost infatuated with him. Not that she would actually admit that. Though, as the days went by, she couldn't help but believe that she might.
Just might.
Have feelings for the Pines boy. Which was impossible.
Had to be impossible.
Because she couldn't have feelings for someone like him.
She would have thought more, if a voice hadn't interrupted her. At first, she had feared that she had been caught, but that hadn't been the case. Dipper seemed to be talking with someone, that she couldn't see.
Maybe a phone, on speaker?
"Ahh, Daphne. It's been so long since you've visited." A voice called, and she wondered who Daphne was. Maybe it was the unknown speaker? Maybe this unknown speaker. Or was it someone with the unknown speaker, that she couldn't see. Not that she could see the speaker.
"Hello, Aqua. I was wondering, if you would be so kind to let me soak in the springs. Help relieve some soreness." She hear Dipper's voice, but it wasn't his voice at the same time. Something sounded off, and she couldn't quiet place it. Maybe it wasn't as deep, even if it wasn't deep to begin with.
"For you? I'm always happy to share my springs." She watched as Dipper started to remove his boots, then socks, and shorts, and she was unable to stop staring at the sight before her. She knew It was wrong. And Knew it was stalkerish, and pervy to watch this boy strip.
"Thank you, Aqua." She heard the voice again, that was still strange to her ears, even if familiar.
She watched as his shirt was removed, revealing most of his upper torso was covered in some sort of bandage. No wonder he was sore, if he had been hurt pretty badly.
Had he been cut? Burned? Bruised?
It seemed that she would soon find out as the bandage started to be unwound.
"I don't know why you wear that silly thing." The one she assumed called Aqua said.
"I told you, no one knows. So, I have to wear it." Dipper's voice was softer, higher... but still strange.
Then the ace bandages were removed and tossed to the side. What happened after was a mystery, because Dipper had breasts. Not small ones, nor where they big. About C maybe? Maybe a bit smaller. If she was closer... Or was this Mabel? Had to be Mabel, pretending to be Dipper. Twins did that.
"No one would understand, Aqua. Ever since I came to Gravity Falls, no one has figured out that me and my sister Mabel, are both girls." Dipper sighed, now obviously in the water.
"What does that matter. Don't humans treat males and females the same now?"
"For the most part, yes. There are still some things we aren't treated fairly about. But that's not why. It's because I like girls. Remember, I told you this all last year." Dipper continued.
"Yes, you did. But I don't understand it. I thought humans were tolerant about these things." The first time she had missed it, or just assumed it was a bit of dramatic. But she heard the word 'humans' this time.
"Well, for the most part, it is accepted. But in small towns, like this? I don't want to take the chances."