Yess I'm finally back! With my laptop of course, lol.

Anyway, this has been long overdue so I hope y'all enjoy this next chapter. Love y'all.


"You do look like you got your brains fucked out.." Skylar noticed Kenzi's behavior as she was visiting Kenzi's place while she was baking holiday cookies. "What the hell has got you smiling so damn much?"

"Damn girl can't a sista smile for no reason?" She moved her hips from side to side as she took the warm Pillsbury cookies out the oven, the smell of gingerbread and sugar cookies filling up the kitchen, making Skylar hungry enough to snatch some.

"Nope. Because I know you too damn well." Skylar smirked as she was swaying her legs back and forth on the kitchen counter. "Now toss me some cookies my way."

"Bye Felicia." She put her hand up, careful to put the cookies on a plate. "These are not to be eaten yet. But you are welcome to the batter."

"As always.." Skylar smiled as she ate some cookie dough of the chocolate chips. "But for real, I wanna know. Come on now sis. I haven't seen you this happy in like, forever."

Kenzi smiled to herself, thinking about her romp two days ago with Dean Ambrose back at her beauty shop. He really put it down on her and now she was starting to feel a little sprung.

"Whoa girl, slow your roll and pump your breaks. Don't let the good dick get you in trouble.." She warned herself not to let herself get caught up in that. She was much better than that anyway and she wanted to take things slow with Dean, whatever they were anyway she wasn't sure.

"To be honest." She slid the cookies onto a warm plate. "Me and Dean well...we decided to actually put the past behind and to just let it go. For the sake of Mackenzie. I even hung out with him the other day and I'd never thought I'd say this, but I actually had so much fun with him."

Skylar sighed heavily, trying not to be annoyed. She truly wanted to be happy for Kenzi and not be a bitch, but she was still angry at what Dean had done and screwed up her sisters reputation.

"Please, no judgement alright?" Kenzi slightly begged her sister.

"I'm not. You know this is a judgement free zone. It's just.." She set her spoon back into the batter. "I'm just still pissed off with Dean for what he did to you, honey. I know you are no saint but you are my sister. And it just felt like he betrayed your trust."

"Trust me, honey, I understand." She got up on the island with her. "I know how you feel because I was angry myself. Even telling myself to forgive him but I wasn't actually doing it. I was doing it for the sake to please everyone around me. But then I realized how my dumb ass childish actions as well as Deans and with us bickering and arguing all the time was hurting our daughter. I ain't saying we some kind of Brady Bunch Family, but I want to try to make things work with Dean. He's a really good father to Mackenzie. Please, Sky don't hold your anger against him for me. I know you are just being a sister and you know I love you for it and so much more. But this is my decision and I made my bed and laid in it. All I can do now is move forward and I want you and Cosmo to do the same."

Skylar set her batter bowl down as she thought carefully. She hasn't talked to Dean in awhile and would ignore him every chance she got. Of course she wouldn't come between Roman and his friendship with Dean, but she made it pretty clear she wanted nothing more than to cut his balls off and didn't hesitate to tell him to fuck off and blow bubbles every chance.

"I'll need some time to process this but...I'll do my part and actually try to forgive him. Especially from what you have told me too, it seems like he has changed for the better." She couldn't help but smile as she thought about it.

Kenzi smiled as she hugged Skylar. "That's all I'm asking for. And I know Dean is actually trying. He may be a dumb ass sometimes but he does put in effort. Much much effort." She winked as she went to her cabinet to pull out the items to make dinner, knowing she would have to go to the grocery store to make a Christmas dinner.

It didn't take long for Skylar to put two and two together as to what Kenzi meant. Then her eyes widened, jaw dropped. "Are you serious? You fucked him?!" She screeched as Kenzi cackled.

"Damn right I did. I mean, it was mutual though. He wanted it. I wanted it. And damn he put it on a sista." She twerked her butt just a little as Skylar giggled.

"What about Renee though? His girlfriend?"

"Ex Girlfriend. The pop tart messed up apparently and well...I don't wanna go into the details honestly. I just know that we had only done the deed one time. It was good but I'm sure its only gonna be one time."

"What makes you think that?" Skylar was curious.

"Because he's not into me in that way. I mean the sex was real good. I loved it. But Dean I'm sure has different tastes."

"So you assume." Skylar looked at her as she slide off the counter.

"Anyway. I tried to call Kofi back when we had gone to Corey's Christmas party together but I haven't heard anything back from him at all. He just gave me this vague text saying he was "busy." She expressed using air quotes.

"Wow. I really think he's just wasting your time. Drop him." Skylar stated, her tone blunt.

"I'm trying to give him a chance to make it up to me. I like Dean but I still like Kofi. I don't know. I just have to see honestly." Kenzi poured herself a glass of wine.

Skylar wrapped her arm around her shoulder. "I got you love." She smiled as she lightly pecked her cheek.

"Let's go facetime our hippie friend in Iowa." Kenzi smiled, as they went to Skylars laptop, going to web chat with Cosmo who was with Seth and his family during the upcoming Christmas Holiday Weekend.


Dean was leaving work after a long day. Normally he was tired and wanting nothing more than to head home, crack open a beer and watch highlights of the football game coming up at his place.

However, this time it was different. He decided to stop by Kenzi's place, wanting to see his daughter and even her.

It had only been a few days ever since they had slept together. Granted, it was unexpected as she boldly made the first move. But its not like he asked her to stop either.

He was wanting it just as much as she did.

He pulled his car into the driveway as he turned off the engine and he hopped out, whistling and swinging his keys around his finger. He walked inside the building until he reached her apartment. He thought about knocking on the door, even wanting to surprise her. Although he was kind of hesitant at the fact that maybe she was having second thoughts about what they had done. She was no angel, but neither was he.

He knew he had screwed up her reputation and thought best to maybe leave her alone, given as how he was lucky to receive her forgiveness.

As he was about to step away, he saw the door open and there was Kenzi.

She looked amazing. She had gotten braids today in pigtails and she was wearing a festive Santa hat. She was sporting a pair of skinny black jeans and a long sleeve red top, wearing light pink lipstick.

"Where you heading off too? Going to pick up some milk and cookies for me?" She teased as he chuckled.

"Well, I guess I just didn't want to uhh..intrude and all..." He scratched the back of his head, a little worried that she was going to switch up and have a nasty attitude.

"Well, come on in. Mackenzie is helping with the tree and well..we could use someones expertise on how a Christmas tree should look." She smiled, opening the door wider much to his approval.

He stepped inside as Mackenzie was jumping up and down to put the ornament on the tall tree. Dean smiled, seeing how much she was trying to do it by herself like a big girl.

"I missed out on so much when she was growing up..." He sighed regretfully.

He had only been out of his thoughts momentarily as Kenzi playfully knocked him upside the head. "Come on now, Mr. Ambrose. You're here so its time to get busy!"

"Daddy!" Mackenzie ran to him quickly as he scooped up the little girl in his arms as she gave him so many kisses on his face, as he made a funny face at her.

"Daddy has grown a beard!" She ran her small fingers through it.

Kenzi had noticed that Dean had sported a bit of a shaggy rough beard, making him look even sexier. Of course she wouldn't admit that.

"It does suit his rough look." Kenzi winked at him as Dean set Mackenzie down.

"Well hey, its almost a new year I figured, why not a new look?" He shrugged his shoulders casually.

"Come on daddy, help me with the tree. Me and Mommy we were baking and setting up the decorations. What do you think Santa will bring me? Do you think snow will be coming soon? If so, I want you to help me build a snowman daddy!"

Mackenzie went on and on with so much energy and excitement, that Dean didn't mind hearing the girl talk for so much, knowing that she had such a curious and intellectual mind. He still couldn't believe he was surrounded by something as amazing as this right now.

While Dean and Mackenzie were putting up more decorations for the tree, Kenzi had finished with the dinner and put some cookies on the plate, watching the two of them bond together.

"We could use your help too, sweet thing." He grinned at her.

"Well, since you asked.." She said with such sass as she joined in on the Christmas festivities, from hanging up the stockings, to putting up the lights. Then Kenzi and Dean both helped their daughter up as she finally put the angel on top of the tree, making the whole living room light up. It was indeed the most beautiful thing ever.

Eventually, Mackenzie had gotten sleepy and went to bed as Dean tucked her in, reading her a bedtime story after she brushed her teeth.

It was then he came back down the steps, seeing Kenzi cozy up on the sofa as she was still wearing the Santa hat and in cozy sweatpants, and a 2pac shirt.

"How is she sleeping?" She looked up as he made his way to the couch, plopping down on it.

"Like a damn bear. That little girl snores like me.." He snatched some cookies from the plate, mashing on them.

"Don't talk with your mouth full, stupid." She bit on the cookie.

"I could've told you the same thing the other day.." He hinted at the fact that they had a little fun at her job.

Kenzi gasped as she threw a cookie at him and laughed.

"Ok I had that coming.." He drank some milk as he was laughing.

"Yes, you did. But you're not lying. It seems you had your mouth full other places.." She teased as she slowly licked on her lips at him.

"You're dangerous." He said in a low voice.

"I just know what I want." She said in a nonchalant manner. "What about you?"

"I go for what I want, babe." He drank some more milk, getting a mustache.

"Well we have that in common then.." She went over to him as she kissed him, to which he responded as he grabbed her by the back of her head, tossing her down on the sofa as they both went into a passionate make out session.

Dean stopped momentarily as he looked at Kenzi, both of them out of breath.

"You ok? What's wrong?" She sat up, confused. This was strange behavior, even for Dean.

"I guess I uhhh.." He said sheepishly. "I don't want to ruin this you know.."

Kenzi sighed, understanding what he meant. She had concerns herself about whatever it was they were doing.

"How about tomorrow...we go out for drinks and maybe..karaoke?" She suggested.

"You a date?" He was puzzled.

" can be a date or just two people having a good time. Why does it have to define a date exactly? Let's put our own definition to it." She smiled up at him.

As Dean thought about it some more, it sounded like a pretty good idea. He wasn't exactly great with date ideas but for beer and karaoke sounded like a pretty good time.

"Ok then. Fuck it, why not." He agreed to it. "At 7 right?"

"You got it." She smiled as she grabbed the empty plate and milk glasses.

As she went to go wash them, Dean smacked her on the ass as he whispered. "Make sure you wear something real nice."

Before he had a chance to escape to the door, Kenzi responded by smacking his butt too, which surprised him.

"You too, Mr. Ambrose."


It was 7 o clock and Dean was dressed and knocking on Kenzi's door. He was sporting a simple pair of blue jeans, a simple black fitted shirt and his black jacket. He had fixed his hair up a bit, but he knew it wouldn't make much of a difference since he was so use to it being messy anyway.

Roman and Skylar didn't mind watching Mackenzie since they wanted to take Karissa and her to the festival of lights and to go ice skating. He had a feeling the girls would love that.

Skylar even seemed to somewhat warm up to him again, to which surprised him but he was also grateful as well, hoping one day she would forgive him too.

The door had finally opened and there stood the woman before him.

Kenzi's hair was still in her pigtail braids and she was wearing a leather jacket, with a mesh cheetah crop that showed a bit of her stomach but not too much. She was wearing black leather pants and suede tan heel boots and red lipstick. She smelt like honey and vanilla as well.

"Damn..." Dean whistled lowly, impressed with her look. "One hell of a look. I like it."

"So do I." She smirked at Dean. "And you wore something tight; Just the way I like it."

She smacked his butt as she blew him a kiss, heading down the hall.

"You are gonna get it little girl." He growled approvingly as he followed her.

"Then you betta come and get it, Ambrose." She teased as they made their way to the car.

"This woman is already gonna be the death of me.." He joined her in the car as they headed off.

To say that Kenzi was nervous was a bit of an understatement.

She had downed two shots of beer to calm her nerves. She knew it should just be friends having a good time but she couldn't just ignore the attraction she had for this man. The man who she had a child with, who she grew a bond with after they put their feud to rest. The man who rocked her sexual world and could make her laugh.

She wouldn't call it love, but she knew something was there.

She had grown to care about him and they had much in common. She even started to ask herself what in the world did he even see in a pop tart such as Renee Young? She couldn't deny that she was indeed a beautiful woman, even smart. But she was stupid to make such a mistake and cost a relationship with someone as weird yet amazing as Dean Ambrose.

They were at this bar/restaurant called "Wild West Wings" and they were having Buffalo wings with ranch and a few beers as the music was good as well as some people going on the mechanical bull ride.

"You ok, sweetness?" He raised a brow, concerned.

"Yeah, I'm alright I guess." She sighed as she ate some fries. "I guess I am just thinking.."

"Must not be good then if it has something to do with me.." He bit into some hot wings, dipping them in ranch sauce.

"No, its nothing like that; Anymore." She assured him before she continued. "But I guess I'm thinking about how much has changed between us. We use to be at each others throats constantly, never tiring and its always been one thing after another, just on and on until one of us had gotten the score or at least it was even enough. But at the same time, we were losing too."

Dean nodded, understanding where she was coming from with her thought. "Yeah we were. I mean, we were both pretty childish. But why don't we forget all about that tonight? This is just about you and me, having some fun? No negativity, got it?"

"Got it." Kenzie smiled as she sipped her beer. "I'm gonna go order is something more hot wings and hot fries."

Dean smiled as he watched her go up to the bar to get more food for them. He smiled, as he felt for once, there was no drama between them right now and that they could have a peaceful meal between them.

Meanwhile, as Kenzi went up to go order the food, something caught her eye.

Or in this case, it was someone that caught her eye.

That was of course, Kofi out on a date with another woman.

She noticed the honeyblonde and brown hair and as she looked even closer, she turned her head and she was surprised.

It was no one other than Alicia Foxx.

"Well ain't that a bitch.." She scoffed, shaking her head, feeling a slight bitter taste in her mouth. "Might as well go congratulate the new couple."

She walked over there, telling herself not to make a scene. She knew Kofi was making excuses and avoiding her, but the fact of the matter was that he straight up lied her her and was leading her on into believing that he was interested in her.

Of course, she was going to settle this once and for all.

"Well, isn't this cute?" She said sarcastically as Kofi looked up at her as Alicia wasn't even pressed to see her. As far as she was concerned, she just smirked knowing she was dating her previous flirtation.

"Kenzi..I wasn't expecting to see you.." Kofi looked a little nervous to see her, as he knew he was busted.

"Yeah I'm sure. Since you were playing games and avoiding me." Kenzi said casually.

"Well, he made the righ choice anyway. No one wants to be seen with trash anyway." Alicia put her two cents into the conversation.

"Alicia sweetie, this conversation isn't meant for little kids so fall back with the raccoon on your head." Kenzi gave her a fake smile as Alicia was about to get up to fight her.

"Alicia, let me handle this, thank you." Kofi got up, as he had to pull Kenzi to the side.

"So what the hell is this?" Kenzi wanted to know, out of curiosity. "So you avoid taking my calls and texts for weeks and come to find out, you were dating my ex best friend behind my back?"

"It's not like that it's just.."

"Just what then?" She crossed her arms. "You know, just spit it out."

"Fine. I can't date someone whose too ghetto and too much of a psycho." Kofi responded.

"Excuse me?" She was appalled.

"Look Kenzi. I'm a man and one with a reputation. One that I would like to keep clean and not have someone on my arm with an embarrassing past ans an ex stripper with a tape. I mean, did you really think I would take this seriously? At least with Alicia, and from what she told me, all you ever do is act ghetto and crazy. I don't want to be with someone like that. I need someone with class and your not it. More like a downgrade if you ask me."

"You know what? You and your fake ass Jamacian accent can kiss my fat ass all the way around and back in circles." She retorted. "Since I'm such a downgrade, I hope Alicia likes leftovers, because that's all you are. I know what I am worth and if you can't accept me as I am, then that's your issue. But have fun on your date, because honey I got better things to do than to waste the rest of my time on you. Dueces." She held up the peace sign as she walked off, knowing that Alicia was probably laughing.

Kenzi deep down was honestly hurt but she played it cool as she grabbed her and Dean's meal as she went back to the table.

"Hey. Took you long enough I thought you ran off with the food." Dean joked.

"Yeah." Kenzi said dryly, not even in the mood to eat.

"Sorry. That wasn't really a good joke." He sighed a bit.

"No, it's not you." She corrected him as she sipped her beer some more.

"What's going on then?" He asked.

Of course, she didn't even have to tell him as he looked to see Kofi and Alicia Foxx laughing and sharing a kiss.

"Enough said." He confirmed it as Kenzi just shrugged her shoulders.

"Apparently he was avoiding me all this time just so he could date the one person who I thought was my friend. Guess I'm too much of a downgrade and ghetto huh?" She said bitterly.

"Hey you need to stop with all that." He dismissed her statement. "Alicia did you a bit of a favor."

"And how is that?" She gave him a look.

"Well it seems he wasn't man enough to handle a woman like you. Which means there's a position open enough for a better man to come up and take on the challenge. I know damn well I'm that guy for it." Dean said proudly.

"Oh is that right?" She gave him a tiny smirk.

"Damn right, darling." He grinned. "Think I'm just talking shit?"

"Wouldn't be the first time, Ambrose. But that's never seemed to bother me as long as you can back up your shit talking was."

"More than you know. I did the other day right?" He winked at her as she blushed, remembering their little hot fuck sesssion back at her salon.

"Well that other day...that was a bit unexpected. I mean, we didn't really mean for that to happen."

"But we didn't stop it either. I mean, we both needed some relief and I was all the more happy to give it to you." He chugged on his beer.

"Well, then if you like a strong dominant woman, I suggest you buckle up and get ready boo." Kenzi blew a kiss. "Because I got plently of tricks up my sleeve and I don't back down easily."

"I wouldn't want you too anyway." Dean said huskily, as Kenzi had to cross her legs underneath the table as she felt the front of her panties getting soaked from his voice.

"So...why don't we do it then.." She smirked. "How about we have a little fun before we head out of here?"

"What do you have in mind?" He inquired.

"Two words; Body shots." She giggled as she took his hand, heading over to the bar.

They made it to the bar, where it was a bit of eyeview close to Kofi and Alicia. They had ordered two shots of tequila, a little bit of salt and a lime.

"Ladies first.." Dean said as she climbed up on the bar, as the bartender didn't even care.

Kenzi placed the lime in her mouth as the bartender placed the salt on her navel. Dean then took a shot of the tequila, licked the salt of her navel as she giggled and then bit the lime in her mouth.

"Yes!" She laughed as even after the shot, Dean licked more of the salt off her navel.

It was now Kenzi's turn as Dean placed the salt on his neck. She could feel Kofi watching them.

She seductively climbed into his lap as she slowly licked the salt on his neck, ignoring the bulge that was growing in between his jeans. She took her time with it, wanting to tease him and have him asking for her kitty later, just like she knew she would.

Evil yes, but it was all in fun.

She then knocked back her shot of tequila as she then got the lime out of his mouth, sucking on it.

Dean narrowed his eyes. "You did that on purpose.."

"And so what if I did?" She said proudly.

"You must really want me to fuck you over this bar, don't you?" He gave her a sly grin as she responded back, tossing back another shot.

"What do you think, baby?" She grinned, licking her lips slowly.

"I'll pay the tab. You go meet me in the car." He said, looking over her shoulder to see Kofi's eyes were practically boring right into them, the look on his face was nothing but jealousy.

"Anything you say.." She got up from the stool, her ass moving from side to side as she saw Alicia smack Kofi in the head for staring at her.

"Payback is definately a B..." She smiled to herself.

It wasn't long until Dean had her up against the door of her apartment, both of them tearing into each other as they started kissing, Kenzi roughly biting on his lips as she moaned, feeling Dean's teeth on her neck, making her whimper just a little.

They made it back on the couch as her and Dean's tongues were colliding with each other, swept away into that moment. SHe didn't care what was going on around her right now. As far as they were concerned, this was all in fun for the both of them.

And of course, they were horny as hell.

To Dean's surprise, Kenzi reversed positions as she was on top of him, grabbing him by the throat just a little as she bit on his neck, pulling off his shirt as she was biting on his chest, with Dean groaning in his throat, his dick hardening through his jeans.

Dean was tearing off her top as well, revealing a sexy little red lace bra of hers, cupping her breasts as he was mouthing on them.

It didn't matter who was doing what as one was fighting for dominance.

Of course, something stopped in Dean as he sat up, with Kenzi's face masked in confusion.

"What's wrong? Is everything alright?" She asked as he got up, running a hand through his hair.

"Yeah everything is fine it's just.." He blew out a breath before looking at her, differently then a second ago. "I don't want to treat you like a one time fuck."

"What do you mean? I mean, are you saying you regret-"

"Fuck no, are you crazy?" He said, sounding a little offended. "I'm saying that I don't want to ruin what we have. And God knows I want to fuck you within an inch of your life and have that wonderful mouth on my dick, with your nails scratching me up to pieces."

"So whats stopping you?" She purred, running her fingertip over his chest.

He took her hand and kissed it. "How about we end it just for the night...then we'll build it up to something more.."

"You mind elaborating?" She questioned.

"Kenzi I don't want to treat you like you are some random slut. As much as I like to fuck and have fun, I actually care about you. Not just the fact that we have a kid together, but because you are an amazing person. I'm not good with the dating shit but we gotta start somewhere you know?"

Kenzi was surprised with this coming from bad boy Ambrose. He actually didn't want to treat her like a whore and then be done with it. Even though her pussy was dying for attention and Dean's dick was hard as hell, it seems that he wanted to slow it down, just for the moment anyway.

"Well, you know, it's new to me too. Never really had a man to actually care about my feelings." She confessed rather sadly.

"Just want to do things the right way." He shrugged his shoulders slightly. "Guess I just want to treat you better than I did back then."

"I know you mean well Ambrose but I'm a big girl. I can handle myself." She smiled, slipping her shirt back on.

"Well, I wanna do something a little different tonight. How about we put in a movie and I'll give you a nice foot massage?"

Kenzi smiled at the thought of that. "Well ok then. My dogs are barking anyway so I'm up for it."

Dean slowly kissed her lips as she smiled, looking at his blue green eyes. It's crazy to say that she was starting to care about Dean Ambrose herself. More than she should anyway.

She watched as he went to go grab a movie as she kicked off her shoes.

Later that evening, she fell asleep in his arms as the movie was slowly ending. Dean smiled watching her sleep as he kissed her forehead, pulling a blanket over her. He surprised himself that he didn't fuck her, as much as his dick wanted too. But he wanted to do things differently with Kenzi.

Maybe tomorrow he might fuck her and they could have fun next time. But as of right now, he just enjoyed her presence enough as it was and he never wanted it to end.