Disclaimer; I do not own the WWE superstars/divas in the making of this story. I only represent my fictional OC characters

To catch up, here are the links to my first two stories;



Bonus Oneshots; (Deleted Scenes as I call them)



Summary: Kenzi Williams is out to wreak havoc on the man who destroyed her life and broke her heart; Dean Ambrose. Cold and Ruthless, her only goal in life is to even the score. What happens when there are lingering feelings still involved for the man who she claims to hate? Will she still proceed to take him down? Sequel to "A Lesson Of Disobedience" and "A Lesson of Wicked Imperfection"

Thank you to everyone who has been a huge support of the first two stories and giving me reviews on them both. I'm going to make a poll very soon on who is your favorite couple of the "Lesson Series"

Anyway, enjoy this sequel.


Dean Ambrose never thought this would happen. He thought he was careful to be honest. Before he met Renee, he had been careful with all the girls he's screwed around; which was fucking them and leaving them the next day. He never call them or text them. Not even give them the time of day. He was even lucky that him and his long time girlfriend Renee Young was able to patch things up and give their relationship another chance.

It was going great for them. Up until now at this point.

The woman before him, Kenzi Williams, who he previously had a one night stand with; He had fathered a child with her.

This wasn't the first time a woman had tried to trap him. Among the other whores he's screwed around with, they would claim to be pregnant so they could get some type of financial gain from him, seeing as how he was making a living for himself and was pretty damn loaded with money because of the business he had worked hard to collaborate with his brothers, Reigns and Rollins. As always, the women who he ran across and used, their lies caught up with them and it always came out that he never fathered their child.

Now this tale was a true story; The results were clear cut and they existed. He had made a baby with Kenzi.

To make matters worse, she was related to Skylar as her sister, who was married to his brother, Roman.

He still kept reading over the results of the test.

"This can't be right." He tossed it aside as Renee picked it up, reading it over. The news even shocked her and to say she was hurt was an understatement.

Dean could see in her eyes that she was hurt and upset, believing that he was sleeping around on her. When he tried to talk to her, she walked off after slapping him while Kenzi smirked at him.

"Seems like you really can't keep your dick in your pants, can you?" Kenzi chuckled at the situation that was happening around them and everyone else.

Dean didn't think at the moment as he started choking Kenzi as Roman and Seth had to pull him off of her as Skylar and Cosmo had to get them away, with Cosmo holding her back. Naomi and Jimmy had to keep them apart as well, while they had to take the kids outside away from the scene. Naomi carried Mackenzie back to the car

"Fuck you! Fuck you!" Dean yelled at her.

"I'll get you for this, putting your damn hands on me!" Kenzi screamed at him.

"Guys, shut the hell up!" Skylar told them both. She was ready to smack the shit out of both of them. Cosmo and Seth were trying to handle the situation, in this case everyone was.

It was then security came and had to control the whole situation.

"I should press charges on him.." She rubbed her throat.

"Kenzi, don't. Just shut up." Skylar warned her sister.

Seth and Corey had to talk to the officers to keep everyone from going to jail; Or in this case, Kenzi and Dean.

This was already going straight to hell.


It was the longest ride home ever as Dean and Renee were riding in his car. When they pulled up to his apartment loft, Renee just opened the car door, slamming it as Dean had to practically run after her as they walked up the stairs and going inside.

Renee ran a hand through her short blonde hair as tears threatened to pour from her eyes.

"Renee-" Dean didn't even have a chance to say a word as Renee cut him off.

"Just tell me the truth! Did you sleep with her while we were together?" She looked in his eyes. He could see the pain reflecting in hers.

"No, I never cheated on you when we were together." He pleaded.

"Why do you keep lying, Ambrose? Just stop it or I swear to God-"

"I'm not lying to you." He held her face in his hands. "Just hear me out."

"Why should I? The tests are here! You had sex with a fucking stripper and have a kid with her!" She held the papers up in his face.

The tears couldn't help but fall from her eyes.

"Renee, just listen to me damn it!" He exasperated, wanting to explain his side of the story.

Renee was angry; clear as it was on her face. However, she loved Dean and was willing to give him a chance.

She went over to the sofa as she sighed heavily, with Dean sitting next to her.

"Start talking..." She demanded.

He sighed, as he started from the beginning.

"It was when me and you went on a break. It was so many years ago and we've had been on and off again for awhile. When we broke up, I heard you were dating someone else. Some guys and I from work, we decided to head up to Las Vegas for this guys's bachelor party." He went on. "I had a couple beers and then she joined me. Kenzi and I, we had some beers and drank until we were dumb drunk. After she danced and well...we went to the back room and we slept together. It's happened more than once. Well, more so a few times but after that, I've left her. I wanted to make it work with you. I wanted a chance for us. I was sick of bullshitting around and wanted to work on us again."

Renee sighed, not wanting to look at him. She was relieved to hear that he didn't cheat on her during the course of their relationship and that this happened when they had broken up years ago. However, it still hurt to know that he fathered a child with the woman. A stripper no less.

Dean held his hands in hers as she looked at him. Dean was not an emotional guy and never would be. But it still killed him to know how much he hurt Renee.

"I swear to you, that I did not cheat on you." He argued

"But you're the father of her 4 year old. Why didn't you stick around?" She questioned.

"She was a nothing more than a lay. She didn't mean anything to me, and still doesn't. When I found out she was pregnant, I avoided her. I didn't want any contact with her at all. So I just changed my number and avoided her all together."

"She was struggling with being pregnant and you abandoned her? No wonder she's angry with you!"

"Look, I don't give a shit about her. I told you she's nothing but a whore. I want to be with you. Damn it Renee, you have me jumping through hoops, back and forth. Its exhausting." He grew annoyed with this, even though it was his fault. He put himself in this situation in the first place.

"Don't even start with that shit, Ambrose. You did this. You need to fix it." She stalked off, angry as she went into their bedroom, slamming the door.

Before she went to bed, she tossed a pillow and sheets out there, hinting that she wanted to sleep alone tonight. Dean huffed as he grabbed the pillow and blanket, making himself comfortable on the couch.

As guilty as he felt for hurting Renee, he was still in shock for having made a baby; A beautiful little girl.

Now he had to find a way to fix all of this, but he would be damned if he would let that bitch Kenzi screw up this relationship that was going so good for him.

He would kill her first. He almost did tonight but he knew he had to control himself if he wanted to put this fire out, so to speak.


It was the next morning and Kenzi woke up, having spending the night at Skylar and Roman's house. It was the weekend so Mackenzie shared a room with Karissa. Kenzi checked on the girls, making sure they were sleeping soundly.

Skylar put her robe on as she saw Kenzi in the hallway, having borrowed her sister's shirt and sweatpants, her hair tied up in one of her scarves.

"We definitely need to finish this discussion." Skylar looked at her, knowing that she meant business.

It was 7 in the morning on the weekend as Skylar went to go make coffee.

"You got any Kool aid?" She raised a brow at her older sister.

"At 7 in the morning? Really?" Skylar heated up the pot, grabbing two mugs, with the creamer and sugar.

"I need my sugar intake. My breakfast is grape kool aid and grits." She smirked.

"Well coffee is all you are going to have. Now if you want something to snack on, I suggest you get some fruit or wait until I make these pancakes and croissants. I have to make breakfast for the kids too." She smiled as she added sugar to the cup.

"Ugh, I swear you've been around white folks too much." She sucked her teeth.

Kenzi was born and raised in Crenshaw, Boulevard. She was a classy girl but had no shame of where she was from. Of course, she had been from the rough side of the city, always having memories of the times when she had to watch people get shot or killed. Some of them were her closest family members.

She was homeless before as well and she was glad she had the chance to get out of there when she could, even though she had a dangerous rep that was sure to follow her.

Before Kenzi became a mother, she was part of a gang; selling drugs and robbing unsuspecting people. Even being part of beat downs that were needed for those who owed her money or the gang money. Unfortunately, her own mother kicked her out when she was 16 years old, choosing her new boyfriend over her, her father never around. So she had to grind and hustle the best way she could. Even working at Mcdonalds wasn't enough for her to make a living and find her a place. She lived from homeless shelter to homeless shelter for years on end, until she was 18 and could get some kind of assistance with housing.

It was dangerous, having to be in juvenile a few times and even when getting out, she had to often avoid the cops of the illegal activities she did. She was ashamed of telling her remaining family, i.e Skylar and her friend Cosmo of what she was doing.

She knew she didn't want to do this forever. It was already hard enough dealing with the beatings and having to rob and steal on a daily basis. So her other option to continue supporting herself was to become a stripper. She knew they needed new dancers at this joint called "The Dollhouse". She had to join for the sake of needing somewhere to sleep during the coldest nights.

The only thing she enjoyed of the life was the drinking and the money she was earning. It seemed as though nothing could go wrong for her at the moment.

However, all of that came to a permanent halt; When she went to school the next day, she couldn't even sit through lunch. She went to the drug store, hoping her fears wouldn't come true as she bought a pregnancy test.

But they did; As the two pink lines came up, confirming her pregnancy.

She made a doctor's appointment and she was 10 weeks pregnant. She never slept with anyone as she was stripping, but she knew one guy who she's had a fling with more than once...

It was another semi busy night at the Dollhouse. Kenzi was turning up as all the men who were much older and a few younger than her, would throw all their hard earned cash onto the stage. She performed her flexible moves, getting so many cat calls from men and a few women.

She was chosen to work the bachelor party a group of guys were hosting. As she was giving the groom to be a lap dance, he kept touching all over her, squeezing her breasts and her ass, to which she slapped away several times.

"Come on baby, why can't you be like the other hoes?" He said in a drunken slur as all the other women were dancing for the guys in the private room.

"Because you need to learn to keep your hands to yourself." She dumped his drink on him, pushing him off as the guys booed. She headed to the bar, escaping from the room as she sat on the stool, ordering a shot of Patron as she downed it straight up.

"I'll get a Bud Light." She heard a guy say as he sat on the bar stool next to her. "How about a cocktail for the lady right here?"

He was eyeing the woman next to him; She had ebony colored skin, curved in the right places. She had 40C breasts and an ass that was poked out and perfect under the pink ruffled mini skirt she was wearing. Her outfit was a rhinestone covered pink bra, with the matching skirt, a big pink bow hanging from the back of her skirt. She was wearing thigh high satin stockings and black stilettos. Her hair was long, down to her back and curly. Her eyes were hazel brown and she was wearing some shiny pink lip gloss. She had on a sexy belly button piercing and had a snake tattoo on her right thigh. She had high cheekbones and from the looks of it, she seemed like a wild woman who knew how to have a good time.

Which was what he needed anyway, after the day he was having. He didn't really feel like coming out to this party. He wanted to drink a 6 pack with Roman and Seth and then he would pick up some random chick from a bar and have a quickie with, then kick out.

Things were different tonight, obviously.

Now here was this woman, clearly a stripper as she had downed another shot of liquor.

":Seems like you had a rough night." He stated in a blunt manner.

"Just making the money. All part of the job." She said in a nonchalant manner as she sipped her cocktail. "By the way, I can pay for my own drink."

"I'm well aware of that." He sipped his beer. "But you looked as though you could use it anyway. Besides, you should thank me."

"I don't have to do anything." She retorted, rolling her eyes at him. "...But thank you anyway."

The guy raised a brow at her, impressed by her come back attitude. She had some fire in her.

"Well no need to spark off at me, princess. Like I said, thought you could use something for what you have going on right now."

"I prefer the hard core shit." She downed the rest of her cocktail.

Dean chuckled as he decided to have the bartender order a tray of small shot glasses of Jack Daniel Whiskey.

They both downed the shots each, even with Dean still drinking on his beer. However, that didn't matter as they both kept throwing them back.

Clearly under the influence, they were both laughing and mellowed out.

"So, you got a name?" She asked as she looked at him up and down, the sight of this 6'4 man was a beauty to see. She wasn't into white guys and has never hooked up with one before. However, he seemed to be different; He had dirty blonde hair, blue green eyes and scruffy facial hair. He was fitting that tight black shirt with his blue jeans and black boots. The leather jacket he was sporting was even making her nipples hard.

"Names Dean Ambrose. You?" He questioned.

"Names Desiree." She grabbed his beer, sipping it.

"What about your real one?" He smirked.

"Kenzi." She set his beer back down on the counter top. "Oh and Just because you know my name and bought me a drink, don't think you gonna get some nookie from me. White boys are not my type."

Dean looked at her like she had been dropped on her head, a little annoyed. "Now why do you say that?"

"They don't know how to fuck." She was brutal with her honesty. "Never had a good experience with them and I heard they have small dicks." She snickered at that so called fact.

"I should bend your ass over and make you eat those words."

Kenzi downed another shot, the burning liquid hitting the back of her throat, as she hopped off the stool. "I'd like to see you put your money where your mouth is, Mr. Ambrose."

In Dean's mind, it was pretty clear she was baiting him; Challenging him. And he was willing to prove her ass wrong in this one.

She knew it was wrong to sleep with customers who came into the joint. However, this would be the first time she's ever slept with a customer. And this guy wanted to challenge her and Kenzi never turned down a challenge from any man.

When Dean found a private room, he pushed her up against that wall, bending her over as he smacked her ass hard.

"Just so we're clear; I'm a grown ass white man. So be prepared to take this dick."

"So come fuck me then.."

She turned around as they started kissing each other, rough and dirty, her fingers digging into his hair as they fell back on the bed, proceeding to fuck each others brains out.

That man was Dean Ambrose.

As she told him the news, or in this case, she called him; He was cold to her, cutting her off and not even wanting anything to do with her.

It was then she knew she had to change her ways. She was on her own, with no one to help her. Her own mother was so consumed with wanting a ring on her finger from her boyfriend than her own daughter.

She decided to quit stripping and she quit the gang. Of course, being that she couldn't quit according to the leader, so she left her home city quietly and moved to Las Vegas, Nevada.

She really wanted to finish college and get her master's degree so she could become a hair stylist and own her own beauty salon.

For years now, she made her dreams a success, having more than one beauty salon in the franchise. The main one she owned was in Tampa, Florida, where her sister Skylar lived. She was the management of "Never Nappy, Always Happy" Beauty Salon.

She struggled a lot, even with hiding out and dealing with her pregnancy, being that she had to work in staffing agencies to put her through school. She quit drinking and she saved all the money she used from stripping and drugs to get her a ticket out of the hell hole she was born in.

Looking back at it now, leaving the nightmare she had been dealing with for years, she still had recurring nightmares about it. Eventually she would overcome them as she had been stronger thanks to her daughter.

She was even able to handle being in the hospital alone as she gave birth, being that she was only 6 months. She was at high risk, giving birth early but she thanked God that her daughter was strong and healthy to make it through and grow, despite being premature.

The only downside was that as she got a little older, the doctor confirmed that she was anemic. She felt guilty, knowing that she was anemic and was clear it came from her genes, but the doctor told her not to blame herself.

She still lived in Las Vegas in a small apartment with her daughter, but there wasn't much they could afford. Most of the money she had hidden away for her daughter and some was for emergency. She couldn't spend much of it, seeing as how it was traceable and would lead her back to her past life back in Crenshaw.

She planned to do all she could to keep her daughter safe no matter what. She was glad she had one relative that cared about her in Tampa, Florida. Of course, she wasn't sure what her motives were in this situation.

Despite everything, with Dean leaving her behind to fend for herself, what he also did was unforgivable and unspeakable to where her reputation from anyone she knew was tarnished.

She blamed herself for even thinking he could be a good guy, someone that may have had a heart.

But she was wrong. Dead wrong in this case.

Right now in the meantime, she was having coffee with her half sister, Skylar. They had the same father but different mothers. They weren't around each other much but Skylar would always reach out to Kenzi, wondering what was going on with her.

The only thing she spoke about with Skylar was that she had a daughter now. The rest would come to the light as she was so busy, engrossed with her plans for revenge against Dean Ambrose.

In the meantime, Skylar sat across from Kenzi as they shared their steaming mugs of French Vanilla Coffee.

"I'm pretty sure I got a lot of explaining to do." Kenzi sipped on her mug, already getting to the topic of the matter.

"Yeah no shit." Skylar got to the point. "But lets start with the fact of you announcing that shit in front of the kids at Thanksgiving. You know Roman is still pissed about that with you and Dean. And I am too."

Kenzi cringed, not meaning to blurt out her adult business to the kids, let alone her niece and daughter. "I'm sorry. But trust me this wasn't my intent. I was kind of PG-13."

"It was far from PG-13. It wasn't even Kid PG!" She glared at her.

Kenzi sighed. "Look, I'm sorry. I really am. But Dean screwed with my life so I had to make sure that he understood that."

"What do you mean screwed with your life? I get that he left you behind when you were pregnant. I'm shocked you two even hooked up. And when did you become a stripper?" Skylar was just needing to know so much information about this crisis.

"Ex-stripper." She corrected her. "I quit that shit a long time ago and I don't want to go back. Ever." She stood up, getting a banana. "I was homeless, Skylar. And before you ask me another round of annoying ass questions, I can say that I had a lot of pride in me. I wanted to make a living for myself."

"Guess I had always assumed that you had it together.." Skylar sipped her coffee.

Kenzi glared at her, ready to go off. "I don't need this judgement bullshit from you."

"I'm not judging you, Kenzi." She said sternly, not wanting her to get the wrong idea of what she meant. "I'm saying that I wish I could have helped you. Hell, my shit wasn't all together either back then. There's things that I still gotta work on myself. I'm not acting like I'm better than you."

Kenzi sat down on the sofa as Skylar joined her. "I'm so use to being judged and I'm sick of it."

"I feel you." She sighed, drinking the rest of her caffeine as she set it down on the table. "So now that Deans the father, is your revenge over?"

Kenzi's eyes turned dark as she stared at her sister. "Far from it. Believe that." She said coldly.

And before she could continue, the girls came downstairs, or in this case, Roman was carrying them in his arms as Skylar smiled, kissing her husband as Kenzi made a vomiting gesture to which Skylar rolled her eyes.

"I'm going to get started on breakfast. In the meantime, you need to call Dean and sort this out." Roman set the girls down as Mackenzie went up and kissed her mommy as Kenzi ran a hand through her curly hair.

"Oh we are going to sort this out, alright." She said rather calmly.

Skylar knew that was not a statement filled with promises, especially from Kenzi.


Roman's mom, Patricia had no problem watching the girls today as Dean came over, with much convincing from Roman. Dean had a hard head and had a short fuse, especially with Kenzi causing nothing but drama the other day.

But given that he had a child with her, he would do it for the sake of the beautiful little girl and talk to her mother.

Kenzi came downstairs, wearing some faded ripped jeans and a blue basketball jersey with a snap-back hat.

"Can we talk?" Dean sighed, wanting to get this over with.

Kenzi shrugged as they stepped outside on the porch.

"Look. I don't want shit to do with you. And you don't either. But now that I'm a dad.." He sighed heavily, unsure of what else to say.

"Get to it already Dean." She snapped, losing her patience.

"I'm going to be part of my childs life, no matter what. And you are not going to come between me and Renee."

Kenzi just laughed as she crossed her arms.

"Oh Ms. Renee can have you. I'm not pressed nor losing sleep over that. But my beef is with you and you only. I want you to fucking pay."

"Look, I'm sorry I bailed out on you. I wasn't ready for that kind of responsibility."

"Well you don't have much of a choice now." She argued. "But this is more than you up and leaving Dean. Its much worse."

"What the fuck are you talking about? Can you stop this assuming bullshit?"

"You ruined my life and reputation." Her anger boiling over. "I suggest you think long and hard as to what you did."

Dean really must of had amnesia as he still didn't know what he was talking about. "Look, I don't know what else you want me to say."

Kenzi blew him off, sick of him already with his damn voice.

"Bottom line; I want you to pay. If you were smart, you would remember what else you did but I was wrong." Her hazel eyes, dark with anger and rage. She looked as though she wanted to spit in his face altogether.

Dean didn't even care as he just walked off, ignoring her threats. He meant what he said about going to be a part of his daughter life. He knew abandoning her was wrong but relationships and responsibility were not in his nature. Hell, he didn't even know where his relationship was going with his girlfriend Renee. She went on to work as usual as he did too, with them not even speaking to each other. He knew that Renee still wanted him and he wanted to be with her too. It was just a slight crack with what just happened.

He just went to his car as he started up the engine, hopping in as he pulled off.

Kenzi just stared at him afterwards, her anger and hurt just boiling inside.

"I'm going to get him for what he did. This isn't over by a long shot!" She snarled as she slammed the door, going back in.