Sorry for the late update guys but nonetheless here it is! I hope you guys enjoy it! If you guys have any ideas, comments you are more than welcome to message me! Once again I hope you guys enjoy and please review! It would mean tons! Anyways without further ado here is the next chapter of Without You I'm Nothing!

Adrien gave a sigh as he entered the building. He had already done two photoshoots prior and an interview and to say he was exhausted was, to put it mildly.

"Good evening Mr. Agreste." A soft voice said. Adrien gave a small smile and nod towards the receptionist who gave him a wide smile.

"Good evening Mari." Adrien said with a small smile and made his way towards the elevator. Once the steel doors closed Adrien laid his head against the wall heaving a large sigh. His day had gone absolutely tiring. Photoshoot after photoshoot, interview after interview, he didn't know how much longer he would be able to last after today. But of course, his father had requested his presence and like always he could never refuse his father. The light chime the elevator made signaling his arrival caused Adrien to get upright. With another sigh, Adrien made his way towards the receptionist desk.

"Could you tell my father I'm here April?" Adrien said with a light smile.

"Of course Adrien." April said and Adrien gave a nod moving to sit down on the black leather seats. He gave a light sigh finally being able to sit after a while of walking up and down as well as all the standing.

"Your father is ready to see you, Adrien," April said, with a small nod of thanks, Adrien made his way towards his father's office. With a deep breath, Adrien opened the door and stepped inside. The moment he did the feeling of stress wrapped around his body giving him a headache. Adrien's father stood in front of the window his hands behind his back.

"You're late." Gabriel hissed as he turned to look at Adrien, his blue eyes glowing in irritation.

"Well, I had other things to take care of before I came here." Adrien said with a sigh, slowly closing his fist. Gabriel stared at his son, he had grown that was for sure and just like he had grown his handsomeness had grown with him. Making him even more popular than what he was when he was a teen.

"I'm sure you have seen the papers?" Gabriel asked, disgust lining his voice. Adrien raised a delicate blond brow a slight smirk gracing his lips.

"Of course, I have, is there something wrong?" Adrien asked. Gabriel gritted his teeth in anger at the face his son had.

"You damn well know what is wrong!" Gabriel yelled grabbing a hold of the newspaper throwing it harshly on the mahogany desk. Adrien merely looked down at the newspaper and sure enough, a picture was taken of him with that unknown girl as they left the bar.

"I don't see anything wrong father," Adrien said with a shrug, trying his best to hide the full blow grin that threatened to cross his face at his father's enraged face.

"These escapades have happened long enough Adrien! I will not have my son looking like some cheap man! You need to stop this rebellion and find yourself a young woman and have kids!" Gabriel roared in anger as he glared heatedly at his son. Adrien felt anger rise within him once again as those last words flew out of his father's lips. How dare he? How dare he tell him that!

"I WOULD HAVE SETTLED DOWN WITH A YOUNG WOMAN ALONG TIME AGO! BUT LIKE EVERYTHING YOU HAD TO STICK YOUR HIGH ASS NOSE WHERE IT DIDN'T BELONG AND RUIN EVERYTHING!" Adrien screamed angrily. Tears prickled at the edge of his eyes as he stared into the shocked face of his father, and it was only then that Adrien took a step back, his anger fading as quickly as it came. No matter how much his father made his life impossible and no matter how much he hated his father he never ever once raised his voice at him.

"Is that so?" Gabriel's venom filled voice made Adrien flinch and he slowly looked up into smoldering gray eyes. "You're still going on about that?" He seethed as he stared at Adrien. "You're still going on about that girl? That commoner?! You should be thanking me! I prevented you from ruining your life, you had so much going for you and you were willing to throw it all away because of that measly woman! For some simple girl?!" He yelled as he stared at Adrien's shaking body.

Adrien could no longer contain it, his rage was at its limit. For so long he suffered the verbal, controlling abuse of his father. Ever since he was a teen he bowed down to his father, obeying his every rule and every demand and now, now was the last straw for it. He never once believed he could hate someone so much, much less someone who was his father.


"I STILL HAD CONTROL OVER YOU BOY! AND I STILL DO! IF I DIDN'T YOU WOULD HAVE NEVER LEFT HER!" Gabriel roared effectively stopping his son in his outrage, but before he could say anything else his son exploded once again.

"I HAD NO OTHER CHOICE! YOU THREATENED HER! YOU DON'T HAVE ANY ROOM TO TALK 'CAUSE YOU WERE AFRAID TOO! THE GREAT GABRIEL AGRESTE WAS AFRAID OF A SINGLE GIRL! IF MOM WOULD HAVE SEEN WHAT YOU BECOME SHE WOULD BE DIS-" Adrien stopped short as his head snapped to the right by his father's powerful hit. His left cheek stung in pain, the heat flowing and he immediately felt his cheek swell. His father had just slapped him. He slapped him. He slapped him. Adrien slowly brought his hand to his cheek, turning slowly to look at his father who merely stared him down not a single look of remorse upon his face.

"You will stop this idiotic teenage tantrum of yours Adrien Agreste. I've had enough of your silly escapades and your damn moping of that girl. Starting today I will begin looking for possible young suitors for you to settle down with. You're twenty-three years old and it's time you settled down and have a family and forget about that woman. I will set up an arrangement tomorrow for you and I expect you to show up." Gabriel said and moved to sit down only to pause when two words left his son's mouth.

"Fuck you." Adrien said softly. Gabriel turned to look at his son in astonishment. Adrien had a large red welt growing on his cheek, his hands were clenched into tight fists, beads of blood appearing as his nails dug into his skin, and his eyes. His eyes were glowing emeralds of hatred. His eyes that had once dulled from that girl leaving him were now lit with a burning hatred.

"W-What did you just say?" For the first time in his life, Gabriel Agreste stuttered.

"I said. Fuck. You." Adrien said, despite those words leaving his lips sounded soft the emotion he expressed was far stronger. "I'm done with everything. I'm done with modeling, I'm done with the interviews, I'm done with this company, but most of all I'm done with you. My entire life has revolved around being the perfect son for you. I never did anything with my life because I was strapped down by you. I'm twenty-three years old and I have done nothing for myself. You have had so much control over me, but not anymore. I'm going to do what I want with my life and this time, you will not stop me." Adrien promised and with one last look at his stunned father he turned sharply and walked out the door. He ignored the astonished look April gave him as he walked towards the elevator and got in. Once the doors closed Adrien let out a shaky breath the tears he had held in desperately now fell down rapidly. He shakily fished his phone out of his pocket and dialed the one person who had been with him through everything. His eyes closed as the phone rang on the other line and he prayed for the person to answer. It had been so long since he had seen him and with the time difference, he hoped that he would still answer.

"Hello?" Adrien nearly wept in joy as those groggy words hit his ears and quickly rubbed his eyes and did his best to stable his breathing.



Adrien moved around his room shoving clothes in his third suitcase. His heart and mind were still reeling from today's events, sure he had expected his father to bust a cap after today's newspaper but he had never expected it to go the turn it did, but after his talk with Nino, he felt immensely better.



"Nino?" Adrien said as he walked out of elevator ignoring all the looks of concern the people were giving him.

"Adrien? What's wrong you sound upset is everything alright?" Nino asked frantically his once tone that was riddled with sleep now turned into one of panic and concern. Adrien thanked every god out there that he had a friend as wonderful and loyal as Nino, despite the 6-hour difference Nino had answered.

"I-I just had a fight with my father, and this time...this time it wasn't like all the other ones." Adrien whispered as he got into his car quickly inserting his Bluetooth to continue talking to Nino.

"W-what do mean? What happened Adrien?" Nino asked once again and Adrien could hear another voice from Nino's side asking what was wrong.

"I had another one-night stand and of course, my father didn't like it and he then began telling me that he needed me to go ahead and start settling down and he even had the audacity to set up a dating arrangement for me." Adrien said as he turned a corner his fingers tapping against the steering wheel in anxiousness.

"And let me guess you decided to tell him you would have but he ruined it all huh?" Nino said. Adrien gave a bitter laugh and his lips twitched in a dry smile.

"Yeah, but stupid ass decided to and it really resulted in a shitstorm, but Nino I'm done." Adrien sighed as he parked his car in the garage getting out and walking towards his front door, pressing a button as to close his garage door.

"Adrien you always say the same thing, you always say you're done but you never do Adrien." Nino retorted jokingly, but underneath it even Adrien could tell it help a bit of irritation at hearing the same thing over and over again. Adrien gave a light wince and heaved a sigh. It was true, Adrien would say the same thing over and over repeatedly but he never followed through with it and he could definitely understand why Nino would be irritated. But this time, this time, Adrien was completely done.

"I know Nino, believe me I know, it's just different this time. I said 'fuck you' to my father! I just need to leave Paris I need to get out. I'm twenty-three years old and I haven't done anything with my life, Nino!" Adrien yelled frantically as he threw himself on his bed. He could hear Nino's quiet chuckle on the other line.

"So what are you going to do then?" Nino asked.

"I-I don't know Nino, all I know is that I want to leave Paris. I can't stay here any longer." Adrien sighed as he rubbed his face with his hand.

"Then why don't you come down here?" Nino said. Adrien's eyes widened and quickly sat up.

"W-what did you say?"

"I said why don't you come down here to New York. We have plenty of room here." Nino said with a light laugh.

"Are you serious? Are you sure everything is going to be alright? I mean what about Alya?"

"What about Alya?" Nino questioned

"Are you sure it's going to be okay with her?"

"Why wouldn't it be okay with Alya, really Adrien it's fine." Nino said with a light laugh.

"Are you sure, really Nino I wouldn't want to impose! I mean you and Alya are starting a life together and I wouldn't want to just barge in on you guys, besides you guys got that house for you two and I wouldn't wa-" Adrien stopped as he heard a light scuffle on the other side, her heard a light yelp of pain before the line went silent.

"Alright listen up Vanilla Pudding, you get your skinny well-shaped ass down here. You damn well know that I have no problem with you coming down here. You know you are absolutely welcome down here especially after you told off your pissy daddy. So stop moping around and start packing some bags cause we will be waiting for you." Alya's rough voice said. Adrien couldn't help but let out a delighted laugh.

"Thank you so much Alya, I don't know how I could ever repay you." Adrien said softly.

"Psh, you already did by telling your father off, man I wished I was there to record the whole damn thing," Alya said with a laugh. Adrien gave a small chuckle shaking his head. Five years have passed and Alya still remained the same old Alya.

"Very well I will begin packing and I will be sure to text you the details of everything." Adrien exclaimed happily.

"Awesome sauce! We will be here waiting!" Alya yelled excitedly.

"Once again thank you, you guys and I will see you soon."

"See you soon Adrien! Bye!" Both Alya and Nino chorused and with that the line disconnected.


Adrien packed the last of his clothes into his suitcase closing it up before putting it back down on the ground. He looked around his now bare room sitting on the edge of his bed checking his phone repeatedly. He had called for a taxi to take him to the airport and he was now waiting for the text that would signal that the taxi was here. Adrien laid down going back in his memories of Paris but could only shake his head sadly as most of the memories were reminded of her. Adrien was pulled out of his thoughts as his phone buzzed indicating that his ride was now here. With butterflies in his stomach, Adrien grabbed a hold of his suitcase walking down his small hallway and out the door. He struggled a bit in closing it but with a jump in his step, Adrien made it to the car. With a polite smile to the taxi driver, Adrien made his way to the trunk quickly putting in his suitcases.

"ADRIEN!" A loud voice boomed causing Adrien to give a light jump in surprise just as he closed the trunk. Adrien turned only to give a large sigh as his father and Natalie stood before him. His father's face was contorted in rage.

"What is it?" Adrien asked as he folded his arms across his chest and raised a delicate brow in annoyance.

"Don't use that tone nor that attitude with me young man! Where the hell do you think you're going?!" Gabriel roared in fury.

"What does it look like? I told you didn't I? I told you I am done with everything. I'm done with you, I no longer want to stay in Paris I will no longer be in your control. It is time for me to do something for me and nothing you do can stop me." Adrien snapped and with that he turned around grabbing a hold of the car's handle.

"Adrien Agreste don't you dare get in that car!" Gabriel yelled his face getting redder and redder by the second.

"Or what?" Adrien challenged his eyes boring into his father's. Gabriel faltered a bit, he was not expecting his son's straightforwardness nor rebelliousness.

"Or you will be stripped of the Agreste name. You get into that taxi everything you have ever known will be stripped from you. Everything I have ever given you will be taken away. The moment you walk away you will cease to exist, the moment you walk away you are no longer my son!" Gabriel roared a slight smirk gracing his features. His son couldn't live in the real world, his world revolved around the Agreste name! He would be nothing if he leaves! Adrien couldn't help but shake his head at the smirk forming on his father's lips. Who knew someone could be so self-absorbed and so arrogant. It nearly astonished and ashamed Adrien that this man's blood ran through his veins.

"Frankly Gabriel I don't give a damn, in fact, you would be doing me the utmost pleasure doing that." And with a salute to both his father's and Natalie's mouth opened faces Adrien got into the taxi and the moment he closed the door Adrien began to roar in laughter. The picture of his father's stunned face had him rolling in laughter to the point tears came out his eyes and his stomach began hurting.

"T-To the airport p-please." Adrien wheezed as he tried his best to get his laughter under control. The taxi driver sped down the street with a still laughing Adrien and even as the Taxi driver sped through the lanes getting him closer to his destination.

Not once did Adrien Agreste look back.