Hi guys! New little story here that will hopefully prove to be a good little writing exercise. The chapters may seem a little short because the PLAN is to upload every day, though with this being my senior year on top of playing a sport, we'll see if this actually holds up. The premise for this is thanks to an anon that requested a bad boy Natsu a few months ago over on my tumblr (shameless self-promotion plug here *pst* my tumblr is under the same name as my FF username*) and the first little bit got a good reception over there so maybe it'll do the same here!

I'm posting here as well as Tumblr bc if things go right, this will prove to be way easier to keep up with organization-wise the further we get along. Okay now, without further ado, let's get to the part that everyone clicked this link for (bc I know it wasn't for my long, rambling author's note, haha)

disclaimer: I own nothing

Natsu had a problem.

Erza scowled at her friend who was seated across from her at the lunch table, not approving of his poor posture or attitude at the moment. She watched as he shot a wink at a cute brunette across the cafeteria, and noticed how he was purposefully angled away from the pining girl on the other end of the long table who he'd been flirting with just last week.

So yeah, as far as Erza was concerned, her friend needed help.

"What?" he asked, noticing her frown as he scratched at his upper arm that was covered by his flannel, where she knew he was hiding his newest tattoo. Or rather, the newest addition to an old tattoo. He wouldn't let anyone see it, nor would he explain the small bits seen from time to time that would poke out beneath his sleeve.

Not until it's finished, he would always say, quick to hide the ink-stained skin once it was pointed out.

"Nothing," the redhead replied with just as much attitude, not in the mood for her friend's snark so early on in the day. "I'm just tired of you being such an ass when it comes to girls."

She watched as his lips pulled back into a smirk, showing off those sharp canines that made him intimidating to anyone who didn't know him personally–which, actually, was mostly everyone.

Natsu wasn't a people person.

"I can't help it if they can't resist me."

"You can help it by not flirting with anything that breathes."

"I don't flirt with dudes."


"What?" That straightened the boy's posture real quick, and Erza struggled to keep her grin at bay.

"You get pretty frisky with Gray at times."

Erza had never experienced Natsu's eye twitch before, but it was actually a pretty hilarious sight.

"I'm ignoring you for the rest of the day."

"You're already not ignoring me by saying that."

"Damn it!" Natsu ran his hands down his face, and Erza watched from her peripherals as a fair number of girls around them took the opportunity to openly goggle at the boy while his eyes were covered.

"All I'm saying," she said as she cooly began to collect both her trash and his from the table, making a small, organized pile on her tray. "Karma is a very real thing, Natsu. One of these days you're going to meet a girl who drives you crazy in all the right ways, and she's gonna break your heart. I hope you're ready."

The boy merely rolled his eyes, however, snorting. "Yeah right," he grumbled dismissively, not bothering to say anything as Erza stood from the table to leave.

It wasn't until she was halfway out the door that he realized she had left him with their trays.

Natsu sat at the back of the classroom as his classmates slowly filtered in. He was too busy trying to make an origami fish out of one of his old tardy slips he'd found in his backpack, but he forgot what the fifth fold was supposed to be and soon gave up.

He tossed the small, half-done fish to the floor, not bothering to see where it landed.

Then he heard a soft, "Oh."

But he didn't bother to look, seeing as how he didn't remember there being any real interesting girl's in this period. He focused on his notebook as the teacher started class, sketching pieces that he hoped to transfer to the bricks of an abandoned building downtown as soon as he got the chance.

He was so invested in getting the flames just right that he barely registered the small, dainty hand that deposited something on the corner of his desk.

But he saw her wristband, and he paused.

It had the Fairy Tail emblem on it, an indie band that wasn't very well-known by anyone in the school since it was so new.

Natsu looked over to see a face that he hadn't seen before, but damn, if it didn't make him pause. He would've remembered seeing such big eyes that were such an odd shade of brown.

Her hair was pulled away from her face in a loose braid, and she was shyly avoiding his gaze while being careful to write down every word the teacher was saying.

Must be a new girl. Everyone else knew the teacher practically handed them the answers the day of the final.

But who was she?

She peeked over at him for the briefest of seconds, her cheeks turning a light shade of pink as she blushed when she realized she'd been caught.

Natsu felt his chest grow tight.

What the hell was wrong with him?

He desperately wanted to shake himself out of it and throw her wink, or the signature smirk that he gave the rest of the girls in his grade, but he found himself frozen. Something about this girl just left him… wondering, puzzled, perplexed.

He suddenly wanted to know everything about her, starting with the wristband.

The bell rang just then, at that very moment however, and the girl was one of the first ones out the door. Meanwhile, Natsu was still glued to his seat, gazing after her.

His eyes fell back to his sketch, but he was no longer interested in finishing it. He closed the notebook with a heavy thump, returning the pen to his pocket when he remembered that the strange girl had dropped something on his desk.

After zipping his backpack, he stood, and that's when he spotted it, right there on the corner of his desk.

She'd finished his origami fish, and had even added eyes and fins with a purple pen.

"Oh, shit," he'd muttered under his breath.

Natsu had a very large problem, indeed.

Until Next Time... (aka tomorrow)