I'm Finished

I'm finished

I've had enough

I've had my fill

Please, no more

I can't stand it

The mediocrity

The sycophancy

Just stop it already

Go ahead and call me names

I don't care

I'm too nostalgic

I'm too entitled

I'm too pretentious

I'm projecting

Just know this

You're going nowhere

You're just standing there

You're not taking risks

Quit playing by the rules

It's all the same

The same old clichés

The same old routines

It's all so generic

It's all so lifeless

So dried up

Where's the creativity?

Where's the action?

Your expectations are so high

Your opinions are so entrenched

You're willing to settle for average

I won't accept that

I'm finished

I don't want your gravity

I don't want your mystery

I don't want your universe

I don't want your drama

I sure as hell don't want your friendship

I sure as hell don't want your preaching

Can you be anymore heavy-handed?

Can you be anymore saccharine?

Can you be any more appealing?

You, you sicken me

You never succeeded except for them

It's for children, not adults!

To think I was one of you

Don't you realize it?!

The potential?!

The things one can do!

I want excitement!

I want color!

I want explosion!

I want art!

Look at him

Look at what he puts into his work

The designs

The style

The movement

Even though he's over there

Look at what he takes after from here

He doesn't go with the flow

He kicks it to the curb

He's him, not everyone else

You don't like that, apparently

You don't like that he's different

You don't like that he's unique

You don't like that he thinks for himself

What're you afraid of?

You're afraid of absolutes?!

You're afraid of conformity?!

Do you not form cults?!

Do you not attend gatherings for cults?!

Do you not look down on outsiders?!

Do you not antagonize them?!

I can still hear the denigration

"Wasted talent"

How dare you break stereotypes?

How dare you have your own brand of humor?

Look in a mirror, you bastards!

Look at how happily you bend over!

Look at how joyfully you ignore and prevent reason!

I'm finished!

You want something done right

You have to do it yourself

I'll make my own expressions

I'll birth my own children

My own heroes

My own villains

And I will break them down

These blasted walls

These blasted rules

And it will not be

Until they're all destroyed

When you beg me to stop

I will say

I'm not finished