First off, I know I have other stories going, but I just couldn't let this injustice set. Pyrrha's death just felt like a meaningless shock. While I haven't determined yet if she will return in this story or not, (comments in reviews would be great) I wanted to unleash something so destructive, so devastating, so inhumane on Cinder, Salem, and their merry band of psychos that ample revenge will be applied. So, in tradition of my anime/cartoon into comic book hero, a Hunter has become the Merc with a mouth. And payback is gonna be a bitch. It's M rated, of course, cause, hell, it's Deadpool. And some parts may be over the top because, well, it's Deadpool. Enjoy!

Disclaimer: Deadpool – appearance and abilities - are property of Marvel Comics/Disney. RWBY and all characters associated are property of Rooster Teeth Productions

"The most dangerous creation of society is the man who has nothing to lose" – James Arthur Baldwin


Chapter 1: The Merc with a Mouth

"Are you sure about this?"

"This was your idea, Professor…"

"I know… but this is still a risk that you must not take lightly."

"Without this will I be able to take on Cinder?"


"Without this would I even be able to survive the fight?"


"Then what else is there to talk about?"

"Would Pyrrha be ok with you doing this to yourself?"

"Cinder made it impossible to know the answer to that question."


"Do it, Professor."

One Year After Fall of the Beacon

"Shit. Shit. Shit. Shit." Blake Belladonna cursed as she ran from a large herd of Grimm through the ruins of a village. Her sword was drawn, but she knew they were far too many for her to deal with.

She was stupid. She made a rookie mistake. Let her guard down due to hunger, and walked right into a mess. Now, they were on top of her, snapping at her heels as she ran as fast as her legs could carry her. Which, given her hunger and tiredness, that wasn't very fast.

She took a hard turn and gasped when she came to a wall. "Fuck…" She breathed, turned to see the beasts flooding the alley way. She was trapped, and there was little that she could do. "Alright…" She growled as she took a fighting stance, "You're gonna take me, but I'm taking some of you down with me…"

"Whoa, Blake Betty, bam-a-lam! Whoa, Blake Betty, bam-a-lam!" A male voice echoed, singing on the rooftops over the alleyway. "Blake Betty had a child, bam-a-lam, the damn thing gone wild, bam-a-lam"

While singing a guitar rift, a man in form fitting red and black suit, covering him from head to toe, with a full mask with black patches over each eye with white eye coverings. His back and sides were covered in guns and blades, which gave a series of clicks as he landed on one knee with a fist to the ground. "And, perfect superhero landing." He glanced up, the white clear eyes widened slightly as he said in a friendly tone, "Hi, Blake."

"Uh… hi?" Blake asked in confusion.

"You like that? Pun, hon. Blake, black, which is your color code for the whole RWBY thing. Ya know? You're the B for black, Ruby is Red cause rubies are red, Weiss is the W and all snow white and shit, and Yang is Y, and yellow, 'cause she's got yellow all over from the top of her head to the cute little yellow thongs she loves so very much. RWBY. Cool huh?" the stranger said with a tilt of the head, acting like the group of monsters weren't behind him.

"Um… Grimm… right behind you?" Blake pointed with her sword.

The man stood up, and turned and looked at the massive monsters, he chuckled as he scratched his head. "Awe, they're just wanting someone to cuddle and love."

The Ursa at the head of the pack leapt forward, and sank its fangs into the red and black man's arm. "See? He wants to play! I like to play, too…" he said, reaching with his free arm to draw his blade, and brought it down, decapitating the beast in one swipe. He shook the head loose and Blake watched as the gapping tooth marks closed before her eyes.

He glanced back to the girl and gave a short wink. "This is why I wear a red suit. Bad guys can't see when I bleed. Helps with laundry, I tell ya."

"Alright boys and girls," He drew his other sword, "Let me show you why they call me… Deadpool…" he said as he leapt forward with insane speed.

"Ya know, Blakester, I know I'm a sexy badass, but I wouldn't be disappointed if you wanted to give me a hand with these friendly friends." The man known as Deadpool said, as he decapitated two more Beowolves with single strokes. "If you do good, I'll let you have one of my Chimichangas!"

The fight was brutal but quick. When the last of the Grimm fell she stopped to catch her breath. "Good job, Blake," Deadpool gave a thumbs up. "Didn't doubt you but for five minutes."

Blake replaced her sword and looked at the masked man. "Who are you and how do you know me?"

"Just a mutated mercenary who is a big fan," Deadpool crossed his arms, "Though I have to admit season three was kind of dark, but hey who am I to talk? Bumblebee-shipper for life, baby!"

"What?" Blake blinked, tilting her head to the side.

"Would you believe this is an alternate reality fanfiction written by a guy with way too much time for his hands, a mad love for comic book characters and anime, and impatient and emotionally wounded by the ending of a third season of one of his favorite Americanime?" He asked, rubbing his chin thoughtfully.

"You're insane…" Blake shook her head.

"We'll go with that," Deadpool nodded, "Hungry?"

She looked uncertain for a while. "I can get with Classic and see if he'd make me Batman instead, heavens knows… he's done it for everyone else." Deadpool looked thoughtful, "The cape could be awkward, but the ears would be cool…"

"You mentioned Chimichangas?"


Blake sat by the fire across from her new 'friend'. Both were eating fire-heated Chimichangas that he had pilfered from one of the abandoned supermarkets. What was most curious to the young huntress was he was eating with his back to her. Somehow he knew her, but he didn't want her to see his face, to the point of making himself vulnerable toward her. This confounded her, especially since he knew she didn't quite trust him.

He pulled his mask back down after finishing his meal, and turned back to her, and releasing a belch. "Tasty!"

She studying him more as she chewed on the bite of her food. His voice was familiar, though it was muffled with the mask. His overall persona, though a lot more spastic, also struck familiarity.

"So, what's a badass like you doing in a shit hole like this?" Deadpool asked, kicking back and crossing his legs.

"What's a lunatic like you doing in a shit hole like this?" She countered.

"I asked you first," he said laughter in his voice.

"I'm…" She looked away. "I need to get away from… everyone."

"Everyone, or just a certain now one armed blond-headed butt-kicking hottie?" Deadpool asked, leaning forward.

"Who the hell are you?" Blake snapped.

"Who are you running from?" Deadpool asked, suddenly all friendliness was gone. "Is it Cinder Fall? Her cronies Emerald and Mercury?"

"What? Who are… No it's…" She hugged herself, "It's someone else. Someone dangerous."

"The one who took Yang's arm?" He leaned forward, "Blakester, do you have a bully?"

"Adam Taurus… the ass hat who cut Yang's arm off. Well… Wasn't who I was looking for," Deadpool stood up and stomped out the fire, "But White Fang might know where I can find the bitch. Time to let the bodies hit the floor…"

"What? You can't take on the White Fang alone!" Blake stood up.

"Don't plan to take them on," Deadpool looked back, "I plan to kill them. I plan to kill them dead."

"They'll kill you!" Blake ran up beside him.

"If they can, I wouldn't call that a bad thing," he replied, "Now, gonna tell me where they're base is? Or am I gonna have to wander around yelling for Adam?"

"…I'm coming with you," Blake finally stated.

"Compromise, you show me where it is, then you go home to Yang and your teammates while I make Adam and his little club living impaired. Deal?" Deadpool crossed his arms.

"… ok." She said, no intention of leaving this nutcase with Adam and his thugs but having an odd feeling that he may be her only chance.

"Make sure you keep the deal, little lady," He said, turning away, "She may have been hurt… but you can still go home to Yang. The one that matters to me I can't ever return to…" He then glanced to his hands, "And where she is I really don't see me being welcomed… especially after what I plan to do."

"Who are you hunting down anyway?" She asked the mercenary.

"An evil, evil fire-powered slut, I've found out her name is Cinder Fall." he pulled a single metal arrow from his back, "I custom made this to be just like her arrows. I plan to stab her in the heart with this. Just like she did her… then I'm going to use it to dig her black heart out of her chest while it's still beating. Then I'm going stomp the shit out of it, then cut her head off, and shove the hole in her neck with enough explosives that the boom will be seen from Heaven… so she can see it."

She narrowed her eyes, surprised by the rage in the man's voice, but suddenly the pieces all fell into place.

"It can't be…" She said, staring at Deadpool. She shook her head. He couldn't be him… there was no way it was him…


In the hidden fortress of the White Fang, Adam Taurus frowned over messages received from Cinder and her mistress. This deal kept getting worse and worse, but it didn't matter. It wouldn't be long until he found an opening to take the upper hand. No one's defenses were perfect. He just had to remain patient.

He was interrupted from his thoughts by one of his lieutenants entering his office. "Sir, the patrols have failed to report in…"

"Which ones?" Adam's eyes narrowed behind his red and white mask.

"Uh… All of them…" the Lieutenant said awkwardly.

"SIR!" the watchman from the security tower called down. "You… you need to see this!"

He quickly scaled the tower and looked where the watchman was pointing. It was something that he had never seen before. Someone was incredibly bold or incredibly foolish.

The bodies of his men sent out on patrol were laid out before the entrance of the fortress, spelling out the phrase "ADAM COME OUT AND PLAY". Behind the bodies was a man in red and black and he was apparently arguing with Blake.

The leader of the White Fang leapt from the tower and landed before the bodies of his men.

"See, now he's here, why do you never listen!" Deadpool threw up his arms.

"Another friend for me to maim, my love?" Adam placed his hand on his sword.

"This is a terrible idea," Blake said, placing her hands on her sword, but Deadpool held out his hand.

"You haven't been treating this nice young lady with respect, Adam," Deadpool said, "Apologize and turn yourself in to the Huntsmen. But first, tell me where to find Cinder Fall."

"Never heard of him," Adam replied with a smirk.

"Her, bout yay tall, curvy, dark hair, glowy eyes, would be pretty if she wasn't a psychotic murderous bitch," Deadpool explained, "throws fireballs, archer, did I mention a psychotic murderous bitch?"

"Doesn't ring a bell," Adam gripped the handle of his blade, "I'm sorry you'll never find her…" he said, and made his attack before anyone could even breath.

Blake's eyes widened in horror as Adam's sword impelled Deadpool through his chest, directly through his heart, and out his back shoulder. His arms dropped and his head fell limp as it appeared that only the sword itself held him off the ground.

"Do… you know how much that stings?" Deadpool asked, looking up suddenly at the surprised Adam.

"W-What?" Adam tried to get away but it was too late, Deadpool pulled his twin pistols and unloaded the clip in his stomach point blank, the White Fang leader's blood flew every which way, some splashing the face of the surprised huntress he had tormented. She considered jumping, unsure if she would spare the monster's life, or help Deadpool end it. Instead, she stood still and watched as Deadpool finished firing in her friend turned enemy's stomach.

Adam stumbled back, away from the impelled mercenary. Meanwhile, Deadpool jerked the sword from his body. He then lifted it up and snapped it over his knee and threw the shards to the side. "Sorry about that… Daddy needed to express some rage…" the masked man glanced to the still stunned Blake.

He turned back to Adam and tilted his head. "Alright, you got a few seconds before you bleed out, maybe a minute or two if you conserve your strength. Now. WHERE. IS. CINDER?"

"I don't know…" Adam breathed, going to one knee, vomiting blood at Deadpool's feet. "She contacts me… not the other way around…" He shook his head, "Her and her mistress."

"Mistress?" Deadpool's eyes narrowed, "The bitch isn't top of the ladder?"

"No, and I have no idea who she is either… now go to hell …" Adam shook his head.

"I probably will," Deadpool stated, "But first! This is for Yang…" Deadpool drew his own sword and brought it down, taking Adam's arm clear off. "This is for Blake…" Deadpool pulled his pistol and shot him point blank in the face. "And this is for me." He said, and Blake turned quickly as the mercenary unzipped his pants and relieved himself on Adam's dead body.

"Ah, been holding that for a while," he said zipping his fly and turning toward Blake, "Now you have no reason not to go home. Get back to the others. I hit a dead end with mask boy, maybe he has something in his little base… hope this won't take long. Depends on his lackeys want to fight…"

He started toward the door, but stopped when he realized Blake was still there. "What, want to help me fight these guys? Another set of hands and a blade would make this quicker…"

"Only if you'll come back with me… Jaune." Blake said with a small smile.

"Oh. Who is? I don't know who it is you're …" When he saw her eyebrow go up he dropped his head and sighed, "Damnit."

"I guess I owe you an explanation…" he said softly, "But that'll have to wait till the next chapter."

To Be Continued…