It was the way his laugh would bounce from wall to wall to Wally. The way his smile broke through the deepest parts of Wally. God, Wally knew he was stupid. Stupid in love. In love with his amazing boyfriend. A boyfriend that could easily kick his pale behind, oh, and he'd let him too. He was wrapped around that boy's finger and Wally wouldn't have it any other way.
He would answer every call or text, desperate to never let the ebony wait longer than a second. It didn't matter if he was in math class or if he had just received a beating. That is actually what happened just now, his father on a path of fury the moment the speedster entered the house.
He could see each punch and kick coming way before they left his father thought about it, but he never blocked one. No, that would result in a time out in the closet or a ban from being on the team.
So, when he sat in the aftermath, cleaning his own blood from the floor with the supplies his own mother had handed him, the shrill of his phone made him jump. With a little joy and a little despair.
"Hey, Babe, you okay? It's past one."
"Mmhm," The Boy Wonder sighed, "You up to talking?"
"Another fight with Bruce?" Wally continued to scrub.
"Nothing like that-" Wally felt himself relax, always scared a screaming match with Bruce would result into something he faced everyday "-just wanted to hear my wonderful boyfriend's voice. Couldn't really sleep."
"You want me to sing to you too?" Wally laughed, standing from the floor, taking the dirty sponge to the sink to rinse.
"Are you cleaning something? It's one, what's with the water?" Oh, Wally loved when his bird went detective.
"Just my plate, you know me, always eating." Wally flinched as his dad shifted on the sofa.
"I think a song would be nice," Dick went back to the old conversation as Wally crept up the stairs.
"Sure, let me get back to my room first."
Dick sighed, "Okay, but you'd better hurry and not keep me waiting too long, Kid Flash."
"I'd never keep you waiting." Oh and how true that statement was.
Wally had just shut his door when he heard it, the sound of his father's footsteps. A round two already?
"Shit, Dickie, I think I woke my mom. I, er, I have to go."
"Promise to sing to me later?"
"I promise." Wally and Dick exchanged quick goodbyes before the redhead turned off the lights and hopped in bed, hoping to trick his father into thinking he was asleep. Maybe, he'd let him go if he was.
The door cracked open and a very drunk Rudy West peered inside, catching sight of the supposedly sleeping boy and letting out a curse or two before slamming the door shut again. Wally thanked his lucky stars.
He laid there for a while after, thinking about everything; His dad, mom, his powers, school, Dick.
Dick. Nothing drove the ginger mad like the thoughts of that boy, he could never get to sleep with the bird on his already racing mind.
When Wally woke the next morning, at five, he did his usual routine. Made his parents breakfast, checked to make sure there weren't any blood stains, and lastly, grabbing an apple on his own way out, which was much later on.
He arrived to the mountain soon after, hoping to spend a nice summer day with his friends. Surprisingly, most of the team was already there, packing for the beach. Had they not wanted him to come? Wally forced the thoughts from his head. Of course not, they probably thought he was busy or would join when he showed up. He decided not to join them, however, opting to wait until Dick arrived.
Dick, finally, came to the mountain around one, Wally teaming with joy to see his boyfriend. The speedster wasted no time in running up to Dick and pushing their lips together in a rushed proclaiment of love.
"Dude, where were you all day?"
"Batman needed me in Gotham, did you miss me?" A cute smirk present on the younger's face.
"Very, very much. You have no idea," Wally faked whimpered.
"Well, I think I have a very fun way to make it up to you."
"Promise," Dick spoke leading him down the hallway.
They ended up in Dick's bedroom, but they were not doing what Wally had expected. They did, however, end up in the bird's bed, tangled in the sheets, bodies pressed close as a melody fell from the elder's lips. He had promised to sing for Dick after all.
Later, when his boyfriend was asleep, and he watched the way the bird's chest went up and down in a steady rhythm, he reveled in the content-ness surrounding him. How could a broken-hearted boy from Gotham love him so much? He realized it then, that is way he will answer every call or text; because, god, it felt so good to love and have that love returned, remorsely.
He sighed as he finally let his heavy eyelids close, letting sleep take him as well. He decided to enjoy this while it lasted, he knew the peace wouldn't stay long.