A/N: Hello and sorry. I had like 90% of this typed up two weeks ago, but life decided that I should stop. Half the blame goes to a little writer's block and the other half goes to me suddenly having a lot of work to do, plus me trying to get the personalities correct and me being unsure if I did the chapter the way I wanted it to be, this will happen a lot.
I planned on posting a chapter every two weeks, but I think every three to four weeks is the range I can do. I hope.
I need to say somethings:
Chapter 2: SpecialMonitor22, thanks for pointing something out and sorry for I forgot to say this, but Fire Dust and fire in general still hurts Krieg. The idea of Fire Dust not hurting him never crossed my mind, but I want everything in the story to have a reason to be there and it kinda seems like a cheat if Krieg doesn't get hurt by fire. If it didn't hurt him, then Inner Krieg would have said something like, 'Why isn't this hurting us?' or 'How is our flesh not burning?' and as well Krieg would have acted like there was something wrong. I'm not going to redo the earlier chapters to add that though.
1st Guest, 'Release the Beast' is on the Mania skill tree and Krieg would probably be tested on with no second thoughts for being able to grow larger at will. Krieg being on fire is probably easier to 'accept' in the world of RWBY since, well, Yang kinda does it already, expect fire doesn't seem to harm her or she doesn't show it.
Danget the Critic, Krieg's shield was still down from him being on fire and it's a crappy shield.
Krieg dodged the first attack because he/Inner Krieg was curious about the sword and was going to return the attack. And I meant that he barely dodged it, 'sidestepped' probably wasn't the best word to use.
I have no Beta Reader and I don't know how well I'm doing on this story. So, no matter what I say, the comments and reviews do help, so don't stop them.
All or most questions will be answered in the chapters to come, mostly in chapter 4.
Also I'm going to add another element that's not canon for Borderlands 2, you'll know what it is when you see it. It may turn a few people away from the story, but I hope it doesn't bother a lot of people.
I think this author's note has lasted too long, so without ado, the story.
The room was a normal hospital room, no matter how much Krieg looked around. Krieg stopped looking around the room, when a sound he knows so well was heard, a level up. "I heard a ding!" Really, a level up? That's good. Inner Krieg said as he opened up the skills window.
The three skill trees floated in front of Inner Krieg's view: Bloodlust, Mania, and Hellborn. But there was another skill tree to the right of Hellborn. This extra skill tree was named 'Darkness' and looked like one skill wide and six skills deep. The first skill on the new skill tree was called 'Tooth-Deep' and had the picture of tooth on the end of pliers with its roots still attached. The other five skills was clouded up by a black smoke and couldn't be seen.
The skill's description read:
[0/1. +5% to melee damage. Increased to +10% if out-numbered or if in-combat with an enemy who is feeling fear, further increased to +20% if both.]
When was this here? Inner Krieg read over the skill and chose it. A dark feeling was felt throughout Krieg's body. "This is a spine tinglier!" Krieg said as his whole body twitched. This skill's going to come back to bite us, isn't it?
What should we do now? Inner Krieg thought out loud inside of Krieg's head. "Who's ready to flay some scalps?!" Krieg hollered as he tore the bed sheet off of himself. He made a quick look over his body. He was still wearing his orange pants and blue boots. His leather arm strips weren't damaged. The scars and burns that covered his chest arms were still there. He touched his face to find that he still wore his psycho mask. His hand lowered to his neck to make sure his necklace was still there. The metal that wrapped around his forearm and shin were still intact. The bandages on his right arm were new and clean of blood. But a couple of things were missing from Krieg, "Where's my arm cutter?" Krieg cried out as he looked around and didn't find his buzz axe. Great, we're somewhere that we don't know and we don't have a weapon. Inner Krieg checked their inventory and saw that all the things they had on them were gone, except for the Eridium bars and their money.
We should try to find our equipment. But where should we go? Inner Krieg started to ponder where to look for the missing stuff in this new world. Krieg was about to jump out of the bed and most likely run down the halls of the hospital in search of his buzz axe, when the door creaked open.
A woman in her middle-ages with blonde hair, glasses, long sleeve suit, a skirt, and a tattered cape with the inside of it purple and the outside black stood in the doorway. "Are you Krieg Inferno?" She asked as she pushed up her glasses.
[Glynda Goodwitch
-A Teacher and A Huntress]
The words appeared and disappeared like it had done before. A Huntress? So she hunts? That seems like one of the most normal things in this world, since there are part-animal people and dark monsters. Krieg got out of bed and started to talk nonsense, "It's the witch. Are we off to see the wizard? We must find a brainless scarecrow, a heartless tin man, and a cowardice lion. Shall we follow the yellow brick road?" I'm not even surprised by your stupidity anymore.
'Glynda' gave Krieg an irritated look and rolled her eyes. She pulled out a small bar of black metal from her pocket and pulled on both sides until it was smaller then the size of an ECHO device, a thin sheet of glass connected the two pieces of black metal and she began to press on boxes that appeared on the glass. Krieg saw his psycho-masked face displayed on it. "I'll take that as a yes. I'm Glynda Goodwitch, please follow me."
How advance is technology on Remnant? It's looks to be ahead compared to Pandora's, but there's probably more to see. Inner Krieg started to watch out for things that looked like technology he would recognize. "Where's my arm cutter?" Krieg questioned.
Glynda gave him a puzzled look.
Krieg moved his arm around like if was attacking with his buzz axe. "My meat shank."
"Do you mean your weapon?" She asked slowly and confused.
"Yes, yes, yes." Krieg answered in rapid succession.
She looked unsure at Krieg. "OK, um. Your weapon, as well as your other equipment, are at Beacon Academy. If you want them back, you'll have to follow me." She said and walked away, not waiting for an response.
'Beacon Academy'? That doesn't sound bad, but maybe it's a trap. Since we have no idea where we are, we'll have to take a chance and follow her. "She's not the conductor of the poop train, I am." Krieg grumbled under his breath as he followed Glynda.
They both started down the hall of the hospital. Doors lined the walls and the color that everything was paint was white, if not for the stray potted plant or painting. After walking a short distance, they got to the lobby of the hospital. There were sliding doors that lead to the outside, two dozen different-colored chairs with people sitting in some of them, and a large desk that had several people behind computer screens. Glynda stepped up to one of the people typing on a keyboard.
Inner Krieg wanted to see at least a little bit of the computer, but couldn't because Krieg was suddenly staring intently at the door. "I need the smell of burning people. I need the smell of burning people. I need the smell of burning people." Krieg whispered over and over again. Stop that, you're creeping out the people around us. Two people walked by Krieg and quickly sped up as they went past him.
Glynda cleared her throat to get the person who sat at the computer to notice her and began talking, "I'm taking Krieg Inferno with me to Beacon Academy."
"I'll need to see your scroll for authorization." A female voice replied to Glynda.
'Scroll'? Inner Krieg repeated as Krieg finally turned to Glynda. He saw her collapse the device that had displayed a picture of his face before, back into a small, black bar and placed the bottom of it in a slot. Do they call that device a 'scroll'? OK. We should try to get one of our own. Krieg turned to someone who had their scroll in their hands. He let out a low growl as he stared at the person. What are you doing?
"And are you sure you want to take him with you?" The woman behind the desk hesitantly asked and looked at Krieg.
Glynda sighed, "Ozpin wants to see him."
"Oh, really. How has he been? Is he still doing that thing where he throws kids into the forest?"
"He's OK and yes, he still does that." Glynda looked back to make sure that Krieg didn't do anything.
Wait. What was that about kids being thrown into a forest? Inner Krieg didn't linger on that thought for long and Krieg was still watching the person who had their scroll out.
"Done, you can take your scroll back. And please be careful, he's-."
"Insane." Glynda finished the sentence and turned back to the women at the desk.
"I was about to say 'special'." Glynda grabbed her scroll from the slot. "See you later."
"Bye." Glynda did a little wave and walked over to Krieg. "We are leaving for Beacon." She told Krieg as she went towards the sliding doors.
Lets go. Krieg left the hospital through the doors and saw the city. This is more advanced than Pandora.
The city was enormously different from Pandora's cities. This buildings were clean, tall, and completely built without any parts destroyed. The windows and doors weren't missing or covered by large sheets of metal. There were civilian cars that weren't large, had no damage done to them, and were driving down the street. People weren't carrying weapons and were dressed in normal clothing. The roads were paved and looked like they were taken care of. There were lamp posts and benches that looked like a see-through light-blue, but some people were leaning and sitting on them, so they had to be solid.
This is awesome. They have to be advanced in technology and culture, the closest thing Pandora had to this place was Opportunity. But Opportunity was being made by Handsome Jack and it was destroyed by us, as well as this looks even better. Inner Krieg was amazed by the look of the city, but was interrupted by Krieg's shouting, "The fire king would love to see these towers become ashes!" You idiot. Inner Krieg mentally face-palmed.
Everyone on the block and some heard Krieg and began to watch him. Everyone looked at him, watching his every move to make sure he didn't do anything.
"Please don't do that again." Glynda ordered as she gave Krieg a stern stare for a couple of moments before walking down the street. Krieg continued to follow her.
"You're not my inside voice, you can't control me." Krieg mumbled under his breath as kids in the area were being ushered away.
Krieg stuck out like a sore thumb and could be seen a mile away. He was taller than all of the people who walked by and was wearing a psycho mask. Plus, having no shirt on didn't hide the countless scars across his body.
Glynda and Krieg walked with no words being said and the occasional look back towards Krieg.
Krieg walked until he got to what looked like an airport, expect there were a lot of the strange buzzards and other weird-looking aircrafts, Inner Krieg didn't know how to describe them. They went towards one of the weird aircrafts that looked like a ship with two large thrusters on each side and wing-like objects on both sides. The head of the ship reminded Krieg of a Goliath's helmet. There was a ramp that went up to a door on the side of it. Glynda and Krieg both entered the ship.
"I'll make the sky bleed!" Krieg shouted he got in, making all the passengers uncomfortable.
The inside of the ship was roomy and had four big, semi-circle windows on both walls. There were about eighteen people already on, they all looked like Gaige's age. Though none of them were her, had a robot arm, or had a giant, floating robot. They all wore similar school outfits, the guys wore black with gold trim suits, while the girls wore red plaid skirts and brown jackets with gold trim as well. Also most of them had different-looking weapons from each other, Krieg could see the weapons because they pulled out their weapons when him shouted.
"Why are you bringing him to Beacon?" Someone asked.
Krieg turned to see the owner of the voice. Coco stood there with Velvet, Fox, and Yatsuhashi behind her. They were dressed like when he first met them.
"Ozpin wants to see him, so I'm bringing him to Beacon. And I have to ask, where and how did you find him." Glynda answered.
"Um, he appeared out of nowhere, combusted into flames, and took on a crowd of Grimm. Then we were bringing him to our camp, when we got attacked by a squad of White Fang members in a Bullhead. He defeated them and barely won against their leader, who he almost killed." Coco counted off almost all the events of Krieg's first day on Remnant, leaving out how he got to Remnant because of her lack of knowledge.
"We're lifting off soon," a male voice came from a speaker in the corner.
Inner Krieg was already thinking about something and didn't hear the announcement. 'Grimm'? Qrow said that same word, she said we fought a crowd of them so that's most likely the dark creatures. 'Bullhead'? Is that what they call the strange-looking Buzzards? And 'White Fang'? Are they the people with the animal parts? If so, does that mean Velvet is one of them? Inner Krieg wondered and Krieg glared at Velvet. No, if she was she would already be-. "Rabbit Stew." Krieg quietly finished Inner Krieg's thought. I was thinking she would already be elsewhere.
Velvet heard Krieg, felt the glare, and paled.
"Hm, that seems weird. Velvet-." Glynda said all of a sudden, making Velvet jump.
"Yes!" Velvet cried out.
"Oh, sorry. Didn't mean to scare you, but did you take some pictures of Mr. Inferno during either of his fights?"
"Y-yeah." Velvet pulled out a camera from her box and gave it to Glynda.
Glynda shifted through the pictures. "Did he say anything out of the ordinary?" She said as she crossed multiple images of Krieg being on fire.
Velvet finally calmed down. "He did say some words I've never heard."
"And they were?"
"Eridium, Hyperion, and Pandora. Plus a person by the name of 'Handsome Jack'." Velvet counted the words with her fingers. "Do you know what they mean?"
Glynda sighed, "No, but thank you Velvet." She gave the camera back to Velvet.
The ship lifted upward and started to fly. There was little movement or shakiness from the lift off. The engine could barely be heard and the flying was smooth.
Wow. Pandora has nothing like this, what makes this planet so special? Inner Krieg wondered as Krieg stared out a window. The ground was seen below through the glass. As the ship picked up speed and height, it flew over streets of people. "Why aren't my fingers in someone's eye sockets right now," Krieg repeated this line at different pitches and volume.
After sometime, the ship slowed to a halt. "We have arrived at Beacon Academy," a male voice came from the loud speaker once more.
Lets see what 'Beacon Academy' is.
The doors of the ship opened up and everyone flooded out of the ship, team CVFY walked by Krieg as he freeze when he saw what reminded Inner Krieg of a castle. The building had arches and two large doors. There stood a tower behind it that was jetting out of the ground. A stone brick walkway lined with lamp posts went into the distance, around a statue, and continued to the large doors.
This is an Academy? This planet just keeps looking different from Pandora. Inner Krieg felt like he was looking at something more than just a normal school and was about to be dragged into something even bigger then that.
"Hey, team CVFY's back," a random guy said as a crowd formed around team CVFY. The crowd and them were already about halfway to the large doors.
Krieg started to walk to the crowd. Don't do anything stupid. Inner Krieg warned his insane counter-part.
"Velvet. Are you okay?" A female asked from within the crowd.
"I'm fine, I had Yatsuhashi to look out for me." Velvet responded.
"Your mission was suppose to end a week ago. What happened?" A different female asked.
As Krieg walked closer to the center of the crowd, people noticed him and shifted out of his way.
"There were so many," Velvet paused before she continued. "and we found someone Ozpin wants to see."
"Who did you find?" Once again, a different voice.
Krieg stopped and stood behind Velvet. "Meeee." Krieg held it out, making the whole crowd jump back. Velvet stepped away from him.
There stood four girls in a line with their outfits a different color scheme from each other: red, white, yellow, and black. A girl with a black and red dress, boots, and a red cape. Her hair was carmine and short. Next to her was a young lady who gave off a 'princess' vibe. She wore a white dress and high heels. Her hair was white and in a ponytail. She also had a scar across her left eye. The third one had a brown jacket, leather boots, an orange scarf, and black shorts. She had long, blonde hair that went down her back. The last girl wore monochrome top and shorts. She had long, black hair and a bow on her head, which Krieg eyed for a second.
[Team RWBY
-Ruby, Weiss, Blake, Yang]
The words appeared then disappeared. Team RWBY? If I had to guess, Ruby is probably the re-. Krieg interjected Inner Krieg's line of thought. "Red Hood! Watch out for the wolves on your way to grandma's house!" Krieg said to 'Ruby'.
"What?" Ruby exclaimed.
Krieg looked toward 'Weiss'. "Snow White!" He shouted then started to look around as if in search of something or someone. Not finding whatever he was looking for, he continued, "Where are the seven short people!"
"What are you talking about?" Weiss said perplexed.
He shifted his view to 'Yang' and pointed at her. "Goldilocks! Don't eat the porridge!" He warned.
Before Yang could respond, he turned to 'Blake', and threw his left arm out. "Belle! There lives a man with the image of a beast!" Krieg began to bring his hand to his chest. "But a heart of gold!"
What was that? I said not to do something stupid. Inner Krieg told his insane half. Krieg dropped his hand to his side.
Glynda came over to Krieg with a very disappointed look on her face and glared at him. "Sir. You still need to follow me." She scolded Krieg as everyone slowly walked away from them.
Krieg loosely walked with Glynda, away from team RWBY, and towards the large doors.
"He seems-." Ruby started as she watched Krieg leave.
"Stupid." Weiss said.
"Unique." Blake commented.
"Psycho." Yang added.
Inner Krieg barely heard the conversation as Krieg walked toward a statue of two figures dressed in robes. They stood on a rock that hung-over what was a dark wolf that looked like the dark wolves he fought earlier.
Krieg kept with Glynda and got into an elevator in the tower he saw when he got off the ship. She pushed the top button and the elevator began to move. If we have to leave this place, I hope we don't have to kill anyone. Inner Krieg's words bounced off the walls of the Insane Krieg's skull.
A/N: The next chapter I may try to do a little jumping around of the point of view from different characters, so lets see how well that goes and if I feel like I couldn't do it right, I won't do it.
I don't want Krieg to be an over-powered 'Badass', I think it'll make a good story to have Krieg grow stronger while struggling a little. Krieg is strong in terms of strength, but not that strong when it comes to tactics, strategy, talking, or anything that has to do with thinking, Inner Krieg does that and Krieg doesn't listen to him often.
Grimm that are set on killing and don't have much tactics besides number and strength, Krieg's good at killing. Bandits who only shoot, punch, and rarely dodge, he's good at killing. People who can dodge, move fast, and use tactics, he's not the best at killing mainly if they do it a lot. And that's where Krieg will struggle in Remnant and in this story.
What do you think of the Darkness skill tree I added? It's going to stay either way, I plan for it to have more of a purpose then just making Krieg stronger, but future skills on it may change if you say something.