Title: Red
Chapter: One-shot
Character(s): Seira, Regis
Summary: Seira brings home a potted rose so that she may be reminded of home but finds that she brought more than she expected. Regis steps in to comfort her.

Seira watched as the rose petals danced in the brisk breeze before inevitably falling into the babbling fountain. The day had already gone by, and it was usually now that she'd take a stroll around the garden with her father. The Loyard leader typically brought up an old memory of Seira–how she loved hiding in the garden when they played, or her first time planting a seed and continuously coming to check on its progress. She could feel the corners of her mouth lifting.

She was only afforded a few moments to the memories when the rose between her fingers shifted. Her hold on the flower was light, and it almost slid out had she not pinched it. Her reflexes were unnecessary as its thorn thanked her by pricking at her finger. Planting this one flower in a container proved to be challenging. Managing a garden of rose bushes had been easier than this. But then, her father had also been there, too…

The blood trickled from her finger, but Seira continued. Now that the pot was prepared and filled with soil, she placed it inside, fixing the roots to even them out. It was time to move the pot into the tub of water.

And now, to wait. She gripped the pot and watched. Now, it was only a matter of time. But a part of her was impatient. It was silly, seeing that she had lived for more than two centuries. And yet, she couldn't. Imagining what the rose could be—it frustrated her.

Hearing light footsteps, she rose to her feet.

"Regis. Is it dinner time yet?" Her eyes fell on a damp cloth in his hand.

He shook his head in reply and handed her the cloth. She nodded in thanks, and wiped her hands with it. He glanced at the small cut on her finger, but then turned his gaze to the plant drinking the water. It stood upright and strong, and though beautiful, one had to beware of its small and sharp thorns. Ah, the culprit for the cut. The more he pondered, the more Seira seemed similar to the flower.

Remembering the time she comforted him, he patted her on the back. While he was tidying up the living room, he had felt that there was a tug at his connection with her. Though he knew there was no threat at the moment, he was worried anyway. Once he was by the doorway, a stronger wave of emotion washed over him. He could see the tight hold she had on the pot.

The Loyard family leader was always watching over him, and now it was his turn; she was family.

"It's… elegant." Did he really just say that? "Ah, it's in good hands, Seira. It will bloom in no time!"

So focused on what she wanted the rose to be, she had lost sight of what it looked like now. A faint smile tugged at the corners of her mouth. Now that he mentioned it…

"Thank you."