Genevieve Potter - 9 almost 10, born October 29th 1981, was born two days before the murder of James and Lily, youngest daughter of James and Lily Potter, little sister of Harry Potter, Lives at the Dursley's, wizarding world knows nothing about her, Sirius and Remus are the only ones who know about her, but Dumbledore obliviated them into forgetting, Dumbledore put blocks on her magic and her soul bond with Draco Black.
Harry Potter - 10 almost 11, born July 31st 1980, oldest son of James and Lily Potter, big brother of Genevieve Potter, lives at the Dursley's, wizarding world knows of the boy who lived, knows nothing about being a wizard until getting his Hogwarts letter, Sirius and Remus know him, Dumbledore has put blocks on his magic and his soul bond with Ginny Weasley.
Draco Black - 10 almost 11, only child of Lucius and Narcissa Malfoy, last name was originally Malfoy before his mother divorced Lucius and changed her name back to black, lives at Grimmauld place, Dumbledore blocked his soul bond to Genevieve Potter, has black hair instead of blonde.
Ginny Weasley - 9 almost 10, 7th child and only daughter of Arthur and Molly Weasley, lives at the Borrow, has a brush on the boy who lived, Has a deeper shade of red hair than the rest of her family, Dumbledore put blocks on her magic and her soul bond to Harry Potter
Ron Weasley - 10 almost 11, 6th child to Arthur and Molly Weasley, lives at the borrow, very jealous of his brothers and sister, will do anything to become better than anyone else.
Hermione Granger - 10 almost 11, Only daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Granger, Muggle-born, doesn't know she is a witch as of yet, obsessed with books, thinks if it is not in a book it cannot be true, very know-it-all attitude toward people. Thinks no one is as smart as her.
Sirius Black - Around 34, currently in Askaban after being framed by Peter Pettigrew for the murder of James and Lily Potter, Animagus of a black dog that is similar to a Grimm, godfather of Harry Potter, doesn't remember Genevieve Potter.
Remus Lupin - Around 34, Whereabouts currently unknown, Thinks Sirius murdered James and Lily, and Peter Pettigrew, is a werewolf, godfather of Genevieve Potter, does not remember her after being obliviated by Dumbledore
Albus Dumbledore - Age unknown, Headmaster of Hogwarts, obliviated Remus and Sirius, knows Peter was the secret keeper for James and Lily, thinks Harry needs to die to defeat Voldemort, Wants to dispose of Genevieve because he believes she will only get in the way of Harry's destiny, Blocked the soul bond for Harry and Ginny as well as Genevieve and Draco, is very manipulative
Minerva McGonagall - Age unknown, professor of Transfiguration at Hogwarts, Godmother of Harry and Genevieve Potter, unaware that Genevieve exists, Dumbledore obliviated her, is a cat animagus