Hey guys! It's the sequel you guys have been waiting for! The sequel to "The Scarlet Side", Choices!

Before we begin, some things to say…

First off, of course you have to read "The Scarlet Side" first before this, also read "A Christmas Date" and "Confession", in order to have a clearer picture of what will happen in this story! If you read all three, great! You are all set!

Second of all, I would like to welcome some new family members into this archive, if you have not already, please say welcome to greendogtheater and Masterpiece Stories!

Third, I would also like to welcome back a fellow FFN sister, Florafionpetals!

Now that we got all of that out of the way, let's begin!

Chapter 1: StoryTime

As the sun was setting in the Amazon rainforest, the sky becoming a darker orange with every passing minute, a lone male Scarlet macaw was happily flying back home after a visit to his Blue macaw brother. As the macaw flew on, everyone was preparing to turn in for the night and sleep, families enjoying their dinner, mothers tucking in very little ones that needed an early sleep, and couples enjoying the sunset together on branches of trees.

As the Scarlet macaw flew on, he soon spotted his hollow, a hollow that was directly on the border of the Blue and Scarlet macaw tribes. As he flew in, he smiled as he saw his mate, a female Blue macaw waiting for him.

"Oh Alex, you finally came home." The Blue macaw smiled and came up to give Alex a big hug, Alex returning it and giving a kiss on the cheek.

"Well I can't leave you alone all day, I missed you Lily." Alex said as he continued hugging.

"Me too." Lily returned.

"Where are the kids?" Alex asked, wondering where his chicks were.

"Kids, now!" Lily shouted, Alex completely confused.

As soon as Lily shouted that out, Alex felt two small chicks land down on his back and try to tackle him down to the ground. They were his kids, Cadence and Eddie, both hybrid Blue and Scarlet chicks and they were laughing as they grabbed onto their father.

"Got you daddy!" Cadence laughed as she held on.

"You kids!" Alex shouted back happily.

Alex eventually managed to grab hold of them both and kept the two in his huge wings. The three then wrestled around playfully until Lily decided to break it up.

"Okay, okay, easy you three." Lily softly requested of her family. "Let's eat."

And after father and chicks settled down, they sat around and enjoyed some fruits and nuts. The family having a nice conversation of what they all did today and shared laughs and faces of embarrassment as well. They had a happy meal and when they were all done and Alex and Lily cleaned up as well as Lily wiping Cadence and Eddie's beaks with her motherly saliva, the night sky really started to kick in as the first glimpses of the moon could be seen.

As Alex and Lily prepared for sleep, Cadence and Eddie really didn't want to sleep yet, they wanted to stay up a little late and not sleep.

"Daddy, can we have a story before we go to bed?" Eddie asked Alex, with puppy dog eyes on his face, Cadence joining in.

"Nice try kids, you know that is not going to work, right?"

"Please daddy." Cadence pleaded, really trying to show sad eyes.

"Sorry sweetie, it's bedtime." Alex kept his firm.

Lily could see that her kids really wanted Alex to tell a story to them before they slept and well unlike Alex, she wanted her kids to be happy and her motherly instincts cut in. She walked up besides Alex and put a wing around him, while softly whispering in his ear.

"Come on Alex, don't be so mean, they are your kids, just tell them a story and we will put them to bed right after." Lily whispered to Alex to convince him.

"Fine, you kids win." Alex said to his chicks in defeat.

"Yay!" Both Cadence and Eddie shouted happily.

The family went to the main area of the hollow and Cadence sat on Alex's lap while Eddie sat on Lily's lap. After they all got comfortable, Alex asked what they wanted to hear.

"So what story do you kids want?" Alex asked.

"Can you tell us how you and mom got us?" Cadence asked while looking up at her father's face.

Alex had an unsure look as he thought about all the events of the past. It was tragic, sad, and heartbreaking, but also had its happy and romantic moments. He was not sure if it was good for his kids to hear.

"I don't know sweetie, it's a rather long story and I'm not sure your brother and you are old enough to hear it yet." Alex worried.

"Please daddy." Cadence pleaded with her eyes again.

Alex looked at Lily and she nodded her head to say it's okay to tell it. Alex sighed as he closed his eyes briefly, mentally preparing himself to tell the story of how he and Lily got together and had the chicks.

"Okay you two, I will tell it." Alex finally said, with excited faces from Cadence and Eddie.

"It all started a couple of years ago, when your mother and I have yet to be officially together forever…"

And there we go guys!

Sorry it is very short, but are you excited now?

Also two more quick things to say.

I have to rate this story, "T", for some reasons later on in the story, you will eventually see why.

And also, again, Lily belongs to Skyler the Elf Owl, but Alex and his two hybrid chicks, Cadence and Eddie are mine.

See you in the next chapter!