Disclaimer: I own nothing of Sherlock BBC and this story is loosely based on Not Quite A Husband by Sherry Thomas which I love reading it. This is one of the few books that I do re-read it many times. If you have time, please read it. It's awesome!

It took Molly quite a few minutes to fully realise that Mycroft Holmes, the British Government was proposing marriage. To her. And that's not the most surprising part. To Molly's own amazement, she actually said yes. If only Molly knew how badly their marriage will end, lasting for less than two years.

"You will sign the papers, Molly?"

Mycroft broke Molly's thoughts, like how he broke her heart. Molly did not answer Mycroft or even looked up from her lap. She could imagine Mycroft getting agitated and impatient as moments passed with ear-deafening silence. On her lap rested a box, in it was a pocket watch she bought for her husband or soon-to-be ex-husband, an impulse purchase that cost Molly at least three months of her salary but she thought of how she had never bought anything for Mycroft since their marriage. How ironic this gift seemed now.

"I will have your cooperation on this matter then?"

Molly sighed and finally looked at him. How long had she looked into his eyes like this? Far too long, a warning sign she should had taken note of ages ago and now it's all too late. What even made her think that their marriage could actually work? Based on what? Love? Only if the feelings were mutual.


Molly couldn't help but feeling a sense of helplessness. Taking one last look at the pocket watch, she closed the lid of the box and with resolution, said the only thing she could to Mycroft. The British Government always got what he wanted.

"Thank you"

Molly was not even sure if "you are welcome" was an appropriate reply to that so she nodded, looking solemnly at Mycroft turned and left the room. Just like that, their marriage ended. Pathetic. Molly wanted to cry so badly. If she wasn't that heart broken, Molly would have wanted to say "It's fun being your wife while it lasted" just to see if she could get any reaction out of Mycroft. Probably not much emotion from his face even if she did so.

Molly saw, no, knew that Mycroft was lonely and she naïvely thought that if she married him, maybe he won't be so lonely anymore, maybe they both won't be so lonely now that they have each other but in the end, Mycroft just made her as lonely as he is. This was what happened when you tried to warm the Iceman, your heart got frozen along the way, numbing you to the core.

Fuck you, Mycroft Holmes

Author's note: This story I would like to think as more romantic than my other two fanfics. I hope that both Mycroft and Molly aren't too OOC and if you think they then I'm so sorry about that

P.S If you didn't notice, Mycroft + Molly (Mollcroft) is my OTP with Sherlock + Molly (Sherlolly) coming in as a close second (I still can't fully believe that Sherlock truly loves Molly romantically because I doubt that Sherlock Holmes have the capacity to love anyone in that way as mentioned by Mr Moffat but one can dream and that does not stop me from reading Sherlolly apart from Mollcroft :D)

**To DD who left a review on this chapter, unfortunately because you are Guest/Anonymous, the only way I can reply your review is this. You may have only gifted me with 3 words but it means all the world to me! Nothing makes a writer happy when someone likes their story. Hope you will continue to read on!