Hey there ^^ A little disclaimer right off the start: I`m new to writing, this is actually the first story I ever wrote.
To be honest I really couldn't stand the two endings of LiS. I always thought Max could have had more options with her ability :P So I tried coming up with something myself :3 If you don't like it or think it needs improvement that's totally fine by me, actually I would love to hear everyone's opinion about it. ^^
Also English is not my native tongue so if you see any grammar mistakes feel free to point them out!
"It's okay Nathan... Don't stress... You're okay... WHAT ARE YOU DOING HERE MAX?" Nathan shouted in the girls' bathroom, shocked to see Max as she came out of her cover.
Knowing that she couldn't watch Chloe being shot again, Max needed to find another way to save both this town and the girl she loved. But she knew hiding behind a corner wouldn't make that happen.
"Uhmm I... just wanted to-"
"Yeah, yeah. Just get the fuck out... NOW" Nathan interrupted her.
Okay he's angry, that's fine… But I won't let it end like last time. I can't let Chloe enter this bathroom. This is where everything began... and also where it'll end if I don't do something.
Max gave a short nod in Nathan's direction, to avoid provoking him any further and made her way past him outside. It seemed like she was just in time to see a blue haired girl approaching the entrance.
"Chloe..." Hearing her name the girl looked up only to see Maxine Caulfield; the girl that left her behind, the girl that didn't care about her… The girl that was once her best friend. Maxine freaking Caufield…
For a moment the smaller girl thought her powers activated again as time froze for her upon seeing the girl she loved standing right before her.
Just moments ago you wanted to sacrifice yourself and now you stand here. It never happened.
Everything that happened prior flashed before her eyes in a single confusing mess, blinding her partially before she swallowed thickly.
She's not my Chloe, but she's still Chloe… right?
"This is a joke right?" the blue haired girl asked in partial shock." Maxine fucking Caulfield? I didn't even expect you to remember my name, let alone letting me know you're ba-"
"Chloe! Don't go in that bathroom. Please..." Max interrupted the punk with a shaky voice. Come on Max, don't you panic on me now. I need to be smart, just this once. But even when just the thought went through her head tears formed in the corners of her eyes.
"What the hell? H-how did you know that I want to go in there? Tell me... now!" the punk said with an intimidating voice.
Great, I already made her angry, the freckled girl thought. I've got to remember that this Chloe doesn't know anything. She didn't 'forgive' me like the other Chloe did.
"I... I can't, not right now at least. Please, you have to believe me. "
Hearing Max's words, the blue haired girl crossed her arms. "Ha! Believe you? Why the fuck should I believe someone who doesn't even bother calling me once after being best friends for years... No, you don't even have the slightest idea how important this is. You have no idea! My life is hella fucked and right now you're stopping me from what could be my last chance of saving it." Chloe said, a sharp undertone lingering in her voice.
"... I-I'm so sorry. For everything..." Max said as hot tears ran down her face. "But if you go inside of this bathroom now, Nathan won't give you the money you need..." Max saw that a lot of people were starting to pay attention to the two girls. Hearing what the smaller girl just said Chloe took a step back.
I can't just tell her the truth here, or I'll just be called a liar. The brunette could see how the punk was trying to wrap her head around the fact that Max knew what she had intended to do inside of this bathroom. She's scared of me... but I've gotta stay focused.
"How do you know all of this Max? D-Did you stalk me?... Forget it, that's not important right now." Chloe looked into the ground briefly, her eyes narrowed. "If you know all that, you should also know why I need the money so desperately. Not that you would care about my well being. So what is this about, you want some of the cash as well?"
No, no, no, she's already coming to wrong conclusions... I mean, it makes sense. For her I'm not the girl who saved her life in that bathroom, I'm the girl who left her and never even bothered to call after William's accident. The punk glanced up at a teary Max who tried to find words which would stop her from going. In response to Max's stuttering she just shook her head and moved towards the bathroom door.
"Chloe..." But seeing that the blue haired girl wouldn't stop, Max came up with something that would get a reaction. I'm so sorry...
"I know what happened to Rachel."
Chloe whirled around instantly and grabbed a hold of Max before she slammed her against the wall.
"You know nothing about her! Stop messing with me!" She yelled, but in her expression Max could see that now she at least had her full attention.
If she goes now, I've lost her... again. I need to persuade her so that she'll come with me somewhere else. Somewhere safe.
"How can you be sure? I know why you want to go in there too, don't I? I can tell you everything, but I can't talk about it here. You've got to come with me if you want to hear the truth." Letting her go, Chloe nodded towards the exit while not even looking at a nearly hysterical Max. "If you're lying to me, I'll beat the crap out of you." Was the only response Max got as they went outside.
"Drive us to somewhere private."
"The beach will have to do... I want answers, Caulfield!"
A photo of Chloe being shot in the bathroom changes into a photo of Nathan waiting alone in the bathroom.
"So, we're here. Now explain this shit!"
She's still angry with me. Now that I'm already here I should probably tell her everything... step by step.
"You've already noticed that I know some things I probably shouldn't, right?"
"Yes... Yes I did. Are you some kind of ESP or what? I'm not in the mood for games Max. Just tell me already."
"ESP?... Not quite... I am... was a time traveler..."
"Fuck you."
"W-Wait Chloe, just listen. Please!" Max then started listing things she shouldn't be able to know. Nathan's attempt to photograph Chloe when she was drugged, the punk owing Frank a 'fuckton' of money and also David Madsen not just being her 'Step-prick', but also the one to set up cameras all around the house which was something not even Chloe herself knew.
The punk became more and more insecure about what to believe, but Max could still see her distrust and anger.
"It may be hella scary that you know all this shit but that won't make me believe you just like that... You probably heard most of this from someone at Blackwell. Y-you also could just be lying about the cameras! You... said you know where Rachel is... please I need to know. Where is she? You don't know how... no you probably already know how important she's to me, am I right?"
Max could only give a small smile, which almost looked sad, as an answer, but before she could answer the girl before her, suddenly broke down right before her eyes.
"... I don't know what to believe anymore..." The bigger girl let out a groan filled with pain and confusion. "Did she leave me alone? Did she just drop me after I had no use to her anymore?... Is she d-dead?... She c-can't be..." Max's pained expression let Chloe guess what she was about to say. But instead of doing so the brunette just hugged her crying friend. You may be angry with me, but before anything else you're worried about your angel.
After a while the blue haired girl moved out of Max's hug and looked straight into her face "Tell me Max... tell me everything please. Where is she and why did... why did she d-die." Chloe's voice was nothing more than a whisper and for a moment Max just wanted to tell her everything, but then she suddenly remembered how Chloe was after finding out what Nathan and Mr. Jefferson did to Rachel and the other girls.
I can't tell her... She would bring herself in danger again. She would try to confront them on her own, just like she wanted to at the party. I got to protect you from everything, even yourself.
"I can't tell you everything... Not right now." I know you'll hate it. But honest to dog, as much as I wish you would love me again, I would rather have you safe and pissed at me.
"What? Why not? Max, I've got a fucking right to know what happened to my best friend." Max felt her heart tighten as the other girl said 'best friend' Am I really jealous of Rachel? Now? I'm disgusting.
"I know... but you need to trust me on this. I don't want to hide anything from you, I swear... But you've got to stay safe."
"Stay safe? Wait there is a risk involved in me knowing what you know? I don't need your protection Max... I need to know what happened to Rachel!" Max was despairing. Fuck I know she's right but I need to get Nathan and Mr Jefferson before Chloe knows what they did.
"Listen, let's... let's do that tomorrow. You must be exhausted, right? I already got your number. I'll text you later."
"You hella won't, Caulfield. I did something stupid in another timeline right? Well I won't do it in this one, I promise!... Just... just..."
"Chloe... you can't even imagine..."
"Well, then help me Max! Talk to me." But Max wasn't sure what she could tell her. Maybe it'll cause her to die again or someone else I... I don't know what to do. Max was at her fits end. What decision was the right one to do. Max didn't know it anymore. She felt that her legs wouldn't carry her much longer thanks to her panic. Just as she was about to collapse-
-the punk was there to embrace her.
So strong... so warm... how can you be like that... after everything that happened to you... after what I did to you... you still try to move forward.
As the two girls slowly sank to their knees Max started sobbing. She didn't want to let go of the bigger girl.
"You died Chloe... right in front me... Over and over again, because of my decisions, not yours." Chloe could only give the sobbing girl a fragile smile
"But right now I'm here-"
"I won't risk you being in pain ever again!" The freckled girl screamed at Chloe. "I-I did so much wrong. Leaving you... you got hit by a train, shot, nearly being stabbed... I... I was just about to sacrifice you for this town... I... I won't ever let you get hurt again." Max said those last words with such determination that Chloe couldn't say anything in return.
In this moment she only saw her childhood friend breaking down right next to her and all she could do was to embrace her even tighter.
After a while Max calmed down enough to gently remove herself from the other girl, but before she could say anything, Chloe stood up. "Max I'll wait... but you've got to tell me eventually. Even if it's dangerous for me to hear. I don't think I can wait for long." As she talked she reached out for the smaller girl and helped her up on her feet once more, pulling her up on shaky legs.
"We need to have a serious talk about everything and... I missed you so much... I don't want to see you being hurt because you try to protect me from whatever this is. Be careful. I don't want to lose another... friend?... Do you think we can be friends again?" the punk was a bit embarrassed asking something awkward like that but Max could tell that she was serious about it. However, she still couldn't stop herself from chuckling a little bit from hearing it.
"We will. Forever."
Okay first I've got to get Mr. Madsen's attention. He's probably the only one who's paranoid enough to believe something as crazy as the dark room.
After Chloe had driven her back to Blackwell, Max didn't want to waste any time and went looking for Mr. Madsen. It wasn't hard to find him. After all, he was always patrolling the campus. "Uhm excuse me, Mr. Madsen?"
"Yeah? Ah, you're the new girl. Maxine am I right?"
"L-Listen I...have to tell you something important... we both know there's something going on around Blackwell and I might be able to help you with your case." Max noticed that she had caught David Madsen's attention as his eyes became serious.
"What're you talking about? If this is about the surveillance and Miss Grunt I-"
Here we go Max... "This isn't about your surveillance... it's about what happened to Rachel Ambers."
"... You don't look like you're lying, I'll hear what you have to say but if you lie to me... just know that I'm somebody you don't want as your enemy."
Just as Max had expected, it wasn't hard to convince David to go with her to the old barn. Although he didn't like the idea at first since it was private property of the Prescott's, he realised quickly that this wasn't a prank once Max showed him the entrance to the Dark Room.
"That bastard..." David muttered. "Thank god that Chloe is safe... but all those girls and nobody eve-" As Max turned around to see why he stopped talking, her eyes landed on a folder with her name on it. She swiftly reached out for it before David could open it and was surprised that he didn't even try to hold on to it. "Max... that's how you knew about this? My god... Just take it. You're the only one who has a right for it... I promise I'll get the bastard." David didn't even try to open the folder, not knowing that only photos of Max being on campus were inside of it. At least in this timeline.
Wowser David, why're you not always so understanding? Chloe would like you more like this.
"Thank you... I'll wait outside, if that's okay. I don't think I can handle a second more in this room. I could call the police, they'll need to see this as early as possible."
"Yeah, you're right. Take my phone and call Officer Corn. I've got his number in my address book." Max took her folder with as she left the room to call the police. I've got to hurry, I don't think I can let Chloe wait any longer. Wait, it's dark already? Where is the snow? Did I... I change something?! Something is different now!
Max was confused by her observation, but didn't waste time thinking about it. When she called the officer he didn't sound all that interested in what Max had to say, until David came out and took his phone to explain everything. The freckled girl looked around a bit around while David was talking on the phone. The dark barn gave her the creeps.
Jeez... It feels like Jefferson is still here... still watching me with his disgusting smile. I want to burn this place down, or at least stay away from it as far as I can.
Bzz. Bzz. Max almost jumped as her phone vibrated to signal she had recieved a message.
Chloe : Hey... listen I just wanna say, sorry for today I gave you some shit you didn't deserve... at least not all of it
Chloe : will try to trust you for now, but you need to tell me tomorrow
Max : No Che I deserved it... tomorrow at your place? Joyce and your step won't be there in the morning right?
Chloe : Wait, Max Caulfield skips school? The end's near
Max : I promised you didn't I ? ;)
Max : Ah no emoji sorry
Chloe : Dude get out of my head, please?
Before she could write a sassy answer, David suddenly walked towards her. "Well they're on their way now. Do you want to stay here? Probably not. I can drive you halfway before the police will be here. I imagine you've seen enough of this place." David said, his eyes were focused on the folder which was still in Max's hand. He's not a bad person, he's just worried about the safety of everyone around him a bit too much.
She saw how the tornado destroyed Arcadia bay.
Chloe was right next to her holding her hand. It's not over yet, was the first think Max thought. She instinctively knew that she was dreaming but something felt off. The storm was not as big as he used to be. Her freckled face slowly formed a bright smile as she understood what that probably meant. I did stop her from being killed, but the storm is smaller... It may not be Chloe's death that's the reason for it after all. Max tried to make sense of what she was seeing right now.
"Why are you so happy Max? You just let hundreds of innocent people die just to save me!" The girl standing next to her screamed.
"We were wrong Chloe!" Max couldn't keep her smile hidden as joy filled her. She looked over to the punk and wanted to make her understand, even if this Chloe wasn't real. "It's not your fault Che! Your death is not the trigger for the storm!"
But the punk just shook her head. "Max you need to sacrifice me, and we both know it! You won't be able to-BZZ. BZZ." The punk's voice was cut off by a weird noise.
"I won't be able to do what?!"
Max woke up, and for a moment she didn't know where she was. BZZ. BZZ. Wha... what the hell? Max reached out for her phone which kept making noise only to see that she had 126 new messages.
After yesterday she didn't even try to attend classes and just slept until 11:00. Although she was still a bit sleepy she went to her PC and opened her social media sites to see that she had gotten tonnes of links that had been sent to her which all had some words like "the new hero of Arcadia bay" in it. David you didn't tell anybody did you? Oh god that's just... I don't want to be a hero I just want a peaceful life with my Che... Fuck! She took her phone out and scrolled down the list of people who all had sent her something. She just had one objective and it was to see the punkster now. Warren, Mom, Dad, Kate, wowser even Victoria send me a "Thank you"... I did save her as well, didn't I?
Ah, there's Chloe
Chloe : Ignoring me now? Well you've got more important stuff to do right now, right? Like being famous...
Really? She can't be serious... well I got her last text about 2 hours ago without answering it... Max decided to just call her directly instead of sending a text that could be misinterpreted.
"Yea?" An annoyed voice came through the speaker.
"You know who this is. Come on, do you really think I forgot my promise?"
"Well, I waited half the day for you to answer me, so yes, maybe I do think you forgot it. Again."
"Half the day? Stop kidding me, you're probably still wearing your PJ's. Also, I was sleeping until now pretty much." She wanted to say how unfair it was that Chloe would be mad at her but then she heard how the girl on the other end of the line was trying to hold her sobbing back. She just lost her 'best friend, of course she's an emotional wreck right now I'm such an idiot! Now the freckled girl just felt like vomiting, but this was not the time to think about herself.
"I'm on my way to your house and won't go until you feel any better, promise! Give me thirty minutes tops, okay? I just woke up so I'll need to change before coming to you, is that alright?"
"Make it twenty-five and we have a deal." Chloe answered, still having a sad undertone in her voice.
"Good, at least you didn't lose your sense of humour. Hang on, I'll be right there"
While on the bus, Max thought about what happened in her dream and what her next step should be.
First of all I need to help Chloe. This won't be pretty, but I'll be there for her, forever. But how do I stop the storm…? Or at least make it smaller like yesterday. Chloe might've not... died yesterday, but she sure as hell still can in the next few days. She was always so reckless, never giving a 'hella' fuck about safety. That's what makes it so hard to predict what she's up to. Sometimes it felt like she actually wanted something bad to happen, even if it was subconsciously...
Max's left hand sank into her hair.
She's not stupid, she knew messing with Nathan and Frank would be dangerous... Sometimes it feels like she actually wanted to get into such situations... And I didn't exactly help with that, did I? Maybe I... I need to show her that there's people who cares for her. Maybe that's why the storm was smaller than usual! Chloe knows now that Rachel didn't just leave her… like I did.
Scratching her scalp, the freckled girl tried to wrap her head around the idea that just popped up in her head. I-I need to give her the want to go on again? Yes, I-I need to try it at least. I'll protect her from everything. Even herself!
Max ran the way from the bus stop to Chloe's. She didn't want to waste any time because she knew the punk would be a mess right now. And as she arrived at her friend's house. All her assumptions were confirmed. The punk hadn't bothered to change her clothes, she was standing in her blue pajamas right before Max as she opened the door. Her eyes were red from all the crying, her shoulders hung low and she couldn't even look Max in the face.
"You were right... I would have wanted... I still want to kill this monster... Sorry for being a bitch to you, I just..." She didn't need to say anything else. Instead of giving some awkward answer the smaller girl just crashed into Chloe with a tight hug. "It's okay..."
For about half the day they didn't have any kind of conversation at all. Chloe went from crying in Max's arms to sleeping cuddled against the brunette, and back to crying again.
After a few ours Max got hungry and wanted to make them something to eat while the blue haired mess was asleep. But she was interrupted by Chloe, who was shouting her name. She rushed back inside the room, and found a punk being rolled up in her blanket gazing at her "Don't you dare leave this room Caulfield... I-I don't think I want to be alone right now... Damn it, I miss her so much... You probably know all the plans I and Rachel had, don't you?" Max, while being happy to hear her friend talking after hours of crying, just shook her head as an answer. Well I do know most of it but I don't want to interrupt her right now, it's good that she started to talk again. Even if it's just rambling.
"You were always terrible at lying to me Max, so tell me what did I tell you about her?" Chloe asked her, while she came back to the bed to lay down right next to the other girl.
"So you do believe me now?"
"I want to, I really do. And to be honest I can't imagine how you could know all this stuff otherwise. You knew where she was lying after all..."
The freckled girl didn't want to get into the specifics of how she got here so instead she just answered the punk's first question. "Well, to answer your question, you were head over heels for her, Che. You always called her your angel, wanting to escape Arcadia Bay... No... escape your own life with her." Chloe could only agree with all what Max said. "I loved her Max... Even if she never responded to those feelings..." For a moment the blue haired girl was silent, then she sat up and gazed at the freckled girl next to her. "Why do you do this Max? You wasted a whole day on a wreck called Price... If you feel any responsibility to help me because of things from another timeline, or the past, I promise you I won't blame you if you just g- "
Max having heard enough jumped out of the bed went to the CD-Player. It started to play a CD she brought from her dorm. "What're you doing Max? I need no music right now I-"
"Bullshit, what you need right now is some good hipster music à la Max Caulfield. And don't you dare tell me you don't like it!"
As "move like you want" by Ben Howard started playing, she took the punk's hands and pulled her unwillingly out of her bed and started to dance awkwardly with Chloe. At first the bigger girl didn't really felt like it but soon gave into Max's goofing.
"I'll never leave you, I did once when I shouldn't have I know that, but I'm here right now and I won't leave my punky friend ever again." She explained while her face was burning up in a blush. This wasn't like herself, but she didn't really care. She would do anything for her love.
"Max... I... I don't want to guilt trip you or anything I'm just so-" Chloe stopped dancing, tears running down from her face again.
"Stop saying you're sorry or did you forgot I already know all of that. Time travel duh" Max said with an ironic smile on her face "If I didn't like you I wouldn't be here you know? And trust me I 'hella' do!" The freckled girl said while trying to imitate Chloe's voice.
"You're an ass sometimes" The punk answered while holding back a chuckle and her tears at the same time. "Thank you Super Max. I don't know what I would do without you right now."
It's pretty much the opposite you idiot. I would be lost without you. Max said to herself, but instead of speaking her mind she answered with, "Well, you would have a boring punkster life. But having a companion on your journey through life would definitively be more fun, don't you think?" Chloe tried to put on a tough face but it crumbled at those words, and tears shot in her eyes. "Aww come on don't start crying again Che I-... Wait a second do you smell that "Something smelled burned. Oh no I forgot the food! Max remembered that she started cooking before being called upstairs again.
Suddenly Chloe's stomach started to grumble and she blushed a bit "Uhm, could we go downstairs? I think my tummy tried to tell me he's feeling lonely too." Both of them snickered a bit and went downstairs, to see that Joyce was already home and tried to clean up what Max had left in the kitchen.
"Why didn't you wait for me to cook something I- Oh hello" Needing a moment before recognizing that standing before her was a five years older Max Caulfield "H-hey Joyce you look good."
"Max? Oh look at you! You've become a fine lady, I've already heard what you did to this teacher and I must say I'm proud of you. At least now we know why Rachel never came back..." Noticing the drastic change of atmosphere after mentioning Rachel, Joyce clapped in her hands to get the attention of the two girls again. "Will I be cooking for you as well Max? Would be lovely if we could have dinner again like when you were kids."
"Hella yes! I mean only if you want to stay Max, you got school and stuff to take care of, I guess."
"Just Stop already. Of course I'll stay here, I actually wanted to ask if It would be fine if I could sleep here today? I really want to evade the people who think I'm some kind of hero."
"A sleepover? That's amazeballs!" Seeing Chloe cheer up even if it was just a bit, made Max happy. I wish I could tell you how much I love you.
"I told you Che I'll never leave your side again. I would miss you way too much if you weren't right next to me, you know?" For a moment Max saw blood going through Chloe's cheeks before answering with a smile on her face "Never? So I've got to hear that crappy music until the end of days?"
"Ahhh you know you liked it. Don't act all high and mighty now. Under this blue dyed shell is a hipster heart and we both know it."
"Your hipster powers are too strong, they're already taking me over." Chloe said while putting her hands up to defend herself.
While the punk moved to the dining table, Max asked Joyce if she needed any help to clean up the mess.
"What I need you to do right now is keep doing what you do. Bring a smile back on my girl's face. I haven't seen her like that in a long time." Those words boosted Max more than even Joyce had intended to. Max always had a lot of respect for Joyce.
"What're you two whispering behind my back." The punk asked from the table
"The Caulfield-Price family conspiracy and it already started." Max said while giggling
"Oho? Taking over the world without me? You think I would give up without a fight? In the streets they call me the blue storm, could take you on any time." Max froze for a moment. Her friend's words scared her, but before the blue haired girl could ask Max what was going on, she rushed over to Chloe and started tickling her. This was not the time to talk about the storm. Luckily, the freckled girl remembered most of Chloe's weak spots.
"Hey- HA stop!-Don't... Save your daughter MA!"
"If you want my help you either start paying your debts in the diner or you give Max the extra portion Chicken."
"No, not the chicken! I-I give up..." Chloe screamed while laying on the floor and being out of breath.
"That's the blue storm for you." Max said while getting off Chloe and sitting herself right next to her.
"That wasn't fair you surprise-attacked me!"
"Want another round? I could do that all day, punk!" Max said while making herself ready to jump her again.
"Not before dinner." Joyce stopped the two while bringing the meal.
"Wait Joyce no way in hell did you cook all of that already?" Max was stunned when she saw the amount of food.
"Naaa, Mum always brings leftovers from Two whales." Chloe explained when suddenly all three women heard the front door opening.
"Hello? Max is that you? What're you doing in my house?" David Madsen asked her while coming in.
"Get of Max back man. With all your surveillance crap you still couldn't see some psycho like this Jefferfuck, you should be grateful to her."
"Calm down soldier! I just came home and asked a simple question!" Chloe and David starting gazing at each other I need to do something! Chloe was finally cheering up.
"Chloe didn't you know without David's help I wouldn't have been able to get the asshole! H-He's as much of a hero as I'm... at least in this case!" Well maybe that's exaggerated but maybe that'll help.
"Really? What did he do? Keep an eye on everything? Like the camera's in our house? Mom did you know that he-"
"I know darling, he told me this morning... we talked about it, well had a fight to be frank, but David promised he would take all of them away."
"You're taking his side now? That's so typically of you!" Before Joyce could say anything to her daughter Max stopped her. I need to stop this. Them being at each other's throat again won't help anyone!
"Chloe listen you know what the first thing was he said after we found this bunker? He was happy that you were safe! Even if you don't like him he still cares about you."
"Oh now I'm the bad one here? That's just great! A minute ago I was the one who needed comfort from you two and now all of you can bash me again?" Chloe said gazing at Joyce and Max.
David looked surprised "So that's why Max is here?"
"Well yeah I knew how much Chloe liked Rachel I couldn't just let her be alone, could I?" Max answered a bit confused What is so surprising about me trying to help a friend... well my crush.
"Max you didn't see anybody? A doctor or anything? I don't want to dig my nose in your affairs, funny when I say that I know, but what happened to you isn't something you should keep quiet about."
"What is he talking about Max?" Chloe looked at her now, not angry but worried about her friend. He saw the folder with my name.
"Nothing at all... well I... don't really want to talk about this could we all just stop? Please?" I don't want to remember anything what happened inside of this room...
"No we can't Max. You're still keeping secrets from me? Don't you trust me?" When she accused her Max had to hold back her tears. That... I... Of course she would take it that way... I really can't blame her. I mean, yesterday was the first time we saw each other in years!
"There was a folder... with my name on it... "
There was a long pause before anyone could say anything again. All three of them just stared at the small girl.
"Max... I didn't know... I'm so sorry" The blue haired girl started tearing up, as she hugged Max as strong as she could.
"Don't be, it's fine... really." I don't care about myself! All that's important is that you're happy.
"No it's not, you spend the whole day trying to make me feel better while I didn't give a second thought about your well being... I'm such an ass!"
"You may be an idiot sometimes, but today? You lost a friend Chloe, do you think I would be angry at you for mourning somebody you loved? Feels more like you think I'm the ass here." Max said while smiling faintly.
"How... how can you do that Max? You're just smiling about something as terrible as this and move on. Don't you sometimes want those memories... everything... to disappear?"
"Are joking? I just got my childhood friend back, even if we have a hard time, I wouldn't change that for anything in the world! Why I can move on? Because I know you'll be there... Even if you think you lost your way, never forget I'll be there for you and help you find it again..." Max tried to hold back, but as she was talking she began to sob as well. "So don't you dare let me hang, okay? I wouldn't know what to do without you?" Max said as she thought, I'll be your reason to keep on fighting just like you're mine, we don't need anything else!
"Now instead of crying even more what do you guys thing about negotiating peace? There is no reason to hate each other." While trying to calm down Max looked at David and Chloe who looked towards each other without knowing what to do, even if both of them knew that the small girl was right.
"Are you guys cereal? I didn't ask for a touching hug or anything. Why don't we start small?" Max said, as she took Chloe's and David's hands and put them together.
"See? You don't need to be friends, but you don't need to be each other nemesis as well, do you? Come on."
Chloe and David shook their hands awkwardly, before pulling them back rather fast.
Suddenly Joyce raised her voice "Hey Max you asked if I need some help in the kitchen... actually that would be a good idea!" The two girl made their way back into the kitchen. Max looked back one more time just to see the punk with an embarrassed look on her face. Chloe's mouth formed Don't leave me alone with him.
The freckled girl couldn't help herself from chuckling a bit at that sight. She then went into the kitchen and left Chloe alone with her stepdad.
"Max... thank you again. This may be the first time those two'll talk to each other without assuming that the other one wants to harm this family. They both have been through a lot, they're just scared of opening up to other people."
"I hope they'll try to sort this stuff out. For them and for you." Max felt sorry for Joyce, who had lost so much, and still gave everything she had to the people she cared about.
The diner went unexpectedly well for everyone. Chloe and David even talked a bit with each other. Wowser Joyce was so right about them, it seems sometimes stubborn people just need a push. I hope she can relax some more now... And maybe she'll accept David as her stepfather, not just her step-prick.
After dinner the two girls tried to sneak upstairs. Max couldn't help but grin. She felt like she was a child again. Chloe always hated cleaning up, after all.
Already at the stairs they heard Joyce calling "Don't think just because you're off the hook for today means that you don't need to clean up tomorrow, Honey!" Chloe and Max looked at each other for a moment before starting to laugh.
As the two girls reached Chloe's room both of the felt the exhaustion from all the drama the last two days and decided to delay their talking for now and sleep, cuddled next to each other.
The last thing going through Max's head before slowly falling asleep was: Did I do the right thing? I just want you to be alive and happy...
Well, That's it for now. ^^
My first Chapter.
I tried to change Max a bit from her original Character. A bit more bashful :P
Because I imagine Max has made some drastic changes in the last episode of life is strange.
Would love to hear your opinion about it! ( Or if you found any grammar mistakes :P)