So yeah, this one took me a lot longer than planned to write. I kept getting writer's block, among other issues that came up. I have been dealing with a lot of bad things recently so it's been very hard to stay focused but I promise I'm trying to keep up with this story. Thank you all for being patient with me and reminding me to take care of myself first. I could not have gotten through some of my issues without your continued support, so thank you so much. I really hope you enjoy this chapter. :3 This chapter is unbeta'd for the moment but I will correct any mistakes as soon as I can.

"There Ain't No Rest for the Wicked"

Lucifer slammed the door a little harder than he meant to, but to him, it felt he was slamming the door on his own jail cell. He went over to the mirror hanging over the small desk to look at his new accessory. He growled as he pulled at the silver metal collar and padlock. It looked plain and simple but it was too snug fitting to see the etched Enochian symbols on the inside.

"Those bastards…" Lucifer punched the mirror and watched it shatter. He sighed as he watched the cuts on his hand disappear. He was so full of anger at the Winchesters for tricking him, but he did have to admit that his was better than being trapped in the small cage in hell with his deranged little brother. The Archangel sighed as he flopped down onto the bed and stared up at the ceiling. "Dammit Gabriel…why did you have to get yourself into so much trouble?" He closed his eyes and all he could see was his little brother screaming in pain. Lucifer flinched and turned onto his right side. "Shit…"

Sam jumped as he heard glass breaking. He looked over at Gabriel and saw that he was still out. He headed down the hall to Lucifer's room and put his ear to the door. He could hear Lucifer talking about Gabriel and he sighed. He debated on if he should knock or just walk in.

Lucifer groaned in discomfort as he sat up and slipped off his shirts. He looked over his chest and his skin was blistered in a few areas where his vessel was fighting to keep his power contained within it. He sighed and let his wings out. Six reddish black wings spread as far as the room would allow. He winced in pain as feathers fell freely from the wings. "DAMMIT!" Lucifer screamed as he turned and hit the wall, knocking a lamp over in the process. Hearing Lucifer scream like that and then something else break, Sam made the decision to burst into the room.

"Lucifer! What's going on?! Is everything alrig…." Sam froze and just stared at the display before him. The Archangel's wings were spread wide in a display of anger and strength. His body was twisted from where he put all his power into punching a hole in the nearby wall. Those blood red eyes glaring daggers at the human before his lips twisted into a sadistic grin.

"Well, well, well. Hello Sammy. Like something you see?" Lucifer purred as he turned fully towards the hunter, his wings still on full display and arched high. Sam's mouth was suddenly dry and he found himself at a loss for words. The Archangel looked far from beautiful, his wings were patchy with balled spots, and his skin was blotchy with blisters and sores. Sam didn't know how to feel about the state of Lucifer's vessel and wings. He should be beautiful, his wings full and glorious. This, this was an Archangel that was left to suffer. Alone, angry, and broken. "Hello? Anybody in there?" Lucifer's eyes still shown red. Sam blinked and turned to close the door, locking it behind him. "What are you doing in here Sam? Here to make me act like you dog? You sure as hell have me collared like one." The Archangel growled. The hunter turned back toward the Morningstar and leveled him with a glare.

"Sit on the bed." Sam finally managed to say.

"Excuse me? Who are you to tell me what to do?" The devil spat.

"I said SIT!" Sam put more command into the word and Lucifer growled as he felt something forcing him to obey. He sat on the edge of the bed, but kept his wings defiant and his eyes venomous. "Good. Now I just want to look you over. I know that your current vessel was not made to contain you, but I can at least help you with your pain and clean your wounds."

"And what makes you think that I want you to touch me?" Lucifer hissed.

"Well judging from how you kissed me back earlier, I'd say you would love to get your hands on me. So I'm sure you would have no issues with me touching you." Sam smirked as he caught Lucifer's wings twitch.

"Careful Sam. Touching me could result in actions you are not ready to handle." The devil purred.

"I'll be right back. Do not move." The hunter commanded as he unlocked the door, leaving it open as he headed down the hall. He knew everyone else was asleep and wouldn't go investigating. He grabbed some first aid supplies and headed back to Lucifer's room. He placed the items on the desk and went back to close and lock the door again.

"Why do you keep locking the door Sam? Afraid big bro or your boy toy will walk in here and see you being all intimate with the devil?" Lucifer goaded.

"No, I just thought that maybe the devil wouldn't like anyone else seeing his wings. Especially in their current state." Sam retorted as he grabbed a cleaning gauze and the hydrogen peroxide. The Archangel narrowed his eyes and the hunter chuckled as Lucifer's feathers puffed up a bit. "Now, this is most likely going to sting, especially on your wings since those are most likely more sensitive. I'll try to be gentle so long as you sit still and behave yourself." Sam stated as he poured a generous amount of the peroxide onto the gauze. The hunter started with the sores on the Morningstar's body first, well at least his upper body. Sam wasn't quite ready to see the devil naked. He finished up with the wounds on the Morningstar's face and chest before kneeling on the bed behind the Archangel and began working on the wounds littering his back. Lucifer hissed when Sam reached a particularly sensitive wound near the base of his wings. It was slowly oozing pus and blood from the area so Sam cleaned it as best he could and got some fresh gauze to cover the area with and tapped it in place. "I'm gonna have to keep checking this spot and applying fresh gauze every now and then until we can find a way to keep your vessel from deteriorating. Once Gabriel is back to full mojo, he'll be able to make a new vessel that can contain you that looks just like this one, only not covered in sores."

"Fine. As long as he doesn't try to make me look like Tom Ellis, we're good. I'd much prefer your body but that would be weird having two of you walking around, then again, it would be fun to screw with your brother." Lucifer chuckled. The thought made Sam laugh too at the thought of him and Lucifer pranking Dean and him not knowing who to blame. He didn't really know how to take Lucifer wanting his body because with him, he could've meant it both ways and that thought made Sam shiver slightly. 'God, Gabriel what has being with you done to me? I should not be thinking about Lucifer like that.' Sam thought as he finished dressing and cleaning the wounds he could see on the Archangel's skin. He then looked at the state of Lucifer's wings and sighed. "What?"

"I just…I can only imagine how bad your wings must hurt with all those wounds and bald spots." Sam sighed again as he gently touched the wing closest to him. Lucifer shouted as his wing jolted back from the contact, knocking Sam back into the wall.

"I'm sorry…I wasn't expecting…I'm not used to…" Lucifer shivered.

"I understand. It's fine. I should've warned you that I was about to touch your wing." Sam grunted and groaned as he stood up and rubbed the back of his head. "Did I hurt you when I touched your wing?"

"N-No…their just not used to being….touched. Gabriel was the one and only person to have ever touched my wings…and to have you, my true vessel touch them, it felt like electricity went through them. Not in a bad way, just unexpected…" Lucifer sighed and refused to look at Sam. The younger Winchester face was filled with a series of complicated emotion. This lost being in front of him had tortured him and all but raped his soul for years and then plagued his mind at all hours of the day, and yet at this moment, he felt something close to sympathy for the fallen Archangel.

"If you want me to leave them be for now, I will understand. I may not know much about how Angel wings work, but I know enough to know that the smallest touch can cause severe pain. It's just that…your wings need some desperate attention…I just feel like I need to try to help ease your pain, especially after you saved the idiot Archangel that I am falling fast for." Lucifer bristled at those last words but the settled after he thought about it.

"No…you can clean them. Just be as gentle as you can be and very careful. There are certain places that are more…sensually sensitive over a more stress relieving touch. You understand what I am trying to say?" Sam nodded and walked over to the edge of the bed, letting himself kneel on the bed and shimmy over to kneel behind Lucifer once again.

"I'm going to touch them now. If it starts to hurt or start other issues, let me know so I can ease off or move." Lucifer just nodded and Sam took that as him understanding. The hunter lifted his hand and held it a few inched away from the withered wings. He steeled himself before letting his hand come into contact with the downy feathers. The Archangel stiffened at the contact but at least he didn't send the human into the wall again. Sam very gently ran his fingers through the feathers, pulling loose feathers free as he came across them and straightening out others. He took a damp cloth he'd grabbed with the medical supplies and began wiping out the blood and dirt that had collected on the feathers over time. He watched as Lucifer twitched and fidgeted a few times as he was stroking the feathers. "Are you okay?"

"I'm fine. Just getting into a more sensual area."

"I'm sorry. Do you want me to move to a different area? I don't want you to get uncomfortable."

"Heh, funny coming from you. I should be the one worried about making you uncomfortable. Especially after what I did to you in Hell." Lucifer's wings drooped lower, resting on the bed and practically sweeping the floor. "I…I know this is a little out of character for me, but I hope that one day you can find in yourself to forgive me Sam. Just like I hope that Gabriel can eventually forgive me for killing him. I was so relieved to see him standing there beside you, but at the same time a deep searing pain ripped through me to see the state he was in. I don't deserve this…I don't deserve your forgiveness or his. Just…just finish and leave me. Please." Sam watched as the Archangel withdrew into himself and sighed. He finished grooming the Light Bringer's wings and gathered all the wasted gauze. He threw them in the trash and came to stand in front of the pained Angel. He gripped his chin and made the devil look at him.

"Everyone deserves a chance at forgiveness Lucifer. That includes you." Sam said before he steeled his nerves and leaned down to capture Lucifer's lips in a chaste kiss. The Archangel whimpered into the kiss before the human pulled away. He looked the Morningstar in the eye and gave him an earnest smile. He noted the tears threatening to fall from the devil's eyes but chose not to mention it. "Give us time. Earn our trust and soon you will have our forgiveness. Now get some sleep or rest. I don't know what you prefer to do but Gabe and Cass have taken a liking to sleep." Lucifer just nodded, shifting his wings out of sight, and laid on his side. Sam pulled the cover out from under him and covered the Archangel before heading over to the door, unlocking it and looking back over to the Angel. "If you need me, I'll be just down the hall with Gabriel." He saw Lucifer nod before he turned out the light and left the room. That night, unknown to everyone else in the bunker, the devil cried to himself. For there is no rest for the wicked.

I really hope you enjoyed this moment with between Sam and Lucifer. I know I got very OOC with them but I can't help it. Lucifer to me just seems so lost and hurt and in much need of just someone to comfort him and see his pain and sadness that he doesn't want anyone else to see and I strongly believe that if anyone were to be allowed to see that side of Lucifer, it would be Sam and Gabriel. I promise that it's gonna get juicy again soon so please bear with me. I hope to see you next time! Until the next chapter! Bye-bye! :3