Disclaimer: I do not own Harry Potter or any of the other franchises that will likely be making an appearance at a later date in this story.
xXx Lily Evans-Potter's Multiversal Journey xXx
xXx Arc 0 - Prologue / Ch. 2 - A New Wizarding World xXx
xXx Wednesday, June 22nd, 1994 xXx
xXx Ground Floor, St. Mungo's Hospital xXx
Lily suddenly became aware of the world around her. Even without opening her eyes she could already tell that she was in a hospital. The smell of antiseptic was just THAT overpowering.
Slowly she opened her eyes and looked around, the first thing she noticed was the tall partially blonde woman sleeping in the chair next to her bed with a concerned frown marring her features. Lily instantly knew who this woman was, 'What is Narcissa Malfoy doing in the same hospital room as me?'
Suddenly the door opened and one of the few faces that Lily would have given anything to see right now looked into the room, Andromeda Tonks, "Oh! You're up?"
Hearing her sister's voice caused Narcissa to awaken as well. When she did she looked around blearily before her eyes settled on Lily and she realized that she was awake.
"Er… why aren't I dead yet?" Lily asked confusedly.
"Funny you should ask that," Andromeda stated, "The Monitoring Desk just informed me that the charms that were placed on you to monitor your vitals detected a blip. For a fraction of a second it was as if you were actually dead, but then everything went back to normal. Do you feel alright, dear?"
"Er… fine, I think. What I mean is why hasn't Lady Malfoy…" as soon as she said the name Narcissa began glaring at her.
"Come now, no need for titles between cousins, now is there?" Narcissa asked.
"Cousins?" Lily asked confusedly.
Andromeda sighed as she sat down in the empty chair, "Of course, Lily. You are the daughter of our mother's brother. That makes you a member of the Rosier family, and makes us first cousins, don't you remember?"
"Er, sorry, not really." Lily admitted.
Narcissa smirked and said "Well then, we will need to inform Gwenog that you are benched for the rest of the season. Won't do to have their best Beater not remembering who she is."
'Beater? But I can barely fly!' Lily screamed to herself mentally as her face knitted up in horror at the idea.
Andromeda emitted a "Hmm" as she took in the sight of her cousin's face, "Something tells me that bludger to the head did a lot more than give you a case of amnesia, didn't it? Still, it is heartening to know that you at least recognize us, or at the least Cissa. I do have to wonder what made you think she was going to kill you however."
Narcissa huffed and said "It probably has something to do with my husband, or do I need to remind you of his past activities?"
"Yes, but as I seem to recall, when the Dark Lord fell, your husband was one of those who rejoiced the most out of anyone," Andromeda said sagely.
"It's true, Lucius has no love for serving the Dark Lord, and would sooner die than allow himself to be drawn back into that lifestyle," Andromeda explained.
Lily nodded as she accepted the explanation. Who knew that things were going to be this different in this world.
"Er… when… um when can I go home?" Lily asked.
"Well, once the Mediwizard checks you out to make sure you have no lasting signs of a concussion, and that the amnesia is only a temporary side effect, then I believe you will be allowed to return to the apartment you share with my daughter," Andromeda explained.
Lily's brows shot up into her hairline before she frantically began looking around the bed and table for something.
"Whatever is the matter, Lily-dear?" Narcissa inquired.
"Mirror, I need a mirror," Lily screeched.
Narcissa sighed and pulled a pocket mirror from inside of her purse, handing it to the frantic girl.
Lily looked at herself in the mirror and could instantly tell that her form had not aged a day from when she had left her original world, however looking at Narcissa and Andromeda instantly informed her that it had been at least a decade in this world since the date that she had died in her reality.
Which meant, that the Harry Potter of this world would be at least eleven years old, if not older; guessing someone's age based on appearance isn't an exact science after all, while Lily herself was only twenty-one years old.
"Buggering hell," Lily said quite succinctly.
"Language," both of the older women in the room chided Lily.
xXx Three Days Later xXx
xXx Reception Area, St. Mungo's xXx
In the three days since Lily had arrived in this universe, she had miraculously begun to absorb the knowledge, memories… and apparently the abilities of the girl whose body she now inhabited. Miraculously the girl's name had really in fact originally been Lily Rosier, so that was useful at least.
Among the odder things that Lily had discovered was that originally Lily Rosier looked absolutely nothing like Lily Evans, yet no one seemed to be questioning the sudden change in appearance that had occurred. As useful as that was, Lily could help dreading what the actual Lily Evans-Potter of this reality. She couldn't help but recall what Kate had said about how most people would have chosen the option to live rather than to selflessly sacrifice themselves in the hopes that it might save their son.
What kind of repercussions would that other ritual have had on the Potter family?
"Watcher Lils!" a peppy girl with bubblegum pink hair said as she walked up to the chair that Lily was seated in. Lily vaguely recalled this girl's name being Nymphadora.
"Hello Nymphadora," Lily said in greeting only to watch in amusement as the face of the girl in question bloomed into a bright red blush.
"Lils… you know not to call me that unless we are at home… behind lots of privacy wards," Nymphadora whinned cutely.
Lily frowned momentarily in confusion before she looked at the girl and said "Oh… OH!" that second 'Oh' being accompanied by Lily's own blush of embarrassment.
"Well… shall we get going?" Tonks inquired.
"I suppose so. I still haven't quite remembered where we live…" Lily sheepishly admitted.
"No worries Lils. I will show you where we are. Piece of cake. Now grab hold and we shall be on our way." Tonks said happily.
"Er, okay." Lily said as she grabbed the other girl's arm. With a loud snap the two girls vanished from St. Mungo's.
xXx A Short Time Later xXx
xXx Apartment 214, Kipper Appartments xXx
xXx Horley, Surrey, England xXx
"Welcome to what we both decided to call the Lilypad. We are living in Horley, Surrey, and you owe me an explanation on how you managed to get blindsided by a bludger like that." Tonks stated as she showed Lily around the quaint four bedroom apartment.
"Just a question, but why did we get a four bedroom apartment?" Lily asked.
"Well… I believe it was because we wanted a place to stash a drunken Charlie Weasley and his friends whenever they decide to crash the pad." Tonks explained.
"Okay… hold up… who's Charlie…" suddenly Lily got flashed a memory, "Um… red hair, extreme over fascination with extremely large flammable objects?"
Tonks snorted saying "That about sums him up, yes. He got a job in 1991 as a Dragon Handler in Romania. Haven't really seen hide nor hare of him since."
"Er… exactly what year is this anyway. I am slowly regaining my memories, but not one of them has told me the year, and everyone at the hospital thought it amusing to keep me in the dark. They even forbade me from reading the Prophet or… whatever the Quibbler is… until I left." Lily explained.
Tonks scowled, sometimes a prank could go too far, being the niece of one of the Marauders had taught her that lesson long ago, "It's nearly the end of the 1993-1994 Hogwarts School Year, if that helps?"
Lily's mouth dropped open in shock. If that was the case, then it meant that Harry was almost fourteen years of age, assuming he was born at the same time in this universe as he was in hers.
"I… I think I need some rest. I'll see you later, Dora," Lily stated.
"Dora?" Tonks asked.
"Well, if I can't call you by your full first name, then I will call you Dora. Of course don't expect me not to use your full name to embarrass you when you least expect it, doll." Lily said with a mocking grin, as she slipped out of the room into the bedroom that Dora had indicated was hers.
Once inside the room she noticed a small sheet of parchment on the bedside table. Walking over to it, she picked it up and red the contents, which were oddly written in Greek. Fortunately that was a language that she had learned years ago.
"Dear Lily,
I would like to let you know that you are keyed to any and all protections that have been put in place over your son. However, you are not actually biologically related to the Harry Potter of this universe or any of his immediate family. The Potter and Rosier family have never bred with each other, so there is no blood connection, and the Evans family is one hundred percent muggle prior to the Lily of this universe, as you should know.
Have fun with that,
"What the heck?" Lily asked in confusion just as the piece of parchment disintegrated in her hands.
Lily shrugged and went over to her wardrobe and looked inside of it, "Hmm. I may need to go on a shopping spree. Dora appears to know how to have fun, but the vast majority of these clothes are entirely too prudish for my tastes."
Sighing to herself, Lily pulled out the most appealing nightgown and went about changing into it. It was an entirely modest outfit, but at least it hugged her curves in all the right ways. Once she was changed she went ahead and tucked herself into bed for the evening. It was unfortunate that the Hospital refused to release her until after the evening meal that day.
xXx Two Days Later xXx
xXx Rotisserie, Harrods, London xXx
"And then the bastard had the nerve to yell out his bloody mantra at me two inches away from my ear in the loudest voice he possibly could manage," Dora finished explaining the latest problem she had run into with her mentor at the Auror Department.
Lily snickered at the story before saying "I read in the Prophet that they were forcing him to retire at the end of the month."
"And about bloody time too." Dora complained.
"So, is it true what I read in the other paper… that a year ago the School had a snake infestation?" Lily asked her friend.
Dora snorted and said "Yeah, that's true. Madam Bones wasn't very happy with the way the old man handled that situation. Of course she wasn't very happy with the Minister over what happened at the School this past year either now that I think on it."
"Why? What happened?" Lily asked.
Dora developed a sheepish look before saying "Sorry Lils, the Minister has declared the entire incident classified. Unless it is one of the people directly involved who tells you, I don't think you will be hearing what happened anytime soon."
Lily pouted at her friend before asking, "Can you at least tell me what the big secret at the Ministry is all about?"
"Well… I would have thought your teammates would have mentioned one of the two things that is going on…" Dora said smugly.
Lily thought about that for a few seconds before doing the math on something in her head. Suddenly she clapped a hand over her mouth and asked in a muted voice, "That's this year?"
"Yep. Our tickets are bought and paid for courtesy of the folks down at Holyhead," Dora said with a happy grin on her face.
"Oh! Well that is nice. But I am afraid I am going to have to inform the team that I need to be placed on the reserve roster from here on out. I just don't have the passion for it anymore. Fortunately my contract was flexible enough where I only needed to actively play ten games and then I could chose to sit the reserve," Lily explained. She would still need to be on site for the games, but since they happened on Saturdays they shouldn't interfere with what she truly wanted, and needed, to be doing in this world.
"Well that's alright, I'm sure they will understand, though I suspect your fans will be disappointed," Dora said.
"Oh please, the only reason anyone is a fan of our team is for the eye candy, and you know it," Lily said sarcastically.
"Well… you have to admit, it's tasty eye candy," Dora said as she morphed her eyebrows into ridiculously bushy ones and wagged them suggestively.
"DORA, you can't do that in the Muggle World…" Lily chastised.
"Oh relax, I put a notice-me-not on myself before I did it," Dora said sarcastically as she reverted to normal and removed the charm.
xXx Monday, July 4th, 1994 xXx
xXx The Lilypad, Living Room xXx
Lily was lounging on the couch when she suddenly realized that she could finally remember everything about Lily Rosier's life. She had of course quickly done the math and figured out that when she should have been in seventh year, Harry would have been entering his first year.
With that realization, she quickly reviewed the Sorting and Opening Feast of that year in Hogwarts and came away from it with a rather startling discovery. In this world there was both a Harry Potter and a Eachann Potter. Apparently they were twin brothers.
Upon further review of that school year, Lily discovered several disturbing facts. First was the fact that Eachann was a gluttonous pig that was both highly arrogant and at the same time completely incompetent. Next was the fact that while Eachann was clothed in the finest of robes, Harry, when not wearing his School Robes, rarely wore anything which was not second hand and at least three sizes too big for him. To make the clothing issue even worse was the fact that Harry appeared to be horribly malnourished at the start of the year, making it so that clothes that were three sizes too big when worn by a normal boy of that age were effectively four sizes too big for Harry.
If that weren't enough, apparently no one decided to inform Harry about the School supply of Nutrient Potions. Which meant that when he went back to wherever he was staying for the summers, his condition would only get worse when he wasn't able to get the same overwhelming amounts of food that were available at Hogwarts.
Dora walked into the room, about to head off to work, so Lily looked up and asked "Dora, does the Ministry know where Harry Potter is taking up residence? I mean it can't be Potter Manor given the disparity in the condition of the two boys, can it?"
Dora actually had the grace to wince at that question, "Er, yeah… it's definitely not Potter Manor, that's for sure. Lady and Lord Potter decided they would be 'gracious' and allow Lady Potter's older sister to raise the boy, if you can believe that?"
'Petunia? But she hates magic…' Lily thought to herself in confusion over the things running around in her head. This clearly made no sense.
"Anyways, I really need to be off. See you tonight Lily," Dora said as she kissed Lily on the cheek and left the apartment.
Lily just sat there for several minutes contemplating what she had just heard before making a decision.
Standing up, Lily went into her room, opened her wardrobe and pulled out a white blouse that wasn't one of her see-through ones. She then went to her dresser and pulled out a comfortable pair of jeans, and one of her sets of casual knickers and a matching brassier. With those selected she went about getting dressed for what could potentially be a very unpleasant encounter.
xXx A Few Minutes Later xXx
xXx The Park Near Privet Drive xXx
Lily apparated to the only apparition safe point in the entire neighborhood, or at least it was where the apparition safe point would be if the circumstances were at all the same as back in her home dimension where she actually personally set up the protections for this apparition point.
It took her very little time to realize that, yes, the safe point was in fact here.
Once that was done, Lily began walking down the street towards #4 Privet Drive. About halfway there she heard loud raucous cheering coming from the side alley and the distant sounds of flesh against flesh.
Frowning to herself, Lily turned and moved in that direction. Upon arriving she discovered a gang of six boys. Two were restraining a young raven haired girl, while the other four were taking turns laying into… Harry. 'DAMMIT!'
Taking out the cellphone she had bought while in London the other day, she had also gotten Dora one as well, Lily coughed loudly enough to get everyone's attention. Once she had it she began punching in the numbers '9-9-' she never finished dialing as the boys all took the hint and skedaddled.
As soon as they did, Lily put the phone away and moved over to the boy saying "Are you okay?"
The boy looked up at her blearily before he haltingly asked in a pained voice, "M-Mother?"
Cast List:
Liliane Angelique "Lily" Rosier (Formerly Lily Marie Evans-Potter) = Karen Gillan
Narcissa Malfoy = Naomi Watts
Andromeda Tonks = Bernadette Peters
Nymphadora Abigail "Dora" Tonks = Abigail Ratchford (resting state) / Michelle Lewin (active state)
Hereweald James "Harry" Potter = Daniel Radcliffe
Eachann Sirius Potter = the unholy lovechild of Ronald Weasley and Draco Malfoy, only with black hair
Mysterious raven-haired girl = Emily Rudd
Special Note: With the exception of the raven-haired girl; I will only be listing a given character in the first chapter that they appear in. The reason I did not list Lily in the previous chapter is because I was waiting for her to be introduced under the name that she will be known as in this story before I gave her entry in the cast list.