Skypher: Yo guys. Wasn't that final insane?! Man, I couldn't handle it! I was numb for days! But, I've come to my senses and I wrote a colab with a friend of mine. Just a small note, I'M NOT ABANDONING GRAVITY FALLS BECAUSE IT'S OVER. I'm staying here. You can count on it. I'll probably move to other things and It'll be slow but I'll stay in this fandom as long as it lives. I'm pretty sure Falling will too c:

Dorito: Hey, just wanted to note that this may contain some language or intense scenes, but nothing too bad! Still, if you're bothered by that crap, feel free to find something else to read. Also, REALITY IS AN ILLUSION THE UNIVERSE IS A HOLOGRAM BUY GOLD BYYYE!

Skypher: Omg doritz wai. Please R&R thanks, guys c:

Dipper and Mabel quickly ran off the bus, throwing themselves into their grunkles' arms. The older set of twins had come home for the summer to visit the two.

Dipper looked around with a small hum. He smiled as he realized everyone of their friends had come to pick them up. "Everyone came to see us?" He asked, a smile growing. Everyone was here. Stan, Ford, Soos, Wendy, Melody, Pacifica and even some of the forest's monsters had come to visit.

Mabel cried out loudly, running over and tackling Candy and Grenda to the ground. "I missed you two so much!" She squealed. Speaking of squealing, waddles snorted, following in her footsteps off the bus. They saw the bus driver roll his eyes before leaving the stop.

While they caught up, Dipper smiled brightly, jogging up to Wendy. She looked down at her old hat on the kid's head with a smile. She knelt down and hugged him tightly. "Welcome back to the forest, you dork." She rubbed at his head. Dipper smiled back, hugging as well. "I missed you too." He shut his eyes, "it's nice to be home." Wendy smiled, "Home is happy to have you." She gently ruffled his head. Dipper's smile only grew, as he stared up happily.

"Alright," Ford called out, catching everyone's attention. "All greetings aside, we should probably get the kids back to the shack." He smiled and looked at the children. "They look like they could use the rest."

Dipper hummed quietly with a yawn. He looked down at his bag. "I guess I am kinda tired," He admitted. He squeaked out quietly as Wendy pulled the shorter teen up onto her shoulders. Soos did the same for Mabel. They all walked back to the shack chanting 'Pines! Pines! Pines!' much to the annoyance of the neighbors. It was nice to be home.

A few days passed by like lightning in a storm. The twins had recently destroyed their clustered mess of a room, spaces cleared for new goodies and gizmos to line the walls. They were currently walking in the forest. Dipper was equipped with a new journal with a pine tree cover; 'follow your own dreams, Dipper.' Ford had said. Mabel, of course, had her trusty grappling hook.

All of the creatures and critters in Gravity Falls appeared to have adapted to live alongside the townsfolk. They seemed to be more open and friendly. Mabel was not far away playing tag with uni-squirrel kittens. Dipper called Mabel and her little friends over. He opened his journal, making a quick entry on them. It wasn't nearly as great as Ford's, but it was still pretty good. The twins waved the squirrels goodbye and rested under a rock structure.

Dipper sighed, packing his journal into his vest pocket. He leaned back against the rock. "I missed this forest," he admitted, shutting his eyes.

His twin hummed in agreement. She looked up at the trees around her before turning to her brother. "I don't care what they say," She smiled brightly, "Gravity falls is what I consider home. The city sucks!" she groaned.

Dipper nodded in agreement. "Home is where the heart is," He spoke with a smile.

Mabel nodded. She sighed slightly and rolled onto her back. She kneaded the grass through her fingers. "I don't wanna leave Gravity falls."

Dipper stopped staring into the distance. He turned to her with a raised brow. "We just got here."

Mabel stared up at the sky. Clouds rolled by with the gentle breeze. "I don't wanna leave… ever."

Dipper smiled sympathetically. He was personally used to not having a lot of friends or being with ones that are unsupportable… But Mabel was devastated by leaving her friends behind last year. He sighed and patted her arm. "Hey," He called, "We're here, right?" He asked, a smile on his face. "We gotta make the best of it while we can."

Mabel smiled. "Yeah!" she looked up at him, "We go- Ahh!" She yelped, scooting away from Dipper.

Dipper perked up and whipped around to what she was facing. He squealed himself and hopped up and away. Bill. Well… What he left behind anyways. The stone statue of the former dream demon was covered with a thin layer of moss, carrying a crack or two.

The twins took a minute to catch their breaths before turning to each other. Mabel slowly stood up, holding her grappling hook out for safety. She shakily placed a hand on the surface of the stone. She raised a brow and knocked gently. Nothing. She knocked harder. Still nothing. She knocked, prodded, poked, kicked and pushed. Still no reaction. She laughed and turned to Dipper. "It's safe!" she called.

Dipper sighed in relief, walking over himself. He raised a brow, "So this is where that dumb monster went." He mused. He gently knocked on the stone, "Serves him right."

Mabel nodded. She then laughed and turned took a marker out of her sweater pocket. "Wanna help me vandalize him?" She asked. She uncapped the marker and was about to start drawing when Dipper took her arm.

"Wait…" He called as he extended an arm, motioning to the statue, "This is basically his grave. Do you wanna stoop so low to write on someone's grave?"

Mabel sighed, recapping the marker, "I guess not." She gave Dipper a smile. She then looked up at the sky, squinting at the sun. "It's getting late." She hummed. "We should get back."

Dipper nodded, picking up his stuff and turning to his twin. They both turned and marched back in the direction of the Mystery Shack. If they had stayed a moment longer, they would have noticed the statue glow golden for a few moments before dulling again.

The twins went through the rest of their evening doing their best not to mention the statue, though it was odd for both of them to think about the final remnant of their most dangerous enemy sitting in the woods, not too far from their home. Neither of them could truthfully say that they hadn't had a few nightmares, or that it had all blown over in their minds. They thought he was gone, but it seemed a part of him always survived the chaos. Would they be stuck with this until they died?

Dipper, at least, did not sleep well that night. He couldn't keep himself asleep for more than a few minutes at a time, always reawakened by the worries that Bill wasn't really dead yet, that he was just… dormant, or something. Whatever the case, it worried him. Nobody really understood anything about the demon besides his love of chaos and cruel nature. And to be honest, nobody really wanted to find out.

But maybe he was overreacting. They had erased Bill from existence, along with Stan's memories, even though those had been recovered. All that remained was the physical form of the triangle… but the thing that drove the discord onward had been shattered. Yeah, Bill was dead, gone, and he couldn't hurt anybody.

Dipper sighed quietly and turned over in his small, slightly uncomfortable bed. It was nothing, just a statue in the woods covered in moss, just a run down grave in the forest. There was nothing scary about that. He'd just stay away from that area. Yeah, that was it. Stay away and you won't trigger some weird ancient revival magic triggered by being poked by your worst rival. That was a good plan.

The next day came around quickly. The two twins were still paranoid. "Alright," Dipper huffed, turning to Mabel. "Enough is enough, I barely got any sleep last night and we're not going to unless we get this off our chest." Mabel only looked slightly confused. "We have to tell someone about Bill."

Mabel gasped a bit too loudly. "We can't tell anybody! If we mess with that triangle too much we might wake him up, and it'll ruin our summer again!"

"We're not going to get a wink of sleep until we know it's safe." Dipper retaliated. He sighed, "We'll tell Great Uncle Ford about this and he'll help secure him in case of the worst." He spoke. "Now come on," He walked downstairs and out of the attic.

Mabel grudgingly followed Dipper into the kitchen. Ford was already there, eating severely burned waffles coated with syrup. Dipper sighed at and sat down across the table. "Ford, we have something we need to tell you, about what we found in the woods yesterday."

He perked up and looked down at them. He set his fork down and turned to them. "What did you find, Dipper?" He asked. "Is it important?"

Mabel gave her brother with a worried glance before looking back up, "It might be better if we explain on the way."

He woke up in the woods, where the air smelled like pine, and the grass was cold with dew, and the sun was shining down on him warmly. He didn't remember anything, not his name nor his purpose for existing in the world. And why was he questioning his existence anyway? Wasn't that reserved for more advanced beings? And what was to say he wasn't an advanced being himself? Wow, this was one heck of a revelation for just waking up.

He realized he was on his side, so he sat up, feeling droplets slide off his sides from the dewy forest floor. He looked up at the sky and wondered what he was doing there, in the woods Oddly enough, the glowing cat-sized triangle didn't feel like he belonged there, even though it was literally the only thing he knew in his life. He felt like he belonged somewhere else, somewhere with more… something.

How odd. He sighed and shut his eye. He didn't appear to have any limbs to move with anyways. Nowhere to go so that's alright. He perked up to the sound of rushed footsteps. He flinched as a human with… familiar floofy hair rushed into the clearing with a gun. "You're in for it now, Bill!" He yelled.

The triangle felt himself being launched into a tree. He screamed at his own response, continuing to shout "HELP HELP HELP" as he got caught in a sappy pine branch. What a rude awakening.

Dipper walked up with a backpack on his shoulders. He raised a brow. "What the heck? Can't he just… fly down?" He looked up at his grunkle, confused.

Ford huffed, "I have a feeling something might have happened to him while frozen like that." He mused, letting out a huff and rubbing at his forehead in thought. He then turned down to his grandnephew. "I'm going to shoot that branch down, I need you to catch him, alright?" He asked.

The triangle squeaked in fear. "What? You're going to let me fall down? Uh, nope, I do not like that plan, can we try another thing that involves less of me falling down from 10 feet up in the air, please? Yeah, that'd be great!"

Ford rolled his eyes and shot at the branch, letting him fall through the air. "Grab me! Grabe me! GRAB ME!" Bill squeaked out. Dipper rushed over, catching the branch in his arms. He stared down at the triangle. He snatched some gloves from his backpack, and snapped them onto his hands, removing Bill from the sappy branch.

"Ow, OW OW don't be so rough kid, that HURTS!" Bill was yanked from the branch, and he immediately started asking about who they were and where he was and even who he was. Dipper rolled his eyes and shoved the triangle into his backpack, where he would scream for a few more minutes before giving up.

Dipper then turned back up to Ford. "We should get him back to the lab," He spoke. He then flushed, slightly embarrassed. "R-right?" He asked. He refused to take the full-time apprenticeship but he couldn't help himself over the summer. He took it as a part time job. Mabel was just is important.

Ford nodded. "It's a shame that screaming demon doesn't have a mouth to duct tape." He huffed, looking at the backpack sheltering the triangle. He was currently asking nonstop questions, muffled through the fabric. None he got answers to.

Bill bounced around uncomfortably in the pack as he was carried toward an unknown destination. He felt chewed up pens poke into his sides and got smacked in the face with a notebook, screaming as it happened. It was dark in there, and he did not like the dark, not one bit.

Dipper sighed as he and Ford set Bill out on a lab table. Ford grabbed a scalpel and, as Dipper winced, poked into Bill with it. Bill gave off a quick squeak but nothing more, as the little knife didn't even dent him. Ford sighed. They were gonna need something with more kick if they wanted to figure out anything about the triangle.

"W-wait!" Bill cried out, "What are you doing? Who are you people?" He squeaked.

"Great Uncle Ford, wait!" Dipper exclaimed. "I...I think he's scared." He explained. "I've never seen him like this before." The boy gently pushed his great uncle's hands away. "I don't think we should hurt him."

"I'm sorry Dipper, but it must be done." Ford searched around for a minute before pulling out a chainsaw. He raised it above Bill's head and, with a moment of hesitation, screamed, "THIS IS FOR SCIENCE YOU MONSTER!" He brought the saw down quickly, and even though Bill screamed loudly, it did nothing. "This is a resilient triangle. I'll go get the energy sword."

Ford left Dipper standing next to the table, looking down on the shivering creature. He felt guilty about it, but deep down he felt pity for Bill at that moment, seeing him stripped of memory and then watching an old scientist try to cut him apart. It must have been traumatic.

Ford returned with an energy sword powered up and glowing with blue light. He raised it over the cowering demon and inhaled sharply. Dipper took a sharp breath, snatching the triangle from the table. "This isn't right!" he yelled out. "Dont deny it, Grunkle Ford!" He yelled. Oooh, Grunkle. This was real anger then. "You know he doesn't remember anything! He doesn't even remember how to have limbs and you're still focused on getting revenge on him!"

Ford sighed and rubbed his eyes. "I don't want revenge Dipper, I want to find out his secrets. This would be a revolutionary discovery… But, alas, you're right. This is wrong." Ford turned the glowing weapon off and set it down on a table nearby. "We need to figure out what to do with him, though. If we instill in him how to be good, we may put his powers to use, as a benefit to the whole world."

"Um." Bill hummed, "can you stop talking like I'm not here?" He then looked around nervously, "T-that… is my name right? Bill? Is that what you guys are calling me?" he then looked down at the ground, "Or is my name monster?" He asked. "I don't know…" He looked stressed… upset… depressed. Poor guy.

Dipper couldn't help but frown. The triangle nearly destroyed the universe but here he was. In the young boy's grasp no bigger than a kitten with no memory of who he was.

Ford sighed. "Your name is Bill, and even if you don't realize it you are incredibly powerful, but you have to use powers for good Bill, or we'll have to lock you away again until you can behave." Bill's eye widened but the triangle nodded a bit in understanding. "Dipper, take him upstairs, and bring me some aspirin…"

"r-right…" The young boy frowned nervously before taking him upstairs. He then poked his head down from atop the staircase. "wait what do I with him?" He asked.

Ford huffed, rubbing at his forehead, "Just go!"