Valentine's Day Dance

Disclaimer: I don't owe HEY ARNOLD!

Two girls were sitting at the lunch table, watching a Football Headed kid and a not so Tall Hair boy walk through the cafeteria doors. "Arnold is so cute! I really want to ask him to the Valentine's Day dance. Do you think he would go with me?" The dark brown headed girl said to her friend.

"I don't know, he might. He is really nice and I don't see him dating any girls." The girl with the red hair and pointy nose said back to her friend.

The dark brown hair girl turned to her friend and asked, "so, do you think I have a chance?"

Before her friend was able to answer, someone answered for her. "No, you don't."

Both girls turned their heads in the opposite direction, to where the voice came from to see a girl with long black hair and another girl with long blonde hair. "Excuse me. I don't believe that we were talking to you." Rhonda was walking pass the girls table with Nadine, but stopped when she heard the two girls talking about one of her friends.

Rhonda smiled at Nadine, then turned her attention to both girls. "Well fair warning, Arnold is taking and you will never have a chance with him."

"Says who?" The girl with the red hair and pointy nose requested.

These girls really don't know who I am, will they are going to find out. Rhonda thought to herself, before answering the girl back. "Says the girl who knows everything that goes on in Hillwood High."

The girl with the dark brown hair put her hands on the table and said in a challenging matter, "if you know who Arnold is dating, then tell me."

Nadine laughed to herself, "you would not believe it, if we told you. You just have to wait and see for yourself."

The girl with the dark brown hair, turned her attention to Nadine and said, "I've been watching Arnold for months, I would have known by now if he is seeing someone."

"Well, that shows that you are not observant enough." Rhonda responded back.

Nadine and Rhonda moved to the lunch table next to the two girls and set down. Nadine whispered to the girls, "watch Arnold carefully, and who he talks too."

The four girls turn their heads to the direction of where Arnold was walking from the lunch line with Gerald. Not paying attention to where he is going, Arnold crashed right into a tall blonde girl, who was a little shorter then him. The girl was no other then, Helga G. Pataki. The four girls observed Helga yelling at Arnold and Arnold apologizing to her. They witness Helga walking away from him in out the cafeteria doors. They observed Arnold saying something to Gerald and turning in the same direction as Helga in walked out the cafeteria doors. They observed Gerald shaking his head and rolling his eyes before walking to a table in sitting down.

The girl with the dark brown hair, turned her attention to Rhonda and Nadine. "The only person he was talking to was Gerald and Helga G. Pataki. Are you trying to tell me that Arnold is gay?" There is no way in HELL, Arnold Shortman was dating the former class bully, as in Helga G. Pataki. They hated each other. The dark brown hair girl thought to herself.

Rhonda and Nadine looked at each other, then started laughing. "No wonder you are having trouble finding a man, you are clueless. Come on Nadine let's go talk to someone who will listen." Rhonda and Nadine got up from their seats and walked to the other side of the cafeteria.


On the other side of the cafeteria, you had the three Stooges, as everyone called them, Harold, Stinky and Sid. As time passed by, they were always getting into trouble together. Now that they were in high school, and in the 10th grade, you would think they would change, but no they were always trying to pull a prank on someone and always ending up in detention. Last year, at the Valentine's Day Dance the three boys went to the science hallway and broke into the science lab to steal the mice. The three boys let the mice out at the dance, which caused Eugene to fall into the DJ, break the DJ's equipment and his legs in the process. The three boys were suspended for three days.

The Valentine's Day Dance was coming up on Saturday, but this year was different, the two of the three boys had a secret and did not know how to tell the other boy. The two boys had dates and did not know how to tell him. "So, what are we doing this year guys for the dance?" Sid asked his two best friends. Stinky and Harold looked at each other then turned to Sid. "What am I missing something?"

"Well you see Sid, Harold and I are going to the dance." Stinky said.

Sid nodded his head, "yeah I know. We always go together."

"That's the thing, we have dates." Harold stated. Sid stopped nodded his head and looked at Harold and Stinky in shock. They have dates, since when did this happen. Sid thought to himself.

"I am taking Ms. Lila and Harold over here is taking Ms. Patty." Stinky explained to Sid. "You can still come with the four of us to the…"

"And be a third wheel, no sorry, a fifth wheel. No thanks." Sid crossed his hands over his chest and said, "I can't believe that you guys have dates and did not tell me. What am I supposed to do? Sit around, staring at the wall and watch you guys dance all night to…to…love music. Are you kidding me?" Sid yelled at the both of them.

"Sid…" Stinky tried, but Sid did not want to hear it.

"No, it's fine." Sid responded with a sarcastic attitude. Sid grabbed his tray of food and stood up. "Go to the dance with your girlfriends, see if I care."

As Sid was walking away from the table, Harold said, "It's not our fault that we have dates and you don't."

Sid just continue walking to the garbage and ignored Harold's comment. As Sid was throwing out his trash, Nadine came up to the garbage and threw hers out too. "Hey Sid, how is it going?"

"How is it going? Really Nadine, how can you ask that question?" Sid said angrily.

"What's wrong with you?" Nadine asked taking back.

Sid sighed, before answering, "It's this stupid Valentine's Day Dance."

"Okay, what about it?" Nadine asked concerned.

Sid looked around to make sure no one heard him, "Everyone has a date and I don't. And when I said everyone, I mean Harold and Stinky. It's not like I have not tried asking any of the girls to the dance. They keep saying no to me." Sid put his arms up motioning to Nadine to look at him. "Hello, have you seen me?"

Nadine shakes her head and says, "Sid, I've seen you ask girls to the dance. The problem that you are having is not with how you look, it is the way you are asking them."

Sid put his hands back to his side and looked at Nadine with confusion.

Nadine sigh, "You ask girls, like they are a piece of meat that is waiting to be devoured. When you ask a girl to the dance they want it to be special, something that comes from the heart." Nadine puts her empty tray on the counter and pats Sid's shoulder. "Think about it before you ask the next girl you come in contact with to the dance." Nadine then walked away, leaving Sid in his own thoughts.


"Helga, can you stop walking away from me? I am trying to apologize to you." Arnold yelled out in the hallway outside of the cafeteria, as he followed behind her.

Helga stopped in her tracks, turned around and looked at him, "You are always trying to apologize, you stupid Football Head."

Arnold continued walking towards her with a smirk on his face. "Yeah and you never let me." Arnold stated-matter-of-fact.

Helga continue to watch Arnold walk towards her until he was directly in front of her. "Maybe, I don't want your stupid apologize, Hair Boy." Helga said sarcastically.

"Well, what do you want, Helga?" Arnold said husky, as he closed the distance between them.

"Maybe, I…I want you to…leave me alone." Helga said nervously. She could feel Arnold's body heat, because he was standing dangerously close to her.

"I don't think you do Helga." Arnold started leaning closer to her. "I think you want me around…all the time." Arnold's lips were inches away from Helga's. Arnold placed his hand on Helga's lower arm and continue to move closer to her.

Helga's eyes started to close as she started to lean into Arnold. Just as their lips brushed each other, the cafeteria door opened and a female's voice called Arnold's name. "Oh Arnold. I need your help."

Arnold sigh to himself. He has been trying to tell Helga how he feels for months or more like years, and every time someone or something always comes in between him telling her. Arnold let go of Helga's lower arm and turned around to the person who was calling his name, it was the dark brown girl from earlier. "Hi, Jessica. I was just in the middle of something. Can I…"

Helga shake her head, from the trance that she was in, Arnold was going to kiss me. Why would he do that? I hope he is not still on that FTI confession, because that was years ago. She thought to herself. She was not planning on staying around to hear what her Football Headed, beloved had to say, so she interrupted him. "That's okay, Jessica. Jessica right?" Helga confirmed, the dark brown hair girl's name, but before the girl can answer, Helga continue on to what she had to say. "Anyway, me and the Football Head here, are done talking, so you can ask him anything you want." Helga finished and walked around Arnold and Jessica to head back into the cafeteria.

"Helga, wait." Arnold stated.

But Helga ignored him and said, "See you around, Hair Boy." She continues to walk into the cafeteria without looking back.

Arnold sigh with frustration. Every time he is close to talking to Helga or anything that is about to happen between them, something happens. He is tired of holding back his feelings for her and tired of not being able to talk about FTI. It's been six years, six long years and he is ready to make his on confession. At this point, he might have to grab her, throw her over his shoulder and locked them in a room, so he can confess.

Arnold turned his attention back to Jessica, his friend. She needed his help and he always wanted to help a friend in need. He puts on a smile and said, "what can I help you with?"

"I was wondering if you can help me with my science homework after school in the library? Everyone says that your amazing in science and you are the guy to come to." Jessica said shyly. She now saw what Rhonda and Nadine was talking about with Arnold and Helga. But, she's been watching Arnold for months and she wanted him to take her to the Valentine's Day Dance. She told herself that she would do anything for him to take her and not Helga G. Pataki to the dance. She just had to put her plan into effect.

"Sure, no problem. I don't mine helping out a friend." Arnold give her in encouraging smile.

"Oh gosh, Arnold. Thanks." She walked up to him and gave him a hug, which startled him. This is new. She must be really shy and innocent. Maybe it was really hard for her to ask for help. Arnold thought to himself. If only he knew what was really going through her mind. 'He is mine. I can't wait until he asked me to the dance.' Jessica thought to herself. Arnold patted her back as she hugged him for a couple more seconds, before letting go. "I guess; I will see you after school Arnold in the library."

Arnold nodded his head and said, "Yup, right after school."

A/N: Hey guys! I know, I have not finished writing my other stories, but I wanted a break and I started this one. I hope you guys enjoy it.