A/N: Guys, you are all simply amazing! I would like to thank you all for ALL of the Reviews and all of your words regarding the story! I saw some of you smiling, others were crying, and I can also say some of you threatened me during the time you had to wait XD Well, the waiting is finally over, for the last chapter is finally here! I have no words to express how happy I am to finally be posting it, and at the same time it's sad to say good bye to this AU, I'm also feeling proud of myself for making something that brought so many amazing people together! Finding that AU was amazing, and receiving your answers was even better! Thank you for reading it, and I hope you enjoy the final moments of His Protector! And yes, I also want to know your final opinion, so please, leave me Reviews!




It was past 8 p.m when the pinkette finally managed to leave the city court. After many boring sessions and after having to teach that twist to all the guards of the court, the Haruno girl could say she was exhausted. Not a single muscle of her body wanted to move, and never before walking home had been so tiring.

Perhaps, she shouldn't have helped all of those guards.

Perhaps, she shouldn't have spent her whole day thinking of him.

Yes, her mental exhaustion was a lot bigger than the physical one.

And it was all because of his stupid words.

Remembering his words as she walked down the streets was already something automatic for Sakura. For she had re-watched the whole scene playing inside her head for the past few hours, the pinkette had already memorized everything. She remembered how his body reacted at each new word that escaped his lips, and she remembered how her heart would skip a beat at each new realization.

She hated it when he called her a coward, but accepted it as soon as she realized she was afraid of her feelings.

She was pissed when he said she was running away from him, but couldn't deny it when she thought about the real reason behind her job switch.

She was afraid of her heart's reaction when he said she wanted her by his side forever. She was afraid, because deep inside, she wanted the same thing he did. And as soon as she reached that conclusion, Haruno Sakura felt as if her whole world was falling apart.

Her logical side was getting mixed with her feelings, and her heart was beating faster at the mere thought of his eyes. There was something wrong in her stomach, and she just couldn't stop thinking about him!

Her freedom was slipping away, and she was letting that happen.

She was letting Sasuke tie her to him, and nothing inside of her seemed to be strong enough to fight back. Sakura just couldn't resist him anymore, and for her that was incredibly annoying.

Where was that cold side of hers?

Where were her calculated actions and her controlled feelings?

She was blushing, for god's sake!

How could she change so much because of one person?!

Was it the so called love?

Honestly, as a defeated sigh escaped her lips, the pinkette decided that she didn't want to know. It had already been a crazy day for her, and now she just wanted to go home, where she would think about what the next day would bring to her.

She just wanted to rest.

But who said her day was over?

Poor girl… If only she knew.

It was only when she crossed a dark alley that her senses alerted her about a man following her steps. Sakura watched the dark figure from the corner of her eyes, as she was now trying to lure him into her own trap. Her plan was to offer him a favorable moment to attack her, so she could prepare a counter attack.

It would be simple, she thought.

But nothing will ever be simple in her life.

As Sakura had predicted, it didn't take long before her stalker decided to make his move. He came from behind, trying to punch her back, but failing when she dodged his attack by simply stepping aside.

Amateur, she thought.

But when he quickly spun around, aiming for her stomach, the girl realized that man did have some good reflexes.

Too bad hers were better.

Her fist was the next thing that met his stomach, making the man crouch down in pain. His lips were parted, and for a moment, he managed to say something. Something that would certainly save his life.

" S-Sakura… "

" Uh?" Her eyes widened in surprise for a moment. How did he know her name?

"It…. Sasuke."

But most importantly, how did he know his name?

Anger took over her senses and before she could even think, the pinkette grabbed the man by his shirt and roughly pressed his back against the wall. Apparently, he knew Sasuke's name, and in the reality they live, that alone would be enough to threaten the raven haired boy and his whole family.

That man certainly knew too much, she thought.

Oh, poorly she knew that he knew it all.

" Who the hell do yo- Sasuke?!" Her eyes widened in shock as she could now see his dark orbs shinning in the darkness. There was a painful expression ruling his face, and soon she realized the reason behind it.

The pinkette had just punched Uchiha Sasuke in the stomach.


But who told him to surprise her like that?!

" Y-You surely have a heavy fist, Sakura…"

" Sasuke! W-What the hell was that for?! What are you even doing here!?"

" Isn't it obvious? I'm here for you, Sakura…" He smirked. " I'm here to kidnap you."

Silence took over her for a couple of seconds as she tried to figure out the meaning of his words.

So he was going to kidnap her.

He, Uchiha Sasuke, kidnapping his former bodyguard, Haruno Sakura…

Was he an idiot or what?

Honestly, Sakura couldn't believe what that boy was trying to do, and she couldn't understand how he actually thought that was going to work. She didn't know what was going on his head, but she certainly knew what was going on her heart.

At last, the Uchiha had made her lose all of her senses. At last, he managed to made her explode, and at last he managed to drive her completely insane. The pinkette couldn't care less about all the drama involving them anymore, and none of his tricks mattered anymore. She didn't care about anything that is not him at that moment, and she just couldn't be happier than at that moment.

Sakura was going to be kidnapped, and she was enjoying every second of it.

She was going to be kidnapped by the one who stole her heart. And nothing seemed to be more pleasurable than that.

At last, she surrendered to love.

At last, she surrendered to a life tied to Uchiha Sasuke.

And so, when she was finally aware of her madness, the pinkette let out a joyful laughter as her grip on his shirt loosened. For the first time ever since they met, Sasuke was able to hear her laugh, and his cheeks blushed immediately at such cute sight.

His bodyguard is certainly beautiful.

And she's only his.

" Why are you laughing, Sakura?"

"Oh, come on, Sasuke… Did you honestly believe that would work?"

" Hn."

" You really are an idiot, Sasuke!" She laughed more, making a smile cross his lips.

" Tch, This is all your fault, you know?"

"My fault?"

" Of course… Normal approaches don't work with you. That's why I have to surprise you in order to get your attention."

" Oh, surprise me?" She lifted an eyebrow in curiosity, with an idea crossing her mind. If he wanted a surprise, she would give him one. Oh, and what a nice surprise that would be.

" Yes. Hn, you know, Sakura… You can be quite a-"

The strong grip on his shirt cut in his words as he felt something pulling his head down some centimeters. His eyes remained opened in awe for a while, as he saw as the pink haired girl claimed his lips with her soft ones.

He couldn't believe what was happening at all.

Was she really kissing him?

Was she really doing that?

Yes, she was.

And how surprising that was…

Her lips remained smoothly pressed against his for almost a whole minute until they had to breath. Sasuke saw as her cheeks were red and as her rib-cage was going up and down along with his. Sakura was definitely beautiful at that moment. Oh, and what a nice moment that was.

" Annoying…"

" Tch, just shut up, Uchiha!"

Following the lead of their needs, both of them resumed from where they had stopped, with their lips moving perfectly together at that moment. She let go off his shirt so her hands could be wrapped around his neck and she could play with his dark locks. Slowly, the raven haired boy spun their bodies, pressing her back against the wall and earning a soft giggle when she realized the sudden change of positions. He accommodated his body on hers, smirking against her soft lips as he nibbled her lower lip to ask permission to get in. A permission that came almost immediately, allowing him to deepen the kiss with his tongue.

They soon started a frantic dance inside their mouthes, brushing their tongues against one another, as they roamed around each other's sweet insides. His hands were cupping her face, as his thumb was slowly caressing her red cheeks, making the girl smile like he had never seen before.

That kiss was certainly amazing.

But there was one more thing left to be done.

While they were still trapped in that frenzy, Sakura could feel his hands slowly sliding down her body. They were passing through her shoulders, going down her waist, and when she finally moved her own hands to stop him, the pinkette felt something cold sticking around her left wrist. It was something small and hard, and before she could even try to guess, a sound echoed on her ear.


Sakura opened her eyes in confusion, just to see a pair of handcuffs wrapped around their wrists. The girl was confused at first, but when she looked at the Uchiha, everything was explained.

" Why did you handcuff us?"

" Hn, isn't it obvious? I'm tying us together as my dad suggested."

" Did he really say anything about handcuffs?"

" Not exactly... But this way you won't get away from me."

" Tch... I am your bodyguard, aren't I? I'm not going anywhere."

" I'm glad to hear it…"

"Oh, really? Why?"

" Because I don't have the keys…"


That boy certainly needs to be watched 24/7. And who better than her to guard his body?


Well... As always, it's up to you...