Stay tuned friends. Yes I'm doing this. Exams are over and I am writing this prequel!
I've been pretty much MIA since last year in terms of writing and I've missed it dearly.
I hope you like DJWIFI.
It will be called "Friendly Persuasion". And I will be adding a preview in this mystical "chapter five" so you can read through a bit of it and see if you're willing to read it.
I hope you are having a happy holidays where ever you are!
(And if you have exams, good luck and I feel your pain.)
Lately Nino realized that his life kind of evolved around the Akumas. His girlfriend was always looking for them and had a hard-on for Ladybug (a worthy adversary for Alya's love - he knew this coming into their relationship), Adrien would get days where all he could think of was Ladybug, and Marinette sometimes reminded him of her - with the pigtails and stuff. Adrien can try to deny it but he's a hopeless Chat Noir fan too, Nino had caught him laughing too hard multiple times at Chat's puns that honestly weren't really that funny. He still didn't think that "Spots is the Cat's meow" was that funny, however it would make a good shirt to sell on the Ladyblog. In fact it was legitimately something Chat had said once; the first thing Nino woke up to that morning was a post on the Ladyblog entitled, "Things Chat Noir has Actually Said" which contained cringe worthy puns and wordplay too clever to have been invented on the spot or during a fight, which insinuated that Chat planned them out somehow.
'Heh. On the spot.' Nino thought with a grin. 'Adrien probably already thought of that one but he'd be proud.' Nino's phone buzzed in his jean pocket and he smiled as he saw who it came from.
'Speaking of the devil.'
Adrien: "Mental note: never leave school grounds during an akuma fight on a Monday."
Nino: "Dude where did you end up this time? Last Monday you travelled pretty far."
Adrien: "Farther than last time. Saw Alya too."
Nino chuckled at that. The last akuma managed to carry Adrien halfway across the city. He said that as soon as he stepped out to talk to the Gorilla he always gets swooped into moving crowds and can't exactly break free until they've travelled quite a ways away. But that's just Adrien for you, too polite to cut through and get out of said crowds so instead he just stays for the ride.
Nino was pretty sure Adrien legitimately enjoyed walking about, seeing Paris through his own eyes instead of in the shadow of the Gorilla, and for that Nino never said anything. He didn't know why Adrien felt the need to justify why he always disappeared but Nino never pried. He was his bro, not his babysitter.
Instead he would be the best friend his sheltered bro could ever want. And the best wingman for Marinette at the same time