Hello, my lovely Gladers. I would like to thank you for following this story until the end. It's been great seeing how many have read it and seeing all the lovely comments and reviews. They really make my day.

It's the end of an era. You have all followed Skylar through her trials. It was so great to write this story and I hope I can come up with an even better sequel. If you have any ideas don't hesitate to review or send me the idea directly. It doesn't matter. All requirements for the Sequel are at the bottom of this chapter. Good luck.

I would like to apologize for the delay. I recently saw The Death Cure movie and lost track of time in my excitement.

Also, I have edited Chapter 27 just a tiny bit. Check it out if you wish. 'Just thought you ought to know.' (Who gets my reference?)

Disclaimer: I still don't own anything. It all belongs to James Dasher

Here's the ending you've all been waiting for. I hope you like it. :)

Chapter 28 - Epilogue

After four months Brenda was tested again and proved to be cured of the Flare.

We all had a great celebration after that announcement.

I was kept very busy trying to help reverse the effects of the drained kids. Teresa and Newt were the main helpers but Tommy and Aris also tried to help.

Minho was put in charge of defense, along with Jorge. He seemed to thrive there. Clint helped the doctors while Frypan was back in his element, the kitchens.

Ava Paige had gone back to WICKED to tell people the news and to start mass producing the cure.

Only Janson seemed to be unaffected by the news. He'd been dragged kicking and screaming from the camp once Ava knew about the cure. That had been great to watch.


Newt and I grew increasingly closer, trying to make up for the year apart. Our young love developed into a more mature and understanding relationship. I was expecting a proposal soon; we may have a long engagement but that was fine with both of us.

Tommy and Aris became my brothers again while I gained a sister in Teresa.

Teresa had slowly shown her feeling for Tommy and now they were dating, I think. It was complicated.

Brenda and Minho could also be seen sneaking quick kisses or holding hands. I was happy for them but it was bloody weird.

I had finally given out all the files I stole containing personal information. It turned out that most of our parents were deceased. Only a few lucky ones even had siblings chosen by WICKED. Most relatives had died in the mazes, caught the Flare, or were in draining comas. Not much else was known of our past lives. But it didn't matter. We were making new lives with those who had become our family in all but blood.


Waking the other kids was becoming increasingly frustrating. Nothing seemed to work.

After weeks of frustrations and failure Aris was actually the one to discover the problem.

"Why do we even need the formulas? Can't we just wake them slowly while giving them back what was drained?" Aris had been irritable lately so his sarcastic remark would usually have been ignored. This was the exception.

"Bloody hell Aris! You're a genius!" I raced past a bewildered Aris to find Teresa and Newt. I had to tell them what Aris had suggested.

Newt looked hopeful when I told them. "It could work. We'd just need to take into account how long they've been there and how much was taken. Some kids might not be able to be saved. You can only go on until a certain time after being drained of your blood."

Teresa nodded along with his explanation. "Newt's right. We have to take a bunch of things into consideration." She gave them both a determined look. "Now, let's get to work."


We worked nonstop for the next week.

Finally, we had a mix that would wake the person while providing us with the time to inject the lost blood and other nutrients.

We tested it on the first kids taken and they woke but they were too far gone. We kept trying but until we reached the section before Rachel nobody was helped. The kids who were taken a month before Rachel woke and we were able to save them.


The night before we were to wake Rachel, Newt pulled me aside. "Can you meet me on the cliff before dinner?"

I nodded with a smile. "Of course Newt. I'll be there."

When I went up I found Newt sitting on a blanket with a picnic prepared. "Newt. what's this for?" I asked after hugging him.

He smirked, "you'll have to find out yourself."

I smiled. "I'll get it out of you eventually." I winked at him before going to sit down. Inwardly smirking, I noticed that Newt had gulped. "Come on, the food shouldn't suffer"

I giggled when Newt shook his head and sat down across from me. "Of course not, my lady." He bowed which made me giggle harder.

The dinner was a simple spaghetti dish with chocolate cake for dessert. "Oooh...Chocolate cake, my favorite." I clapped my hands together like a little girl.

Newt laughed at my childish act. "Anything for you love."

I kissed him. "Thank you. I'll have to return the favor in the near future." Newt smiled before digging in.

We chatted while eating the cake. When we had finished Newt led me to the ledge overlooking the campsite.

"This place is so romantic. And I can't help but be at peace. Finally. No running for our lives. No WICKED after us. And no more looking behind our shoulders." I said with a relaxed sigh as I sat down.

Newt chuckled from behind me. "Good that."

I turned around to see him watching me in slight amusement. "What? Have I got chocolate on my face?"

Newt shook his head with a fond smile. "No. Not chocolate."

I tugged on his arm, trying to get him to sit down with me. "What is it then?" I asked fondly.

Newt ran a hand through his hair. "I had hoped for this to be more romantic."

I blinked in confusion. "Romantic? Why-" I stopped speaking as Newt bent down on one knee. He looked nervous and I felt my heart begin to beat wildly.

Newt cleared his throat. "Ever since I met you, I've felt different. You gave me hope." I let out a watery chuckle, trying my hardest not to cry. Newt gave me hope as well; hope that even trapped in that maze we could still feel love and friendship. "When you arrived I was running from my problems. I had withdrawn slightly. When I saw you glare up at us boys like a caged tiger, I immediately felt something." Newt paused to take a breath.

He grinned at me as I failed to wipe away a few tears. "I think I realized that I loved you after Minho started teasing you. I had never felt like that before so I hid my feelings. I know now that you did it too. The week we avoided each other was terrible. I couldn't think straight." I smiled slightly as he continued to talk. I had a feeling where this was going. "Now, looking back, I feel grateful to George and Minho. They gave us the push we needed cause we were too bloody stubborn to do it ourselves."

I giggled, standing up. "We were stubborn, weren't we. I guess we have Minho to thank for that." Newt laughed as I began to pull him into a standing position. "Come now, we can't have you injuring your legs. That position must be very uncomfortable."

"You are ruining my proposal, Sky." Newt chided jokingly. "I'm not finished. I planned it perfectly." He said only half serious.

I chuckled, giving him a kiss on the cheek. "We have never been perfect."

Newt smiled knowingly before continuing as if I hadn't interrupted him. "When you vanished I was devastated. I didn't know what to do then. George was the one who showed me how to live again. When he died I just lost it. He was like my kid brother and he was my last link to you. I guess that's why I jumped." I closed my eyes briefly. When I opened them again I saw the same pain in my own blue eyes reflected in Newt's brown ones. We would never forget that moment. I pulled him in for a hug before letting him continue. "When I woke two days later it was actually Minho who snapped me out of it. He said that I owed it to you to live my life and escape. He was right."

Newt gave a watery chuckle, rubbing a finger gently on my cheek as if to check that I was real. "When I saw you at the warehouse I thought I was seeing a bloody ghost. I couldn't believe it. Since you didn't see me I guessed that you were a trick of the mind. That theory seriously wavered when you addressed Minho. I felt three emotions when I saw you in that forest: hope, sadness, and hate. I thought it might be another bloody trial. It hurt to think that someone was giving me false hope. When you were the one to claim that I was the one who'd died I was so confused. I couldn't figure out why you'd think me dead. I never knew you had seen me jump." Newt closed his eyes. "I guess...I had hoped you'd never know."

He opened them again, gently taking my hands in his. "Obviously you saw since you were in denial. When we realized that it was real it felt like a part of me had returned." He looked into my eyes and I saw only love reflected. I didn't even feel the tears slowly slide down my face.

"Skylar, when you were gone I felt like the world had ended. I need you. You are a part of me. You complete me and I love you. So..."

He got down on one knee again. "Skylar, will you marry me?" I nodded quickly, tears streaming down my face. It felt as if words had failed me.

He gave me a lovely rose in place of a ring. He looked nervous as he gave it to me. "I know it's not a ring but..."

I stopped him by kissing him passionately. "It doesn't matter. I love it. It's beautiful...And I love you. My fiancée." He kissed me to show my what he couldn't put into words.

That night I fell asleep smiling.

The world was finally at peace; once again filled with love and family.

Life was good.


Now I'm going to tear up. It's great to feel the accomplishment of finishing a real story.

Also, rookie mistake, I discovered just now as I'm editing that Clint was killed during the Maze Runner movie. That slipped my mind as I wrote this. Whoops.

Also, for anyone who has read The Fever Code I am ignoring it. I read it after first writing this and I didn't see any real need to change my story. Also, I would recommend reading it for those who love the series.

Anyway, I would love to thank all the readers. You make my day just by reading the story. It was a first to see people read my story and like it. I just love all your comments and ideas. It was a pleasure to entertain you




If you have any ideas here are some requirements for a sequel

Sequel: Dark as the 'Night'

- five years into the future

- pairings: Newt/Skylar, Brenda/Minho, Thomas/Teresa

- Aris/Rachel should be a pairing but they won't be a main focus

- Janson has to be the main antagonist

- the Flare or some other version of it has to make a reappearance

Any ideas you can be posted a review, PMed to me, or DMed me on Instagram (Tmr_Potterhead250)


I appreciate every one of you and I thank you for sticking we me through the story

Later Gladers,
