Disclaimer- I do not own batman, any of the characters or Gotham.

Enjoy, and I apologize if anybody comes off OOC.

The day had started off like few others, calmly. It was a Saturday, and after last night's patrol, everybody was taking it easy. Waking up rather late for the family, aside from Alfred, of course. Nobody had been injured for a change, but it was a draining night. There were no big threats on Friday, just many mediocre villains, gang fights, and robberies.

As it was pretty late when the bats finished patrolling, Jason begrudgingly agreed to spend the night at the manor. He must have been very sleep deprived, because he ended up outside his old room. He didn't say anything, just yawned, muttered, 'Night Alfie.' And disappeared inside his room.

Nobody commented on it. Dick, Tim, and Damian just bid Bruce, Alfred, and each other a good night and went into their rooms as well.

Bruce stood where he was, looking at his sons' doors, Jason's the longest, until his father figure coerced him into going to bed and getting some rest. Without fighting, the millionaire did what he was instructed, falling asleep as soon as his head hit the pillow.

The next morning, or rather, a few hours later, they began to stir. Jason woke up the earliest, after Alfie. He spent a few minutes just lying awake in his bed, remembering what happened last night, and where he was. Looking around the room, nothing had changed, aside from his now rumpled sheets. Everything was the same as it was just a few years ago. The sheets, the clothes, books homework. Finally, he couldn't stand the tight feeling in his chest and left the room, hurriedly. In the kitchen, he decided to help the butler out, hoping to get the suffocating feeling off his chest and his old room out of his mind.

An hour later, Tim came down, followed by Damian, ten minutes later. They all made ideal small chat, courtesy of Alfred. Despite just a few hours of sleep, nobody had any energy to fight. They were all enjoying the peace for a change, even Dick when he finally made it down.

When Bruce came, everyone could feel the tension in the air, but continued as they were. Halfway through breakfast, the conversation took a turn.

"So, Bruce, there's something everybody wants to know."

The man in question rolled his eyes, "Dick, if this is about woman.."

The man-child shook his head, smiling, "No, no, no. I want to know why you adopted all boys with black hair and blue eyes. It's pretty narcissistic, really."

"It was not my intention to take in boys with characteristics similar to mine. I just took in those I came across in need of help-"

Everyone ignored Jason's scoff and eye roll.

"- And you boys, curiously enough, looked similar to me."

Dick frowned slightly. "It is weird that we all look similar to you. Where did your traits come from Timmy?"

Tim looked over at his eldest brother, "Got my hair from my dad, and eyes from my mom."

"Hmm. My dad had dark hair too, my mom had blue-green eyes, surprisingly enough. Similar to your's Jay. Speaking of-"

Jason didn't look up, instead stabbing his eggs. "Sheila had blonde hair, my dad had dark brown hair. M- Catherine was a redhead. Probably got my hair color from my dad's side. Got my eyes from Sheila." Under the table, hidden from view, the vigilante clenched his fist every time he mentioned his biological mother or father. Aside from that, there was no trace of emotion on his face. Wanting the attention off him, he nodded at the demon across from him.

"What about you, demon?"

Damian locked eyes with the young man, "Are you really that stupid, Todd? I have mother's eyes and father's hair."

Todd rolled his eyes. "Not what I meant. You look more like your dad now, aside from your eyes and skin, but do you believe you'll grow up looking just like your dad? Besides your differences?"

Damian glared. "Of course, I am a Wayne."

"But you're also your mother's son."

The youngest sneered. "What would you know about mothers?"

Jason glared, anger rising. "Listen you little piece of-"

"Boys! Stop it this instant."

But it was too late for anyone to do anything about it. The wayward son was already rising. "I was just leaving."

Everybody stood, Dick about to go after his first successor, before they all heard the front door slam, and a motorcycle starting and then taking off.

AN: Wow, that was not what I was originally writing. Somehow Jason took the spotlight, it must be impossible for me not to write a Batfam fic that doesn't center on Jason in someway.

Anyway, if you guys enjoy, comment and let me know. If you want, I am looking forward to continuing if you want. This is my first actual fic that i am posting so criticism is much appreciated.

Help would be much appreciated if you have any ideas, just dm me :)

Later guys.
