He didn't want to believe what he was seeing. Stood on top of the tall building, he didn't want to believe that person was the very person who used to be his best friend. "Randall! Stop!" He wished there was something he do to stop him. It was too late. Randall already had a plan on how to destroy everyone of Monte d'Or. Talking it through with him was a lost cause. He was already long gone. The Randall from eighteen years ago... that wasn't him. It couldn't be. The Randall that Hershel used to know, this couldn't be him. It just couldn't.

"Randall! This isn't you! This is not who you are!"

"Hmph. Open your eyes, Hershel." Randall smirked. "This is who I am now. How unfortunate that you won't be able to get to know this me."


"Hershel, are you sure you can't talk some sense into him?"

"Angela... I- I wish I could."

"You can. You used to be best friends."

"Yeah... used to."

"Please, can you try?"

He sighed. "Alright, I'll do my best."

He wasn't sure what he was going to say but he needed to say something.


"What are you doing up here? There's nothing you can say to stop me now."

"I know but... I wanted to talk to you."

"...Make it quick."

"This isn't you. No matter how many times you say this is the real you, I refuse to believe it. Please, just think this through, think about what you're doing. We all missed you Randall..."

"Did you?" He didn't sound convinced at all. "Angela married Henry, I doubt she really missed me that much."

"It's not like that."

"Oh really? What's it like then?"

"Revenge isn't going to benefit you in any way, Randall, you're not going to feel any better about yourself, what are you trying to achieve? What's killing all these innocent people going to help you achieve? We want the real you back, as our friend."

"You don't get it..." He mumbled, looking away.

"Get what?"

"I... I thought I could finally succeed at something. I've always envied you. You never let anything bother you, how? I've always felt like I'm a failure, especially with you always succeeding. I don't get it Hershel, you're always so calm about everything. I always wished I could be like you..."

"Randall I... I didn't know you felt that way... why didn't you say anything to me?"

"I always wondered why you were even my friend in the first place, I wonder why I had any friends at all." He started tearing up. "I don't deserve any of the friends I had."

It then clicked to him.

"What have I done..."

He dropped to his knees and buried his face in his hands.

"What have I done?! I thought it was you all who betrayed me but... I'm the one who's betrayed you!"


He stood up. "Hershel... I'm sorry."

"It's okay Randall, let's get down from here."

"I'm not going to destroy you all." He took a step closer towards the edge.

"Randall what are you doing?"

"Thank you, Hershel, for everything. I can't live with myself now. I don't deserve to live."

He took another step so he was right at the edge.

"Randall no!"

"Goodbye Hershel." He was about to take another step off of the edge.

He grabbed Randall's arm before he could.

"Let go. It's okay."

"Randall I'm not losing you again, I've finally got you back after eighteen years, don't do this, please!"

"Why do you care...?"

"You were my best friend. One of my only friends. I didn't know what to do with myself, everyone blamed me for what happened. If you do this, I'll blame myself. Don't do this."


He managed to move Randall away from the edge.

"I've done so many unforgivable things."

"I've already told you, we're just glad to have you back."

"I'm lucky to have you as a friend, Hershel."

"Don't mention it. Now let's get down from here."