Marinette was in her room trying to get ready for her study session today. She got a text from her mom saying that they had a meeting all day and told her that she didn't have to open the shop since she had school work to do. But then, another message came saying to come the front door. She rushed down to see one of her mother's friends there with her two children, a 6 month old boy with brown hair and brown eyes and a blonde, gray eyed 6 year old girl.

"I'm so sorry Marinette, but an emergency came up and I have no one else to watch them!"

"But I," she began.

"Please, it's only for a few hours! I wouldn't ask you unless it was a last resort!"

The pleading look was all it took for Marinette to give in. She took the baby and the diaper bag and lead the six year old in.

"Can you feed them lunch? Also, try to get her to nap afterward."

"But mommy! I'm too old for naps," stomped the girl.

"I'll do my best. Anything else?"

"Yes, he has a rash and needs cream after each changing. I will call you when I'm finished. Usual rate right?"

"Don't worry about that," said Marinette.

The woman sighed; Marinette normally didn't charge for babysitting friends or family but the woman was determined to pay her back.

"Well, I'm off. Evangeline, please listen to Marinette ok?"

"Yes mommy."

The woman left and it was just Marinette and the kids.

"Are you hungry? What would you like for lunch?"

"I want a ham sandwich," cried Evangeline.

As Marinette followed the girl to the kitchen, there was a knock at her door. Marinette looked at the clock.

"Oh no! My study session!"

Marinette answered the door to see Adrien Agreste there. He was shocked to see a baby in Marinette's arms.

"Hi, Mari."

"Hi, sorry Adrien! Last minute babysitting job! It's only for a few hours and it's one of my mom's friends and I couldn't say no," she frantically tried to explain.

"It's ok, it's ok," he said with a smile.

"Do you want to come back later..."

"Marinette! I'm hungry," yelled the little girl.

"Just give me one second Evangeline. Sorry, I should feed them lunch. I'll call you when you can come back."

"Um, do you need any help?"

"Oh, I couldn't ask you to..."

"It's ok, I don't mind. I didn't have anything else planned today. And while I'm sure you've done this before, you look like you could use some help."

Marinette thought for a moment; having an extra pair of hands and eyes would be helpful, especially where Evangeline was concerned. Marinette motioned him to come inside and they headed for the kitchen.

"Adrien, this is Evangeline and her brother, Rembrandt, or Remy. Evangeline, this is my friend Adrien. He's going to hang out with us today so I need you to listen to him as well as me, alright?"

"Ok Mari. Hi Adri!"

"Hi there," greeted Adrien, kneeling down to her level. "How old are you?"

"I'm six!"

"Wow, what a big girl you are," he said in awe and that made Evangeline blush a bit.

"I was about to make us lunch. Do you want anything," asked Marinette.

"That sounds good. What are you making," asked Adrien standing up.

"She wanted a ham sandwich. Is that alright with you?"

"Yeah, I'll take one."

"Can you hold him while I make it," asked Marinette handing Remy to him.

"Uh, I've never held a baby before," said a nervous Adrien.

"Just hold your arms out." He did and she placed Remy in them. "The key is balance and support. Hold him close, place one hand on his bottom and the other on his back." Marinette moved Adrien's hands where they needed to be. "There; I'll go make lunch now."

"What am I supposed to do?"

"Just talk to him, bounce him a bit but not too much."

While Marinette prepared lunch, Adrien just looked at Remy while Evangeline looked on.

"Hey, Remy. What's happenin'?" Remy just kind of stared back. "So, Evangeline; what do you like to do for fun?"

"Can we have a tea party later?"

Adrien felt unsure at the moment. He remembered the tea parties Chloe made him do when they were younger and they weren't all that fun. But the look on Evangeline's face made him cave.

"Sure, after lunch," he said with a smile.

"Uh, nap after lunch and then tea party," interjected Marinette.

"Oh, please," begged the girl to Adrien.

"Sorry, Mari has final say," he said.

Lunch was ready and Marinette placed ham sandwiches and pieces of fruit and vegetables on the table. After picking baby food for Remy, they all sat to eat. Well, Adrien and Evangeline ate while Mari fed the baby.

"Aren't you going to eat," Adrien asked.

"I will, after I feed him."

Adrien made sure he finished first so he could take Remy and let Marinette eat her lunch as well.

"Can I have some cookies," asked Evangeline.

Marinette eyed her plate; her sandwich was half eaten and only a few pieces of fruit and veggies remained.

"Eat a few more bites of your sandwich and two more pieces of fruit and veggies," she ordered.

Evangeline turned her puppy dog eyes to Adrien, hoping he'd cave in. He smirked.

"Mari has final say," he stated.

Evangeline huffed but did as she was told.

"Why is she always giving me that look," wondered Adrien.

"I don't know, you just have that kind of face I guess," chuckled Marinette.

"What, a handsome one," he grinned with a Chat Noir type grin.

"No, a gullible one," she sassed as she removed the dishes and gave the young girl two cookies, who ate them happily.

After cleaning up and settling in the living room, Marinette grabbed a bottle from the diaper bag and addressed the little girl.

"Ok, Evangeline let's get you set up for a nap on the couch," said Marinette.

"Can Adri read me a story first?"

Marinette looked at Adrien, silently asking if he wouldn't mind. He smiled and nodded.

"Go pick one out, ok."

Evangeline ran to the chest that Marinette kept for babysitting purposes full of toys and books while Marinette took Remy from Adrien and sat down at the other end of the couch to give Remy his bottle and get him to nap. Evangeline returned with a story, teddy bear and blanket in hand. She sat next to Adrien and got comfy under the blanket.

"So what did you pick," he asked.

"The Cat in the Hat," she beamed.

"Ah, one of my favorites," said Adrien happily.

As he read the story, he put in effort to give each character a voice and used proper inflections at the right moments. It was a sight that warmed Marinette's heart; it was almost like he was taking care of a sister or cousin or, we're too young to go down that road, but still; it's quite the sight. Adrien had just finished the story to see that Evangeline was asleep in his lap. He gently eased himself away from the girl and sat next to Marinette, who was holding a sleeping Remy.

"How long are they supposed to sleep," he whispered.

"She can go for an hour. Remy is until he wakes up," she whispered back. Adrien nodded and they both sat in the quiet. "I'm sorry," Mari said quietly.

"For what," asked Adrien in a quiet voice as he set the alarm on his phone for an hour.

"I know this probably wasn't what you had in mind doing today."

"Hey, it's fine. It actually felt kind of nice. I don't know what it's like to have siblings and I've never been around little kids, so it's been fun so far. Say, since we're here; how about some studying?"

"All my books are upstairs in my room and if you haven't noticed, I have a baby asleep in my arms."

"I can read those chapters in history for us," Adrien said grabbing his book.

Marinette nodded and leaned in further to listen to Adrien read aloud but not loud enough to disturb the sleeping kids. Marinette tried to listen, she really did. It wasn't that it was boring or anything; his voice was soothing and calm and she suddenly felt sleepy herself. Adrien was halfway through the chapter when he felt something heavy against his shoulder. He looked down to see a sleeping Marinette with a sleeping baby in her arms. He closed the book and took a look around him. A strange feeling came over him.

"Is this what it's like," he thought to himself. "To have a family?"

He looked over at Evangeline; her blonde hair sprayed out on the couch and snuggling the blanket and teddy bear she had. He remembered the gray eyes she had and suddenly thought about how she would look with green eyes. And then he looked down at Marinette with Remy and thought of him with blue-black hair and blue eyes. His cheeks felt hot; why did his mind go in that direction? He and Marinette were kids themselves, trying to finish high school and then university and careers! Not to mention balancing hero work with her. He shouldn't be thinking about THAT! But, for some reason, imagining it with Mari was kind of nice. She'd be a great mom but would he be a good dad? He shook that dark thought out quick. He had time before he would start thinking about that. Who's to say it would be with Mari anyway? But, as he tried picturing it with someone else, it didn't look right. So when he put Mari in, that's when it felt natural, like that's the perfect scenario. His cheeks grew red and a soft smile spread on his face. Maybe one day, but for the time being, he'd enjoy what's happening now. He started to feel sleepy too, so he got comfortable and closed his eyes. He was fast asleep in no time.