Hello, my lovelies! It's been a while, hasn't it?

Here chapter 1 of "The Salvatore Sister; part 2". It's a bit different than any story I ever wrote before, but that's probably because I started watching Nikita... What? It's an awesome show!

Anywho, the next chapter will come, just not yet. This is just so that I can see if you guys like the idea. ;)


Dear diary,

Wow, it's wierd to write these words after such a long time. It really has been a while.

A lot things have happened in the past years... not all of them good. I'll just start from the beginning...

Her mouth hung wide open when she saw the ring. Beautiful and simple, with a small diamond that seemed to cast a thousand colors all around. She and Klaus were together for eight years, and their relationship only grew. True, there were fights, most of them ending with a golden dagger or simply with Papa Tunde's blade. Well, nobody's perfect.

"Yes." She said, with the brightest smile, then kissed him lovingly.

No, we didn't get married! Even if we wanted to... there was a problem. Which I caused.

"Klaus..." She giggled as he placed soft kisses down the length of her arm. "I have to go, I promised Caroline I'd help her pick a dress for the dance."

"Oh, tell her you have other plans." He said, with a smile, then pushed her onto her back and kissed her. Alice hummed, wrapping her arms around his neck. But, only a few moments later, she pulled away.

"What is it?" He asked, looking down at her. Suddenly, she vamp-sped out of the bed and into the bathroom. Klaus heard her coughing.

From that moment on, my life changed forever, and eight months later, I gave birth to a son. But, when I found out that there were people who wanted to use him to destory the Mikaelsons for good, I ran like hell and took him with me. With that, I made the biggest mistake I have ever made in my life – I crossed Klaus Mikaelson.


New York; 2035

She made sure to sway her hips as she walked to the bar. The dress she wore clinged perfectly to her curves and her black hair fell down her back. She sat at the stool and cast a glance at the man sitting next to her. He looked at her, his eyes immediatly scanning her up and down. She smiled a little, but didn't bother to look at him.

"Can I buy you a drink, pretty girl?" The man asked, with a smile. He was most definately drunk and horny, and oddly attractive.

"That depends..." Alice said, with a seductive smile. She then looked at him, flipping her hair a bit in the process. She cast a look across her shoulder and inspected the crowd behind her. Mostly humans, and some vampires. Perfect. "Do I get to choose?" She asked, with a smirk, then plunged a sword in the man's back, causing him to scream in pain.

"Don't bother to call for help, we're very well cloaked." She said. "Now, you will take me to your boss or your soul with end up trapped in this rather nasty stone." She said, looking at the Phoenix Stone on the top of the sword. The man groaned when she pushed the sword a bit further. "What's it gonna be?"


The large door opened, and Alice looked around. The room was big, and full of vampires, most of them much younger than her. She returned the sword to its scabbard that was on her back, then smiled to the person sitting in a large leather chair.

"Surrounding yourself with baby vampires?" She wondered, with a smirk. "That's not very smart. And intruder would be able to come in easily. Oh, and I left the body of one of your minions at the bar, you should probbaly pick it up."

"Killing innocent people isn't really your style, sis." The man said, with a crooked smile. "Where did you even get Rayna Cruz's sword?"

"She gave it to me in exchange for her freedom." Alice simply said. "But it's up to me to continue her job."

"So what, are you gonna get me back into that stone? Return me to the Hell I spent three months trapped in?" The man asked, his voice in a teasing manner. He then got up and walked to her.

"If you're not polite, I might." She said. They both then laughed and hugged. The vampires around them watched the scene intently.

"Oh, I missed you!" He said, when they moved away.

"I missed you too, Damon." Alice said, smiling. "When I heard the newest king of the supernatural world in New York was crowned, I thought It'd be you."

"Yeah, just getting in touch with my inner ruler." Damon said, but his smile soon faded. "What were you thinking? You should have just kept running – this'll be the first place he'll look for you."

"I can take care of myself, brother." Alice said. "I have for twelve years. But, I decided to stay here, in New York. Both of us could use a break."

"I almost forgot, how's my favourite nephew?" Damon asked, as he sat down onto a table and one of the vampires poured him a glass of bourbon.

"You mean, your only nephew?" Alice asked, with a small smile. She then sighed. "He's as fine as he can be. But I'm still worried about him. He keeps asking questions, and... I don't know how long I can keep the truth from him."

"What truth? That his father is the most evil person in the world and that the longer you keep his son away from him, the longer he will torture you?" Damon asked, looking at her. Alice cast her glance downwards.

"Even if Klaus menages to find us... he won't hurt him. He wouldn't hurt his own son, I know he wouldn't." She said.

"What about you?" Damon asked. That question made Alice look up at her brother. He was worried, she could feel that.

"I don't care about me!" She nearly shouted. "I only care about protecting Jacob!"

"I know, and I'll do everything to help you." Damon said, then got up and put his hands on his sister's shoulders. "When do you think I could meet him?" He asked, with a hopeful smile. He hadn't seen his nephew since he was a baby, and that was almost thirteen years ago.

"In a few days." Alice said. "We still have a lot of unpacking to do. I'll text you the adress."

"Sure." He said, then kissed her forehead. "Any news from Stefan?"

"No. The last I heard of him was a few months ago." Alice said, with a sigh. "Apparently, he's in LA." Damon nodded. "I have to go. Goodbye brother."

"Bye Alice." Damon said, giving her a crooked smile. Two vampires walked Alice to the exit, and she headed home, making sure to cloak the sword on her back.


...Never find...

...Where are we going, mummy?

Run, run, run...

...Death... you will die...

...the longer he will torture you...


Alice woke up with a gasp, and she quickly sat up in her bed. She frantically looked around herself.

"Jake? Jacob?!" She yelled, and soon, the boy's face peered through the door.

"I'm here, mom. What is it?" He asked, sounding a bit annoyed. Alice sighed in relief, then climbed out of the bed and went to hug her son. "You're choking me!" Jacob whinced, and she immediatly loosened her grip on him.

"Sorry, sweetie. Where were you?" She asked, trying to cover up her worry.

"I was just getting some water." He said, looking up at her with his bright blue eyes, that were now carefully scanning his mother. "You're scared." He realized. The gift of immediatly noticing what was wrong he definately got from his father, but the gift of mind-reading he got from her. She could also peek into people's heads at a young age, but the ability disappeared almost completely by now. Alice shook her head and kneeled in front of him.

"It was just a nightmare." She said, menaging a small smile. But, Jacob was still staring intently at her, even though she tried hard to cover up her thoughts. With his dirty blonde hair and dimples, he was a spitting image of his father, but he had his mother's eyes and personality. There was, of course, his father's temper and stubborness, but in very small doses.

"Tell me about him‚" Jacob said, and of course, Alice immediatly knew who he was. She sat down at her bed and patted the spot next to her. He obliged and sat.

"What do you wanna know?" She asked, after taking a deep breath.

Well, how did you like it? Good or bad? Let me know in the review. :)