Zach, Gray, Zara and Owen left the hotel room and walked towards the seafood restaurant Gray excitedly running ahead every so often
"Gray wait up" Zara said as she ran to catch up with him
Zach and Owen walked behind, there was an awkward and eerie silence as the last time they spoke Zach was mad at the older man
"Hey kid" Owen said softly as he tried to put his hand on his shoulder but the teenager flinched
"Look, I am sorry about being angry, but I just think that it is not any of your business"
"But kid I care for you and your brother"
"Why though? You do not either know me, heck you literally met me today"
"You reminder me of someone I loved very much"
"It does not matter"
"OWEN!, WE'RE HERE!" Gray shouted
"Coming" he said to Gray "This conversation is not finished" he said sternly to Zach
The four people walked into the restaurant and sat at the table.
"Hi I'm Katy and I will be your waitress this evening what can I get you for drinks?"
"Can we have 4 cokes please? Owen asked
"Sure, I'll be right back with your drinks"
Zach sat in the corner of the booth, his eyes gazing at his legs, while Gray was pestering Owen with random questions about his raptors
usually Owen would have answered the questions properly but he responded with grunts and short answers as he was concentrating on Zach.
Zach noticed the gaze in his direction "Oh I am just going to the restroom"
Owen said the same thing and followed him to the restroom, while Gray and Zara sat in the booth

"Kid please tell me, who did this to you?"
"I can't, he will brutally kill me"
"Not if I can help you, If I can protect you, save you"
"But you are not always gonna be here, heck I am leaving in 6 days, and then I will go back to being hit"
"Kid I can take you away"
"But what about Gray and my mother"
"I will save them as well"
"They will not be up for it, besides Gray doesn't know that anything is happening, he believes that we are a perfect family, I do not want him to suffer"
"But you are the one who is suffering kid, you need my help"
"I just can't tell you who it is it's just..." Zach just crouched and held his head in his hands and cried, Owen knelt down and put his hands on shoulder and knelt down "There, there ,ssh, ssh" He held him close to his chest and ran his fingers through his hair Zach had never felt a sensation like that, specifically from a man, heck the only contact he has had from a man was his father, and that was being punched, kicked or hit.
"Are you ready to go outside Zach?" Owen said softly, slowly wiping his tears from his eyes "We can talk about it later, if you want to"
Zach nodded and stood up as did Owen "Let's go" Owen said as he let go of Zach's hand, before they left the restroom Zach turned around and hugged the older man
"Thank You" Zach whispered. Owen stroked the teenager's dark brown hair and kissed his head. The two men walked outside the restroom and sat back down at the table

"Zach are you okay?" Gray asked his older brother
"Yeah just there is something in my eyes, don't worry about it"
Gray and and Zara continued the conversations
"Are you ready to order?" Katy asked
"Uh yeah I will take a cheeseburger, I do not like seafood" Owen said
"Can we have 2 seafood platters please?"
"And for you?"
"Uh I will take the ribs"
"Good choice"

35 minutes later
"Uh your food is ready" Katy left the table and let the guests carry on with there conversations
"So what are we gonna do tomorrow?" Gray asked quietly
"Whatever you want" Owen said
"Can we go see the mosasaurus show?"
"Sure" Owen said
"How about it Zach?" Owen asked
"Sure, whatever"
Owen rolled his eyes and began talking to Zara
Gray nudged Zach and asked "Are you okay?
"Yeah, I'm just tired"
"Do you wanna go back to the hotel room?"
"No I'm fine"
"Don't worry kid I'll take you back, oh he is already asleep"
"Should I wake him?" Zara asked
"Nah I just carry him there"
"He isn't gonna like that"
"Well there is not any point in waking him up, I will see you later okay?"

Owen collected Zach in his arms and walked towards the hotel room
"Listen kid I am not going to let that man hurt you again I am going to protect you and Gray and your mother, I will save you and whisk you away, I will ensure that you will no longer fear coming home from school or get hurt from protecting your brother. Have you get that?"
Owen entered the room and lay him down on his bed, while he went to get a shower
he washed himself and began thinking how he could get the truth out of Zach, he desperately needed help.
He left the bathroom and saw that Zach was awake and getting his pyjamas on, he had his trousers on but no shirt, revealing the majority of his bruises
"Oh kid I thought it was bad but not this bad"
Zach turned around with in an utter state of shock, "You weren't suppose to see those"
"I guessed " he said softly as his voice started to rise "ZACHARY MITCHELL, YOU WILL TELL ME THE TRUTH, WHO DID THIS TO YOU!?"
He didn't respond and just sat on the bed with his hands on his eyes, wiping his tears
Owen sat down next to him and wrapped his arms around him, Zach rested his head on the older man's shield
"He hits me and kicks and punches"
"Who does?, come kid"