Hello, my friends, it's LA4N10. It is my first fanfic, I hope I will do fine. English is not my native language, so I want apologize for my grammar mistakes, feel free to point them for me, if someone will wish to be the beta for this story I will gladly accept any help. Please review, I'm opened for any critic. =)))

Last sun rays burned in the sky of the Kuoh town when seven-year boy with brown hairs and light-brown eyes hurried home. Boy's name was Hyoudou Issei. He was late because today was the last day before his childhood friend Irina will move out to Europe. Issei didn't want to be separate from her but he couldn't do anything about it. Her father and mother were Christians despite being Japanese, that's why they wanted go closer to the center of this religion. Issei was very sad, his head was hang down, his best and only friend left him and he became lonely again. Issei was very shy and quiet boy, it was hard for him to make friend. Even in case with Irina it was with her initiative they talked and eventually became best friends. When Issei neared the house, he saw that lights were off but he shrugged it off and pulled the door. When door was open, Issei couldn't believe what he saw. His parents were lying on the floor in the pool of blood with holes in their chest. This horrifying scene made him speechless, Issei wanted to shout bat he couldn't, his mouth was opening and shutting but no sound leaved his throat. He slowly approached his parents, hot tears streaming down his cheeks, then Issei fell on his knees and started poke their bodies.

"Tou-san, Kaa-san, wake up," - said boy trying to wake up his parents. Silence was the only answer he get.

"It's not funny, Tou-san, Kaa-san," - said Issei with small smile as he wanted to believe it was some joke. But his parents continued to lie on the floor motionless.

"Please wake up," - he cried his lungs out. At that moment Issei finally realized his parents were dead. His cloth was covered in their blood as were his hands. At that moment Issei finally realized he became truly alone in that world. Issei covered his face with his hands and cried hysterically.

"Ha ha ha, what a touching scene," - said female voice from the darkness of the room. Then dark figure stood from the couch and walked to Issei. It was beautiful woman with long black hair and violet eyes. But that was not that attracted Issei's attention. All he could see was pair of big black feather wings behind her back.

"Wh-wh-who are you?" - asked terrified Issei.

"I'm Raynare, Issei, and I'm fallen angel," - answered woman while smiling widely.

"A-a-angel? And how are you know my name?" - he was scared beyond imagination.

"Of course I know your name, I was send here to kill you personally, ha ha ha," - woman laughed like a mad man. "I wanted to kill only you, but you weren't home so I decided to play with your parents, ha ha ha, they begged not to kill them, it was so funny."

"Why? Why did you do this, we didn't do anything to you?" - asked Issei while looking on his bloody hands. He knew he will die soon, but he wanted to know why.

"Why, you ask? It is because you have power within you, Sacred Gear, which can be harmful to us, so it was decided that you must be terminated, ha ha ha," - said Raynare laughing madly. "If you want to blame someone then blame your God who gave it to you."

'I have power? God gave me power? Why he didn't tell me how I can use it to defend my family? Why he didn't protect us? Why even when I am about to die I can't do nothing to prevent it?' Million thoughts raced through Issei's mind, and every and each of them made him extremely mad. Mad on Raynare for killing his parents, mad on God for not preventing this, and mad on himself for being powerless.

"Now die, my little Issei," - said Raynare, in her right hand was spear of light. In the next moment this spear was in the air and was approaching Issei.

'If I'm about to die then let me use this power once at least to avenge my parents' - screamed in his mind Issei.


Suddenly, world around boy stopped. Inside his soul bright golden flame ignited, Issei's eyes became golden as well.

"Perish!" - only one word left Issei's mouth before Raynare's body were lit in golden light which descended from above. In instant fallen angel turned to ash without a sound.

"Thou art purified." - said Issei and in the next moment spear of light impaled him in the abdomen. Golden flame dyed within him, his eyes became brown again as he fell on the floor unconscious.

In that moment in the Heaven beautiful woman with blonde hair saw this scene. She felt sadness and desperation of this boy as well as his power.

"Poor child." - said Gabriel, that was her name. Then she descended right at the house and kneeled before Issei's body. Bright light beamed in the room as boy's wound were healed.

"Wake up, Issei," - she said gently as her hand was touching his cheek.

Brown eyes shot open in that moment. Issei was confused, before his eyes there was beautiful angel with six pair of golden wings.

"Angel? Am I dead?" - said Issei with endless sadness. He accepted already that he will not live through this night, but he was sad nonetheless.

"No, Issei, you are not dead, I healed you. And yes, I'm angel, name's Gabriel." - answered angel.

"Can you heal my parents?" - asked Issei, hope in his voice.

"Sorry, child, they are already dead, I cannot bring people back from the dead." - said Gabriel.

"If you are angel, then there is God, why didn't he protect them, why didn't he save them, they did nothing bad, why they must die?" - shouted Issei while hot tears were running down his cheeks.

"God is dead, Issei." - said Gabriel with sadness. "And we, angels, cannot protect everyone. It's sad but it's true."

'God is dead' - this words were echoing in boy's mind. Hundreds of millions of people believe in someone who is dead. They hope that He can save them, protect them, bless them, but their prayers go in vain.

"You have power, Issei. You can help people, but even if you have power it's not enough to fight evil on your own. But I can give you more power, child, I can revive you as an angel. I will be mother or sister or anyone you want for you. I will give you more power to protect people, more strength to fight evil, more allies to save as many lives as you can. What do you say, Issei, will you become my knight and bring justice in the name of God even knowing that He is dead?"

Issei's head was spinning. Angels exist, God is dead, he has some power within him, and he can become angel right now to fight evil. It was too much for seven-year child, but seeing his parents died for nothing made him wanting to bring justice upon everyone evildoer in this world. And if becoming angel means more power to eradicate evil, then he will gladly accept such a gift.

"Yes. Yes, I will."

"Good, Issei, I can see your determination. Now I must use one of my cards to revive you as an angel," - said Gabriel and then draw deck of cards from her white clothes. "Now will see what card is yours."

Cards were shining in bright light, but then all cards' light dyed down except one Joker card.

"Joker, ha?" - said Gabriel aloud. 'What power does he contain within him?' - she thought in her head.

"Well then, Issei, be my Joker, become my knight who brings justice upon everyone." - said angel. As words left her mouth, Joker made its way to Issei and entered his chest. Instantly Issei was enveloped in bright light, and his body began to levitate above the floor. After couple of minutes light disappeared, and Issei stood on one knee on the floor before Gabriel, six white wings behind his back.

"Now you are angel, Issei, you are my Brave Knight, my Joker. Thus I bestow my blessing and my love upon you, child. Be pure, eliminate the evil, protect the innocent, bring justice upon guilty." - said Gabriel, then she cupped Issei's face in her palms, brought his face up and kissed him in the forehead. On one second bright light lit the room and Issei's hair were floating in the air, then everything became silent.

"Now stand up, Issei, we are going to heaven." - said Gabriel.

"Yes, Gabriel-nee-san," - answered Issei.

Then she took his hands in hers and they disappeared in the bright flash.

So, that's it. I know that it is short, but I will try to do chapters bigger. Till the next time, guys)))