Chapter 8 :- Reunion at Last

….Until one day he received a letter. As he read it, he had a wide smile with tears falling from his eyes as he said "Thank God….." (Remember the baby face Sanji made when he saw Nami in Thriller Bark xD)

Nami had returned to her village. She stayed there for a couple of days and explained her feelings to her sister. Nojiko encouraged her to go for him in a discussion on the 2nd day. Nojiko:- "You should go see him. You two would be perfect for each other."
Nami:- "And why do you think so?" she asked wondering herself since she had no clue about Nojiko meeting Sanji.
Nojiko:- "Because he came here looking for you. When I told him you had gone to a friend's place, he immediately set out to look for you again. He said he would find you no matter what it takes and probably went to see your nakama. That's why…."

By this time, Nami was already crying with her hands held together on her chest. She needed no confirmation now, not anymore. She realised he always loved her and she was the idiot who failed to see it. How did she ever doubt him, she wondered. She thought how would she face him but not after listening to her sister. Everything was crystal clear to her now and now it was her turn to go searching for him.

She packed and was set to depart the next day. She had a sleepless night filled with restlessness in her heart. She dreamt sweet dreams of her and Sanji together. She felt so happy. This was how love felt like. And in the meantime, Nojiko informed Sanji of Nami's decision in a letter. Yes, that very same letter that made him cry in happiness.

Nami left for the Baratie. Naturally Sanji wasn't going to sit around doing nothing. He had some special arrangements in mind. When Nami arrived in the evening, the Baratie's door was open. There were no customers inside and it was dark with the only light coming from the sunset from an open window.

As she went in, Sanji immediately held her hand from behind and ran with her to another room. She couldn't see his face and couldn't recognise him since it was dark. She scream, "Leave me…Let me go…..Sanji-kun…..Help!" As he opened the door to the room, he said, "It's me Nami-san. I had been awaiting your arrival."
Nami:- "But how did you know?"
Sanji:- "I had asked your sister to tell me as soon as you came back. I also went to Robin, Zoro, Luffy and Usopp to find you but failed. I was worried you know?"
Nami:- "Sanji-kun….." She was touched, she had no words.

Sanji turned on the lights and she was surprised by what she saw. She was already speechless and this left her in further awe. Sanji decorated the entire room, every wall with photos of her, the various moments they enjoyed together. She was looking around it in absolute awe. If that last night was special, this was twice as much but he wasn't done yet. He pulled a table which had a covered dish in it. He asked Nami to uncover it. It was a heart shaped cake with red coloured icing on top of which was written "I love you, Nami-san" in white cream icing. The inside was a chocolate cake with layers of Orange fillings, just as she liked. She couldn't have gotten a more romantic surprise.

She burst into tears, hugging him. Sanji smiled as he hugged her with 1 hand on her back and 1 on the back of her head pulling her closer slowly and gently. Suddenly, she pulled back a bit and started hitting his chest with both her fists while crying and asked,
"Why?! Why do you love someone like me so much. I am a selfish and greedy girl. I manipulated you many times and took advantage, yet you never complained, never objected, always complied gladly with utmost devotion. You would always surprise me, do so much and yet I didn't acknowledge you more than a friend. How?! How could you love someone like me so much? Any other girl would have fallen for you after all this, yet you were still stuck on me. Why? You could have easily found someone better than me. Someone actually worthy of all this, worthy of you." She cried while resting her head on his chest as tears kept falling from her eyes.

Sanji smiled, stroked her head gently and after that, raised her chin so she could look into his eyes. He replied,
"Because any other girl just wouldn't do. I only love my Nami-san and in my eyes, there is no one better than her. Nami-san, let me ask you something. How could I have done so much for someone else when the only one I ever truly loved was you? I was lost in you, since the moment I first saw you, when you were laughing at the Baratie, hitting the table with your hands in laughter. I could never forget that cute face which made me drown in you forever. Ever since then, I was yours and yours alone. You were the only girl I ever loved and only one I ever will…..Well, besides our daughter." (He said genuinely as well as jokingly xD) With a smile on his face, he placed both his hands on her cheeks gently and softly wiping her tears as Nami gave 1 final love punch as she smiled and hugged him.

Sanji served her dinner. They ate the cake and she was waiting as Sanji did the dishes. He later brought her to the balcony of the room. It was already night with stars shining bright. As they gazed at the beautiful night sky, Sanji told her how he gazed at the night sky picturing her smiling face every day when he was worried about her.
Nami:- "Sanji-kun….."
As he looked back in her eyes, she placed her hands behind his neck holding him as they smiled at each other looking deep in each other's eyes as Sanji placed his hands on her lower back.
Sanji:- "I love you Nami-san…"
"Nami:- "I love you too, Sanji-kun…"
They both said I love you and gently pulled each other close slowly shutting their eyes as they kissed each other. Winds kept blowing as curtains were shaking. Now it was the sky, stars and moon glaring at the sight of true love as time stood still.

A few days passed. Life was going great. Nami would now help Sanji in his work like doing dishes, help while cooking etc. Sanji cut down on his smoking only doing so when Nami wasn't nearby. Well only love can change people like this. Nami realised money can't buy you happiness. Only being with your loved ones can. She finally truly understood Bellmere.

One day while both Sanji & Nami were washing the dishes together, some lather was on Nami's cheek. Sanji wiped the lather and kissed her on the cheek. Nami had gotten used to and loved his romantic nature at any moment whatsoever like him kissing her on the forehead every day before sleep. She loved it all.

Nami asked Sanji that she wanted to live in her village, so she could visit Bell-mere's grave every day. She wanted to speak to her. Sanji agreed without hesitating a bit. Nami knew he could never say no to her but she would still ask xD. Sanji would always happily comply.

It was another departure from the Baratie but this time a happy one. Zeff and the chefs were happy to see Sanji so happy. And they left for Cocoyashi village in smiles rather than tears…..