Enjoying Family, Rum Doused & I'm Home

Three Days Later – Ottawa Airport

Sam sat at the gate waiting for his late afternoon flight to board; he should be home by five pm at the latest. It had taken two extra days for the no fly to be lifted. He was anxious to get back to Toronto even though Jules had said not to worry and spend the extra days enjoying being with his family. He decided to do just that.

He took the time to visit with Scott, Laura and their twins. Jerrell and Anna were now four and had boundless energy. He reveled in their youth and innocence. Yesterday morning Sam had taken them to the park he had taken Sara to so many times. It had changed little, updated to be sure, but it still had monkey bars and swings. Jerrell loved climbing high to the top of the bars. Anna on the other hand was afraid of them. But Anna loved the swings. Her peals of laughter as he pushed her reminded him so much of Sara. That had been a good morning to remember.

Sam spent the afternoon with Ben, just the two of them. At seven Ben was transitioning from a little boy into a boy. Ben no longer called him Unca Supersam but Uncle Sam. That was okay, it was so good to see Ben growing. To see a piece of Matt live on was something he had not expected until that one hot summer day several years ago.

The two of them spent time building a shelf for Ben's music player for the fort in the back yard. It was an afternoon full of music, laughter and a few smashed fingers. Sam flexed his right hand and recalled Ben missing the nail head and the hammer coming down on his fingers instead. Not once but three times. Ben was upset that it happened but Sam assured him it was okay, that accidents happened when constructing things. The shelf was completed and they both stood back and admired the work.

Inwardly Sam cringed looking at the little shelf knowing that it would be nowhere near Jules' standards. It was apparent to Sam that he could use more carpentry lessons from Jules. The poor thing was lopsided and wobbled but it would work for a fort. And most importantly it was something he and Ben had built together. That alone made the shelf a thing of beauty.

Last night he had gone out with the guys to the Raven. It was nice that Koala was still in Canada having taken some vacation time after the competition. Koala had spent his time hiking in and around Lake Louise. Last night Koala was catching a red eye back to Australia. So it was nice to just kick back and have a beer with Koala, Mason, Scott, Jeff and Adam. They relaxed and enjoyed shooting the breeze about nothing in particular until Koala had to leave for the airport.

Sam was glad Adam had gotten three days leave to come to the celebration dinner after the Committee's decision. It had been a while since he last saw Adam. Sam wished that Kyle and Zach could have been there too but Kyle was at sea and Zach was in Afghanistan with Blaze and Winds. After Koala left the five of them had a few too many beers last night and ended up having to take taxi's home.

A grin crossed Sam face as he recalled what Mason told him last night when they shared a taxi back to the base. Sam was absolutely sure Mason had not meant to spill the beans that Marsaili was pregnant. Sam promised not to say anything and to act as surprised as everyone else when they revealed it at their wedding. He was happy for Mason and Marsaili. Mason would make an awesome dad.

Sam could not wait to go on vacation with Jules to Scotland for Mason's wedding. So much had happened to both of them in the last few months. He and Jules really needed time away to recharge and just focus on the each other. There would be plenty of time for that while in Scotland.

He saw the gate attendant pick up the microphone as he saw the display change to now boarding. Sam stood up and grabbed his small back pack and slung it over one shoulder. He was going home. Finally!

Airplane Sitting on the Tarmac at Ottawa Airport

Okay, so not going home just yet. They boarded and pulled away from the gate and then just sat. They had been on the tarmac for four hours waiting to take off. At this rate he could have driven to Toronto and been there hours ago.

The flight attendants had come over the speakers and explained there were ten dogs that were accidentally released from a kennel and they were running around on the runways. The airport personnel and animal catchers were doing all in their power to capture the dogs. In four hours they had captured all but two Saint Bernard's.

The large majority of the passengers understood the delay, no one wanted dogs run-over by the planes. However a few were belligerent and complaining. Two men in particular a few rows back were getting quite out of hand and giving the attendants a rough time. Sam wondered if they would be sent back to the gate to disembark the men.

Sam gave one of the beleaguered attendants a smile as she handed him a water bottle and he asked "Is there an Air Marshall on this flight?"

Carissa knew who the passenger was. She had read all the newspaper reports and knew he was a constable. If she didn't know that she would not have answered him and politely redirected the conversation. But since she did, Carissa quietly answered "No I wish there was though. The men in 24C and 24B are getting out of hand. John is doing what he can to keep the men calm but they are getting more agitated."

Sam nodded "Just let me know if it gets too much and you need me to intervene."

Smiling Carissa said "Thank you Constable Braddock."

"Just Sam, please" Sam responded.

"Okay Sam" Carissa said and moved on handing out waters.

The woman sitting next to Sam on the aisle seat grinned "I thought you looked familiar. You're him, the guy that jumped off the roof to save his fiancée. My girlfriends are never gonna believe me when I tell them I sat next to Romeo. Where is Juliet?"

Sam's face tinged pink and he simply said "Jules is at work."

Over the speakers a relieved voice called out "Ladies and Gentlemen I'm happy to report that they have captured the remaining two dogs. We will be taking off soon. Thank you for your patience. Please prepare for take-off." Then she started into her spiel.

There was cheering from many of the passengers. Sam settled back and pulled out his phone and texted Jules 'about ready to take off. Finally. Sorry bout missing the party u planned. Will stop by barn to say hi b4 heading home'.

He received a text back from Jules that said 'no prob, have good flight. See u soon'.

Sam turned his phone to airplane mode, put the earbuds in and turned on music. Then he buckled his seat-belt and settled back for the short flight to Toronto. He did feel bad he missed the welcome home party Jules had planned for today. It was nothing big, just a quick pizza and soda dinner with the team and Wordy and their families before shift. But the delay of the flight had blown that out of the water.

When he finally got to Toronto he would take a taxi to the barn instead of home. Team One was covering for part of Team Five's shift from nine pm to one am so that Team Five and Team Three could conduct a joint training scenario. Then Team One was due back on shift at seven am.

Jules would be exhausted and heading right to bed once she got off shift tonight. So the only time he would have a chance to see her was at the barn tonight, provided the team was not on a call.

SRU HQ – Entrance & Dispatcher Desk

Sam looked at his watch and saw it was near midnight. He scooted out of the cab and pulled his wallet out to pay the driver. He handed over a few bills and grabbed his small backpack. Closing the door he sighed as he looked at the building. It was good to be back even though his one hour flight had turned into an all-night adventure.

He slung his backpack over his previously injured shoulder and winced slightly. Damn, Sam thought then decided that he would say nothing about it. He wanted to be on shift tomorrow and the slight pain he felt now should be gone by tomorrow. All it needed was a night's rest and it would be good as new, again. Stupid drunks, Sam thought as he headed for the entrance.

Sam plastered his trademark lopsided smile on his face, it was a real smile. "Hey Ben. The team here or on a call?" Sam asked the dispatcher on duty.

Ben looked up and grinned, "Hey Sam. Good to see you. The team is at the gun range doing some night practice. Glad you're back."

"Glad to be back. Just gonna leave this here if you don't mind" Sam said as he dropped his backpack behind the desk.

"That's fine" Ben responded. He got a whiff of Sam and was surprised to smell rum. Sam smelled like he had been swimming in it. But Ben kept his mouth shut because Sam did not appear intoxicated.

Sam headed for the gun range. He was looking forward to seeing everyone so even though it was very late he decided to stop by anyways and then just hitch a ride home with Jules when she was off in an hour, provided the team did not get a hot call.

SRU HQ – Gun Range

Opening the door Sam stood just inside and watched as the team were all firing. It felt so good to be back.

Ed was the first one to see Sam standing in the doorway. He secured his gun and placed it in his holster and headed over. "SAMO" Ed bellowed to be heard over all the gunfire.

Everyone stopped shooting and turned to see Sam.

Sam started forward into the gun range as they all secured their weapons and removed their ear and eye protection. Sam's eyes were on Jules and he missed the black duffel bag sticking out from under one of the benches on the ground in front of him. He tripped over it and barely kept his balance. He would have fallen if Ed wasn't close enough to catch Sam's arm.

Ed got a whiff of Sam "Christ Sam, you must've had way too much to drink on the plane. You can hardly walk without tripping over your own feet. You sure you are gonna be fit for shift tomorrow?"

Sam laughed as Jules gave him a sedate quick one armed hug. They were at work and they did not do PDAs at work. Jules smelled the rum on Sam and asked "What happened?"

"You don't think I'm drunk as a skunk like Ed does?" Sam chuckled as Ed eyed him carefully.

Jules rolled her eyes "I know you better than that. So what happened?"

Spike bounded over and hugged Sam slapping his back heartily "Glad you're back buddy."

Greg sauntered up and said "Sam why don't we head into the briefing room. We'd all like to hear how things went with the Committee."

Ed smirked "I'm more interested in why Sam smells like a brewery."

Sam's stomach roared in that moment announcing that it was hungry.

Jules grinned, "Guess you didn't get dinner."

"Not unless three small bags of peanuts count as dinner?" Sam said turning and heading towards the briefing room with the rest of the team.

Jules said "Good thing I brought left over pizza. It's in the breakroom. I'll grab you some and meet you all in the briefing room."

Sam was a bit surprised by Jules' outward show of caring in front of the two temps. They were very guarded in their responses and actions to each other at work, especially in front of non-family. But Sam just smiled and rolled with it because he was hungry and tired. It had been a long day and longer night.

He greeted Raf, Kaleb and Jude on the way to the briefing room. Sam was glad that Kaleb and Jude were able to remain with the team until he and Jules came back from vacation. Sam was pretty sure the next openings on any of the teams would go to these guys.

SRU HQ – Briefing Room

Jules set a plate with four slices of pizza stacked on it in front of Sam along with a soda then took a seat next to him. She was so glad he was finally home. Jules was so relieved that he was a free man. Their lives could proceed as planned now. All was good with her world.

Sam listened as the others shared the latest news of their families as he ate. He was starving and the pizza hit the spot. The last real thing he had to eat was lunch with his parents twelve hours ago.

When he was on his fourth slice of pizza Jules prompted him "So how'd you get covered in alcohol this time Sam? Smells like rum."

Sam gave her a lopsided grin "Drunk passengers on the plane. It is; a whole bottle."

Spike laughed "A whole bottle, sheesh. Details, details."

Setting down his pizza Sam shared "Well after nearly five hours on the tarmac we got the all clear that they captured all the runaway dogs and we would be able to take off. Everyone was happy. With so many planes backed up it was taking some time before it was our plane's turn to take off. We waited another half hour. Two men that had been giving the flight attendants a rough time became increasingly belligerent and non-compliant."

"John and Carissa, the flight attendants, were trying to get them to buckle up and return their tray tables to the upright position. Apparently the men were wine collectors and brought several sealed bottles of wine and two bottles of rum on the plane. Unknown to the attendants they had tapped into their rum while we waited on the tarmac. They were three sheets to the wind."

"When the big guy got angry and belligerent with John and knocked him to the ground Carissa called for me to help because there was no Air Marshall on the flight. The big guy was about to kick John when I tackled him. I quickly had the big man subdued and on his stomach in the aisle securing his hands behind his back with a scarf Carissa handed me. But out of the blue his buddy decided to hit me with their second bottle of rum as I secured his buddy."

Sam rolled his shoulders unconsciously, feeling where the bottle of rum had hit the back of his previously separated shoulder and shattered dousing him in rum. He was lucky it didn't cut him or that the guy hadn't hit him in the head with the bottle.

Jules' eyes widen "Where'd he hit you? Are you okay?"

Sam nodded and continued "I'm okay. Hit my shoulder but no cuts or damage other than being liberally doused in rum. The guy that hit me started to run up the aisle and the lady that was sitting next to me stuck her foot out and tripped him. I was able to subdue him too. The pilots returned us to the gate and the guys were escorted off by the Ottawa police."

"They held the plane while I gave a statement to the police. When I got back on John asked me to follow him. Poor guy had a terrible black eye from where he struck an arm of the chair when he was knocked down. John took me to first class. It seems while I was giving my statement he asked if anyone would be willing to give up their seat in first class for me."

Sam shook his head in disbelief "I didn't want anyone to do that. But it turns out Mr. Mynarski, one of the Committee members, lives in Toronto and was returning home. He insisted I take his seat. I couldn't change his mind."

Spike had a huge grin of his face "What, that is like two for two now Samtastic? Don't make it a habit now."

Sam chuckled "At least on military flights I didn't have to worry about drunks dousing me with alcohol."

Ed shook his head. Trouble seemed to follow Sam. It usually was not of his making but somehow the weirdest things happened to him. He couldn't even take a one hour flight home without dogs running free on the runways and getting doused in rum while subduing drunken passengers. At least that Committee member was nice enough to give up his seat. Ed wondered why the man would do that.

Sam had not told them anything other than the decision of the Committee so Ed asked "We know what the Committee decided, which I completely agree with. But how was it? What happened in the hearing?"

Sam's smile faded a bit "It's over. Not allowed to talk much about it. Sorry."

It was a bit of a lie but Sam did not want to talk about it. As far as he was concerned it was over and he would not revisit his fear and embarrassment. It had been too close. If Ms. Zabala had known he was Blondie she would have recused herself. Then the vote would have been six to four. By all rights Baron Wildingham should have recused himself too, even though the connection was only through Mike. If he had then the vote would have been five to four.

On the plane when Mr. Mynarski insisted he take his seat, Sam had found out that Mr. Mynarski was only swayed by the photos of the torture he endured. One of the reasons Mr. Mynarski wanted him to take it was to make up for displaying the photo to him. Sam realized his dad had been right to show the photos of him after his rescue. If they had not, then it would be been four to five and he would have been indicted. It was too damned close and he did not want to think about it anymore.

Sam saw that his expression caused Spike to frown. So Sam deliberately grinned and shared one thing he could although the team probably already knew "The cause of that fire was surreal. Rats! Can you believe it was rats that chewed through electrical wires?"

Spike's grin returned "Apparently mice in Medicine Hat like marijuana and the rats like electrical cords. You know they use peanut oil as a releasing agent to the copper stranding in electrical wiring."

Ed laughed "The arson investigator was too funny as he held up the photo of the fried rat and declared that the rat was the culprit. I wonder if the Hat is ever gonna live down two incidents with evidence being destroyed due to rodents."

Greg grinned "It's a good thing that the evidence against the bar owner and the hit man were not in the evidence lock up at the time of the fire. I hear that the prosecutor got full details of Reuben Cendejas' drug and gun running businesses from Turker Veli. In turn Reuben gave evidence on Turker's previous kills. Both are going away for a very long time."

Raf leaned back and looked at the team. He had missed out on a lot by going to the beach instead of to Medicine Hat. But in some ways he was glad. That would have been difficult to witness. He was just glad that Sam and Jules and the rest of them were back safe and sound and the team would be back together beginning tomorrow. Well at least for a week, then Jules and Sam were off to Scotland for nine days. Raf thought that those two surely needed the time off after all they had gone through.

For the next thirty minutes the team sat and talked about general things in the briefing room, it felt right and normal to all of them.

When the clock struck one am and Greg saw Team Five entering the building ready to assume the rest of their shift Greg said "Go home. See you all in six hours. No pre-shift workout tomorrow. Be here and ready to go at seven sharp."

Jules turned to Sam and said "I'll be just a few minutes. Then I'll drive you home."

Sam nodded "I'll be here."

Jules' Home

Jules set the keys on the counter as Sam headed up the stairs for a long needed shower. She thought it was a good thing she drove home. They had been pulled over for a taillight being out on the Jeep. Jules could just imagine Sam being dragged to jail for suspicion of drunk driving with the way he smelled.

As it was, the officer questioned if she was giving her inebriated friend a ride home. Sam had only laughed and said yes. She got a warning to get the light fixed. Then they were headed home. It was almost two am and they needed to be up and back at the barn in five hours.

Tomorrow was gonna be a long day with only four hours sleep. Jules headed up the stairs. She decided to shower when she woke and simply stripped down and crawled into bed to await Sam. It was good to have him home. She slept like crap without Sam. Jules had come to rely on his slow steady breathing as a way to lull her to sleep.

Sam dried off and then hung up the towel. He stopped at the doorway to gaze at Jules. He had missed her so much. His sleep was much deeper with his arms encircling Jules. The light smell of jasmine lulled him to sleep like nothing else could.

He slipped into bed and under the covers next to Jules. Sam wrapped his arms around Jules as her head laid on his chest above his heart.

They both sighed.

They were home.

They were in each other's arms and there was no place they'd rather be.

Sam whispered to Jules "I'm glad to be home. Good night sweetheart."

Jules snuggled closer "I'm glad you're home and thank you."

Confused Sam asked "Thank you for what Jules?"

Jules responded as she lightly drew a heart shape on Sam's chest and listened to his heartbeat "For showing me that reconciliations can happen. Watching you reconcile with your dad gave me hope and a guide path to follow to reconcile with my brothers and dad. Because of you Sam, I now know that my dad lost his way but that I have always been loved by him."

Sam smiled, god he loved this woman, he had always loved her and would always love her even after they were both dead and gone. His love for Jules was never-ending and as infinite as the universe.


AN: Alas we have come to the end of this story. I hope you enjoyed the journey and spending time in my version FP world. This story was longer and more complex than originally planned.

If this is the first story of mine you have read and liked my style, check out my profile page for details on my other FP stories if interested.

For the Guest that wanted to know chronological order of my FP Beauty of Life series stories, it is on my profile page and in the Beauty of Life Reference. In addition to the chronological order of the stories, the ref doc had lots of details on all the characters and is a work in progress as I go back and fill in details on all characters.

Thanks to all my wonderful readers and those that took the time to write me a review letting me know what they thought of the story. Reviews are always nice to get and I do appreciate them very much!

I'll be focusing on finishing A Year and A Day next so I can write/publish Alphabet Injuries 'W' which will be a follow up that takes place after AY&AD (no spoilers by publishing it before AY&AD is finished).