It was quiet at home and they were at each other's arms, snuggling in the couch after a long, and slightly bad day for both becuase of problems at work. Whenever one of which are both are upset, the couple would cuddle. Most of the time, they would do that and that's it. But there are times where one way and another, it'd lead the two into...things.
Like now.
With eyes closed, Manami inhaled, exhaled, and repeat while enjoying the warmth of the hug. After all in a day's work, she could use some time to calm herself with the things she loves, like the man beside her. Karma leaned his head on Manami's, kissing the top of it every once in a while.
"Feeling better?"
"A little."
Karma let out a small sigh while his head is still buried in Manami's hair, wondering what can he do to make her feel alright.
Then something suddenly pops up to his mind.
Manami turned her head to Karma in response.
"I hope this'll make you feel better."
Karma places his lips on hers and starts a sweet kiss.
Manami's eyes slowly close as the kiss goes on, and before she knew, the way Karma's lips moves grows rougher slowly but surely, making her startle for a few seconds before getting used to the roughness and fight back.
Just like what Karma expected, Manami's good when it comes down to their business. He found out on their first night together after getting married, which caught him by surprise. But for someone like Karma, it is fun to have someone like her when doing it, isn't it?
Within a second, his hand slips under Manami's dress shirt to feel her soft, delicate skin he has always loved. Manami keeps up, opening the top two buttons of Karma's shirt, and travels to his neck and then into the slightly exposed bare chest. And that's when the pleased sighs come out from both's mouths.
Every touch and kiss feels delightful like sugar and powerful enough to reel in the pleasure at the same time, leaving Karma and Manami wanting to feel each other more. When soft and fluffy isn't enough,
Something powerful is all you need sometimes.
Author's Notes : The end kinda sucked ^^; i was on fire writing this, but then I had something going on and I was in a bad mood when it ended. Because of this, the inspiration ran out and apparantly the ending became a half-assed one. m(_ _)m
I'll definitely do a better job the next time I write something slightly smut (because this is the first one), but for now until who knows when, I won't have the strength to write these kind of fics. I was nervous writing this I ended up heating up as well xD
Eh, enough rambling for me. Don't forget to review, and if there are any requests you can PM or write it along your review~ And for the other Karmanami fanfic I'll make sure to finish it as soon as possible, and make it great as well!