When they got back to where he was staying, he quickly sat Asuka down on the couch before he began to pace in front of her. He hadn't wanted anyone to find out this much about him this early on. Sure, Asuka had known he was part demon- he'd be surprised if she hadn't know right away; half-demons had this very specific smell, and there was no way another half-demon wouldn't be able to pick up on that smell, especially when it was someone as powerful as Rin she was smelling- but that was just too much information for her in this stage. Sure, with Amaimon being gone, he needed someone to take care of him, but did she really need to know he was a demon king? Fucking Samael and his stupid fucking games.

"Uh, Rune," Asuka called out.

He paused, and turned his head towards her. "Yes?"

"Should you be pacing like that? I mean, I don't know anything about your disease or whatever it is, but weren't you told to rest? Sorry if it's not my place," she trailed off.

He looked down. Shit, he probably shouldn't be pacing right now.

"Yeah, you're right. Sorry," he said, before sitting down next to Asoka.

He looked down at his hands, and began to wring them while he thought of what to say. Asuka deserved an explanation after all that the shitty clown had dumped on her, but he didn't want to give out his life story. He trusted her, but not enough to spill the beans on a case the Grigori had kept secret to all but those who had been involved with him.

A drawn out sigh filled the room as Rin tried to figure out what to say.

"You probably want an explanation, right?" He said, still staring at his hands. He decided that just going for it would be the better option.

Asuka looked up at him, her head turning quickly in shock at the sudden sound of his voice.

"You don't have to answer that, I know you do. I mean, I would too if I was in you position. Shit, this is awkward," he trailed off, before beginning again.

"Where to start… I, uh, was born in the human world like you. But, um, unlike you, my human body was born pretty weak. I was diagnosed with regular anemia when I was little, but it ended up be a case of idiopathic aplastic anemia that went untreated until it was too late.

"I didn't realise this until high school. It was a pretty stressful point in my life, and my symptoms just kept getting worse so I went to get them checked. Turned out I was dying.

"Anyways, Samael and Amaimon found out, and they thought embracing my demon side fully would kill my sickness. So, we trained. As my body got weaker, Amaimon slowly became my…caretaker. When I was about to die, he ended up taking me to Gehenna as a last resort and it worked. So I became a demon king there, and that brings us right back to here- back in the human world and me finding out I wasn't cured, but human in me was merely overpowered by demon."

He decided that a short and sweet version that was mostly truthful would be best. She didn't need to know about the whole betrayal, or the fact that he was technically in a relationship with his half-brother.

"So, will you take care of me?" He asked.

He looked over to her, watching the change of emotions as she processed what he had just told her. First the shock, than a look of understanding, and finally resolve, which burned like fire in her eyes.

"Of course I'll take care of you Rune!" She exclaimed.

He gave her a small smile, before beginning to tell her what she could do to help whenever he was having a bad episode. Hopefully there wouldn't be many.

Amaimon stared at the bodies of the dead exorcists that littered the floor. Blood stained the recently dead corpses, making it very difficult to identify just who these exorcists were. Heads were bashed in, teeth ripped out, eyes were slashed out, and any number of disfiguring injuries could be seen around the room. Not to mention the broken and mutilated fingers that littered the floor, ripped off of each exorcist's hand.

And for once, Amaimon wasn't the cause of it.

He had originally been sent to 'play' with the exorcists. It would have been boring; probably something along the lines of sending his kin after them, and seeing if the strongest member in the group wanted to fight. However, when he arrived, he was faced with the field of bloody, dead exorcists.

He walked around, trying to see if he could smell something off about the scene. Nobody was supposed to have been there but the exorcists, yet here they all lay dead beyond recognition. It was odd though. There was a faint, disguised scent he could distinguish from the massacre around him, yet it smelt neither of demon nor human. It was something in between, yet entirely new.

How odd indeed.

He pulled out the phone that his older brother had given him to make contact quicker. He hadn't ever thought he would need to use a human device before when he could just run to the nearest door, and use his brother's domain. It was quick, and it made . This however, was not something that he could afford. He didn't have the time to run to the nearest gateway; the closest door with a lock he could use being hours away from him. Samael needed to know this now.

He answered after the first three rings.

"Yes little brother?" Samael drawled out.

"Something went wrong," he said.

"What is it this time Amaimon? Did you kill the exorcists," his brother asked, before sighing and taking on a scolding tone. "I said you could play with them Amaimon, not kill them. Honestly, by now you'd think that you would get that. But, obviously not. I wanted them alive little brother. Threatened, but alive."

"I didn't kill them brother, they were already dead when I arrived."

"They were what?" Samael asked, sounding surprised.

"They were dead when I got here. I didn't kill them, but someone else already did."

Sorry for the long wait guys! This isn't beta read, since I wanted to get this out quickly. I'll try to get the next one out sooner!