Hey guys, this is my first fanfiction ever. I am nervous on what you have to say, I hope you like it.

Batgirl was standing still while chaos arose around her. She was wondering how it went wrong so fast, how everything and everyone were down except her and robin. "Batgirl!" He kept calling her name to get her attention, she just kept looking at her friends layed out on the floor.

10 hours earlier...

"Robin, batgirl, kid flash, artemis, zatanna, superboy, rocket, and aqualad, proceed to the briefing room." Everyone began to walk to the room where batman had told them to meet. Kid flash ran, or rather sped, to robin's side. "Why are you smirking? What did you do?" Robin ignored his question, smirked even wider, knowing why batman called them to the briefing room.

Once kid flash walked into the room, he knew why robin was smirking. "Team, meet your new member, batgirl." Batgirl waved at everyone. Robin walked next to batman while the team spoke with batgirl, "Batman, what's the real reason you called us down here for?" Batman sighed, "It's klarion, he... Team." Everyone turned around, giving their attention to the dark knight.

"Klarion has been creating havoc all over happy harbor." Kid flash nodded his head, "you'd think after we defeated them for the whole 'child-and-adult-worlds' incident he would've stopped." Robin looked at him, "dude, villains don't stop if they get defeated, you should know that with the rogues." "True. But why would he want to go at it again?"

"Good question." Batman said pulling up video feed on the holograms. "All I know is that ne wants to get all of your attention. So, he must be desparate because so many of the civilians are reporting that he wants you guys to show your faces." Batman said, waiting for the team to say anything. Aqualad turned to his team, "Let's go then."