
The Harry Potter universe and all the characters in it belong to J. K. Rowling.


The dying embers in the fireplace casted an eerie shadow along the walls of the room. The heat from the fireplace normally made the room cozy but with the heat trapped for hours, it was stifling. Despite these changes, the single occupant, sitting behind the desk, took no notice as he continued to write in his book. The constant scratch of the quill, his light breathing, and the crackling fireplace were the only sounds permeating the room.

The figure looked up from his book when he heard the door open. A petite woman with waist-length raven black hair and deep blue eyes walked in and sat on his lap. He set down his quill and just like many times before, he wrapped his arms around her providing comfort. "What's wrong my dear?"

"I'm worried about you master. You've been cooped up in your room for a long time. I know you want to finish your story but it isn't healthy working almost nonstop with only small breaks In between."

The figure gave her a heartwarming smile and began to gently run his fingers through her hair. "Don't worry Daphne. I'm almost done. I just need to write a few more sentences. You can watch if you want. Even though I enjoy your presence on my lap, I need you to stand up."

She sighed and reluctantly climbed off of him. She stood a little behind and to the right of his chair so she could look over his shoulder.

He picked up his quill and began to write once more. The only sounds filling the room were the scratching of the quill, the crackled of the fireplace and the light breathing of the occupants. Two minutes later, he set down his quill, sat back in his chair, stretched, and had a satisfied smile on his face. "I'm done!" Before I send it to a publisher, I want you to read it and give me some feedback. After all, you've been with me for most of the journey."

Daphne could not help but return his smile with one of her own. "I would be honoured master."

"Fantastic," he said as he handed it to her. "I'm going to get some sleep as you suggested."

The figure stood up and made his way past her into the hall, heading towards the bedroom. A second later, Daphne followed him out but instead of going to the bedroom, she went in the opposite direction heading to the front porch.

It was dark when she stepped outside. The only illumination came from two enchanted lights hanging above her from the roof. A cool gentle breeze brushed across her face and tussled her hair as she stepped lightly across the cool wooden planks with her bare feet. She sat down on a rocking chair and absentmindedly cast a warming charm around her. Looking down at the book she held, she could not help but smile at the title written in bold letters. It said "Master, Enchanter, and Fighter: the real story of the Boy-Who-Lived." She flipped to the first page and began to read.

A/N: Welcome to a new story that I've had in the back of my mind for a while now. Since I want to push myself out of my comfort zone, I want to experiment with how this story is presented. The majority of it will be in first person perspective but occasionally, it will be in a third person perspective. Also, I want this story to be within a story. Constructive criticism is appreciated. Also, I am still working on my other story so don't worry about it being abandoned.