"Torchwick!" a certain angry wolf Faunus shouted as he shoved the office door open and stormed inside. Sighing internally Roman looked up from his chair and gave the man an expectant look.

"What is it now Swifty?" he asked while trying to conceal his growing annoyance with his associate.

"The money, my shares gone and I know it was one of your goons that stole it" the large Faunus said as he slammed both of his massive hairy hands on the desk and glared at him. This is why he hated working with other criminals, they were all so damn paranoid all the time. Not that they were wrong to be, especially since he specialized in stealing. But still, it was a pain.

"Trust me Swifty, my share is more than enough. I wouldn't order any of my men to steal from you"

"Oh really, so that Ice cream girl of yours was acting alone then". Upon hearing Neo being mentioned it all made perfect sense now. He hadn't ordered her to steal anything but he wouldn't put it past her to do something to try and piss their associate off, especially after that 'little Midget' comment he said when she walked into to their planning room alongside him. Well that could be remedied easily.

Sure, if Swifty wanted payback, he would have it, or at least a fair chance. The mere thought of what would happen next was amusing, the end would be obvious, but the attempt was what mattered to him. Twirling his cane around Roman pressed a small red button on the telephone on his desk.

"Neo, be a dear and come up to the office. There's someone here that would like to meet you" he said before releasing the button and turning back to face Swifty.

"You think just handing her to me is gonna change anything Torchwick. Don't forget that you're still a dirty human" the wolf Faunus half spat half growled at him. But his words fell on deaf ears as Roman simply reached into his pocket and pulled out a lighter for his cigar. A second later the door was pushed open bringing Neopolitan into view. Hung on shoulder was her signature pink umbrella which she absentmindedly twirled and in her other hand was a strawberry ice cream cone which she was in the middle of licking.

Wheeling round to face her Swifty shot her a spiteful glare.

"Neo, Wolf face over here says you stole his share of the money from that last robbery. Is that true?" he asked as he leaned back on his desk with his arms folded. Pausing her snack momentarily she gave him a wink in affirmation.

"Where's my money you little Bitch" the large Faunus growled as he took a menacing step towards her. Neo didn't even offer him as much as a glance and went back to taking Greedy licks from her strawberry delicacy. Raising her umbrella up she shook it hard and shrivelled up pieces of green paper rained down from inside it, littering the floor. Grinning in amusement Roman clapped his hands together.

"Well Swifty, there's you're money. Be sure to pick up every last piece on your way out" Roman said as he sat back down on his seat. Grinding his teeth in Anger Swifty's bare fangs were clearly visible and without warning he slapped the ice cream cone away, letting its contents spill across the floor. He then grabbed Neo by the collar.

"You're both dead" he growled. He was about to raise his fist up for a hard punch but in one deft motion the Wolf Faunus's hand was sliced clean off, leaving blood spraying out of the fresh injury. Howling in pain Swifty shrunk back in agony, but since this was Neo things didn't stop there. Sweeping the giant off his feet with ease she pinned him to the ground with a single foot to his chest, the sharp end of her blade exposed and pressed to his throat.

She had that trademark sadistic smirk he had grown to be quite fond of over the years, it was her little way off saying she wouldn't pull any punches. Not because the opponent was strong but because they had pissed her off in some way and she wanted their blood as payback. Tempting as it was to just stand by and let Neo torment the now terrified looking wolf Faunus he valued the cleanliness of his office a little more, the ice cream cone alone was enough damage blood would be overkill.

"Now Neo, you know I don't like it when you get blood in the office" he said causing her to glance at her partner and pout childishly before retracting her blade and folding her arms. "Don't give me that look, I didn't say anything the last you killed someone here". She turned her back to him as show of displeasure. She hated it when he interrupted her fun.

Free from his assailant Swifty scrambled to his feet and fled the office while making some very un-masculine cries. Ignoring Swifty's annoying wolf cries which he could still hear from the entrance he reached for the first drawer on his desk and pulled out a pink lollipop. Walking over to her he handed it to her as a peace offering. Reluctantly she accepted the little snack, but not without giving him one last pout.

"Come on, there's a newly opened Dust bank on the south side of town that's just begging to be robbed" he said as he took her hand in his and led her out of the room.

Did the robbery go well? Not really they lacked neither the equipment nor technical know-how required to open the safe but they sure as hell had a blast taking everything else in the bank. Roman went about making his usual grandiose speech about stealing from the rich and giving to the greedy. While Neo proceeded to beat the guards up senseless and herd the sheep into a corner before making them drop everything of any sort of material value. By the time the police showed up he and Neo were already long gone with a sack full of priceless antiques and other goodies from the manager's office.

But the real joy in stealing lied being in each other's company, when he had Neo by his side Roman couldn't help but feel somewhat invincible, what could possibly go wrong when he had his little umbrella wielding psychopath at his side. And he suspected Neo reciprocated the feeling to the same extent.

The way Roman never let bad days get him down, always mouthing off to people even when he was in danger, above all he never panicked and managed to maintain a certain air of dignity even when he did get caught. He kept things fun that way. And fun was something that didn't exist in her world, or at least that was what she thought, until she met him.

"Well, that went even better than I'd hoped" he said as he pushed open the door to one of their warehouses. It was pretty much a necessity for them to have multiple warehouses around town that they could lay low in when the cops were out on patrol, it was too risky to head back to their main base and risk being followed.

Walking over to one of the many table in the warehouse he turned his sack over let the goodies fall in a large pile. Tossing the empty sack away he picked up a small but fancy wristwatch and examined. Talk about a good catch. The wristwatch alone was at least worth five hundred lien on its own and already had about ten of these watches, not to mention the priceless antiques and timeless paintings they had.

"We could probably make a small fortune off of this on the black market" he said with a self-satisfied smirk as he grabbed all the watches and started sorting them.

Closing the door behind her Neo walked past him and placed her sack next to his pile before heading over to one of the backrooms where they had stored some spare bottles of beer for just such an occasion. Since Roman was too occupied with his favourite pass time. She grabbed two beer bottles and headed back to the main room. Walking up to him she poked his back lightly to get his attention before offering him a bottle.

This wasn't good. If there was one thing he had learned from working with her it was that Neo and Alcohol were two things that didn't mix well, it made her incredibly unpredictable, bipolar even! Sure it was always fun to watch her choke some random grunt unconscious because she thought she was under attack or something. But the massive hangover that usually followed made her mostly useless for most of the following day, not to mention it gave him fewer grunts to work with when he was trying to stage a complex murder.

"Um, are you sure about this Neo, you know what happens when you get drunk" he attempted to reason. However Neo simply pressed the bottle to his chest in insistence. She wasn't about to take no for answer. Sighing in defeat he took the bottle opened it. What the hell, whatever happened if he drank with her probably wouldn't be worse than what would happen if he didn't.

She'd get sad, she'd drink her depression away, then she'd get mad, then she'd kill him in a drunken fit. And he liked living so tasting her blade was out of the question. And so he drank, a lot. They spent most of the night playing all sorts of games be it darts,poker, even charades… And then after that he could recall some ballroom dancing for some reason. After that things got hazy.

When his senses finally returned he was greeted by sunlight shinning into his face from one of the high windows. His head ached badly, but he felt strangely comfortable. Scanning his immediate vicinity with his eyes it wasn't long before he realised that he was in the small bedroom he kept in the building. But since he went on for days without actually sleeping he rarely ever made use of bedrooms. Not unless he was with a woman… Oh.

He felt something stir against his body and glanced down to spot Neo cuddling up to him for warmth. The peaceful look on her face suggested she was still deep in sleep and had a small smile on her face. She must have been having a good dream. Sighing lightly he gently dislodged her off his chest without waking her and sat up.

Really this sort of outcome wasn't that surprising since they were up drinking for hours last night. He'd have assumed that they had had sex the previous night in their drunken state but since they were only partially undressed and still had some clothes over their privates it was safe to assume they hadn't done anything too crazy. At least by their standards.

This sun was already shinning outside as an indication that they were already well into the morning. Probably Eight o clock. He was sorely tempted to just curl back into bed with her, feel the comforting warmth from her body on his, but he had a meeting with junior that he needed to get to.

This didn't happen often but every now and then he found himself sharing a bed with her. Their relationship constantly walked the line between being an item and just being partners, it was really abnormal when he took a moment to think about it. To think that he found himself being attracted towards her madness was something he would have scoffed at had someone told him this seven years ago.

Looking over her body he could countless scars and bite marks all over her, a direct result of years of abuse from countless men she had met in her past life. The mere thought of it was enough to rekindle the burning resentment he felt towards her father. She was mute now not because of any physical injuries but because of the deep psychological scars that he knew would never heal enough to let her speak.

But getting angry about that now would only serve to rile up since the man was long dead now. Putting his suit and gloves back on he grabbed his cane which lay discarded on the floor next to Neo's pink umbrella. Now all that was left was his hat. He searched around the bedroom and sighed in annoyance when he couldn't find it anywhere. Perhaps he took it off before they went to bed last night.

He searched every corner of the large hallway but it was nowhere to be found. He wasn't about to head out without it. He rubbed his head impatiently. He wasn't the sort guy that had much patience when it came to his most prized material possessions, not to mention that the hat alone cost him over one thousand lien so he wasn't exactly keen on losing it. And that was when it came into.

He took a moment to register what he was seeing. His favourite hat was pinned to the wall by several darts. It was rumbled, bent and torn in ways that were never intended. He took a single glance back to the bedroom before turning his head back to it. His shoulders slumped.

Right now he was really beginning to re-evaluate his decision last night.

After watching ep 11 of volume three I was feeling kinda down that Rooster Teeth decided to kill off Roman of all people. And since so many people have been posting Neo and Roman centric one shots following that episode I just thought what the heck and now I'm an official fan of this sunken ship.