Disclaimer: I do not own the Flash or anything that is familiar to the show.

Reminder: Characters are OOC.

Well as promised, the epilogue. Thanks for following and giving reviews. Truly appreciate them.

Seven Years Later

Barry sighs as he stops in front of his house. He will never get tired of running around in his superspeed. It has its advantages of course. There is never a day, now, he doubted of his powers. If anything, he has to thank his powers for giving him a second chance in life. After Killer Frost had killed Caitlin, Barry was devastated but he was in terms with her death. If it was her time, it was her time. But then after Zoom, another speedster had come and try to ruin everything for him. Turns out Barry ran too fast and went back in time to when Caitlin was supposed to die. He believed that was his second chance at saving her, so he did. He saved Caitlin, sent Killer Frost back to Earth-2, and they actually started their lives that day.

"Daddy!" His little girl, Scarlett Rose Allen, yells when she sees him. Barry gives her a huge smile as she speeds right into his arms. He catches her and gives her a big kiss. Scarlett gives one back to her father, who can't stop smiling.

"How are you, my beautiful Rose?" He asks his three year old speedster.

"Mommy and I bake cookies."

"Oh really? Are they good? We know mommy can't cook." Barry jokes as he looks up to see his beautiful wife standing there with her arms crossed and eyebrows raised. Even though she wants to be mad, she can't. Her smile gives her away. She's about to go down the stairs to give Barry a kiss, but he speeds before she has a chance to ascend the first step. She gives him a fake annoyance look and rolls her eyes.

"Barry, I'm pregnant. I can walk down some stairs. They're not going to kill me." She jokes, but Barry only smiles as he gives her a kiss and places his forehead on hers. His hands lay on top of his wife's seven month belly.

"I know Caitlin. But that will never stop me from worrying about you. I may have my moments, but I would rather you just relax and not do anything." He says in a genuine manner. She knows he means well, ever since he told her about the other timeline where she is supposed to be dead, she knows he will do everything he can to protect her and his family.

The Allen family goes into their home to eat the cookies they made. It's just another day for them as normal as the day can be. Rose telling her dad of the fun mother-daughter day she had. Of course, Barry listening and smiling as his little girl says it with such happiness. He will always be blessed for the second chance he got. Caitlin follows behind, smiling as well. She would never believe this would be her life in five years since the events had happened. Here she is, having a family with the man she loves. A beautiful 3 year old girl and a boy on the way. They have their own house. Barry is still saving the city as Caitlin tries to look after him from home. She would love to be at S.T.A.R. Labs, but their family is starting and she doesn't want to risk of the getting exposed. At least not yet as their daughter did inherit Barry's powers. They have a power damper on her for now until she is ready for them. Rose still trains with her dad at times, since they have their own speed lab underground. Everyone tries their best to hid Barry's identity since so many know. It's not as hard as they thought, but it would be best if no one else found out.

The cookies are out, the family have their own cup of milk, and sitting around the table. Rose sits on Barry's lap as Caitlin sits next to him. He couldn't help but give her a kiss she gladly returns. They pull apart with smiles are their faces as Rose begins to eat without waiting for them.

"Rose, are you eating already?" Caitlin fakes her scolding. Rose looks at her mother and smiles with her mouth full. Barry and Caitlin laugh at how silly she looks as she continues to eat the cookies. They begin to join her and have their own family night with movies to follow, of course Disney and snacks.

As life goes on, the Allen family only grew and grew closer along with their friends as well. Cisco married Lisa Snart and started their own family. Their children have Cisco's powers, so when they grew up they helped fight with their dad and Barry. Then they eventually moved away to help other cities that needed them more. Wally and Iris moved to Keystone and helped fighting crime there. Wally met Linda which led to getting married and having their own family. Iris also met someone and moved away with them to pursue her reporter career. Barry and Caitlin had two more children aside from Rose and their unborn boy. It's Christmas time and everyone is here in Central City, enjoying the family company.

Barry and Caitlin step away from them for a while. It's rare for the two of them to be alone. After four kids, they have always been busy but they would never complain. They wouldn't change it for anything in the world. Every day is a beautiful memory for them whether it is good or bad.

"Finally some peace and quiet." Barry teased as Caitlin giggled a little.

"For like two minutes." She teased back.

"Caitlin, you know of the other timeline and you know how much I love you and would do anything for you. You became my best friend, my wife, the mother of my children, and my rock. I will never forget the opportunity I had to bring you back. I love you so much. You are a wonderful mother, an amazing wife, a beautiful friend, and I am so happy. You have been my rock, my conscious, and I became a better person because of you. I will love you until the end of time and even then I feel like it will never be enough." Caitlin kisses him with such passion he gladly returns. Tears go down her face, but Barry brushes them away with his thumbs. She pulls away as they place their foreheads together.

"Barry, I love you for an eternity. You truly are an amazing father, an incredible husband, and a good friend. I know the consequence you have had to deal with because you brought me back. But you also gained so much as well. Your parents would be very proud of you. I know I am." Barry smiles as he grabs Caitlin's hand and kisses her knuckles. He will always be grateful for getting this second chance and he will never stop repeating it.

Their life is filled with happiness, love, heartbreak, adventure, excitement and and of course fear. There were times where Barry would get into dangerous situations and put his life in danger, but everyone understood him. While his family means the world to him, the city needed him as well. The Allen family lived a beautiful and happy life.

You didn't really think I would be that cruel? I barely get anything from the show. Thank you for reading, I know it's not the best but it was just an idea I had. Thank you for all the reviews.