Well, I'm making this right after I posted chapter 4, let's see how that turns out :)
07/03/2017 Hahaha, wow, I'm fucking bad people...
Disclaimer: I think I've said this before (in this story or another, who fucking knows), but I have way too much fun with making these. I try to keep it original and keep in running jokes (I'M STILL MISSING MY FUCKING STI-), and you know what? It's fun. Who would've have thought writing about how you don't own anything would be so much fun? Anywho! I don't own Danny Phantom...or a house...or a car...or anything...oh god, I have nothing...forget what I said earlier, this is depressing!
"I can't believe after all that, she didn't even give me a ride!"
Sam and Tucker started laughing at their friend's misfortune. He was incredibly late for school this morning and Dash was shooting spitballs at Danny for the rest of the class.
'Well maybe next time don't sound like you're talking to yourself'
Danny grit his teeth when he heard Phantom talking. Phantom could hear in his head and whatever conversation he heard out of his body. He was picking apart Lancer's lecture on whatever Shakespeare screenplay he was on this week. Danny had a really hard time paying attention. If he failed, he was blaming Phantom.
'Oh? And what are you going to say? "Sorry mom and dad, the demon in my head is making me fail my classes"'.
Well, shit.
Danny looked at Sam, "What?"
Sam looked concern, "You've been out for 5 minutes."
Well double shit.
Tucker spoke up, "You okay?"
Sam glared at him. "He's obviously not, don't worry, we'll talk at my house."
Danny and Tucker both said, "We will?"
Sam smiled. "We will!"
They were in the cafeteria, waiting for food in line. It was loud and crowded. For some reason, Phantom was quite and Danny could feel Phantom's eyes behind his.
Danny and his friends were in the line, waiting for whatever mystery lunch was on the menu, with Phantom being quite, Danny took a breath and relaxed.
"Hey Fenton!"
Danny and Phantom shouted when Dash pulled Danny's boxers over his head.
'That fucking hurt!'
Phantom went from being ambivalent to determined and took over Danny's body.
Sam believed she was a good friend. She looked out for Danny and Tucker. Pushed them to strive better and enjoyed their company. Sam also pushed them to stand up for themselves, however, she knew better. They would never really stand up to bully, and Sam would never encourage them to stand up to Dash first, she was sure they would end up eating from a straw.
So Sam found it very uncomfortable watching Danny be completely out of character for a moment.
Danny looked at Dash and glared.
Danny then kicked Dash in the crouch. Dash shouted and fell, crying on the floor. Danny went behind Dash and pull his briefs over his head, making Dash cry harder.
"If you ever desire to do this again, I'll make sure you pay for it."
Danny then slumped on the spot and shook his head.
Danny groaned when he became light headed and was just about to ask what's wrong before he heard Dash run away and stared at everyone looking at him.
Everyone went back to eating their lunch.
Sam and Tucker got out of the lunch line and dragged Danny to an empty hallway outside the cafe.
Tucker spoke up first. "Dude, what was that? And why haven't you done that before?"
Sam glared at Tucker but then looked at Danny. "Danny that was...weird, you definitely have to explain that."
Danny shrugged his shoulder and scratched the back of his neck. "I really don't know what that was..." but he had an idea.
'What? You want to be bullied, should have told me that before we got that wedgie.'
"WE didn't get a wedgie, I did." Danny said out loud without thinking.
Sam laughed a bit. "Despite that being random, he's right Tucker, Danny saved your undies for another day."
Tucker grinned. "Any day without a wedgie is a good day for me!"
Tucker's watch went off and he screamed, running back to the cafeteria with a cry of, "MEAT!"
Sam made a face but dragged a confused and annoyed Danny back to the Cafeteria.
"So, what's been going on, sudden bouts of anger, talking to yourself? Something up."
They just finished school and after waiting for Danny to finish detention, they all went back to Sam's place to talk. They were in the auditorium but nothing was playing.
Tucker spoke up. "Yah man. That was weird and it wasn't...you."
Danny looked down at the floor. He really wanted to tell them. He tells them everything.
'Fat fucking chance! No!'
Danny bit his lip and took a breath.
'Don't you dare...'
"Guys, something happened."
'Can't make this easy on me can you? You're pretty but damn are you stupid.'
Danny went on to tell them the encounter, the portal, the pain (both the one with Phantom and the pain that IS Phantom).
His friends just stared at him. Not sure what to say.
Tucker spoke first. "Are you sure? Danny you sound...really crazy."
Danny sighed. "I don't think he'll come out soon, he's trying to make me sound crazy, but you believe me, right?"
Sam and Tucker looked at each other and both put on a strained smile. "Of course," Sam replied. "We are hundred percent behind you on this."
"...would you mind taking like...one therapy session..."
Sam glared at Tucker and Danny looked heart broken. Phantom laughed. "Why don't you guys believe me? Have I ever lied to you-wait, don't answer that."
Danny got up and starting pacing. Trying to think of a way to get Phantom to show himself to his friends. During his pacing, Phantom calmed down enough to tell him he was taking a nap in his head and told Danny he better not wake up in a mental hospital and to just shut up.
Sam and Tucker watched their friend for several minutes. Both looking at each other and moving uncomfortably in their seats.
Danny suddenly got a grin on his face.
"I can prove it! Sam? Didn't your parents get a huge shipment of christian artifacts the other day? The stuff they're giving away to the church in town?"
Sam gave Danny a scared look but nodded "Yeah," she said, then smiled a bit. "They're trying to convince that your parents stuff isn't needed."
Danny huffed. "Good luck with that...Anyway! I'm sure one of those artifacts can totally prove that I've got a demon in my head- you know? I can see why you both think I'm crazy."
Sam sighed and Tucker chuckled while shaking his head. "I can't believe I want this to be true."
Sam laughed. "I can't believe I'm going to help."
They went down into the basement where the artifacts will be staying until the church accepts them.
Danny picked up a half broken instrument. "Sam, your parents must be desperate to spend money on this junk. Half the stuff here, you would have to pay me to take."
Sam just sighed. "They are not looking to make their money back, just get your parents out of the church."
Tucker just chuckled and started rifling through the stuff. "Anyway you two, we're trying to find an artifact to prove our friend's sanity and get rid of the demon in his head, either literally or figuratively."
Sam smirked as she went looking through another box as Danny glared at Tucker.
"It has been an hour, we've looked through everything and if anything, we have made ourselves a little crazy during this whole ordeal."
Sam smacked Tucker upside the head and knocked his hat across the room, making Tucker grumbled and get up to get it.
Danny groaned into his hands has he put it head down. "I can't believe in this entire basement, there's not one thing to get a demon out of you."
Sam pat his back. "Don't worry about it, we'll deal with whatever happens, Tucker and I will be right behind every step of this."
"Hey guys, I found something."
Sam got up fast and just about ran to Tucker. "Oh thank god!"
"Thanks Sam", Danny deadpanned,
Tucker held up a big dream catcher. It has a several notes attached to it.
Tucker cleared his throat. "These notes are a bunch of translations of what the original purpose of what this thing did. The most recent translations states that the original language, previously unknown, to be Esperanto, a dead language. It states that in Poland during the early 1900-1910, the local priest was asked to be alone with the suspected victim and put this dream catcher in front of the person face. On the other side, instead of seeing the victim's face, you would see the demons. After around 1917, this artifact was said to be destroyed but was found by-"
Sam growled. "Tucker..."
Tucker held up that note. "It cuts off! And besides, we know what this things does and how to use it! We can use it!"
Danny smiled. "Great!"
Sam sighed and sat on top of a closed box. "Fine, just a second."
Sam moved two boxes over, one beside her and the other in front of the first two.
Sam pointed to the boxes. "Sit."
The boys did.
Sam took the dream catcher from Tucker. "Alright, Danny, bring your face closer and say cheese."
Danny chuckled but did has he was told and leaned closer. Sam brought the dream catcher closer has tucker leaned into closer for a better look.
When everything lined up Sam and Tucker went wide eyed and seeing the sleeping face of a demon where their friend's head used to be. Danny could only chuckle has his friends did a comical up and down thing, they looked through the dream catcher, looked at his face and back to the catcher again.
Sam was the first to say something. "What the fuck?!"
Danny paled when he felt Phantom stir and by the looks on his friends faces, they could see the shitstorm coming too.
Here Phantom was, sleeping in a warm head, having a nice dream with a black hair, blue eyed cutie in his bed and what does he wake up to? The human friends looking at him.
When Phantom spoke he only meant for it to be heard by Danny, but everyone discovered this dream catcher came with some extra features.
"Hey cutie, it almost looks like your friends can see me."
"Hey! It talks!"
"Tucker, that was literally the dumbest thing you've ever said."
"Hey Phantom, look what I can do now."
"What the actual fuck?!"
Holy Shit! I cannot get my crap together! Everyone who loves college raise your hand! ... No one? Okay...Well, we all have that one author that doesn't update anymore, that's not me! Yet.
I would just like to thank everyone that has favored this story or is following and of course thank you to my lovely reviews!