I woke up when the car came to a stop. My hands were cuffed. I tried to charge my hands to break the cuffs but they weren't working.
"What the hell?" I mubled looking down at my hands.
"Oh, we developed a serum that temporarily paralyzes the mutant gene. Sadly, it's temporary and we aren't sure how long it will take for your body to work it out of your system." The man from the ally said.
We got out of the car and we were at a shipyard. We took an elevator up to the top of one of the ships. We walked over to a post and they cuffed me to the pole.
"I'm telling you, you don't need to do this. Wade left me. He doesn't want me. You really should be worried about my team. They'll fuck you up until next week." I threatened.
"See, you're all Wade talked about at the warehouse. Apparently he left for you. He wanted to do right by you. Now we're gonna see what he fights like with your neck on the line."
We didn't have to sit there for long. The British man walked over to me and put his hands on my thighs.
"You know, if I could feel anything I'd bend you over and fuck you right here." He said in my ear.
"Get in line." I snarled at him.
He laughed and walked away. I could slowly feel the serum wearing away but I still wasn't strong enough to charge my hands up and break the cuffs. The muscular girl with the British guy came over and must have seen me flexing my fingers to charge me up because she pulled out another needle and plunged it into my neck.
"Don't even think about trying. I'll knock you on your ass so fast." She threatened.
"Oh darlin', just wait until I'm all charged up and knock your pretty little face to Greenland." I smiled and she scoffed before walking away.
I sat there for a little longer before I heard the British guy yelling.
"Wade Wilson! What's my name?!" He yelled standing on the edge of the barge looking down.
The girl joined him and then stepped off the ledge. I didn't hear anything except for the slight crumble of the ground beneath her when she landed.
I coud hear Wade talking below.
"You seem like a lovely lady, but I plan on saving myself for Francis. That's why I brought him." He said.
"I don't like to hit women, so please come quietly." Colossus said.
"Colossus." I said looking up from my hands.
"Fire!" I heard yelled from down below and then it sounded like a war zone.
"Come on beautiful. You don't wanna miss this." The Brit said walking over to me and cutting me from the post to drag me to the edge.
I saw bullets flying and Wade and Negasonic hiding behind a pile of metal. Wade held up a white piece of fabric I could only deduce as his briefs and they stopped firing.
"Guys! You only work for that shit-soaked puppet fart! So I will give you a chance to lay down your weapons in exchange for preferential, bordering on kind, and possibly even lover-like treatment." Wade said and I let out a laugh.
"That's not too gentle. You have no idea how many times I came out of sex with scrapes, bruises, and even concussions." I said to the Brit.
They started shooting again and I looked down to see Wade jumping over the pile and was using his swords to cut off limbs or even slice them in half. He decapitated one guy and kicked his head, hitting another of the guys. He was amazing. It was the Wade I remembered from years ago. Before we were ever together.
For a moment I lost sight of both Wade and Negasonic. I was searching frantically for either of them when I saw the slight power build up and then the van slam into another wall.
"That's my girl." I said quietly.
"Oh, I'll make sure to take good care of her." The Brit said with a smile.
"Lay a finger on her and I'll fry you until your nerve endings regrow." I threatened.
"Yoohoo!" Wade said and we both looked down.
Wade had taken all of the bodies and spelled out "Francis."
"Nice name." I joked while he held me in place by my hair.
"I'd keep your mouth shut if I were you." He said yanking on it a little.
I went to hit him but he grabbed my hands and pulled me closer kissing me.
"Fire!" Francis yelled and pulled me away from the ledge. Three guys came up next to us and started firing down at Wade. There was an explosion and screaming as a metal palate came flying up and killed the guys.
Francis walked me over to a glass tube and closed me in it. Once again the serum was beginning to ware off and I was just about charged enough to take on Francis.
I saw Wade climb up over the edge and start walking towards us.
"You were right, gorgeous. Red is my color." He said breathlessly.
"You motherfucker! You have no right coming and saving me!" I yelled at him.
"Don't worry I'll get you out of there."
"What better way to get back inside your head?" Francis said with a smirk.
"You never left." Wade laughed.
"But you fucking did!" I said slamming my fist against the glass seeing the electricity spark out of it.
"Oh, can't have that happening. Now can we darling." Francis said to me before pressing a button.
I was confused but that feeling went away once I could no longer breathe. I needed to be able to concentrate to charge myself up after being shut down for so long, but there was no way that was going to happen when I was suffocating.
I looked out at Wade, but I could tell that he was talking to Francis and he was furious about something. Francis had two axes while Wade just had his swords. Wade whipped around and threw one of his swords through the glass letting some of the oxygen back in. Once I had a little strength I fried the bonds and then pulled the sword out of the container. I opened it up and looked over to see Francis with a knife in Wade's head and just beating him. I charged up my hands and then ran over placing them on Francis' head trying to fry him. Francis fell and took me with him. That took all the energy I had so I stayed there on the ground.
I rolled over on the ground to see Wade staring at me. He waved at me and made a heart with his hands.
"Fuck you!" I yelled before Francis picked me up by my throat and threw me fifteen feet across the barge.
There was a large explosion and the barge began to tip. I grabbed onto one of the tie offs to keep myself from falling over the edge. A crate was coming at me and I had to push myself to the side. I started skidding down he side unable to get a footing in my weak state.
"I'm coming babe." Wade yelled running towards me and grabbing m hand as I slip past him.
"Wade." I said weakly.
"I got you, doll face." He said grabbing on tightly.
I looked up and he was turning around.
"I have a plan." He said grabbing the oxygen container I had been in earlier.
He pulled me up into it and closed the door. The tire caught on something and both of us dangled of the edge of the barge.
"Don't worry. I got this." Wade said looking up at me.
"Get your leathery red ass in here." I said looking down at him and the very big drop behind him.
I asw Wade look behind me and then shift his position to pull on the bars of the container. I looked behind me and saw the shipping container coming at me and tried to slam my body against the end hanging off the barge to hopefully help Wade force it off the rope it was caught on.
"Maximum effort!" Wade yelled as I came loose and we both went flying through the air separately.
The tube came crashing down and concrete came down on top of it, but the glass did no break keeping me safe inside. However, it was becoming extremely claustrophobic in there and thoughts of never being found in the wreckage crossed my mind.
The concrete began to move and I saw Colossus standing there holding the slab up while Nagasonic came down and unlocked the door letting me out.
"Are you okay?" I asked her placing my hands on her shoulders after I crawled out.
"Yeah. I'm fine. Sorry I destroyed the barge." She said looking down.
"It's fine. Stuff like this happens all the time." I said giving her a small smile.
"Take it slow, Chris." Colossus said as I came out from under the slab.
"Thanks, Colossus." I said groaning and he dropped the slab.
"Of course." He said gently putting a hand on my shoulder.
"Chrissy!" Wade yelled in a sing song voice.
I looked up and saw him walking on a ledge.
"That was so awesome!" Wade yelled and then he was tackled out of my view.
The three of us ran to where it looked like they fell. We found Wade with a gun to Francis' head and was about to pull the trigger.
"Wade, don't!" Colossus yelled.
"Colossus." I said quietly trying to get him to stop.
"Four moments." Colossus said.
"What?" Wade yelled.
"Four moments is all it takes to be a hero." Colossus said.
I rolled my eyes and Negasonic looked at me like I was crazy.
"People think it's a full time job. This is not true. There are only about four moments. Moments when you are offered a choice to be a hero or not be a hero. In these moments the only things that matter are the way we-." Colossus was cut short by Wade's gunshot.
Colossus turned around and started retching.
"Why would you do that?" Colossus asked.
"You were kinda droning on. I may be stuck looking like moldy bread but at least he won't heal from that." Wade said and got up.
"Just promise."
"Yeah, I'll look out for the next four moments. Now if you'll excuse me. I'm just a boy about to stand in front of a girl and tell her… I don't know what I'm gonna tell her."
I walked up behind Wade and stood there with my arms crossed and my left fist charging up.
He turned around and saw me.
"I can't even begin to tell you-." Wade started but I gave him a right hook.
"I deserved that."
I hit him again in the nose.
"That to."
I went to knee him in the balls but he blocked me.
"No, no, no. Not there."
So instead I took my charged up left fist to his face. He ended up crouching over holding his jaw.
"Okay, that may have been a little much."
"I'm not even done." I yelled with tears in my eyes.
"I'm so sorry. For leaving. For everything. I'm sorry I didn't grow a pair sooner. It's been a rough couple of years."
"Rough? You left me!"
He stood there for a moment and then stepped closer to me.
"I should have come and found you sooner. But, the guy under here isn't the same one you remember."
"This mask?" I asked and reached for his mask.
He slightly pulled back and I ran my hands up his shoulder to the back of his neck and pulled it off.
His face was wrinkly, and cratered, and splotchy. He looked like the surface of the moon. I took a step back and looked at it more.
"Wow." Was all I could say.
"I know." He said sadly looking down at his feet.
But he was Wade. And I still loved him after everything.
"After an adjustment period and a bunch of drinks. It's a face I'd be happy to wake up to." I said smiling at him.
"I'm not the same underneath here either. Super-penis."
"Wade, language." Colossus said.
"What are you still doing here? We're trying to have a moment here. Go do something useful. And you…Chicken noodle. Nothing compares to you. Sinead O'Conner, 1990. Sorry, not sorry." Wade said to Negasonic.
"It's okay. You're cool." She replied with a small smile before turning to walk away.
Wade gasped in surprise.
"What the hell? That wasn't mean. I'm so proud!" Wade said looking back at me.
"We'll make an X-Man out of you yet." Colossus said following Nagasonic.
"Tell the prof to get rid of the no sex rule and sound-proof the room and we got a deal!" Wade yelled after them.
"I guess we'll just have to try that out." I said smiling at Wade after they were gone.
"Yeah, but first, the moment I've all been waiting for." Wade said taking a deep breath.
"You're such a dork." I laughed and pulled him in for a kiss.
Hey guys, I know it took me a while to complete the story. Got a little busy with life and all. Hope you all enjoyed it. I hope Chris's story was different enough from the movie. Anyways thanks again for reading!