Stupid Fucking Huckleberry who is bigger than me, and stronger than me, who has me cornered and I can't move .… Stupid huckleberry

"Move Ranger Rick, I have to go educate myself in the language of love," I purred, he rolled his eyes at me.

I had my back on my locker, his arms on each side of me trapping me, people were around us and he knew it, People were watching as the blonde boy had me up against a locker with little to none personal space. I can't lie that I don't like him this close to me, I can't lie that I'm not intoxicated by smell of his cologne, I can't lie that I'm kinda sorta like him a lot. Riley wasn't around to witness this or she probably would've had a heart attack. I glared up at him, putting my hands on his chest attempting to push him away, it was no use I couldn't move him and he knew it.

"Seriously, Huckleberry you gotta move." he chuckled, which aggravated me even more.

"Why? Are we uncomfortable?" He mumbled into my ears, his hot breath on my neck and something shot up me, I felt giddy and God he just looked so fuckable the things I would do to him if I had the chance. I took a shaky breath absolutely hating the effect he had on me.

"No, this isn't funny Friar. Move people are watching." I glared up at him and he chuckled at me once again.

"Wanna give them something to watch ma'am?" He bit his lip and it was my turn to chuckle.

Lucas Friar, the star athlete, moved to New York from Texas in the beginning of high school and was just perfect. Smart kid, hot kid, sweet kid, full out gentleman. Riley, my best friend, was completely in love with him, like head over heels. And that was that Lucas joined our little group. It was us two girls, plus Isadora, Farkle, and Zay who joined cause he was Lucas's best friend from Texas. I loved making fun of Lucas and Lucas loved letting me, riling me up whenever he got the chance. Sure you could say we were flirting- oh who am I kidding we were definitely flirting and I probably shouldn't because of Riley and I know that's such a horrible thing to do to your best friend but I really couldn't help it. Anyway it was just a game we played, he didn't like me like that he liked Riley! And who wouldn't oh precious, cute, happy, sunshiny, perfect Riley! I love her!

"In your dreams, baby" I said biting my lips, he smiled leaning back a bit, his hands traveled down to my waist. It felt great, it probably shouldn't, and I probably should've took his hands off of me but I didn't, I loved how it made me feel.

"I need a favour." I snorted at him.

"And what makes you think I wanna help you Ranger Rick?" he took another small step towards me practically breathing the same air as me, his arms now wrapped around me.

"Why wouldn't you?"

"You need to take a step back buddy, you're all up in my grill" he smirked before resting his forehead on mine.

"But you like it, no need to deny it" I most certainly needed to deny it, I laughed throwing my head back and punching him lightly in the stomach, he smiled stepping back with his hands up in surrender As the last year went by we've gotten way more flirty with our comments before I usually just made fun of his heritage but now are conversations somehow seem to go back to sex, though we would never do it but it seemed we just wanted to see who would break first and it didn't help that he was as stubborn as I was. I turned so I was facing my locker and opened it up. I saw Missy Bradford from the corner of my eyes whispering to her group of clones. Missy hates Lucas, Missy hates Riley, Missy hates Farkle, basically Missy hates my entire friend group. Ever since she got rejected by Lucas, Farkle and Zay she was a complete bitch. Zay and Lucas were both Jocks and Farkle was the in every club you can think of, president of many. As dorky and goofy looking as he was in middle school, puberty hit him hard.

" So what's the favour you needed to ask me" he moved so he was now leaning on my neighbouring locker.

"Um ok, this is going to sound super weird and stuff but I um need you to be girlfriend," …. wait did I hear that right?


"Girlfriend Maya. Be my girlfriend?" He said with a smirk, I rolled my eyes reaching in my locker switching out my binders, then shook my head no

"No, Maya I'm serious"

"What the hell ? Do you hear yourself"

"Ok let me explain myself, My sister, Rose is getting married this summer, remember me saying that" I nodded

" yea, so my family is holding an engagement party for her. And they think it's weird that I haven't dated or brought home anyone since I moved to New York and so I might have accidentally said I had a girlfriend and then they kinda told me to bring her to dinner tonight, so they can meet her before the engagement party. That's where you come in. I need you to be my girlfriend for tonight and next week and well all of summer" he said quickly. I looked at him with disbelief, he's an idiot. Why would anyone lie about having a girlfriend and honestly if he wanted one, any girl at school would fall at his feet.

" ok one you're actually so stupid why would you lie, two you did date Riley, three why the hell are you asking me to be girlfriend?"

"I panicked! And I went out with Riley like once in the beginning of grade nine and it was awkward you know that! and well cause you're a good friend of mine and I'm pretty sure we could pull it off, and you're like one of best people I know" I raised an eyebrow at him

"Best people eh?"

"Shut up, I will take it back" he threatened with a smile

"Ask Riley! She'd do a great job and she'd want to be your girlfriend"

"No, Maya she would think I'm leading her on and make it into a big deal and well I don't really want to introduce her to my family as my girlfriend" so he'd want to introduce me as his girlfriend? Does that mean something or am I making a big deal out of this? Yes, I am most definitely making a big deal out of this.

"And if I were to agree what's in it for me?"

"You get to be my girlfriend, " he said with a wink

"Oh, then I'll pass," I smirked up at him closing my Locker turning around to walk away from him he caught my arm spinning me around

" Maya please! and come on it'll be a summer of fully paid vacation"

" what makes you think I want to spend my summer before grade 12 with you cowboy"

" you're going to anyway" he said rolling his eyes at me. He was right, I most likely would see him during the summer a lot considering I would be with Riley and Farkle and Zay so obviously he would be there too.

"Not the same thing "

"Maya, please it's a just favour and I'll you owe you"

"What about Riley? She's really hoping you would ask her out again and she's kinda hoping to be your date to the wedding"

"She doesn't need to know. It's either I ask you or I ask someone else and she would find out about them and be hurt" he had a point, of course he did that stupid Huckleberry

"Ugh fine, let go" I said shaking my hand, he dropped my hand with a smirk

"Your mom knows me Lucas, hell she's like best friends with my mom she isn't going to fall for it" somehow Lucas and I always got placed together to work on projects thus making us stay at each other's house often, and somewhere in the last three years are mom became best friends.

"No, that's exactly why she'll fall for it, she loves you Maya and I think our moms have been kinda hoping we would get together so she would be more than elated if I brought you home. Plus I'm positive she thinks we're secretly dating" I looked down at my feet he had a point.

" I'll pick you up at seven, dinner's formal" he said with a grin, walking away to his football friends.

The group usually met up at Riley's locker after school because her locker was in the central hub of everyone's last class.

" I have this huge test to study for" Zay groaned

"I'll help you with it" Smackle offered

" yea, we all will!" Farkle agreed, slapping Zay on the back Wrapping an arm over Smackle's shoulder. I watched Lucas walk up to us and stand next to Smackle

"Let's all go to Topanga's!" Riley exclaimed looking at us five.

" I can't, I have a dinner with my family, Rose is flying in" Lucas explained looking at me with a small smile, I rolled my eyes before opening my mouth to tell my friends a lie

" I can't either."

"Why?" Zay said looking at me with an eyebrow raised

" I have a painting to hand in on Monday and I haven't started it yet" I said with a frown

"Oh poor peaches" Riley said giving me a hug. The group then split saying goodbye to each other, Lucas and I walking to his locker while the gang left for the bakery.

"Painting huh?"

" shut up, I'm doing this for you" he chuckled

"I know. So I'll see you at seven?"
"Yup, I guess I'll see you then, huckleberry."

*At the Hart Residence*


"what's the matter?" Katy hart, my mom, peaked her head into my room to find me sitting on my bed with the contents of my closet on the floor, my makeup kit opened and scattered on my dresser and shoes basically everywhere.

"Um, what happened in here?" She looked at me as if I went crazy.

"Ok, so Lucas needs a fake girlfriend because he's an idiot and he told his family he had one when he doesn't so he asked me to be his girlfriend and well I said sure cause he would do it for me if I was in that situation and I'm supposed to have dinner with his family tonight and he's picking me up in an hour and I don't own anything that's formal and nice looking and you can't tell Topanga or Cory because Riley can't know or she'll be heartbroken." I said in one breath, mom raised her eyebrow and had a small smile on her face as she walked through the mess I created and sat next to me.

" I heard about the dinner, Maddy called me this morning, Maya are you sure this is a good idea?"

"What'd you mean mom?"

"I mean do you think you can be his fake girlfriend and not catch feelings for him? If you haven't already?" I felt my cheeks heat up at my mom's words.

"Yes, I can mom. I don't like him like that and he doesn't like me. I'm pretty sure pretending to like him will be easy and this isn't a movie or some chick flick we aren't going to actually fall in love or whatever" she sighed before getting up and walking towards the door

"If you say so sweetie, You clean this up, I have a dress you can borrow"

My mom gave me this beautiful dark purple dress, that ended just above my knees, it had a sweetheart neckline and showed off all the curves I had. Sure I was short but at least I was curvy. I let her straighten my hair and do my make up. It was real natural, a little bit of eyeliner and mascara my cheeks holding a natural blush.

"Maya! The Texan is here!" Shawn, my mom's boyfriend, called out . I walked out of my room and into the living room to find him in formal pants, a white dress shirt tucked into them and a black tie. He looked fantastic, somehow him being in a suit added to his hotness. He was laughing and chatting with Shawn and my mom they didn't even notice I was entered the living room. Shawn at first wasn't okay with Lucas because Cory wasn't but over the years Lucas was over a lot and slept here and Shawn found him to be a great kid and seemed to like him.

"Oh please Shawn if we need to worry about anyone's innocence being taken away from them it's me." I watched Shawn grin at the boy and My mom laugh as she wrapped an arm around Shawn's waist.

"Awh my baby girl you look great!" My mom exclaimed causing the boys to turn around and look at me.

" You look great Maya!" Shawn said with a smile, I smiled back. He looked like a proud father did and I was happy someone looked at me like that. Lucas on the other hand didn't say anything his gaze locked on me a small fond smile on his face.

" Earth to Huckleberry! do we not have a dinner to attend? Or are you just going to stand there like an idiot?" I said as I walked by him to grab my clutch. He shook his head.

"I'm sorry Maya, you look good" he said in a little bit a daze

"Oh um thanks huckleberry, you clean up nicely too" he chucked

"You've seen me cleaned up before"

"And you've seen me dressed up before" he rolled his eyes at me.

"Just accept a compliment Maya. " I can accept a compliment. I do accept compliments all the time actually.

"Sorry I'm just not used to you actually paying me a compliment" I said sarcastically throwing him a playful glare, his eyes widen and he looked oddly surprised

"I've complimented you before, and you know I think you look good"… why was he so defensive?

"Ok um but like never to my face or -"

"Maya, you're beautiful" he interrupted with a shrug. I looked at him for a bit. He looked like he was being sincere but since when was I beautiful to him? Was he just saying this cause my mom and Shawn were around? Doesn't matter the words made my heart melt. Ugh, maybe this was a bad idea.

"Whatever, can we go?"

"If you're ready " he said with a small grin and I couldn't help but mirror his smile.

"Wait let me take a picture, you two look stunning" my mom said taking her phone out I smiled letting him wrap his arm around my waist pulling me closer to him. I stiffened at first but then melted into him. I've taken pictures with him before this should be normal why am I freaking out.

"Wow a perfect height" Shawn said with a chuckle in which Lucas joined in. I was just up to his shoulder with my heels on. I glared at the two

"Oh yea my favourite short stack of pancakes" he said he said pulling me into a hug, I laughed into his shoulder throwing my arms around his neck as he lifted me up slightly. This was wrong and I knew it. We always acted like this but it was wrong because now I'm his fake girlfriend. If Riley saw the thoughts in my head she would probably hate me.

"Let's go, I don't want to be late" I said pushing him off me, he chuckled

"Alright alright! Why the rush?" I watched as he leaned in and gave my mother a hug and propped Shawn promising them both to have me back by midnight.

As we walked out of my apartment he lead me to his car. His car just happened to be a matte black Mercedes.

" That's your car? Are you sure that's not your car?" I said pointing to the faded gold Ford in front of the Mercedes, a car that seemed more appropriate that a boy in grade 11 would drive.

"Nope, pretty sure this one's mine" he walked over and opened the passenger door for me. I got into the car and put my seatbelt on as he started the car.

" how is this your car? Why is it that in the three years I've known you I've never seen this car?"

" I only use it when I don't have to take the subway. It's too flashy for me" he said scrunching his nose up.

" Hm ok… so um where's dinner ?"

" Fontanabella have you ever been?" he said with a smile. I shook my head.

"It's good food, um a real classy place but again way too flashy" I nodded looking at the window

"Um do you want to listen to music?" I turned to look at him and smiled

"Sure but no damn country music"

"You know I think you would grow to love it if you listened to it"

"No, I'm not going to love a health hazard"

"How is country music a health hazard?" he looked at me with an amused smirk

"They make my ears bleed, and EYES ON THE ROAD !" he chuckled, turning on some pop radio station, I smiled and began singing a long and dancing around.

"Wow, Maya you can sing" I burst out laughing

"Nope, I'm good on putting on a show " I said with a wink. He shook his head laughing. The drive was about half an hour. As we got there I don't know why but I was feeling nervous. Lucas parked the car mumbling something about not trusting valet. And got out of his car and walked around to the passenger side. And helped me out.

"You okay?" He asked me, I shook my head

"Lucas I can't do this I've never been a girlfriend how the hell am I supposed to pretend to be one?" He smiled at me, which made me glare at him

"Are you listening ? I'm nervous For something that isn't real. And if your family decides to hate me and I have to deal with that too!" His smile grew wider

"Why the fuck are you smiling?"

"Ok first of all, just be yourself act like you do with me everyday, nicknames and all. Two my mom already loves you and my family will too the only person that's a bit hard to win over is my dad so I wouldn't worry about him he still doesn't like Rose's fiancée and they've been together since grade five" Lucas said with a deep chuckle.

"But Lucas-"

"Maya, you'll be fine and if you want to leave just kick me in the chins during dinner or something and we can get up and leave and go watch a movie or something ok?" He said looking down at me holding his hand out for me to hold. I nodded taking his hand

"So we hold hands now?" I asked lifting an eyebrow.

"That's what couples do, am I right?" he winked at me once more. We walked into the restaurant and Lucas was right this place was flashy but it was beautiful, something out of a movie. We walked up to the front desk.

"Hello sir, do you have a reservation?" Said as young blonde probably in her early twenties she was pretty with her deep brown eyes and heart shaped face, and she was tall and lean.

"Um yes, Friar party" she smiled a little too brightly if you ask me and lead us to his table. His family stood up as we approached.

"Lucas!" A pretty young blonde that was just a forehead shorter than Lucas ran up to us, she had beautiful eyes and all in all was gorgeous, tall and curvy.

"Rose!" Lucas said hugging her with his free arm the other hand still holding onto my hand tightly.

"I haven't seen you in forever and I missed you so much!" She exclaimed, she let him go and looked at me with a smile

"This is my girlfriend, Maya Hart" he said with a smile introducing me to his family. Girlfriend, it sounded so right coming from his mouth and it shouldn't because he was Riley's. But I can't help feel the good type of butterflies in my stomach when he introduces me as his girlfriend with a proud smile.

"Maya! I'm Rosalie, his favourite sibling"

"I beg to differ" another Boy walked up to us he was a bit taller than Lucas, had bright blue eyes, even with the suit on you could tell he was fit like Lucas, lean and muscular. He put an arm around his sister and smiled at me.

"I'm Jasper, His older brother and her Twin" he said with a wink.

"So winking is a family thing?" I asked with a chuckle. Lucas chuckled

"Oh you know it, learned my tricks from him" Lucas said with a chuckle. He dropped my hand and wrapped his arm around my shoulder throwing me a wink.

"Maya!" His mom said coming up to me to give me a hug

"Mrs. Friar!" I said with a smile, accepting and giving her a hug. She kissed my cheek and told me to call her Madison once again, which I wouldn't because it was weird to call her that.

"Nice to meet you Maya, call me Jayden" a man that looked like an older version of Lucas introduced himself.

"Pleasure is mine sir" I said shaking his hand

"Firm handshake" he said with a slightly impressed nod

"Let's order, I'm starved" His mother said all bubbly

We all sat down. Jasper and Rosalie across from Lucas and I and the parents on each corner, I was sitting near .

"Thank you" I said to the waiter that handed me a menu, he nodded and walked away. I looked in my clutch to see if anyone messaged me, Just Riley and Zay, I'll reply later I guess. Lucas leaned in to look inside my clutch.

" You brought money?" Lucas whispered into my ear

"Um, yes I'm not letting you pay for my meals" I whispered back

"I'm sorry do you not understand the concept of a date?"

"Well Huckleberry I work so I have money and so I'm going to use the money I made to pay for the food I'm going to eat"

"You don't go Dutch at formal dinner Hart"

"Ok I have no problem paying for you too then" Lucas's grin widen and he shook his head with a chuckle, leaning closer to me.

"That's not what I meant" I bit my lip and leaned up to him.

"You should be more clear next time" I turned to see his family watching us, some with amused expressions, some with a smile. Once we all gave in our orders, Lucas answered some questions his siblings had, and then Rosalie turned to look at me.

"So Maya, Lucas tells us you're an amazing artist!"

"oh I'm alright, he exaggerates"

"I do not! You're a great artist!" I felt my cheeks heating up

"Stop singing my praises " I said with a laugh

"You never sing them so I guess I ought to" he replied smoothly

"and why do you like art Maya?" His father asked, I bit my lip thinking about it for a minute than I turned to him and smiled

"well sir, Art feeds the senses, it shows beauty that people don't see right away and I like being able to capture and share that with people, I like finding the beauty in things that people might not see right away and art lets me escape reality." I saw the corners of Mr. Friar's lips turn up in a small smile, I turned to look at Lucas who held a proud smile on his face

"Well, Maya that's wonderful and I hope you get to do what you love for a very long time. Never lose your passion." he told me

"I'll do my very best"

"Lucas you should do something productive" Rosalie said with a chuckle

"I play sports"

"no, you act like a barbarian on a field" his mother said with a laugh

"Jasper was on the football team too you know"

"I think Lucas does a great job on the field, He's the school's pride. Sports have been proven to be great for motivation and he motivates not only himself but me too" I said with a shrug

"was that a compliment?" He asked Feigning surprise

"I was trying to be nice, huckleberry" I said rolling my eyes, he smiled

"What'd you call him?" I looked at his brother and formed a little o with my mouth, Lucas chuckled

"She called me Huckleberry"

"cause you're from Texas?" Rosalie said with a laugh which the rest of the table joined in, he nodded

"yup but that's not all, there's Ranger Rick, Ranger Roy, Sundance, Heehaw, Moral compass, and Hopalong" he said using his fingers to count out each name

"Don't forget Bucky Mcboing Boing" I added

"wouldn't dream of it" he said looking down at me with a smile

"Why do you call him names?" Jasper asked

"He lets me" I said with a shrug, I saw the two blondes look at each other with a knowing smile. I was beginning to get comfortable in the presence of his Father and siblings. His dad seemed to be less scarier than I imagined. Our food arrived to our table right about then the waiter placed my plate of pasta down. As he walked away, I saw from the corner of my eyes that Lucas was glaring at the boy

"Do you know him?" I shook my head. How the hell am I supposed to know someone that works in a fancy place like this?

"Did you ask for another tablecloth?" I turned to look at him

"Hmm?" Was the only thing I could really say because one, he wasn't making any sense and Two, I had food in my mouth. He leaned over me and took the tablecloth that was on my left, and opened it up, as he did so a piece of paper fell out, he held it with a frustrated expression. I leaned over to see it was the waiter's name and number and groaned

"Ugh, how cliché"

"I love how people always tend to give you their number when I'm around. It's fun to witness"

"Ok, first of all that happened like twice and second it's not like I call them or anything so does it matter?" He always made a big deal out of this for nothing, I was single, single people get numbers.

"It's annoying" he said simply going back to his food

"You're annoying, I still put up with you" he flashed me a bright smile, and I saw his family look at us with a fond smile.

"But you love me how could you not, I don't love them" he said waving the paper around, I narrowed my eyes at him forgetting that I was at dinner with the rest of his family.

"Are you being serious right now? Do you know how many times I get asked to play wingman? How many friends I've lost cause you?! Now that's annoying."

"well then they weren't great friends in the first place" he said rolling his eyes knowing exactly who I was talking about.

"Lucas, I almost got kicked off the Cheerleading Squad because of you. you are not prepared to have this discussion with me" I said simply going back to my pasta. His Father and Brother chuckled

"oh and what about the scrap I got into with my teammates because of you?" I rolled my eyes, did I ask him to fight the guys in his locker room who were talking about me sexually? no, no I did not.

"that was on you, I don't even know why you did that, at least I'm not scaring people from the opposite sex away"

"Brandon! That's not fair. He's not good, I get bad vibe from him"

"do you hear yourself when you speak?" I asked with a smile

"Not when i'm around you" he huffed

"How did you almost get kicked off the cheerleading Squad?" Rosalie asked looking intrigued, I blushed as I remembered I just fought with Lucas at a dinner with his parents. His father looked amused and his mom was used to us bickering, so I took a deep breath and began speaking

"Ok so hotshot over here was working out"

"with the rest of the team, Maya that was hardly my fault"
"let her finish the story Luke" Jasper said with a chuckle

"it was completely your fault, anyway he decides to take his shirt off and, Marissa gets distracted" I said using quotations around distracted, and the family laughed

"That wasn't my fault, you don't know that it was cause of me it could've been anyone on the team" I rolled my eyes

" It was you, stop interrupting me"

"Yes, Lucas stop interrupting her" His father said with a sly smile, I sat up straighter

"And she decides to drop me, and then she has the nerve to go off on me for having my foot placement wrong"

" You don't know that she dropped you on purpose, and maybe you did have your foot placement wrong"

"Shut up stop defending her, you can't have wrong foot placement when you're five feet in the air. Anyway I guess we all took a five minute break the same time as the boys did and Hopalong decides to come talk to me and make fun of my fall" I saw Lucas's mother raise an eyebrow at her son.

"but you know I'm cool with him making fun of me what I'm not cool with, is him siding with Marissa"

"I was not siding with her, she was siding with me" I looked at him in disbelief

"anyway long story short I threw water at him for being a jerk, because he was offending me and my height" His father's eyebrows raised. Maybe I shouldn't of said that

"I love your height, I was not being offensive. Marissa was being offensive"

" Because I wouldn't help her get with you! and you were being offensive, I would know I was getting offended"

"oh and throwing water at me was how you solve it, and plus Missy could be upset at you because you made varsity in grade nine and she thought she would be the only one on the varsity team and you took that spot making you the best cheerleader and spot in candidate for Captain in grade 12" He was bragging and I knew it.

"I only threw water at you because you had no shirt on and you were sweaty" I said scrunching my nose

"I was doing you a favour" I added

" and I was doing you one"

"No, no you weren't cause I almost got suspended from the team because apparently I was being rude to Marissa"

"You were being rude to Marissa!"

" I disagree, I was expressing myself!" I said with a small laugh, thinking about her face after I went off on her. The rest of the table joined in with my laughter.

"well, you know It's good to speak your mind" Jasper said with a chuckle

"Maya's good at that" Lucas said biting his lip leaning into me, I smiled shrugging

"So Maya any Idea of where you want to go for collage? What you want to be when you grow up?" Rosalie asked, I smiled

" Well, I want a double degree in Business, and fashion. I dream to be able to work and write for Vogue. But most likely join Minkus International and go into administration or maybe open an Art gallery and um collage I really don't know"

"I thought you were thinking about Yale?" Lucas asked me, I widened my eyes surprised that he remembered that detail

"Ah yea... I was but then I realized what would an Ivy league school want with me!" He rolled his eyes.

"What do you mean? Maya you're in all AP classes, president of the art council, and Part of the Dance and Cheer team and glee club plus you work, they would be more than happy to want you"

"My girlfriend went to Yale, um for Law but they look not only on your academic achievements but the type of person you are and I don't know you that well but the last hour I've spent with you I can tell you're an amazing person and you have a great Resume." Jasper said, I blushed and I felt Lucas's hand on my knee rubbing it with his thumb soothingly.

"Thank you Jasper that means a lot , But Ivy leagues look at your background, where you're from, etc. and well how do you explain that um your dad was sick of you so he left your family and started up a new one" I said with a small smile putting a hand over Lucas's, I was over it, I really was. I mean sure did it still sting ? Yes it did A LOT but I'm better now. I had Shawn and Cory.

"Well, you're nothing like your father Maya."

Mrs. Friar told me

"I hope so" I said quietly looking down at my lap, I saw Lucas throw his sister a glare.

"So Lucas, How are you doing in school?"

"Um good dad, yeah I think if I keep it up I can get scouted for a sport or something" he said with a small smile

"That's good Luke, don't do anything stupid and mess it up alright?!" I saw Lucas roll his eyes and sigh

"That was part of my past alright, and the last time it was for good reason you saw what he tried to do to Rose"

"Did he tell you about Texas Maya?" Rose asked me and I felt Lucas stiffen

"Um he told me the best parts of it and I know he got expelled and if he feels that's all I need to know then I trust his judgement"

"But you don't wonder?" Jasper asked, I laughed

"Um not really, whatever bad bad things he did Texas, he'll still be my Moral compass. And I um I guess I always knew he had a temper" he turned to look at me with shock on his face. His mother looked at me with worry

"Not that he would or has ever showed it to me or anything. You could never tell he got expelled from anywhere" I said quickly

"But um I guess I just paid close attention, he is so passionate and he's quick to stick up for his friends or family and he definitely looks like he could handle fight. Plus he is quick to raise his voice or stand his ground when it comes to opinions and stuff so I assumed that he had trouble with anger in Texas but not that he does now or anything " I rambled on this was obviously a sore spot for the family and I didn't want to offend them, ugh this is why I'm single no awkward interactions with family or anything.

"Well you're right, I did have trouble with anger but not for reasons you would think"

"I wasn't trying to-"

"It's ok Maya" he assured me, with a shrug and a smile, I bit my lip nervously

"Well, considering he hasn't gotten into any fights or altercations, I think it's safe to say he's gotten much better and I'm guessing you're a reason why!" Rosalie said with a smile, I shook my head

"no, I doubt it has anything to do with me"

"No, you calm me down for some odd reason, you know once she jumped on my back to stop me from punching Billy for being an ass to Farkle" he said with a chuckle

"language!" His mother exclaimed hitting his arm with a smile

"You literally jumped on his back?" Jasper asked with an amused smirk, I laughed nervously and nodded

"Well, She's perfect for you" Jayden said shaking his head with a smile

"Do we want dessert or?" Lucas turned to look at me, I shrugged shaking my head

"Mom, do you want to split one?" Madison smiled and nodded as she called for the waiter.

"Um do you want to head out?" Lucas asked me

"Up to you" he nodded at me and after three more desserts were ordered he spoke up

"Can you bring me the bill for the both us" he was gesturing to me and himself to the waiter throwing him a glare, I kicked his leg and he turned to wink at me, I rolled my eyes.

"Sir if you have credit you have to pay over there" Lucas groaned getting up to follow the waiter. I smiled at the sight watching him leave

"I'm glad he found you" Rosalie said with a smile I turned to face the twins

"Yea he's our baby brother, the little guy of the family and we're really protective of him as he is us. he's in good hands with you, seems much happier" Jasper added

"I usually don't like the people my kids bring home, I still have trouble with Rosie's fiancée to be honest but you're different Ms. Hart and Lucas has made a lot of mistakes in the past but you certainly aren't one so if he ever treats you wrong tell me I'll put him back in his place"

I looked at Mr. Friar with surprise I was not expecting that from him hell I was expecting him to be rude and for me to hate him by the end of dinner but the man looked at me with warmth and trust. I took a deep breath and smiled at him

"Thank you so much, that means so much coming from you but I doubt Lucas could treat me wrong. You're son is an amazing individual and I'm glad and proud to have him in my life. And I can promise you I will always be supportive of him and his ambitions and do my best to keep him smiling" shit what the hell was that? What am I saying? How can I lie to these people? Ugh I feel like shit…stupid huckleberry.

"Ok so I did pay for the dinner but you can make it up to me by going out with me for dessert" Lucas came back with an accomplished smile holding the receipt, I narrowed my eyes at him

"Please tell me you didn't say anything to the waiter" he held his heart feigning shock

"What makes you think I would? I'm offended" I rolled my getting up from the table

"Let me buy breakfast tomorrow"

"Oh I get to see you tomorrow?"

"If you want"

"I'll pick you up at 8am" I nodded with a smile. He wrapped an arm around me and the rest of the table got up for goodbyes, I gave them all a hug and kissed Madison in the cheek and we left the restaurant together.

As soon as we got to his car, I stood my back on the car and he smiled standing in front of me.

"Wow that went better than I thought" I said with a sigh

"They love you! I mean like I knew my mom and siblings would but my Dad! Thank you so much, you own me! I'll do whatever you need"

"They're good people" he smiled even wider

"I'm glad you like them"

"I don't like lying to them" I fidgeted looking down

"I know, I don't like it either, I mean my family does so much for me and here I am lying about a girlfriend"

"Lucas, if you wanted a girlfriend you could've asked anyone and they would be more than elated" he sighed taking a step away from me

"I know, but Maya maybe I didn't want to introduce anyone but you, ever look at it that way?" and with that he walked around the car and got in. What does that even mean? He honked the car getting me out of my daze. I got into his car awkwardly and put on my seatbelt.

"We have a few hours till I have to get you home.. You want to actually go get dessert and go for a walk?" I turned to face him he looked nervous And I don't know why he is, what did he think I would do blow him off?

"Sure Sundance, but I'm paying!" He chuckled

"There's this new dessert bar near the marina you up for a ride to the docks?"

"Of course, let's go on an adventure!" He chucked and started driving. If I knew how dramatically things would change maybe I wouldn't of accepted to be his fake girlfriend but no one could've predicted the outcome. It was inevitable but I don't regret a thing that happened.

I KNOW ANOTHER NEW FANFIC..i have three more in the drafts LOL PLEASE REVIEW