Patsy clutched the photo of Delia close to her chest, it was hard to believe that in just mere hours she would be back for good. The thought of Delia and her finally being able to live together was all Patsy had thought about during the past weeks nursing duties. Patsy peered down at the picture one last time and then laid it back into it's spot in her box. The box was something she'd started at the camp, it was full of her most prised possessions. In it was a small note book with pressed leaves and animals from the camp, a broken pocket mirror that was her mothers and three pictures.

All three pictures were of Delia and each were used for very different purposes. Her favourite of the three, the one of both Delia and her together, was used for comfort when she felt down. The second, a picture of Delia in her nursing uniform, Patsy used to comfort the loss she felt when she couldn't see Delia. The final picture was one that turned Patsy's cheeks scarlet and left a pulsing feeling in her underwear, it was of Delia in a very tight and revealing leotard. The final picture was often used when Trixie was on call and Patsy had the room to herself. Patsy's eye caught a glimpse of Delia in the leotard and she began to giggle, she remembered showing Delia it when she came at Christmas time, and watching her go bright red hearing the reply Patsy gave when Delia asked what she needed such a picture for. The ballsy Welshwoman seemed to be taken back at what Patsy seemed to be implying, but later that evening disclosed that she often had dreams that she woke up from feeling rather flustered.

The knocked on the door to Trixie's and Patsy's room broke her train of thoughts, and she slid the box back under her bed. Taking a moment to readjust herself, she called out "Come in!" It was at that, that Sister Mary-Cynthia's head popped round the door with a look of urgency. She took a moment to smile at Patsy and then uttered "Nurse Mount, sorry to interrupt, your lady has gone into labour and your needed." Patsy thanked her and she left, returning to her own room. Patsy couldn't help but sigh, she had really hoped she would be home for when Delia arrived but it was looking more and more likely that she wouldn't be. Patsy pulled on her uniform, pinned her hair up and headed downstairs. Grabbing her bag with her sterilised equipment she marched towards the bike shed. Straddling the seat she pushed off and was finally on her way to the expectant mother.