Harry Potter and the Power of a Sage pt. 1
Harry potter lie in his bed at #4 Privet drive, to anyone watching he would appear to be resting peacefully, he was doing nothing of the sort. He had been home for a couple weeks now, and the dreams had been the same. The third task, running into the maze, the upside down mist, the sphinx, hearing the one word that could bring fear into any witch or wizard aliveā¦ 'Crucio'. All the memories came flooding back to him in his dream, he and Cedric bringing down Viktor Krum after he placed that curse on Fleur, how they battled the Acrumantulla together , how they agreed to take the cup together and share the victory. And then the scene played the scene that drove Harry's nightmares!
"Kill the spare" hissed the man
Harry had closed his eyes he could make out the bright green light though, and as he opened his eyes he looked to his left and saw Cedric's lifeless body thump on the cold ground.
Harry awoke in a dazed sweat, it always felt so real to him. He remembered the feeling of helplessness when he was tied to the tombstone, the helplessness he felt while wormtail took his blood, the blood that would resurrect Voldemort. He remembered the helplessness he felt when he began to duel with Voldemort. 'That's what he was, a vulnerable little boy he thought to himself'
"NO" Harry said a little louder than he intended to. Then he began to whisper "never again, I will not let anyone I care about die or get hurt because I am to weak to do anything about it, I'll do whatever it takes everyone tells me how great a wizard IM suppose to be, well it is time to find out" the hushed sound of his own voice was starting to scare Harry a little as he relized the intensity of his tone. "NEVER AGAIN" he yelled this time and could hear his Uncle and Cousin's snores stop abruptly, and at that moment he felt a warmth start to grow inside of him , a blinding light appeared a mix of light blues and an incredible white. As the light appeared to climax an inch from his eyes he felt a wall break inside of him and a flood of a feeling he had only once ever felt before overtook him, right as he passed out, he realized what it was.
It was power and it was intense , he felt the same feeling but weaker when he hid from Voldemort behind the tombstone , he thought about his father, and what he would think of his son hiding and cowering , and he felt it grow, he would not be weak at that moment , and he would never cower again!
Harry began to come to, he could hear voices, strange voices. He thought it best to pick up what he could before he gave away that he was awake, so he listened with his eyes closed.
"You can't be serious Morga'n" said a man
"Deadly serious this is the man, of that I am certain. I wouldn't have brought him otherwise, surly you know that Remi" said a woman an older woman but with a glint in her voice that reminded him of Dumbledore, that fact alone let Harry relax and assume he wasn't in immediate danger.
"But..." he didn't get far in his argument as he was cut off
"Enough Remi, her decision is not to be questioned , she has been doing this along time , and has never brought a person here who wasn't gifted." spoke a man who's mere voice seemed to radiate power.
"Your right of course Merlin, but it is hard to fathom that this man, no boy is a duel wielder, I have never even heard of such a thing." spoke the man named Remi.
"Yes , well we have never had a being survive the killing curse either , but this child did that as well, I will explain my theory on how he received the TL ability once young Harry has decided we are worthy of his trust and opens his eyes."
'Oh crap there went that plan right out the window' thought Harry. 'Time to face the music' Harry opened his eyes and was in a room made up of greens and browns , with an overall friendly atmosphere in the room Harry spoke up. "Hi, IM Harry Potter and who are you and where in Merlin's name am I?"
"Oh I hate when people say that."Responded the man with white hair down to his shoulders and crystal blue eyes, he appeared to be in his mid twenty's and strong
Both Remi and Morga'n chuckled. Morga'n was a elderly woman who wore her wisdom on her face for all to see, her hair had grayed and skin had wrinkled with the years she has seen. She had dark brown eyes; she looked very kind, very intelligent, and well motherly or grand-motherly would be better.
Remi was wearing light blue jeans slightly faded with a blue turtle neck sweater wrapped in what were apparently dark brown dress robes opened up in the middle so it appeared to be a muggle trench coat, he was young but not that young Harry guessed 24 or 25. He had short dark brown hair pulled up in the front with weird brown colored eyes, they were almost orange.
Seeing his friends share a laugh and the confusion on Harry's face Merlin took the initiative to get the initiation done with so he could get down to business "You see Harry my name is Merlin, so you'll understand why these two are chuckling" at this Remi and Morga'n held up there hands to Merlin and stooped laughing it was then that Harry noticed the leather bands around each of there arms Morga'n's was a dark green , while Remi's was a dark red, he then noticed that Merlin had one as well a strange light greenish blue. Merlin then spoke again "Harry you are looking at three of the more powerful magic users in history, we run a council, a council of Sages, you are here because Morga'n sensed that the same power that resides in all of us also lays dormant in you. However after today it will lay dormant no more. Have you ever heard of a sage Harry?"
Harry thought hard before speaking "Yes I have sir, there are only two known to have existed though Merl...er you, and an unknown woman...I am presuming that unknown woman is Morga'n? But You and she existed thousands of years ago how are you here talking to me? And you are definitely mistaken about me being a sage right? And why hasn't anyone ever recognized Remi as a sage? And I thought sages had elemental abilities, I assure you I don't have any. Do I?"
At this Merlin chuckled and Morga'n smiled and said "remind you of someone Remi?"
Remi also smiled and said slightly embarrassed "yeah me, all those questions jeez."
"Okay Harry one question at a time." said Merlin "Morga'n and I do not exist in the physical world were sort of memories to teach and council other sages that come to exist. No one has recognized Remi for what he is because he has only come to light with it a few years ago; he lives as an American muggle and works to keep things safe in the muggle world. As for your last two questions. No we are not mistaken about you being a sage and I assure you, you have amazing elemental ability!" He said the last part with a smile on his face before speaking again "I want you to think hard about Remi over there and point your wand and just concentrate on him becoming a stature of Ice."
"Ice sir" asked Harry still unsure
"Ice" responded Merlin Harry did as he was told he looked at Remi who had a bit of nervousness on his face, Harry pointed his wand and concentrated hard as he closed his eyes a second when he opened them a perfect ice sculpture of Remi was standing there. slowly the inside of the sculpture started turning a faint orange then a bright red and ice melted away
"God that was cold, good work Harry took me a few time to catch Morga'n's hair on fire" said Remi
"Thanks I guess" responded Harry
"Harry was you listening when Remi mentioned that you were a duel wielder?" said Merlin
Harry thought about it "yea I think I remember that, I'm not sure what that means?"
Merlin looked like he just had every birthday present in his life given to him in one quick second as he smiled a large grin appeared while he answered. "Harry did you know that Voldemort was a elemental himself, Thunder & Lighting if I remember correctly? Asked Merlin
"NO, Oh NO he will hurt too many people, he is a strong enough wizard with out that power we have to sto..."
he was cut of from his ramblings by Remi " He said was Harry...key word 'WAS'."
"Your a parslemouth right Harry? Do you know how you got that ability?" asked Merlin
"Yeah Voldemort tried to curse me, but his kedavra backfired and struck him instead, somehow some of his power went into me, that's where I got this." Harry said while lifting his bangs to show his scar.
"Don't you think it's odd that it's in the shape of a lighting bolt? Voldemort never even knew he had the ability and luckily for the ministry, and Dumbledore's order, you took the ability from him before he ever found out!" Merlin said still smiling like an Idiot "Now Harry we have a few gifts for you, for you must return to the plane of reality very soon.
"WHAT I thought you were going to train me or something. I don't know what I am doing" Harry said again a little louder and harsher than he intended to, but Merlin just chuckled
"Relax Harry I said I had some gifts for you one of them is this book" Harry took the book and looked at it the cover was blank so he opened the book up to the table of contents, when he did he just about drooped it in shock
Chapter 1 ... Magic without a wand? Impossible?
Chapter 2 ... Anamagology? Ha and you thought you had a choice!
Chapter 3 ... Apparition, Disaparition
Chapter 4 ... Your Elemental Guardian?
Chapter 5 ... Invisibility. You need a cloak right?
Chapter 6 ... Dueling curses they don't teach you at school
Chapter 7 ... Dark Magic? How to use their own magic against them.
"WOW" said Harry "I'll be able to do this?"
"Yes" said Merlin" Now Harry take this ring touch the emblem if you need to communicate with us, you'll be brought here immediately, although your time will be limited. Now good bye Harry, we will be in touch." and with that they were gone