A/N: Hello all. I had the random urge to update this, then blinked when I realized how long it had been. Yikkkkkes. Er. Sorry, all?

Published: 4/19/2018

Warnings: None

Chapter 11

Whatever It Is, It's Rin's Fault

"Okie dokie, class!" Rin announced. It had taken much convincing, and Rin was glad his dad was on his side for it, but he had finally been allowed to teach his class again. And look at them! All those adorable faces, peering out at him!

On the other side of the school, within his own classroom while in the middle of grading homework, Yukio froze as he was randomly hit with a pang of jealousy which made him want to fail every single one of these brats. Yukio blinked for a few seconds before shrugging it off, deciding that whatever it was, Rin was responsible.

All around him were the weary faces of his precious students. Well, almost all of them weary.

Paku had a new confidence in her, one Rin had helped spark and inspire. Rin personally patted himself on the back for that one. He knew Paku would probably leave eventually, but if his class could help her further herself in life, then more power to her.

Suguro, on the other hand, had a tick mark above his head. The Myoo Dharan heir, despite being covered in numerous bandages, had a feral grin on his face. Rin met it head on and smirked. Bon's expression twisted to matched his. A pair of monsters, ready to throw down and enjoy the whole ride down to hell.

Rin locked his palms together, rubbing them as his gaze trailed along all his precious little minions. A few of them gulped.

Rin smiled.

"Okay, kiddos! Now that I've got some understanding of your abilities… Let's see what we've got to work on."

Shima tentatively lifted an arm in the air. The one Rin hadn't accidentally fractured. Rin beamed at the pink haired boy.

"How're we gonna do that, hehe?" Shima laughed nervously, looking like he very much wanted to be anywhere but here.

Rin easily heard the unasked question. Bon's feral look suddenly made much for sense.

They were expecting a round two.

Oh, how cute!

In the middle of grading, Yukio pressed a little harder than he intended, pencil shattering apart. In disbelief, Yukio lifted the broken splinters in his hands before sighing, tossing them away.

His little minions were obviously expecting a repeat of their last lesson. Silly minions. Rin knew better than to do that so soon! He'd give them some time before he did that. A little breathing space.

He'd ease them in before striking again. Rin was nice like that. He'd learned from the best.

Amaimon-nii was one hell of a teacher. Sure, Shura had trained Rin how to use a sword properly, but there were things she just didn't get or understand. No one else could, not even Yuki. Rin loved his little brother, but Yukio just didn't… He didn't he get it.

Yukio's demon blood had never awakened. Not like Rin's. Only Amaimon could understand the wild urge Rin would sometimes have to just let loose and destroy.

Yukio twitched. Now, he had the urge to attack Amaimon, of all people. Well, that he could actually do. Amaimon would oblige, and a spar would help reduce his stress, even if Yukio rarely won against the other.

"Not to worry, little minions. We won't be sparring today. At least, not like last time." Rin said.

Konekomaru gave out a sound of relief. Bon alone looked mildly disappointed. Despite Bon's rather hard headed attitude, Rin decided he liked the other boy.

Izumo sneered, crossing her arms at him. Oh? Interesting, interesting.

"So, you aren't going to attack us like a savage animal again?" Izumo snarked, narrowing her eyes at him.

Rin perked. Oh, feisty. This class was going to be awesome!

"Izumo!" Paku cried, shooting her friend an admonishing look.

"'Course not!" Rin responded cheerfully, not at all perturbed. "That will be your final exam!" Rin revealed.

His students froze.

"You see, little guppies, I'm gonna build all of you from the ground up. You've seen how strong I am. I took you all with nothing but a dulled out sword." Rin informed them. Bon, if anything, looked more furious at the words. Ah. What a loving relationship they would have. "So, I'm gonna train you all. If all you get out of my class is basic self defense, that's fine with me." Rin said, pointedly not looking at Paku so as to not draw attention to the girl.

If she didn't want people to know she wasn't in this for the long haul then that was her business and no one else's.

Said girl almost let out a sigh of relief. Luckily, she did not. As it was, Pokebrows still shot her a suspicious look.

"However, for those of you truly aiming to be Exorcists, my goal is to turn you into a group capable of taking me down. Whether you train as a fighter, or train as a healer helping your allies, I'm going to turn you all into the best damn class to graduate from this academy if it kills me!" Rin shouted. The expressions shifted again. Awe, wonder, and a bit of surprise. Rin smiled. "Are you with me?"

He could see it. There, that inspiration, shining in their eyes. Even Puppet boy seemed to be swept away by it, which was really saying something.

"Hai, Rin-Sensei!"

Rin grinned.

Mephisto plucked another grape. He so enjoyed these. Assiah had oh so many delicacies which he enjoyed oh so much. Why anyone could possibly wish to destroy this realm was beyond him.

But, that was Lucifer and Iblis for you. Their hatred of humanity outmatched their love of the world. Lucifer, and his self righteous nature, believed humans unworthy of their existence. Iblis, on the other hand, wanted to render them all to ash.

Such violent brutes.

The true way… Was to manipulate your way to the top.

Mephisto himself was not a true master of this. No. Even Mephisto could admit, in that field, Azazel had him beat. Sometimes, Mephisto wondered just exactly how the more religious members of the True Cross Order would react if they learned that the entire operation was being run by a Prince of Hell.

Part of Mephisto was tempted to let the information loose just for the look on Arthur Angel's face. Oh, how satisfying that would be, to see that smug little pretty boy realize that everything he lived and fought for was dictated by the very beings he detested so.

Mephisto looked out, gazing out towards his school.

Rin Okumura was a very interesting child.

Mephisto could admit, he'd had his doubts. Rin was a literal wild card, unpredictable to a fault. Oh yes, Mephisto could predict that the boy would do anything for his brother, but the extent of what that 'anything' adhered to was messy, even for a time traveler like Mephisto.

Still. Right now, Rin was not the focus.

Oh, no.

His focus was turned to… Other matters. Other threats. Something else, crawling in the background.

A portal opened, right in the middle of his office. Mephisto popped another grape in his mouth as a figure walked right through. A body tight suit clung to the woman's rather voluptuous figure. Her hair, a dark purple, fell around her heart shaped face, framing it. Brown eyes stared right at him.

Few would dare enter Mephisto's office like this. Few, unless, of course, Mephisto invited them.

"Ultear, my dear. Hello, hello." Mephisto greeted with a grin.

Ah. This one, he'd found when traversing other worlds. Ultear Milkovich, a woman who even a dimension away, had all but worshiped him. Worshiped through her actions, through the magic she practiced and mastered to a t.

Time magic was a tricky thing, but this woman… She'd managed to reverse time itself. Mephisto had to admit, that was an impressive feat. So, when he had found her, he had offered her a deal.

Her youth, her power again, in exchange for serving him. In the end, she had agreed. Eventually.

"Samael." the woman greeted.

Mephisto tsked.

"My dear, why do you insist on using that name?" he groaned, leaning back, sprawled lazily across his chair.

He could practically hear the eye roll as Ultear strode forth. Her hand darted out, a file landing squarely on Mephisto's desk. Mephisto blinked at it a few times before grinning up at her. Ultear's expression, as usual, was one of annoyance.

Honestly. She should learn to live a little.

"Ah, good, good. Tell me, Ultear…" Mephisto's finger tapped against the brown surface of the folder as his eyes locked with hers. "What is my dear brother up to? Iblis did make his threat, but, really, he has been… Oh so quiet, these last few years."

Mephisto was a bit disturbed by it, really.

Iblis usually wasn't this patient. When he wanted something, he'd move and he'd act. He was rather blunt with his intentions, blunt enough to stare Mephisto down and declare loudly how he was going to bring Rin Okumura to an end.

Yet, he hadn't.

It had been ten years, and Iblis had yet to make his move.

Mephisto could admit, this waiting game was starting to make him sweat a little. He was used to being the one countering, but apparently Iblis was content to wait for him to make the first move.

"Read it yourself." Ultear sneered at him, nose upturned. Mephisto rolled his eyes. Seriously. She was more stuck up that Shura, and that woman had a damn streak. Ultear turned away. "Be careful with him. He's… Trickier than you said he would be. I hope you have some sort of counter for what he's cooked up because, I'll admit, I don't."

That caused Mephisto pause. Ultear… Didn't have a counter for what Iblis was planning? This was the same woman that had literally spent decades grooming a child to her chosen role, the same woman that had mastered the art of time magic to the point where she could twist an entire planet back on her demands.

Before Mephisto could say anything, she was gone.

Annoyed, he flipped through the document. Time to see what she had found, then, if she wasn't going to bother revealing it himself.

The first thing he saw was a picture. A youth, drenched in burning blue flames, and eyes. Familiar eyes that had once haunted his nightmares, glowing and golden, peering out right at him.

Right at wherever Ultear had been.

Mephisto resisted the urge to scream.


Oh fuck.

Iblis was… He was hiding that monster? Mephisto stood and swore, loudly, tossing his arm out and letting a pure blast of power tear through his office. Well. Shit just got complicated.