So this is my first SPN fic. Obviously nothing is mine. This IS a Gabriel x reader fic but not till later, so please bare with me! Any comments are appreciated so feel free to drop me a line. Love you all :) xx

"A sister!? What the hell do you mean we have a sister!?" Dean glared at Bobby, who at least had the decency to look ashamed.

"Your dad swore me to secrecy."

"You don't think at some point in between him dying, and the apocalypse, and everything else – that didn't become invalid?" Sam frowned. Bobby swiped his cap from his head and took a swig of beer.

"Well obviously it's sprung to mind once or twice but your dad didn't want her mixed up in all of this you eejits!" Dean exhaled.

"Where exactly does she live?" Bobby cleared his throat and looked at them both.

"You're not going to like it…"

"Bobby!" Dean barked, his green eyes flashing. The older man sighed in defeat.

"Scotland. She lives in Scotland. A little town called Annan. As far as I know she doesn't know anything about John, or you pair, or this life at all. I think your dad wanted it that way. She'll be 21 now. Her name is Y/N"

"The Angels have found out about her. She's in danger. Finding her first is of the greatest importance." Cas reiterated the facts they already knew in his wonderfully direct way. Dean rubbed his brow.

"So, we have a 21 year old Scottish sister who knows nothing about this life and has the halo brigade on her ass?"

"Basically, yeah." Sam plugged away at his laptop. "Here, look at this." He spun the laptop around to reveal a map of Scotland. The tiny dot at the bottom showed Annan. Without another word Cas placed his fingers on their foreheads.

"Cas no!" Dean cried. But it was too late.

Bobby sighed as he glared around his now empty kitchen.

"Bloody eejits" he murmured.

Dean and Sam opened their eyes. They were standing in a field. Dean threw his hands up in the air and cried out in frustration.

"Great job Cas. We're in the middle of freaking nowhere. Is this even Scotland!?" Castiel frowned and looked around him. He raised a hand and pointed.

"The town is that way." Dean rolled his eyes and began to march in that direction with a reluctant Castiel and Sam following.

The boys walked up and down the highstreet.

"Is this it?" Dean asked spreading his arms and turning around. "The only things here are bars and take aways."

"From what I could tell its only a small town, and everyone knows how much the Scots like to drink. It would have been handy if Bobby could have given us an address." He glared at Castiel.

"I'll try giving him a call." Dean held the phone to his ear before groaning in frustration. "Great. Just great. There's no reception." Sam raised his eyebrows and sighed heavily. "People are going to think we're just tourists looking for our ancestors."

"You know, Campbell is a Scottish name, we probably do have ancestors from Scotland." Dean glared at his brother until Sam pouted and looked at the ground.

"Let's just go in here and ask. Small town, someone's bound to know her." Sam gestured to the bar they were standing beside. They walked in to the dimly lit room and took in their surroundings.

"Hey, cute bar tender." Dean grinned looking at the girl standing staring at them. "Right, let me do the talking, hopefully I'll get a number and I can go international." Sam sighed and gave his brother a pointed look. Castiel had wandered over to the bar and ordered a drink.

Dean stormed out of the bar 5 minutes later, minus a number.

"What is the problem with Scottish girls?" He exclaimed.

"What, just because one girl didn't fall to your feet, there's something wrong with all Scottish girls?" Sam laughed. Dean glared at him. "At least she knows Y/K and we're going to meet her tomorrow." Castiel walked out and glanced around him with a bemused expression. "And since when do you drink Scotch!?" Dean rounded on the angel. Cas gazed at him with his bright blue eyes.

"This is Scotland Dean, the place where Whiskey is famous. And Scotland is Gods country." Dean frowned.

"What? Gods country?" Castiel nodded.

"Of course. God made Scotland and he sat back and smiled. It's full of fine men and women not to mention the beautiful scenery." Dean laughed.

"Yeah right Cassy, if anywhere is Gods country it's America." The angel frowned and shook his head.

"No that is not right." Sam rolled his eyes.

"Lets just go and find somewhere cheap to sleep."