To all my faithful friend, readers, and followers,

I just wanted to let you know that I'm dropping this story.

It was fun to write, but as most of you know, it was not my original idea and came from a friend of mine on deviantArt.

I'll still be writing, but my own stories from now on. I know a lot of you actually liked this Rosario / Monster Musume crossover, but to be honest, it has not always been easy to take someone else's idea and put my own spin on it, as it were.

So for all intents and purposes, this story will no longer be updated. Sorry if this upsets or even turns off some or all of my readers and this decision was not easy to make. I'll do my best to update my "Goddess of a Different Sort" story very soon, so please look forward to that in a week or so.

I also have another Rosario Vampire story idea, but I'm not sure of to go about it or even write the story. But if you "Follow" me, you'll know if and when I do start on another story, of course.

Thanks for understanding my decision to end this story now.

Until next time,
