"Rosario + Vampire: Everyday Life with Yokai Girls"

A Rosario + Vampire x Monster Musume no Iru Nichijou Crossover

This story will first start a few years after the defeat of Alucard and Fairy Tale in the Rosario + Vampire season II manga.

Rosario + Vampire belongs to Akihasa Ikeda.

Monster Musume no Iru Nichijou belongs to Takemura "Okayado" Inui.

Original idea by Toroka25 from deviantArt and written by myself.

I own nothing but the story itself!

Genres: Comedy / Romance / Fantasy.

Rated M for future chapters.


Author's Note: Please read.

Yes, my dear readers, I'm starting on a new crossover.

I'm not sure how long it will run but I already have the majority of the ideas planned out for the most part. A big shout-out to Toroka25 on Deviant Art. He helped me to flesh-out this idea I had, wrote the 'rules', and was big influence to get this started.

I also want to thank zeroIQ on fanfiction for re-working the title of the story, itself.

By the way, all of the "Rosario + Vampire" characters will be older versions of themselves compared to their teenage selves as they were in the original manga and anime.

All R+V characters are more or less, their canon selves (with some very slight differences because of Tsukune's non-involvement) due to the fact that Tsukune never attended the monsters-only high school nor never met any of the girls from his 'unwanted harem' until now. He's still a nice guy and helps out anyone who needs it but somewhat, more confident.

This story will be updated when I can since I'm still writing my R + V / Oh My Goddess crossover "Goddess of a Different Sort".

Beta read by Toroka25, Train48, PropertyOfLamb, and from deviantArt. Thanks guys!




It had been four years since the existence of monsters, or 'Yokai' and 'Ayashi' as they preferred to be called, was discovered.

The fantastical event unfolded in Yokohama, Japan, and was broadcast on national TV, as unbelievable as it sounds. Luckily, the entire downtown business district was promptly evacuated by the fast-thinking government before the massive castle-type airship crashed into and obliterated nearly a dozen, high-rise skyscrapers, in the area.

As the 'Fairy Tale' airship smoldered in thousands of tons of wreckage, a massive 200 meter tall monster, that looked as if it belonged in a sci-fi movie had gone on a rampage and demolished everything in its path. The monolithic monstrosity waved about its long tentacles and caused even more devastation.

The JSDF (Japanese Self Defense Force) was called into action after it was given the go-ahead by the Prime Minister, himself. They launched every type of weaponry they had at their disposal towards the monumental creature, whatever it was.

Much to their disbelief, whatever damage was brought onto the beast, rapidly regenerated before another volley of missiles were fired. They later discovered that the beast's name was Alucard. Or what he was once known as: Dracula. Yes, the one and the same.

Just as quickly as it started, the monster's path of destruction was soon brought to an abrupt halt by a beautiful, woman with pink hair. She was a soft-spoken Shinso Vampire by the name of Akasha Bloodriver.

Before she dispatched the eldest onetime-vampire, she politely asked the nations of the world to work with her only daughter so that her lifetime dream of coexistence between human, yokai, and ayashi could be realized.

In a flash of blinding light, Alucard was destroyed by Akasha, herself along with the other, two, 'Dark Lords'; one a white-robed Priest, and the other, an elderly Chinese, gentleman.

A week after Alucard's destruction, her only daughter Moka Akashiya stood before the Japanese government in the capitol city of Tokyo, and told her tale of who she was and where she came from, which took numerous hours.

Alongside the vampiress stood a petite, blue-haired Succubus and a violet-haired Yukki-onna who both transformed into their yokai selves and established that they were very much, who they claimed they were and were indeed, very real.

The vampiress was met with mixed results but she calmly assured them that the threat of Alucard and the fallen, anti-human, terrorist group known as 'Fairy Tale' were no more and would never return.

Several months later, after careful deliberation, the Japanese Prime Minister and the Yokai Ambassador, Moka Akashiya, drew up a peace accord between the human and yokai / ayashi races which was known as the "Inter-species Coexistence Treaty".

Human and Yokai / Ayashi alike were expected to uphold a strict set of rules set in place, otherwise severe penalties could be brought upon either party whether it be the Yokai themselves or their host-family.

The host-family's main task was to not only bring about peaceful coexistence, but to assist the yokai or ayashi to blend into society and to also to learn more about humans in general. The punishments varied from case to case and depended upon the severeness of which law was broken.

Specially-trained "Coordinators" would be assigned to each home-stay and their host-family to be certain that the laws were to be followed to the letter.

This is a sampling of the Laws set in place:

To prevent unnecessary violence, Yokai must remain within their Human forms in public at all times, save for when one needs to defend themselves. Those who have times where they transform against their will are subject to special rights and conditions in order to protect themselves. Ayashi were exempt from this first law as they were usually either half-human / half-animal or humanoid in appearance such as Lamia, Centaur, or Harpy, for example.

Monster Hunting and Man Slaying is hereby forbidden. Any of those who break these laws are subjected to either a choice of Life Imprisonment or the Death Penalty.

Violence against Yokai and Ayashi is against the Law. Violence against Humans is against the Law. Only in self-defense may any Human or Yokai / Ayashi fight.

All families of Monster Hunter or Human Slayer descents are now to be reassigned to a specialized group dealing in the Monitoring and Enforcement of the Human-Yokai-Ayashi Treaty Laws.

Yokai and Ayashi Races who leave their native homes for the Home-stay Program must be registered and familiar with the language and laws of both Land and Treaty before taking in a home-stay.

After 6 months within the country of their Home-stay, the registered Yokai or Ayashi may take on jobs within their skill-sets.

All Yokai / Ayashi races bear the same rights, privileges, and responsibilities as Humans.

All Yokai / Ayashi in the program must be in the company of their host-family at all times, unless they are given special permission by their Coordinator to do so. The proper paperwork must be provided when asked by a an officer of the law.

Those Yokai / Ayashi and humans who wish to Marry must first undergo a registration process for the Yokai and the proving rituals of their future spouse's race for the Humans.

The Organization in which the Human-Yokai-Ayashi Treaty Police belong to M.O.N., shall pay for and reimburse any modifications and expenses the Host-Family provides to care for the member(s) of their Home-stay. Receipts and proof of Purchase must be provided to their assigned Coordinator in order to be re-compensated at the end of each month during the Home-stay period.

Sexual Relations between Humans and Yokai or Ayashi is discouraged, but not unlawful; however, as some Yokai and Ayashi mate for life; caution and careful research is advised beforehand.

The Inter-species Protection Act:

With the co-integration of human and extra-species (yokai and ayashi) people into everyday society and the adoption of the Cultural Exchange Program, the level of interaction between cultures grows and evolves. However, such a transition poses concern with individuals voicing rejection or harboring resentment towards a person(s) of an alternate species, which can escalate to acts of aggression.

To prevent this, by expanding on the already-passed legislation incorporating extra-species (yokai and ayashi) people into the "human rights" acts, the Inter-species Protection Act is enacted to protect members of each species from being exposed to and / or victimized by violent, racial discrimination. Also, due to the sensitivity the bill presents to the members of each species, all infringements to this act are treated and punished accordingly as an international diplomatic issue.

Three years later, the treaty was renamed as the "Inter-species Cultural Exchange Program" and was put into action and representatives from each of the Yokai and Ayashi races were sent to homes all across Japan, so they could test out the "Inter-species Cultural Exchange Program".

However a few yokai had trouble adapting to living in the human world for one reason, or another for circumstances beyond their power.

One in particular was a 20-year old, pink-haired vampiress with a dual personality.

Kanagawa, Japan. Friday, May 1, 2015

"But why do I have to go back? I like it here," Moka Akashiya replied with a tear in her emerald green, eyes.

"You know the rules, Miss Akashiya. If your host-family breaches the home-stay contract, then you must return to the yokai world," Miss Smith said with a frown.

"Of course I know the rules. I was the one who set them into place along with the Prime Minister," the pink-haired vampiress countered as she folded her arms under her ample chest.

"That may very well be, but rules are still rules."

"Then... why can't we just find me another host-family? I'm sure it's not hard at all," Moka continued, with a hint of worry in her usually, cheery, voice.

"Because there's a very long waiting list for them and we can't find you a replacement host-family on such short notice," the ebony-haired, Coordinator replied as she folded her arms under her bosom.

"Fine. I see that you won't budge on the subject Miss Smith, so I might as well just go home to my father's castle," Moka answered with a small frown.

"I'm very sorry about this, Miss Akashiya. Now go upstairs and pack up your belongings. Once a new host-family opens up, we'll then return you to the human world post-haste."

Moka turned around from her social worker and then stomped up the long stairwell.

Once she arrived at her room, she slammed the door shut as she was clearly disturbed regarding the entire ordeal. It was not her fault that her host-family had an ill relative in the United States. They could be gone for weeks or at the worse, several months. Moka could not remain behind, by herself in Japan without close supervision which was part of the Inter-species Program to begin with.

However, since Moka did not have the proper papers to travel with, she had no other valid option, other than to return to her father's castle in the yokai realm.

"Darn it! I can't believe my luck. After all of my hard work, too. If mother were here, she'd fix this right away," Moka said aloud as she slowly stuffed some of her clothing onto an opened, pink and white suitcase.

'Calm down, Omote. We have no say in the matter,' Inner Moka replied via the Rosary.

"I know that... but still. I don't wanna go back home. I've only been here for two weeks... and now we're being deported,' Moka replied to her inner persona.

'Well, we should feel lucky. Even though they allowed us to start the home-stay before our twenty-first birthday, it wasn't all that bad,' her silver-haired side, replied.

Moka then stood up and the shut her half-filled, suitcase. She then walked over to the window with a sad look upon her features.

"I guess you're right. I just wish things were different and I had time to make a real, human friend. Ya' know... someone who'd gladly accept us for who we are. I mean, I know I had a hard time when I lived here before I went to Yokai Academy... but now it's different. I don't have to hide my true heritage anymore. But I guess it's never gonna happen," Moka said to her other self as she walked over to the window, pulled the sheer drapes back, and then glanced outside.

It was mid-afternoon and it was a nice spring, day, with not a cloud in the azure sky above.

She then slid the window upward and looked down towards the ground. It was less than a eight meter drop and would not harm her due to her unique physiology as an "S" Class Vampire.

'What the hell do you think you're planning, Omote? Have you lost your damn mind?' Inner Moka practically shouted in disbelief.

"That's easy. We're getting out of here and I don't wanna hear another word from you," Outer Moka replied with a smirk as she set her plan in motion.

Moka the placed her right foot on the windowsill, crouched down, and then jumped outside. She landed on the soft grass, a second later. She looked up and then around the backyard. As fast as her feet carried her, Moka sprinted away from her temporary, home. She had no idea where she was headed, as long as it was way from there and Miss Smith.

"Huh? What time... Crap! I overslept!" Tsukune Aono yelped as he shot up and looked towards the clock which hung on the wall which told him that the current time was 4:50 PM.

The young journalist had fallen asleep at his desk per his bad habit. He was in the middle of typing out an important article on his laptop for his job and had lost track of the time due to being reasonably, overworked and sleep-deprived.

Tsukune grabbed the DVD case from off of his desk, quickly bolted downstairs, and then towards the front hallway. After he slid his sneakers on his feet, he grabbed his house keys, exited through the front door, locked it behind himself, and then ran down the street towards the video store. He had less than 10 minutes to make it there, before he was fined a hefty late fee.

"Crap! Crap! Crap! Sorry! I'm so screwed if I don't make it! Sorry about that!" he said to nobody in particular as he expertly weaved through the late-afternoon, crowd of foot traffic on the congested, narrow, sidewalk.

As he made it to the next block, he made a sharp right turn and then saw nothing but white.

'Omote! Hey! Where do you think you're taking us?! Smith will be pissed and deport us for sure! Hey! We need to go back right now!' Inner Moka loudly protested to no avail as her Outer self sprinted down the street faster than the best of Olympic runners.

Moka was lost in thought and completely unaware of her immediate surroundings. She had no idea where she was and could not stop herself in time before it was too late. The pink-haired vampiress then slammed into a stranger at nearly, full-speed. The forward momentum of the harsh impact caused them to both tumble onto the sidewalk in a heap.

Tsukune was the first to come to.

He sat up once his blurry vision came into focus a moment later. With a loud groan he placed his left hand against his head and then checked for any sign of injury. He also felt as though he were hit by a city bus but was miraculously, unscathed.

The dark-haired male then looked down once he felt something soft against his right hand which was a woman's, left thigh. He also noticed that the DVD case he had carried was nowhere to be found.

"Oh crap! Miss? Are you okay? Hey, miss! Wow, she's really pretty. Hey miss, are you okay?" Tsukune said in a panic to the woman he had crashed into. He then gave her a gentle nudge on her left leg as he feared the worse case scenario.

Tsukune noticed that she was rather well-dressed in a black skirt with matching heels and a simple, white, dress shirt. Her most striking feature besides her knee-length, pink hair was her beautiful eyes of green, of which he had never seen before in his life.

His concern was alleviated as the unconscious woman regained awareness a few, moments later. She slowly sat up and then tightly gripped her Rosary in a comforting gesture with her right hand.

"Oh my gosh I'm so sorry! I wasn't paying attention to where I was going," Moka said as she looked over to the dark-haired man she had just collided into.

"It's fine! It's my fault, too! I wasn't paying attention either. But the most important question is, are you okay, miss?" Tsukune said as he stood to his feet, dusted himself off, and then offered the strange-looking woman with cotton candy-colored hair, a hand.

Moka looked up towards the man in front of her with a perplexed look on her face. She shook her head 'yes' and then gladly accepted his extended hand a second later. Tsukune then effortlessly pulled her up to her feet as a slight blush instantly raced across her pale cheeks.

"Thank you very much, sir. Oh my gosh! You're bleeding!" Moka pointed out somewhat, dramatically.

"Oh, it's not a problem. Eh? I am?" Tsukune replied as he reached up with his right hand and touched his forehead. He quickly noticed that he had a small bump along with something slightly tacky.

It was a trickle of his blood.

He reached into the front, left, pocket of his blue jeans and then pulled out a clean handkerchief. He placed it against the tiny wound and then held it firmly in place. Moka came closer towards the young man and then sniffed him as her fangs throbbed with a dull ache once his wonderful scent filled her nostrils.

"Are you sure you're okay, sir? It was my fault, after-all... and you smell so delicious..." Moka softly said as she licked her lips in an erotic fashion.

Tsukune noticed that there was indeed, something quite unusual about the pink-haired woman who stood in front of him, but felt oddly comforted by her presence.

"Um, yeah. I'm fine, thanks. By the way... why were you running for, anyway" Tsukune asked while he still held the white cloth against the small lump on his brow.

"I'm so glad to hear that... um... well... a scary woman was chasing after me," Moka answered as she nervously poked her index fingers together out of habit.

"Somebody's chasing after you?" Tsukune loudly inquired, somewhat dismayed at her rather blunt, reply.

"Miss... Akashiya! Stop... right – there!" Miss Smith gasped out, several meters behind the vampiress and Tsukune. The Inter-species Coordinator bent over and then placed both of her hands on her knees, clearly out of breath as if she had ran a marathon.

"That's her! I'm really sorry about this, so please forgive me," Moka said as she grabbed Tsukune's left hand and then dragged him down the street at an incredible speed.

"Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!" he screamed out as the world rapidly passed him by at a ludicrous speed.

"Damn it! M.O.N. Squad, the subject's on the move again. And don't lose her this time! She's in the company of a human male, around her same age, a little taller in height and with dark, brown hair and eyes. He's wearing dark blue jeans, black sneakers, and a light blue, polo shirt. Over," Miss Kuruso Smith said into her ear-piece as she gave chase towards the runaway yokai and her 'hostage'.

After she ran for several minutes, Moka stopped at a quite, tree-lined park, and then sat down on a wooden bench with Tsukune.

"I'm really, really, sorry about that. I wasn't thinking clearly and now I got you involved in this mess," Moka cried out, clearly upset due to her own careless actions.

"It's okay. I'm just... kinda surprised... how fast... you are," Tsukune breathed out as he attempted to reclaim his breath and what remained of his sanity.

"Ah, thank you. You're very kind. Oh, that's because I'm a vampire," Moka replied with a small smile.

"No worries. Wait a minute. You're a vampire?!" Tsukune half-shouted which drew a great deal of attention towards himself and the self-proclaimed, vampire in question.

"Yes. You're... you're not afraid of me, are you?" Moka asked as she looked down at her lap for a few seconds, deeply absorbed in thought.

"No way. I've always been fascinated by monsters, I mean yokai and ayashi since I was a kid. To be honest, I guess ya' could say that I've really wanted to meet one, ever since I can remember. Pretty silly, huh? Ya' know, considering that we're talking like this," Tsukune replied with a slight blush as he nervously scratched the back of his neck with his right hand.

"I see. Well, um, if that's the case... then, may I ask you a question?" Moka inquired as she looked to her right, her cheeks still flushed, due to Tsukune's close proximity.

'Don't you dare ask him if you can suck his blood - even though I can tell that you're thirsty from running so fast!' Inner Moka suggested via the Rosary.

"Uh, sure. You can ask me anything," Tsukune offered with a smile.

"Would you... like to be my friend?" she asked, half-afraid of his answer.

"Are you kidding me? I'd love to be your friend," he replied as he stretched his right hand out towards her in a friendly gesture.

"Oh thank you thank you thank you!" Moka happily squealed as she lunged forward and hugged her new friend for all she was worth with a tear in her eye.

"Miss! Air! Can't – breath!" Tsukune gasped out as he waved his arms about as he tried to free himself from the friendly vampire's enthusiastic greeting.

"Oh my gosh! I'm really sorry about that. I'm so happy to finally make a friend with a human that I just forgot my own strength!" Moka said as she released her newly-acquainted friend from her hug of doom, sprung to her feet, and then bowed for forgiveness, several, times over.

"It's okay, really. It's not a problem so ya' don't have to bow so much. By the way, we don't even know each others names yet," Tsukune pointed out as Moka stopped bowing as he stood to his feet and faced her in a proper manner.

"My name's Moka Akashiya. It's a pleasure to make your acquaintance," Moka said with a bow.

"My name's Tsukune Aono. It's a pleasure to make your acquaintance," he said as he returned the bow.

They both sat down once again on the green, wooden bench, and then laughed heartily at the ridiculous situation they had found themselves in.

"Akashiya, huh? Where have I heard that name before? Akashiya, Akashiya. Oh yeah! I remember now! I saw you on TV a few years ago at the Diet Building. You're the one who started the whole coexistence program, right?" Tsukune asked with a huge smile once the pieces of the puzzle finally fell into place.

"Um, yes, That was me. It was my mother's idea many, many, years ago. She always wished that humans and yokai could live together in peace one day. Unfortunately the entire Fairy Tale thing is what gave our existence away. It wasn't supposed to come about like that, but a lot happened before that... and well, here we are today," Moka said as a tear slid down her cheek at the mere thought of her mother.

Unknown to the pair, a black-clad figure walked up to the pair from behind. So engrossed in her current conversation, Moka had not detected their presence until it was too late.

"Well, well, well... what do we have here? Isn't this cute? It's no use running, Miss Akashiya. The M.O.N. Squad has this park surrounded so I suggest that you come along quietly and don't make another scene," Miss Smith said as she walked towards her right and then faced the pair in question.

"Oh, Miss Smith. How'd you find me?" Moka asked nervously as she scooted closer to Tsukune.

He had not a clue who the taller woman was. She was dressed in a black skirt and blouse with a matching jacket and heels on her feel. Over her eyes, she wore a dark pair of sunglasses. To Tsukune, she looked as if she worked with the fictional group called "The Men in Black".

"It wasn't easy. You ran about two kilometers away from your host-family's home but I am very good at my job and I always find runaway yokai," Miss Smith said as she bent at her waist and glared at Moka with her hands on her waist.

"Hey, whatever she did, I'm sure wasn't that bad, miss," Tsukune said as he stood to his feet, came in-between the two women, and caused Miss Smith to take a few steps back.

"What is your name?" Miss Smith asked as she removed her sunglasses and closely examined the young man in front of her.

"Tsukune Aono and Moka's my friend, now" he firmly replied with a hint of ire in his usually, calm voice.

"Mister Aono, huh? Do you know who this is?" Miss Smith said as she stood up and then directed her attention towards the vampiress on the wooden bench.

"Yeah, we just met. Why were you chasing her for?" Tsukune asked as he stepped closer to the case worker.

"Like I just said; she ran away from her host-family. She's about to be deported back to the yokai world because they can no longer watch over her, hence breaking their home-stay contract," Kurusu replied as she placed her sunglasses over her hazel eyes.

"So what if she had another host-family? Could she stay, then?" Tsukune asked as he reclaimed his empty seat next to Moka, who looked towards him and wondered what he had in mind.

"That goes without saying. But the wait list is rather long," Smith retorted.

"But, what if I sign up? Could she stay with me and my cousin? I have a huge five bedroom house that my grandma left me in her will, and I have more than enough room for Moka. It shouldn't be a problem for you at all as long as she has somewhere to go, right?" Tsukune asked with a hard stare.

"I suppose so. But I'll have you know right now that the registration process is rather strict as are the rules you must abide by. So if you can pass that, then I don't see why not. I mean, if what you say is true. Let's go then. If we file the paper work before tonight and if you pass, then she can stay with you. What do you say, Miss Akashiya? Is that alright with you?" Miss Smith said once she gave Tsukune's generous offer some thought.

"Oh thank you thank you thank you!" Moka happily replied as she gave Tsukune another hug, that one a bit less eager, of course.

"I'll take that as a yes. Alright, let's go then, Mister Aono and Miss Akashiya," Miss Smith said to them as she walked the pair over towards a black, four-door sedan with dark, tinted, windows.

Moka held Tsukune's hand out of gratitude, much to his surprise. He did not want to see his new friend exiled back to her home due to circumstances that were beyond her control and not her fault to begin with.

An hour-and-a half, later, Tsukune had eventually finished the grueling, question and answer session as well as the registration process to be a qualified host-family for the vampire princess.

He walked out of the office with a blank look across his face since his brain was overworked. Moka was detained in a small room under guard, of course. Miss Smith told her and Tsukune that it was merely for bureaucratic reasons since Moka was still the Ambassador for the Yokai realm. He also learned more about his new vampire friend and her deceased mother, which caused him to feel more empathy towards Moka, of course.

Miss Smith escorted him towards the room were Moka patiently awaited some sort of news. She unlocked the door and allowed Tsukune to walk inside first.

"Hey, Moka," he announced as she stood up from the leather couch and met him halfway.

"Hi, Tsukune."

"Well, um... I have some news for you," he nervously stated.

"Oh I see. So, um, what is it? They're not gonna deport me, are they?" Moka asked.

"No, they just approved me – to be your new host-family," he replied with a small smile.

"Really?" Moka answered with a small smile, as she stepped closer towards her friend.

"Yeah. Um, they already sent somebody over to your former host-family's place and brought your stuff over to my house; I mean... our house," he said with a goofy grin.

"Oh, Tsukune. Thank you very much. You have no idea how happy you made me," she answered as she placed her arms around his midsection and hugged him like a true friend should.

He hesitantly returned the warm embrace and soon realized that she was very friendly and nice to be around. Tsukune also knew that they had a lot to learn about each other and it would be somewhat exciting since he never had a true friend, either. However, he was quite determined to do whatever he could to make sure that her dream of coexistence between the races would be successful.

Once Miss Smith had dropped Moka and Tsukune off at his house, she wished the pair the best of luck and went about her way.

"Well, here we are," Tsukune said to Moka as they walked up towards the front door. She noticed that there was a silver colored sedan parked in the driveway as well as two mopeds, one red and one blue.

"I see," Moka replied as she stood behind him as he rummaged through the right, front pocket of his jeans. A second later he fished out his house key and inserted it in the lock. As he unlocked the door, he motioned for Moka to enter the house first.

"Tsuki! Where ya' been? I tried calling ya' earlier but it seems that ya' left your cell phone here. Not only that - but some men in black dropped off all of this luggage earlier and said something about us being the new host-family for a vampire," Kyoko said as she stood in the front foyer. Moka stood behind Tsukune once he was inside, himself.

"Hey, Kyo. Sorry about that. A lot's happened today and we're the new host-family for Miss Akashiya here," Tsukune replied as Moka stepped forward and offered a bow to Kyoko.

"My name's Moka Akashiya and it's a pleasure to make your acquaintance" Moka said as Kyoko returned the customary bow.

"My name's Kyoko Aono and it's a pleasure to make your acquaintance," Kyoko replied. She then stood up and closely examined Moka with a suspicious look across her face.

"So, you're a vampire, huh? Ya' don't look like any vampire I've seen before," Kyoko replied as she stepped back.

"Yes, I can assure you that I'm a vampire," Moka said with a slight frown.

"Okay. Then prove it to me," Kyoko said as she pointed at the self-proclaimed vampiress.

"Uh, Kyo... that's not very nice. I already have all the proper paperwork that Miss Smith gave me. She's our Inter-species Coordinator," Tsukune said as he led Moka down the short hallway and into the living room, which was on the right-hand side.

"Oh come on, Tsuki. This is all too suspicious, if ya' ask me," Kyoko said as she plopped down in a beige lounge chair.

Tsukune and Moka sat adjacent to her on a color-coordinated sofa.

"Maybe I should just prove it to you, Miss Aono," Moka said as she gave the elder woman a hard stare of determination.

"Alright then. Um, since you claim that you're a vampire, then... um... drink Tsuki's blood," Kyoko said after she gave Moka's idea some thought.

"Kyo! What the hell? Ya' can't just say that!" Tsukune loudly objected. Moka's face then flushed bright red at the very notion.

"It's okay Tsukune. It's been a busy day and I'm kinda hungry. I promise you that I won't bite hard, even though it's kinda embarrassing. So please, trust me," Moka said as she stood to her feet and offered her left hand to her friend.

"Uh, well... I guess it'd be okay. Besides I'm kinda responsible for ya', Moka," Tsukune replied as he held her hand and was pulled to his feet.

Moka then stepped closer to Tsukune, wrapped her right arm around his back and then leaned closer to the left side of his neck so Kyoko had an unobstructed view of her demonstration.

Tsukune was beyond nervous but he had complete faith in Moka.

"This is my first time," Moka whispered in his ear which caused him to slightly shiver due to her closeness.

He had never been that close to any woman before besides his own mom, but felt more at ease from her honest words.

"Uh, it's my first time, too," he said as he wrapped his arms gently around her slender waist.

She then slightly opened her mouth as her fangs extended to their full length. Moka licked his neck and then gently pierced his flesh with her razor sharp fangs. Tsukune sucked in a breath as the pain which felt like two pin-pricks, subsided a second later. Moka gently suckled his warm, sweet blood in small slurps.

'Oh, man... it's almost like – she's kissing me,' Tsukune thought to himself as he became quite aroused, from that idea alone.

"M-hmm..." Moka moaned in ecstasy as she savored his blood for a few moments. She held him firmer as she became lost in his delectable life-force.

'Ah, his blood is so wonderful... I might...ah... become addicted to him,' Moka told her other half.

'Whatever you do, don't drain him dry no matter how delicious his blood is,' Inner Moka retorted.

Kyoko was at an absolute loss of words. Even though she did not expect the vampiress to go along with her suggestion, Moka seemed to be quite gentle, she surmised.

"Oh, Moka," Tsukune breathed out as she pressed her stupendous bosom against his wide chest.

A minute later once her thirst was appeased, Moka licked the small puncture marks closed with her tongue and then released her hold on Tsukune. He then reached up with his left hand to where she had bitten him and was surprised to find that it no longer hurt, whatsoever.

"Mm... yummy," Moka said with a dreamy look in her green eyes. Tsukune then sat down on the sofa with Moka on his right.

She then leaned against his shoulder with a silly grin on her lips.

"Oh wow. That was really something else. I'm sorry if I doubted ya' but this whole ordeal seems like the plot to a manga, if ya' ask me. But I do believe ya' now and I'm sorry for asking so much of ya', so let's get along from now on. If you guys will excuse me, I'm on my way out to meet some friends for dinner, See ya' later," Kyoko said as she sprung to her feet, offered the pair a bow, and then left them to themselves.

"Tsukune... I'm really sorry about that but I had to prove to her who I am. And what I said is the truth; about you being the first person I ever drank blood from, directly. I always drank it from transfusion packets in the past and also can substitute tomato juice along with eating normal food, of course. If I don't drink about one-quarter of a pint per week, I can get sick and eventually, die," Moka said as she sat upright.

"It's okay Moka. I understand. And I do trust ya'. Miss Smith told me as much but I never expected to do that with ya' so soon. Ah, what I meant was... is that since I'm your host-family... I guess that's just part of it. I don't mind, really. And the last thing I'd want is for ya' to get sick. I'd never allow that to happen, not only because I'm responsible for ya', but I'm also your friend, too. And friends always gotta look out for each other, right?" Tsukune said with a warm smile which drastically calmed Moka down.

"Oh thank you, Tsukune. Hearing that has made me very happy. I honestly don't know how I can thank you for everything so far," Moka said as she placed her right hand atop his own and gave it a gentle squeeze.

"Don't mention it. I dunno about you, but I'm kinda hungry, myself," Tsukune said as his stomach rumbled loudly for food, as if on cue.

Once dinner was finished and the dishes cleaned, Tsukune carried Moka's luggage upstairs to her new bedroom, which was located next to Tsukune's room. There were two other guest rooms upstairs as well as a full-sized bathroom and linen closet at the end of the hallway. Kyoko's bedroom was downstairs, towards the rear of the house.

"Hey, Moka?" Tsukune asked as Moka set her final piece of luggage down, near the closet.

"Yes, Tsukune?" she replied as she turned around and faced him.

"I was wondering if we could talk for a while."

"Talk about what?" the pinkette inquired as she tilted her head to the right.

"Well, um, ya' know. I just want us to get to know each other a bit," he replied as he nervously scratched the back of his neck with his right hand.

"Oh, I see. I don't mind," Moka replied as she sat down on her full-sized bed. She then patted the spot on her right and silently asked him to sit, as well.

The vampiress had chosen that particular bedroom since it was already decorated in mostly shades of light reds and pink. Her real reason was that it was right next-door to Tsukune's room, but she would never admit that aloud, of course.

Tsukune then sat down next to Moka and did his best to calm his racing heart.

"Well, um... how old are you?" he asked.

"You really shouldn't ask a lady her age," Moka answered with a smirk.

"Ah, sorry about that. I was just curious," he sheepishly replied.

"I was only kidding, Tsukune. I'm twenty now but my birthday's next week on May eighth," Moka answered.

"I see. Um, my birthday's on June twenty-second and I'll be twenty-one."

"Do you have a favorite color?" Moka inquired.

"Um, blue I guess," Tsukune answered with a shrug.

"My favorite color's red," the vampiress replied.

"Do you have any hobbies?" Tsukune asked.

"Well, I do like to sing and cook, if you could call those hobbies."

"I see. I like to write, which eventually got me into becoming a journalist," he answered.

"So.. um... do you write for a newspaper?" Moka asked with a smile.

"Not really. I have a weekly column for a local news-related website. I majored in journalism and got my degree from Tokyo U."

"That's kinda funny since I was in the newspaper club at Yokai Academy. That's where I met my few friends at. I never had any friends before and when I went to school in the human world, they'd make fun of me on a daily basis just because I looked different and believed in yokai," Moka replied.

"I see. To be honest, I never had any friends until I was in high school. I was always the smallest kid in my class and they'd pick on me too, so I guess that you could say that we're kinda similar in that way, huh?" Tsukune answered.

"It would seem that way," she replied once she gave his reply some thought.

"Um, Miss Smith mentioned to me about your Rosary but I don't really understand how it works. She told me that it seals your true self. I mean, I've seen a few other vampires around but they usually have red eyes instead of green," Tsukune said as he closely examined her Rosary.

The enchanted adornment hung from the black, leather, collar around her neck on a short, thick, chain in the center, just above her ample chest. It was flanked on either side by, two, smaller, ball-type chains which were connected to each other. The clasp was similar to what one would find on a belt.

"Well, it was given to me by my mother just after my tenth birthday. She told me that she'd have to seal my powers because my blood was linked to Alucard. She wanted to protect me from him. Her and father also decided to send me away to the human world in order to keep me as far away from him as possible. I was really upset though and didn't take what she said seriously."

Moka took a deep breath and then continued:

"The next day, all of my stuff was packed away as I was supposed to be sent off to stay with a friend of hers, Tenmi Mikogami. As I said goodbye to my parents and half-sisters, I was still very sad. So about a minute into the car ride, I opened up the door, jumped out of the back of the Limo, and ran back towards the castle."

Moka then reached over to Tsukune and held his left hand in her right as the awful memories from that day bubbled to the surface. Tsukune could see the pain and anguish on her face.

"When I walked in through the front door, my mother and older, half-sister, Akua were in the middle of a huge fight. She wanted to become a Shinso like my mother and wouldn't listen to reason. I begged them to stop fighting of course. But I was too late. My mother was distracted by me just showing up like that and Akua – severely injured her. I was so upset that I screamed and unleashed my youkai, which had awoken Alucard up."

"Oh my god. I'm sorry Moka," Tsukune said as he held her hand in a comforting gesture.

"Thank you... um... anyway, Alucard awoke and destroyed most of the castle. He then picked me up with his tentacles and pulled me away from my mother. She fought back with all of her strength and eventually rescued me from his grasp. She then placed this Rosary around my neck and then activated its sealing magic. I didn't know what was going on as I felt all of my yokai vanish. When I woke up a short while later, I looked like this. She had sacrificed herself to re-seal Alucard from inside. I didn't see her again until I was seventeen years old when he awoke again."

Moka shed a few tears from what she had just told Tsukune in complete confidence. He then did something so out of character, that he would not believe it himself. He pulled Moka into a hug and held her close.

"My older sister Akua had basically threatened my friends at Yokai Academy if I didn't come along with her and do what she said. She was a member of Fairy Tale who wanted to unleash Alucard by using my Rosary. After some of my friends came to my rescue, she tore my Rosary off and unsealed my true self. It was so painful that I thought I was gonna die."

Moka continued her story as she shed even more tears of sadness.

"Nobody but my father was supposed to remove it, due to the sealing spell that was set on it. But after all of that, I saw my mother again. I took my Rosary and placed it on Alucard's clone – that's how she came back if only a for a moment. I really miss her," Moka said as she broke down and heavily cried.

"I'm sorry for asking and that I didn't know you back then. I'm sure if I did, maybe things would've worked out differently," Tsukune said as he held Moka close.

He held her not out of obligation but as a concerned friend. What she went through as a child was beyond heartbreaking. He just wanted her to be happy and would do whatever he could to see her smile again.

Thirty minutes later, Moka had ceased her sobbing spell and fell asleep on the spot. Tsukune gently laid her on her bed and then covered her up with a light pink blanket. After he had turned off the overhead lamp, he slowly slid her bedroom door shut.

It was at that moment, that he knew that he had to be there for her, no matter how difficult it would be. At least she was very kind and sweet natured yet emotional from time to time. He also came to the realization that they had similar childhoods and were both bullied to some extent many years, ago.

"I promise you Moka, that you'll never be alone again," he said to himself as he entered his own bedroom.

A few minutes later, Tsukune found himself in bed as he thought about the pink-haired vampire who he cared about very much, despite the fact that they had just crashed into hello*. Whether it was fate, karma, or just dumb luck, they were destined to meet at one time, or another.



Crash into Hello*

From TV Tropes: A bad first impression wherein a character in a hurry or simply not paying attention runs into another character as their first meeting, often done while Late for School.

Sometimes the inattentive/hurrying character apologizes for doing so, but the other character shrugs it off with some snarky comment. After all, it could be worse. Far worse. With the latter situations, this usually starts a small animosity but is a nice guarantee to the audience that they'll get together by the end of the show.

If there is no animosity involved, this kind of situation is perfect for a Love at First Sight scenario.

If both parties are sufficiently inattentive, they wind up piled one on top of the other on the ground in a position easily mistaken for extreme passion. After a beat, the two will wind up in an Instant Seiza position, facing away from one another and blushing furiously.

So here is chapter one.

I know its mostly background info as I had this idea for sometime but wasn't sure how to properly fuse the ending of Rosario + Vampire with Monster Musume. This is mostly a "what if" as in what if Tsukune never failed his high school entrance exams and never went to Yokai Academy? What if the existence of monsters (yokai and ayashi) was broadcast on TV during the huge fight with Alucard?

What if that one event led to the Inter-species Cultural Exchange Program? What if he eventually had his harem again? This will be very interesting to write, believe me. I'll also have characters from Monster Musume make cameos when the plot calls for it as well as cameos from other Rosario characters, as well. This crossover will not have a harem ending and the main couple had already been decided, long before I even wrote this.

Please feel to "Follow" for future updates. Thanks!

Until next time, Gamera68