Mad Man's POV...
"Well you can go fuck yourself!" Dante yelled at the voices in his head.
"My mom is your mom! That's disgusting!" Dante replied to them.
"Oh, so you go from wanting to fuck our mother, to wanting to go to Beacon! I mean, I have the power of a God and could destroy this entire dimension with a flick of my wrist but come on! It's school!" Dante moaned.
"B-but the homework and the teachers..." Dante weakly muttered.
"Alright. Fine. There better be some cute girls there." Dante growled before he placed a finger on his chin. "This is an anime, of course there will be cute girls." Dante summoned potato ice-cream covered in mushrooms and cheese in his hand and began eating, a blissful expression appearing on his face after he took the first spoonful. He chuckled before he shoved everything, glass and all, down his throat, the sound of breaking glass as he walked.
At Beacon...
Dante ended singing the YMCA backwards in his head in German and French at the same time, don't ask me how, I haven't a clue. He marched through the gates as the head-teacher began.
Dante blocked out the head-teacher's speech and just stared blankly at a tree. He glared at it after a second. That damned thing was taunting him. With it's green leaves and brown branches and superior height, it just smiled smugly at him. He named this tree Timmy. Dante wanted to break Timmy.
Dante was at the cliff. He had to go retrieve some useless thing from a ruin. He was staring at the head-teacher.
"Can I help-?" He began.
"OH CANADA!" Dante whooped. The head-teacher blinked.
"I don-" He tried again.
"WE WILL! WE WILL! ROCK YOU!" Dante whooped again. The head-teacher wondered if this student was sane. He just sighed and activated the springboards, screams of surprise everywhere. He looked up at the crazy student and blanched in shock. He was going through the air in a sitting motion with a teddy bear across from him, flying too, and they both had cups of tea in their hands.
Dante was flying while having a cup of tea with Ted-bear. Ted-bear told him scary stories of monsters under the bed and dirty stories about a woman who pleasured another woman to death with scissors and some Dust. Dante had no idea how she did it but he was intrigued. He noticed the ground getting closer.
"Our time draws to a close. I will return when you fly again my dear friend." Ted-bear stated before he vanished. An anime tear fell from Dante's eye as Ted-bear left in a puff of smoke. He clapped slightly before he straightened his legs. He landed on the ground and bent his legs slightly and the grass didn't even shift. He looked around the peaceful passage.
"Delta 2-2 this is Zulu 5-9, do you copy?" Dante whispered to himself, now suddenly in army uniform and wielding a toy shotgun.
"Delta 2-2? Report." He waited a second before he dropped to his knees and screamed loudly.
"NEEEEEEEEEEEEWWW!" He got back onto his feet and began walking toward the ruins, completely fine.
More time later...
"-Cheese!" Dante finished. The Grimm Hounds and Ursa's gathered around him barked in laughter. He chuckled too and snapped his fingers, splattering the Grimm all over the floor, him and the trees. He growled. It was all Timmy's fault that he got covered in blood! Stupid Timmy! His ears twitched on top of his head.
OH YEAH! Dante forgot he was a Faunas, a Cat Faunas to be exact. Funny, right? RIGHT?
"HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHHAHAHA!" Dante laughed suddenly. He scooped up some blood in his hands and began licking it like a cat would with milk. Soon, his palm was empty. He felt the Grimm blood run through him and attempt to change him to a Grimm. He chuckled manically and ran toward the ruin at the speed of sound, slamming his body into a wall.
"My toes!" Dante yelped. He removed his red face from the wall and gripped his toes, hopping in one spot. He didn't actually feel anything, pain was a funny thing like that. He placed his foot back down after a while and looked around, seeing two girls, a small girl covered in red and the other a tall girl in yellow. He smiled and appeared in front of them.
"Hello!" He yelled. The girls took a step back in surprise. "Come on! We need to get some useless relic!" He grabbed them both by their hands and yanked them with him as he ran faster than the speed of sound, using his powers to make sure he doesn't rip their arms off.
Dante looked around the relics and scratched his chin, which should he take? He grabbed a random one and ran up to the two girls. He grabbed them again, walked up to the relics and gave them the ones that would make them on his team.
"YAY! We're on the same team!" He yelled. He grabbed both of their hands and teleported back to the cliff where they were launched off and he met Ted-bear. He pointed at the girl in red.
"I'ma call you Small Tits!" He declared, much to her massive shock. He pointed at the girl in yellow. "And I'ma call you Big Tits!" He suddenly appeared in between both of them. He placed his elbows on their shoulders.
"See ya later, Small Tits and Big Tits!" He waved slightly before he disappeared.
Ruby's POV...
Ruby and Yang just stood there in shock at the crazy boy.
"What..." Ruby managed.
Mad Man's POV...
Dante was petting himself in his room. He had set up the room he was in for a group of five, he knew that he would be getting four allies who he could drive nuts. Madness equals happiness, you know.
"I'm not masturbating! I'm scratching and rubbing my ears you dirty readers!" Dante yelled at the voices in his head. He made sure to make the room as comfy as possible. "Damn right!" Dante stopped petting himself and stood up, taking a dramatic pose.
"Introducing Dante! Well Decorated Decorator extraordinaire!" He declared to himself. He snickered and returned to petting himself.