A/N: Hi there it's been a while since I last updated and I'm sorry for the wait, I was busy with exams but not anymore. But OMG! 5k views it just made me all the more excited to write. Thank you so much for the reviews I'm so happy many people are reading this fanfic.
Here's another long chapter for you guys.
Ch. 21
"Heh, for how long do you think I'll be watching you sleep? Open your damn eyes!"
A sharp voice yelled in my head, bringing my once-heavy eyelids to blink open.
"Ah, great, I like how obedient you are."
My heart clenched in my chest, as I felt an electrifying pain.
"Ahaha, you're too cute…"
That voice…
"…just to the extent…"
I looked around me, I was in a familiar room, but no one beside myself was there.
"It gets annoying!"
And a hand clenched my neck, lifting me up from the floor, for a woman, a very beautiful woman with striking purple hair, to emerge from nothingness, before my very eyes.
"Did you FINALLY meet them?"
My body started to shake, and the feeling of dread took over every sense I had.
"Answer me you wench!" she screamed sharply.
My eyes widened at how she just called me that.
"Hmm," she smirked, her face never looked more familiar. But her fingers that were squeezing my neck brought me out of my daze.
"Y-You!" I began, my heart rate growing with the realization.
"Did you remember me?" she said amusingly. "Glad you did. At least you had a sharp memory, or wait…" she brought her other hand to her mouth and laughed, "Maybe it is that I'm not a face that one can easily forget. Ahaha."
Her laughter, her words, her aura, everything surrounding her screamed danger to me. And it just confirmed my doubts.
"Y-You're the woman… who tried to strangle me… back at the ball."
She hummed, now darting her eyes towards mine.
"My name is… or wait, I won't be telling you that, in fact…" she put me back down, her fingers still seizing my neck. "I won't tell you, I'd just enjoy seeing you struggle and tremble like a leaf, with nothing or no one to help you."
I've never been in the presence of someone like her. I mean sure, the other vampires were scary to an extent, but this woman and her eyes that were secreting venom just as if she was a viper, made my limbs paralyzed.
"Hmm, are you afraid of me darling?" She said in a mocking tone but then she abruptly let go of me. I fell to my knees coughing and she swirled around and folded her arms, now speaking in a different tone, "So now, enough fooling around, and let us go straight to the point." she paused to make sure I was looking up at her.
"I want you out of the Mukamis' mansion at any cost."
Her tone grew serious suddenly, and it surprised me.
"You already had met him, and he seemed to be deeply into you -which is a disgrace, but whatever!" she snapped, "If it means for me to finally have my long-lost dream come true after all these years, then so be it!" she drew closer to me and crouched before me, as I tried to back off from her.
She traced my jawline with her fingertips, leaving a tingling sensation behind her chilly touch then looked me in the eyes and smirked:
"You'll be the key to my return."
I gasped, pulling away abruptly from her, shaking my head nonstop.
"Whether you'll do it willingly…" she held my chin and forced me to look at her, I could see her eyes flaring in crimson. "Or by force!" she then slapped me across the face, so hard that it made me fall back, tears streaming down my face as I realized that if I were to stay in here longer with her, something really bad will happen.
"That's right, you have no choice, the next time Ayato visits, you better go back with him." Her voice trailed as her hand started to burn in purple flame, "Or else, I'll be making sure to be your worst nightmare."
I crawled back, shaking my head, everything fading in a loop with only her evil laughter echoing in my head.
"Do not dare and tell anyone about me, you hear?!"
I opened my eyes as I felt something quake my body.
I was in my bed, and the one who was shaking me to my awakening was Ruki.
"R-Ruki-san…" I called, my voice hoarse.
"What's wrong with you, and wait…" his eyes suddenly widened as he shifted his gaze to my cheek, "Is that… blood?"
It must have been a scar left by that woman's nails when she slapped me.
In my dream…
My… dream…
"What happened to you?!" he asked, his eyebrows knitted.
"I-It's nothing, really." I smiled, my voice betraying me as it shook. "I'm fine!" I quickly brought my hands to my eyes, I couldn't let him see me cry.
The last thing I wanted was to cry in front of him of all people.
"If you say so…"
He brought his hands to my shoulders and pushed me back with one move.
He was here for the blood.
He pinned my hands to the sides of my head, bringing his face to my neck.
I tugged my eyes shut and bit my lip.
I know I shouldn't be shaking like this, it's not like it's the first time they take my blood, but for some reason...
I couldn't stop my body from shaking.
It must have been the aftermath of my unpleasant encounter with that woman. I could even bet she had done something to me because I was not feeling alright at all.
I was waiting for the stinging of his fangs, but instead, I felt nothing.
I opened my eyes slowly, hesitantly, and I stole a glimpse at his face as he stared fixedly at my neck.
He started to move his eyes all the way up to my face and when he noticed that I was looking at him, he cursed loud enough for me to hear and then bit my neck with no delay.
For a moment there, I thought he was not going to do it.
But apparently I was wrong.
Why wouldn't he bit me? I mean, wasn't he the one who made sure to remind me of my 'place' whenever he had the chance?
My train of thoughts was interrupted with the immense pain, as his fangs pierced my skin deeper.
I suppressed a groan as I bit my lip as hard as I could.
It hurts...
Something else beside his fangs was causing me to hurt, deep inside, recalling how he treated the 'me' from the ball, probably mistaking her for some noble young lady or probably even for a vampire all together and then seeing how he's feeding on the 'me' who's now lying defenselessly at the mercy of his grip.
He then pulled back, giving me another cold glare before carrying on with his blood feast.
I was not feeling alright, my heart is about to burst, I'm about to faint, that woman's wicked laughter is still haunting my thoughts but if I were to tell him to pick a different time to do this, it'd probably backfire and cause him to enjoy torturing me.
After all, who was I to question him?
I could've had a chance if it was Kou or Azusa, or even Yuma... but when it comes to this guy...
I gasped, feeling his cold lips brush against my shoulder blades.
He would never listen, my opinion be damned, I'll just bear with it for now.
And the proof was how he's still sucking my blood out, disregarding those blueish marks covering my skin and the trembling of my body.
It took him a few minutes and as I'm starting to feel lightheaded, he pulled away, wiping the blood off his lips.
I sat up hardly, feeling pain in every muscle I moved.
"I'm glad you get it."
I blinked.
"That's how vampires are, so bear with it."
I touched my neck and stared down at the blood that now stained my fingers.
I mumbled.
"It's just you."
He looked over his shoulder as he was about to rise up.
"Your brothers… are not… as bad…"
No matter how much I wanted to state my mind, I couldn't disregard what I came to know about their dark pasts.
No matter what, I can't allow myself to be like them.
He clutched my wrist…
I readied myself mentally for what he was about to do. It can't be worse than what that woman did anyways.
I was relieved they needed me alive so they wouldn't-
"E-Eh?" I gaped.
My eyes widened and my mind couldn't register what just happened.
"W-What d-do you think you're..?!" I tried to bring my hands up and push him away, but he just squeezed me tighter against him, his hand was resting on the back of my head, and my face was buried in the folds of his shirt.
"Stop!" he yelled, restraining my struggling as I was taken aback, "Just...stop." He whispered, his voice trailing off.
I found myself stuck against his chest, inhaling the smell of his shirt.
My lips started to shake as it came back to me suddenly.
This... smell...
"I'm not supposed to be moved by anything you do or say…"
This... voice...
He muttered muttered some other words and I was not quite focused to grasp all of them. I was too dumbfounded to react.
"But no matter what I do… I can't… take it when… when you…"
No… it's impossible!
He clicked his tongue and cursed.
He pulled away and rose up to his feet, disappearing before I could say anything.
I clasped my trembling hand on my mouth.
C-Could i-it be…?
C-Could that person… the one I… saw in my dreams… really be?
I heard knocking on my door and I quickly blinked away the fresh tears that were about to slip and I cleared my throat, fanning my now burning face.
"W-Who is it?" I stammered.
"You sow! 'Still sleeping in all shamelessly when all of us are up!?" he burst out, storming into the room.
I arched a brow as I eyed my wall clock.
"But it's 10 in the morning… why would you, 'vampires' get up before sunset?"
"Huh? The heck you're saying…?" Yuma was already in. "Did you forget we're having YOU prepare breakfast before 10?"
I looked up at him as I rose from the bed.
"But you never wake up before sunset… usually I'm the only one who gets up in the morning and I usually get reprimanded by Reiji-san since we all have school at night…"
My eyes flowed open at what I just blurted.
I heard a sharp cluttering sound, Yuma looking all taken aback.
"W-What are you saying?" he asked slowly.
I scratched my head.
"I have no idea…" my downcast eyes darted all the way to Yuma's shoes, and I saw flowers scattered around with glass pieces. "Oh my goodness!" I rushed to crouch before the mess.
"Are you crazy?" Yuma's hand clutched my wrist and he forced me up to my feet again then effortlessly scooped me up, way up that my legs kept dangling. I almost forgot how tall he was. "Idiot! You could've cut yourself just now you sow!" he yelled, knitting his brows.
For a second there I thought he paid too much attention to the nonsense I blurted earlier, but apparently, short-span memory is a bliss.
He somehow managed to walk a few steps away, with me clinging at him as everything felt as if it was spinning around me. He put me down and I lost my balance immediately. He wrapped his arm around my waist and helped me stand properly, heaving a long sigh in the process.
"Was it Ruki?" he mumbled, a bit flustered that he was not looking at me.
I held my head and nodded slowly.
"Shit, just sit down for now!" He urgently brought a close-by chair and assisted me to sit.
"Sit there and don't move!" He was grasping my shoulders. "I'll be right back. OK?" he then left turned around and vanished.
I brought my hands to my laps and entwined my fingers. My vision was out of focus.
"Oh great... another headache..."
Yuma was back before I knew it, and he had something in his hands.
"What is it?" I asked.
"Here, drink this."
He handed me a glass and I brought it to my nose, to inhale the fruity aroma and savor it.
"You're not recording a freaking commercial, drink it up!" he was looking about the room and his voice sounded distant, "And I'll take care of this mess."
I was lost for a second there, but I gulped down the juice in a hurry, just so he won't be scolding me any time sooner.
I heard him sigh again.
"For heaven's sake... that was my favorite vase... and I was an idiot for thinking..."
I couldn't believe it.
It's Yuma for God's sake! Someone who would throw a lady in cold water with no warning! Someone whose name could be mispronounced kuma (bear) easily, which kinda is literally what he's like, minus the refined looks... and how he's taking care of me now... If this was some horror supernatural movie, he could've been a werewolf for all I care! 'Cause vampires, whether I like it or not, has that certain elegancy and glory...
Wait, what the hell am I saying?
Did he just put something in this juice?
"Oi! It's not that big of a glass, finish it already!"
See what I mean? Now this is what a true kuma should be like.
But somehow I'm getting this funny feeling in my chest... I don't know how to describe it...
I rose up to my feet and walked to where he was crouching.
He must've sensed my presence, as he looked over his shoulder.
"What?" he scowled.
I didn't know what took over me at that very moment, but I felt like ruffling his hair. It sure did feel silkier than what I thought.
I saw him freeze in his tracks, as he was about to pick up another piece of glass.
"I never imagined I'd be standing taller than-"
He rose himself up as I talked and I soon found my self pulling my hand away, as it got hard for me to keep it hanging in mid air as I now was tilting my head to be able to look him in the eye.
"What were you saying?" he raised an eyebrow, a cocky smile plastered on his lips.
I gulped, feeling the change in atmosphere, I swirled around and forced out a carefree laugh, trying to change the subject:
"Oh... um... the juice you just brought for me... it tasted real fresh!"
Please tell me he won't be sucking my blood please tell me he likes talking about food!
I even crossed my fingers for that wish.
"Oh! Really? I made it with the fruits I collected earlier... and someone missed breakfast or she could've had a taste of the delicious omelette Ruki-ni made with my fresh tomatoes!"
I blinked, repeatedly then turned around slowly to see the kind of face he was making while saying all that.
"Your fresh tomatoes?" I repeated in question.
He facepalmed, as if I just asked the stupidest question he had ever heard.
"Put something on, we're going to spend a long day out in the sun apparently..."
"What?" he just picked up the plastic bag from the floor and walked out the room, ignoring me and slamming the door shut.
I had no idea where we were going, but I decided to worry about it later.
For now I needed to pick something fit for the date.
++To Be Continued++