Chapter 9: The Righteous Ranger
Rust emerged from the portal to be greeted by an arcane elemental looking at him expectantly. It turned and led the way as Rust followed it out of the portal room and into the bright sunlight. Wincing, Rust looked around until his eyes adjusted and he could make out the faint outline of the elemental.
Following the elemental through the city, Rust marveled at how the city had changed since he last visited it. Remembering the Argent Crusaders that used to litter the streets preparing to fight the Lich King. He was torn from his thoughts, however as the elemental stopped in-front of the inn. The elemental simply looked at him expectantly. He gingerly patted the elemental on the head, unsure of how to dismiss it. Taking the hint, the elemental vanished.
Rust went inside and smiled as he smelled the thick scent of rum. Buying a room, he made his way upstairs to get himself situated. As he entered his room, a voice rang out.
"Rustigon! Welcome to Dalaran. What brings you to our wonderful city?" Kalecgos' voice emanated from a crystal ball on the dresser.
"Hey Kalec. I'm just here to sightsee and visit a few friends. Speaking of...when are you buying me drinks?" Rust joked.
"Ha. Soon, old friend. I just have some business to take care of with the Council of Six." Kalec replied. The device then went silent.
(That Night...)
Rust strolled along the streets of Dalaran as he made his way towards the living quarters. He walked into the area and looked for the house. He walked up to it and stopped, trying to remember if it was the right house. After a few moments of contemplation, he shrugged and knocked on the door, anyway.
"Rust?" A voice spoke as the door opened.
"Vereesa!" He replied. "Surprise!"
"Wow. It's great to see you! What are you doing here?" She asked, motioning him inside.
"Well, I came to talk to Kalec and decided to stop by. I hope you don't mind." Rust replied, entering the abode.
"Oh, of course not. It's been so long. How are things?" She asked.
"I've been good. Busy. How about you?"
"Same as usual. Not as busy as I used to be."
"How are the boys?"
"They're good. They're in Stormwind studying to be paladins, at the moment."
"Bah. Orgrimmar has much better teachers." Rust smiled.
"Mhmm. Try again, Rust." Vereesa smiled. "So, would you like to stay the night?" She asked.
"Oh, no need. I already have a room at the inn." Rust replied.
"Pfft. That crappy little inn? You'll be lucky if you get a single good meal in that place. Feel free to stay if you'd like." Vereesa replied.
"Alright. A good meal does sound good." Rust replied, smiling.
(A few hours later...)
"Ah, that really hit the spot." Rust said, smiling at Vereesa. "Thank you."
"Don't mention it. Whenever you're ready, I've set up your room, as well. Do you need anything else before I go to bed?" Vereesa asked.
"Yes, actually." Rust said with a pause. "I'd like to thank you for just how hospitable you've been. I really appreciate it and I'd like to repay you." He added.
"Ah, don't worry about it. Consider it my pleasure for your help with ending Hellscream." Vereesa replied, turning. As she did, however, Rust grabbed her neck with his hand and squeezed hard.
"I insist." He said, smiling. "I've heard you enjoy this. Allow me to repay you." Rust, still grasping Vereesa's neck, he tore off her clothes with his free hand and threw them to the side. He examined her busty figure as she sputtered for air. "You've kept yourself looking good." He commented. Allowing her to breathe for a minute, Rust loosened his grip on her throat before slapping her tits with his free hand. Vereesa took in a sharp breath.
"Rust, stop." She said, trying to pry herself free. She was met with a strong slap to the face.
"From now on you will call me sir or master and do everything I say, understood." Rust warned before once again tightening his grip on her throat. Vereesa sputtered and tried to reply before giving up and simply nodding her head as much as she was able.
Unrelenting, Rust continued his tight hold until she was moments from passing out before finally releasing her and allowing her to crumple to the floor. Smirking, Rust pulled down his pants and rested his 10-inch member on her barely-conscious face. Just as Vereesa's labored breaths slowed, Rust thrust his cock down her throat. She gagged and choked at the end of his cock. Rust continued to pound her face until she was able to take the entire 10-inches down her throat. Satisfied, Rust pulled out and allowed her to catch her breath once more.
"Good, slut. You're doing surprisingly well. But I have a lot more in store so don't tire out on me just yet. Better yet, get some rest and come get me bright and early in the morning. Cook breakfast for me and deliver it to me naked while you're at it." Rust said, slapping Vereesa's tits. "If you fail to do what I command, you'll live to regret it." With that, he left for his room and left Vereesa naked and humiliated in her dining room.
(The next morning...)
"Good morning!" Vereesa greeted loudly as she entered the room Rust was sleeping in naked with a plate of food in one hand and a coffee in the other. She was surprised to see Rust already awake and sitting at the desk in the room looking over some tomes. Rust looked up as she neared.
"Nice try but you forgot something, whore. " He said, slapping her hard across the face. Vereesa reeled but set the breakfast down in front of Rust anyway and awaited further instructions. "You're good at being obedient. Interesting." Rust commented, slapping her ass as she bent down to put his food on the desk. "Get under the table on your back in front of my feet." Rust commanded.
Vereesa obediently obliged and got in position. Rust then put his feet on her tits and used her as a foot massage. Rust ate his meal, occasionally having her lick his feet or kicking her stomach, tits, or face. She groaned in pain but remained in position as he tormented her with his feet.
Once done with his meal, Rust spoke. "Good cunt. Now, clean my feet with your mouth." Vereesa sat up under the table and got to work. She licked his feet and sucked on his toes until they were covered in saliva and her mouth was dry. Please, Rust reached down and patted her on the head.
"Very well done. You're the most obedient slut, yet. Suck my cock." Rust commanded. Vereesa immediately got to work slowly easing Rust's cock into her mouth. Not satisfied, Rust reached under the table, grabbed the back of Vereesa's head, and thrust his entire cock down her throat. "Tell me how much you love it, slut." He commanded. Vereesa tried to sputter the words out around his cock as she constantly gagged on it. "I can't hear you." He said, slapping the back of her head.
Rust then pulled her head off of his cock and slapped her face hard before spitting on it. "Tell me you love taking my cock down your useless face." He said, spitting on her again.
"I." Rust thrust his cock down her throat then immediately pulled it out, causing her to gag. He slapped her until she recovered and she continued.
"Love." Rust did the same thing again.
"It." Gag.
"When" Gag.
"You." Gag.
"Thrust." Gag.
"Your." Gag.
"Cock." Gag.
"Down." Gag.
"My." Gag.
"Useless." Gag.
"Throat." Gag. Satisfied, Rust slapped his cock on her face a few times before vigorously throatfucking her. Vereesa passed out moments into the throatfucking from a lack of oxygen but Rust continued to use her mouth until he unloaded his seed down her throat and filled her stomach. He then allowed her to fall to the floor, cum seeping out of her mouth. Leaving her there, Rust went to take a shower.
(Hours later...)
Rust was napping on a couch with Vereesa on her hands and knees in front of him, acting as his footrest. With her arms and legs falling asleep, Vereesa fell. This caused Rust's feet to fall, waking him up. Rust immediately grabbed Vereesa by the throat, yanked her into a sitting position and slapped her face hard with his cock. Once it was hard, he lifted her up by her neck and impaled her ass with his 14-inch member. Vereesa would have screamed had she been able to breathe as Rust roughly assfucked her. Allowing her to breathe, Rust used one hand to roughly move her up and down and his other to maul her breasts. He grabbed and yanked on them as he roughly fucker her. Meanwhile Vereesa went as limp as a ragdoll as she was used, unable and unwilling to prevent Rust from sodomizing her for what would be hours.
When Rust finally finished, Vereesa lay unconscious on the floor, her ass seeping his cum. He kicked her in the stomach, causing more cum to spill out of her ass and went to go take another shower.
When he got back, Vereesa was awake and struggling to walk. Smirking, Rust lifted her and carried her to the kitchen. He then spoke.
"Make me a meal and deliver it to me." Vereesa nodded as she groaned in pain and got to work on his meal. Meanwhile, Rust sat at the dining table. As he waited, however, he got bored and walked back over to Vereesa. Bending her over the counter, Rust spanked her ass hard as she cut some vegetables. "Count them." He commanded. Vereesa nodded, obediently as she winced. Slap!
"1, sir." Slap!
"2, sir." Slap!
"3, sir." Slap! Growing bored, Rust also slapped her tits at the same time. This caused Vereesa to wince in even more pain.
"4, sir." Slap!
"5, sir." Slap!
"6, sir." Slap!
"7, sir." Slap!
"8, sir." Slap!
"9, sir." Slap!
"10, sir." Slap! Content, Rust walked back to the dining table and patiently waited for his meal.
Once she was finished, Vereesa delivered it to him and awaited his next command. Rust said nothing but grabbed her hair and yanked it in the direction of his cock. Understanding, Vereesa got to her knees and began deepthroating his cock. Rust ate as she did this. As he ate, he'd sometimes reach down and slap her tits, ass, or face hard.
Once he was finished, he roughly pulled her off his cock and stood up before forcing her to a standing position, bending her over the dining table, and roughly fucking her vagina. He fucked her for hours until she was raw and her voice was hoarse. As he did this, he'd yank on her hair or slap her ass. When he finally came, he filled her womb to the brim and roughly pulled out before thrusting into her ass and cumming in there as well. She screamed loudly one last time as he pulled out of her ass. Her legs shook as she remained bent over the table with cum seeping out of her ass and all but pouring out of her vagina. Satisfied, Rust spanked her as one last time before going to sleep and leaving her to clean up the mess.
(The next morning...)
Vereesa woke up to a small necklace fastened around her neck and a note on her nightstand that explained what the necklace was for. Inwardly smiling, Vereesa sighed contently as she touched the necklace.