Today I'm meeting Levi. My boyfriend. For the first time since we started talking to each other online. You could say that I'm a bit nervous. Okay not a bit, like ALOT. I want today to be perfect. Turns out we don't live that far away from each other just a train stop away, but still, I want him to have fun here and enjoy being with me. I don't want him to get bored or decide that I'm not worth his time and break up with me. Great now I feel depressed. "What's with the sad look? Your supposed to be happy today, aren't you meeting Levi? Did he cancel? I'll kill the midget." "Woah woah, chill Mikasa! He didn't cancel, I'm just thinking the worst that's all." "Why?" Oh and now here's Armin. "I don't want to mess up today and end up being dumped by levi cause he might not think I'm good enough" "Oh come on! He likes you! I can tell, the way you both talk to each other and look at each other. You guys are great together, you need to stop thinking about this and think about how great today is going to be just meeting each other!" "I agree with Armin. I may not like the midget that much but if he makes you happy then I'm okay. You need to have fun." "You guys. Thankyou" I give them a smile and we go in for a group hug. The doorbell goes off and I'm back to shitting myself. "Oh my God he's here, he's here!" "Bloody hell Eren get a grip" I get pushed to the door and I go to answer it.

"Hey brat" I look up and he smirks and now I'm going to die. Fuck I love him. Wait what. Love? I love levi? I love levi. Shit i'm falling to deep too fast. "Hey levi" I can't contain my happiness and I give him the biggest smile ever. I don't know why I was so worried before. "Okay, we will be heading off, we'll see you tomorrow Eren!" Huh? Before I could even say anything they are out of the door and Levi is pushed inside my apartment. What? "Err.. I... fuck." I put my head in my hands, too embarrassed to speak. Were alone in my apartment. Alone. Omg. "Brat you okay?" Juuusstt peachy. "Yeah yeah, erm you want a drink?" "Water is fine" "Okay just wait in the living room I'll be there in a sec." I walk to the kitchen and pull out my phone to text Armin.

Eren: "Wtf guys? What was that!?"

Armin: "You guys needed some alone time, you obviously didn't have anything planned today so we decided to leave you guys alone. Now stop texting and get flirting! Mikasa says to stay protected! Bye!"

And now I'm red like a tomato. "Eren, are you sure you- why are you red?" Omg this is not the situation I wanted levi to find me in. "Erm! No reason!" "Are you ill?" He puts his for head to mind and I think I'm going to explode. I move back so fast that I end up tripping. Levi catches me and I tense up. "Eren. I think I should go." What. No! I don't want that! He stands me up and turns around to head out. "LEVI WAIT!" He stops and turns around to face me. "I'm sorry. I didn't.. I.. urgh why can't I say anything right today!" I'm so stupid. I just wanted today to go great around and I'm screwing it up and he hasn't even been here more than 10 minutes.

"Brat, breathe okay. Let's go sit down." I follow him to the couch, staring at my lap, I take a deep breath. "I'm sorry I'm acting all flustered. I'm just nervous." "And you don't think I am?" I look up at him to see that he's not lying. He grabs my hand and places it over his chest. His heart is beating so fast. "I'm nervous too you know?" I blush and look down "This wasn't how I wanted our first meeting to go like. I wanted us to watch movies, order food, talk and laugh and everything above. But I ruined it." I hear a snort beside me and I look over to see Levi covering his mouth and his shoulders shaking. Is he laughing at me!? "Stop laughing at me!" "I'm sorry brat but, your just too cute." Okay, that's new. "Wha?" "I too want to do all those things with you. You didn't ruin anything." "I didn't?" "No you idiot" he's still laughing at me but I join in too. "Can we start over?" "Sure thing brat" I love him. "Would you like a drink levi?" "I'd love one, water please." "Okay, pick a movie on Netflix while I go get our drinks"

I can't believe all that happened but in a way I'm happy it did. I would never have got to find out that levi is as nervous as I am and I'm not the only one who wanted today to be perfect. I smile to myself while I make us both a glass of water and head back to Levi. "Okay I know we're both nerds but harry potter?" "It's a classic. And we do have all night since I don't leave till tomorrow afternoon." "Aren't you just perfect." I look to him to see him blush and I can't help it. I lean over and kiss him on the cheek. I feel him tense up and I move back. "Omg sorry! I didn't, erm.." I was about to move away when his hand stops me from doing so. I turn to look at levi to see him still blushing but he looks different somehow. His eyes. He slides his hand up to my face to cup my cheek and leans forward. "Can I?" Fuck I really love him. I give him a nod and that's all it takes for him to close the gap and kisses me.

I'm dead. I'm so dead. I kiss back and I feel like I'm dying. This is my first ever kiss and I don't want it to stop. His lips are so soft and I'm in heaven. He pulls away cause sadly we do need air and I want to kiss him again. "That was.." "perfect" I finish for him. "Yeah" He smiles. Fuck he's beautiful. I want to make him smile like that more often.

"I love you" shit I said that out loud! I blush and I hear him laugh again. "I love you too Eren."