Author's Note:

Hey Guys! This is a continuation of my one-shot called "Just A Big Teddy Bear". So you should read that one first. Just so you know… When you see this ***** it means it's a "Page break" and when you see words italicized, those are thoughts. (Just thought I should point that out). Well without further ado, let us begin our story!


I do not own Steven Universe!

Sad Song

Chapter One: Memories of Misery

The dark walls gave an echo of heavy steps as Jasper hurriedly ran down the bare halls of the cavern. Her wild white-blonde hair trailed behind her like a cape. Her cuts and bruises stung as she darted past little caves that she stole a glance of as she went by. She was searching for something, no, someone, as she ran in the seemingly never ending dark. Her bright yellow cat-like eyes searched the dark fiercely. Her gruff voice was laced with urgency as it bounced off the cavern walls.

"Where the HELL is she!?"

She had to find her. She wouldn't be able to handle it if she didn't.

Jasper didn't know what to expect when the Lazuli actually released her from her water prison. But this was NOT what she expected at ALL. Nope. Nada. Not a single cell in her muscular body expected this. She honestly thought that nobody, not even the gem famous for her future vision, Garnet, saw this coming.

But all in all, it wasn't THAT hard to believe. That the fierce Homeworld Gem known as Jasper, joined the Crystal Gems, and that they had not needed to use force to get her to do so... Well, not THAT much force. She remembered that day as if it were yesterday, even though weeks had already passed since that confusing day.

Her body was coated in salt water, and wet sand had stuck to her body like it had an absolute right to be there. The sensation of ringing in her ears from the screams and yells that both her and the Lazuli had made from the sheer pain of splitting the fusion. The sand was cold and wet under her body, forcing a shiver down her spine. Her inability to move was astounding to her, her mind and body too weak from the strain the fusion had placed on it. She was glad no one would see her like this; a weak failure, to both herself and to her Homeworld.

She peaked one eye open, not surprised to see the dying sun floating above the hell that humans called the ocean. No wonder why it's so freaking cold... Night was upon her, but with her body incapable of moving, she gave a hearty sigh. Not much I can do now. So she decided to stay in the same spot the whole night, waiting for her body to heal itself. She didn't want to revert back into her gem, that was even more dangerous. This way at least she had some form of protection from the outside world, she didn't want to get shattered just yet.

She had waited so long for this day to come; the day she was finally released from her personal water hell. As soon as she had washed up on the beach, she finally had time to think without anyone else in her head. She thought of one thing, what the hell do I do now? Sure it sounded pretty self-centered, but hey, every gem for themselves. That was basically what Homeworld taught young gems; unless you're in the warfront, you have no reason to protect anyone else but yourself. Now that Jasper thought about it, it sounded absolutely terrible. But what was done was done, she was just a quart, not a diamond, she had no control of anything besides her troops.

She couldn't go home. Not anymore at least. She had failed her mission, which was something that low class gems got shattered for... She didn't think a war veteran would get the same demise, but failing such a simple task as being an escort...

Oh crap...

She WAS an escort. But where was Peridot!?

Jasper felt a knot in her stomach form, what if Peridot had gotten shattered by the rebels? Jasper herself was dragged in the ocean before she had gotten the chance to meet back up with Peridot. Strangely, she felt anxiety build up in her chest at the thought.

She hoped Peridot was okay.

Author's Note:

So… tell me what you think please! I need to know so I could write better. Or just tell me your thoughts on it. I hope you all have a wonderful day! :)