Chapter 3:

Birds were flying in the sky on a bright and sunny morning. Himawari was inside of her home cleaning dishes from that morning. Now in her early 20's, she decided to move out on her own. She scrubbed the plate, rinsed and stacked them to the right of her. Once done, she removed the apron and hung it on the hook. Her small apartment was clean and she decided to take a stroll before she had to be at work. She had been unable to make it as a genin when she was younger but that did not stop her from helping her father, Naruto. She made herself a receptionist to the Hokage, taking care of the paperwork of missions and other related topics for the ninja.

She smiled as she stretched her arms. It made her sad at first, that her entire family was ninja, and that she was the odd one out. But that never stopped her from trying. As she walked she heard a voice behind her. A young man stood there with a bouquet of flowers in his hand and a slight blush on his face. Himawari turned to him and smile.

Aiya turned to Chocho, a tear falling down her cheek, and a hurt expression plastered on her face.

"Who is…Himawari?" she asked. Chocho backed off from Aiya. She looked at Sai who was just as surprised as she was. They really didn't know what to say.

"If you…aren't from here…how do you know that name?" Chocho asked once more. Aiya gave her a confused look and then looked down and then back up at her.

"Wait!" Chocho exclaimed. "Please tell me…have you seen Himawari?" "Does she live in your village?" she asked.

Aiya sadly shook her head no.

"I'm sorry, I don't know who Himawari is," Aiya said looking into Chochos' eyes.

Chocho sighed.

"That's the name of the girl in that picture." She said pointing to the photo that Aiya was holding onto. "Oh I'm sorry, I'll put it back." Aiya said as she rushed to place the picture back into its original position.

"This house is not safe to be in, I suggest we leave," he said looking at Chocho. She nodded her head in agreement.

Chocho and sai led Aiya out the front of the door and out of the damaged home. Aiya stopped walking and stood there in complete silence.

"Who are you guys?" Aiya asked, not being able to look the two in the eye. She was still trying to figure out why she felt sad about this Himawari person, it was confusing to her.

Sai and Chocho were hesitant. They were not sure if it was really up to them to tell an unknown child who they were and why they were there. Sort of tongue tied they looked at each other then looked away, trying to find the words that wouldn't come out.

"Well I mean we told you our names and-"Chocho started to say.

"I don't mean that, I mean WHO are you?"

Again a long silence fell. Finally a voice came out of nowhere.

"We are ninja," this loud voice echoed from up in the trees. A person jumped from one of the branches right to the ground and slowly stood up. About not more than a year older than Aiya and with the same black eyes from before.

"You're that guy!" she exclaimed.

"Well…we are the last remaining ninja of the land of fire." He continued glaring at Aiya. He had a soft, yet cool, voice that gave her a chill.

"What's the land of fire?" Aiya asked with her eyebrow raised.

All three of them gasped in disbelief.

"Are you serious? You don't even know what the land of fire is?" the strange boy stepped forward with a bit of rage, clenching his fists like he was ready to fight.

"I...I'm sorry..." Aiya said, trying to back off and calm the kid down.

"That's enough Sosuke." Chocho said stepping in defense.

Sosuke scoffed in disappointment. He had never met someone that was so timid before. His glare narrowed even more.

"That must mean she is a part of the rebellion." He said nonchalantly. "Which could mean, she is here as a spy to take the rest of us down!" he bellowed, getting into a strange stance which Aiya had never witnessed before.

"Don't do it Sosuke," Sai warned as he and Chocho prepared. For what could be an attack. It was now a standoff between all three of them. Aiya felt she was nothing but helpless.

She couldn't take the secrecy anymore, Aiya was at her wits end, "What are you all talking about!" she screamed as loud as she could, this time her glaring at all three of the ninja. In turn, who all looked back at her.

Aiya knew it wasn't smart to yell at three people who were clearly way more stronger than she was, and could possibly kill her on the spot, but she felt there was no other way to get answers than to take a stand against them.

It had also seemed like Aiya was a whole different person now. She had the angriest look on her face and her fists were clenched at her sides, wrinkled glare. Her brownish red hair making her look even more terrifying to the eye.

Sai, not being one to really show emotion, had widened his eyes. And mumbled something to himself, making Chocho and Sosuke look at him. He then looked back at Aiya, who was still trying to look tough but was softening up.

"Who are your mother and father?" he asked.

That really made Chocho and Sosuke look at him with a weird expression.

"Sai, I don't think this is the time to-"but Sai raised his hand to cut the girl off. Aiya just looked at him dumbfounded.

"Who are your mother and father?" Sai asked again, his heart beating a little faster in anxiousness.

"Tanaka Miyuki and…and…" she paused and thought really hard. Having no clear memories of her father she didn't have a second name for sai.

"What is the earliest memory you can remember?" Sai asked.

Looking at him Aiya stumbled with her answer, "When i was at the age of…uh…uhm…" She thought hard. All her memories were not clear. Her mother told her a while back that the reason Aiya could not remember certain things about when she was younger was because she had an accident at the towns playground causing her to hit her head.

Sai stood waiting for an answer.

"My first day of school when I was 6 years old." She said. Sai raised his eyebrow.

"Nothing before that? No other memories of your life before that event?" he asked prying. He was good at getting enemy ninja to talk, and Aiya was no different. She began to sweat. It was hard for her to remember those years when she was young. She struggled with the memories.

"It's just as I thought." He said with a bit more ease.

He turned to 13 year old Sosuke, standing there.

"We need to go and see your grandmother," He inquired, a serious look on his face. Sosuke made a slight groan, standing up straight and folding his arms across his chest.

"She is stubborn, I really don't want to." Sosuke said looking away.

"You know she is the only one left with a great sense of genjutsu knowledge," said Sai, crossing his arms across his own chest. This made Chocho beam.

"You mean…we're going to see Sakura-san?!" She said with a bit too much excitement. Sai nodded his head.

Sosuke gloomed, "Super."

i hope you enjoyed chapter three. i think there is somthing that i need to clear up before you all get confused.

Sosuke and the main character Aiya are both around 12 or 13 years of age, while Chocho is in her late 30s. And Sai is the oldest in his mid 50's.

that is how the generations are working.